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Want to have a play with the new Matrix 2.0 APIs? 🎉

Check out element-docker-demo, a new super-simple way to stand up Element with Synapse, MAS and LiveKit using docker-compose.…

Apfelschorle. Sparkling Apple nectar which for some reason you can only get in German speaking countries.
in reply to Ondřej Caletka

Probably something to do with a German preference for sparkling water. Everyone else just drinks apple juice.

well folks the day has finally come. today's the day i have to learn how to deal with quaternions

Today is #Nokia #N900 15th anniversary.

Nokia N900 was released on November 11th, 2009 and is one of the few last mobile Linux devices.

It is also the last device to be shipped with the Maemo operating system.

#mobilelinux #maemo

oh no the end is nigh, it's nearly time to upgrade my work pc to windows 11
in reply to Josh Simmons

Fair enough. Perhaps I'm more deeply invested in Windows than most; I'm attached to my Windows screen readers, and I've developed for the platform for decades now. So I guess I'm content to be a boiling frog as long as things only heat up slowly.
in reply to Matt Campbell

And some things *are* worse in 11. Maybe this is somehow specific to my system, my use of screen readers, etc., but explorer.exe is fairly crashy. It automatically restarts when it crashes, but that still disrupts keyboard input and reshuffles the alt-tab order.

Sweet puberty yall, we did it!…

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Of course. It's seemingly fried my Win 3.1 install, though it works in Win98. Now we play the waiting game. 15 minutes starts now.
in reply to Stu

I don't know how much of the speech generation is 16 bit versus the UI and other executive function.
I've seen demo apps for softvoice that won't run because they're 16 bit and some that will, for instance. SO by that logic the speech synthesizer itself works across 16 and 32 bit platforms, just not its interface, if you see what I mean

Don’t interrupt someone working intently on a puzzle. Chances are, you’ll hear some crosswords.

my poor pc, as much as i have been testing stardew stuff with mods and things, i hope it doesnt hate me too much. morning mastodon. :)

All the energy used, all the carbon emitted, all the e-waste created and still every chatbot has the "anything this thing says might be false, you still need to check" label all over it.
I cannot believe the resources we are spending on this bullshit instead of doing literally anything else.…

We need some help: we are using hosted Weblate for the translations under a Libre plan; but they only support up to 160K strings for free. With some new languages added, we are now exceeding this limit.

What are some alternatives to do this?

Pietervdvn reshared this.

in reply to MapComplete

You'll have far more control over triggers and levers, as an added bonus! I find it often stiffling when hosted instances impose some set of rules that make translations look incomplete despite the fact they're not (but you can discuss it with admin, of course).
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

ICYMI: a few weeks ago, I put together a comprehensive guide for #blind #RetroTech people on getting a fully working Windows 3.1 installation fired up, screen reader and all.…
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo I think I'll do Windows 98 SE next, since it's generally the more stable of the 9x series.
in reply to Stu

was that the one with all the sound schemes? Or did that come later.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Those sound schemes came from Microsoft Plus! For Windows 95, though 98 and its respective Plus pack added a lot more.
in reply to Stu

ah I presume it's the increase I'm thinking of.
It's interesting how the use of audio has changed over the years
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo The first version of Windows to really lean into Theming including sound schemes was 95, specifically with the Microsoft Plus! pack which was sold separately, though the base installation did include a few sound schemes on its own like Utopia, Musika, Jungle and Robots. Windows 98 had its own version of plus, which included a unique set of themes different from the 95 ones, but the base installation also included the sound schemes I listed above.
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach I think I was still using a hardware speech synthesizer with 95. I don't actually recall having speakers on my desktop, and of course the PC speaker did its beeps without them anyway. Amazing to think that the entire audio side of things was just missing in my experience.

Idete do kaviarne kde nikto nie je ani tam nikoho nečakáte "a nikto tam nie je" a aj tam prídete a nik tam nie je, barmanka takmer spí v kresle ale keď sa tam dojebete Vy, zrazu všetci ožijú.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Novináři můžou psát až jsou mourovatí o tom, jaké chyby udělala umírněná Harrisová. Fakt je, že voliči chtěli a převážně hlasovali pro fašistu. Mají ho.

Anyone have suggestions on where to try to promote the Games for Blind gamers gam jam? We got 110 sign ups last year, and hoping to get more sign ups this year!…

#GameJam #gamedev #indiedev #accessibility

I remember David Graeber's insight into #voting being a big 'Aha' moment for me:

"Majoritarian democracy was, in its origins, essentially a military institution. . . .

"It is of obvious relevance that Ancient Greece was one of the most competitive societies known to history. It was a society that tended to make everything into a public contest . . . So it might not seem entirely surprising that they made political decision-making into a public contest as well. Even more crucial though was the fact that decisions were made by a populace in arms. . . . [I]f a man is armed, then one pretty much has to take his opinions into account. . . . [E]ven if the vote was 60/40, everyone could see the balance of forces and what would happen if things actually came to blows. Every vote was, in a real sense, a conquest." #history #politics #democracy

- Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology…

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Welcome to the RB family, Beans 🥳…

Beans is a scratchmap of the world that lets you keep track of your discovery of the world on a colorful visual map.

Joint efforts with its developer succeeded in making this app reproducible :awesome:

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

#LibreOffice not working very well with #NVDA today. I have a form that has been filled by someone else and can't read any of the text it contains. Select all, copy, doesn't copy it. I had to ask a sighted person if the form contained any data at all. This is not a reasonable way to work and makes maintaining my own professionalism difficult.
in reply to modulux

Are you able to send it to us at so we can investigate please? Also which version of NVDA and LibreOffice are you using? (And if you just updated, eg to NVDA 2024.4.1 which came out yesterday) - Have you restarted the computer? And did that make a difference?

🎅🐼 Save the date 🐼🎅

We're having a release event for the new @p2panda stack, and a hackfest to start working on a new native GTK local-first collaborative text editor!

Join us December 7-8 in Berlin (location and details TBA)

#p2panda #p2p #localfirst #gnome #gtk #berlin

📣 Do-It-Blind (DIB) online Besprechung am Montag, 11. November, um 19:00 Uhr. Du bist eingeladen!… Wöchentlich am Montag um 19:00 besprechen wir neue Formen der digitalen und inklusiven Zusammenarbeit. Mach mit! 🛠️ #make #blind #inklusion

I don't see any reason that #SesameStreet can't be in the same universe as #DoctorWho.…

in reply to Mike McCaffrey

For years, I always imagined Oscar the Grouch to be a time lord due to everything he supposedly was able to fit in that trash can. #DoctorWho

Breaking News: New BlindShell Classic 3 has been launched. Full details with the team from BlindShell on today's #DoubleTap. Read more here:…

Windows 95 Turned 29 This Year: What One Of The Best Operating Systems Taught Us…

Měli jsme koláčky.
Manželka snědla jeden a pět jich nechala v krabičce, s tím že ji moc nechutnají. Tak jsem je sežral.

Po půlhodině manželka jódluje, že jsem snad nesnědl všechny, že to měla na snídani. Tak jsem se omluvil a ona říká , že ji teda musím ukojit chleba.

- Říkám, neřekla jsi kouzelné slovíčko.

- Kurva tak ukrojíš mi ten chleba když jsi mi sežral koláčky?

- To nebylo to slovíčko!

Myslím, že dnes spím na gauči

Did you catch up on our last In-Process blog at the end of October? If you haven't yet read it (or even if you have) you'll be pleased to know I've now FIXED the table of contents links so you can easily get to:
- the 2024.4 release info
- Info about add-ons
- Emphasising stability
- Benefits for users and developers in our add-on approach
- And all about reporting font attributes…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #Blog #Info

in reply to NV Access

And as previously posted today, updated since that post, NVDA 2024.4.1 is now out, which includes everything from NVDA 2024.4, as well as one key bug fix. More on that update here:…
in reply to NV Access

For those on the Beta / RC branch, we have also pushed a Release Candidate build of 2024.4.1 for you - note this is identical to the 2024.4.1 from yesterday, but will keep you on that path so you'll be the first to get NVDA 2025.1 Beta 1 when it comes out in time.

If you want to be on the beta / RC branch, download from:…

If you want to be on the stable branch, download from:…

Apologies for any confusion caused!


Ich nutze euren Kalender, um zu dokumentieren, wann ich mein Akutmedikament nehmen muss und was da gewesen ist. Wenn ich das dann meiner Ärztin zeige, möchte ich aber natürlich nicht, dass sie meine sonstigen Termine sieht! Da wäre es wichtig, die Ansicht filtern zu können!

Kalender können sehr viel mehr sein, als nur Terminplaner für Geschäftsleute!

Broaden your mind!

in reply to Tuta

Das war wirklich nicht eindeutig, bzw. für mich nicht intuitiv. Deshalb bin ich auch nicht auf diese Idee gekommen. Im Dreipunktemenü rechts habe ich geschaut. Da habe ich die Funktion erwartet.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Foxle

Freut mich, dass ich helfen konnte! :) Bewerte uns gern:

NV Access | NVDA 2024.4.1 Released…

Ya know, Earlier, I was asking myself, “How can I still love someone who did the things they did and said what they said? What’s wrong with me.” Upon thinking on it furter, what came to me was that if I stopped loving them despite their flaws and wrong doings, that would mean that my love had conditions, and it stopped me in my tracks. Love is such a powerful thing, it’s a gift, and it shouldn’t be taken for granted.
in reply to Silly Millie

Yes, love is love when it is unconditional. When it has conditions, it turns into conditional, and you start wondering about the conditions instead of appreciating love for love itself. Conditions break love, every kind of love.

Creating a Music Video as a totally blind producer…

Thanks to inspiration from @cachondo , I have produced my first braille word search.

A great way for me to engage the kids in braille too. #Braille

in reply to Tim Dixon

:) great to hear.
I do mine in an A4 ring-binder. The right-hand page is the search and the left-hand page lists the words. So effectively it's double-sided Braille with the words to find listed on the back of the previous search sheet.
I haven't tried making it smaller yet. I like A5 for carrying about so I might have a go at making a travel pack for my next vacation.