Anyone around, who enjoys my geekery, who uses TeamTalk, and would like to help me test something?
I have set up a TeamTalk server here in my data center apartment. It is connected via Wireguard to a server in Montreal, and a server in Toronto. I have ports on both of these servers forwarded back through the Wireguard tunnels to the TeamTalk server. What I'd like to test is to have multiple people connect to both the Montreal and Toronto servers, and see if everyone lands on the same TeamTalk server behind the VPN tunnels.…
Opinion | Rage farmer and Trump mimic Pierre Poilievre seems to be floundering as the world changes around him
Once seen as the man to oust Trudeau, voters are now looking for the best person to take on Trump. And Canadians realize it isn't PeePee...

I must admit that as a blind trans woman of somewhat elderly years, there's not much I can do to stem this awful tide of anti-trans bs that's being spewed out of a country I once thought was free, so here's my little contribution. If you don't particularly like the music, please listen to the words. #LGBT #LGBTQ #trans #transRights

Question about @matrix federation...

I currently have a split domain setup with #synapse where my username is but my server is located at

I am going to stand up a new homeserver that uses a subdomain, but I don't whether the new user will show up with a bunch of encryption key errors or be seen as a new user.

What subdomain would you pick for your new #selfhosted #matrix homeserver if you were me?

  • (42%, 3 votes)
  • (14%, 1 vote)
  • (42%, 3 votes)
  • (0%, 0 votes)
7 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

(AP) - White House barred a credentialed Associated Press reporter and photographer from boarding the presidential airplane.… (Disclosure: I’m an ex staffer)

I heard about this app this morning. Thankfully, they didn't go with their original name: Buy Beaver. I kid you not. They settled on Shop Canadian. Phew!…

Two of the biggest streaming platforms here merged into one entity yesterday.

Disney+ was operating here under the star networks and HBO/HBO Max had a coalition with Jio. Now both of them merged into one single platform.

This is bad in the long term but I was paying monthly anyways so that I can cancel anytime.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

📢 Great News: Walmart Access Pilot Extended!

Explorers, we have exciting news—the Walmart Access Pilot Program has been extended! 🎉 That means you can continue using both location-based and online Walmart offers until further notice. This program has already made a huge impact, helping Explorers across all 50 states shop with greater independence and ease.

Your participation can help shape the future of inclusive programs like this one. Let’s keep the momentum going and show why #AccessForAll matters! 🚀

Partnership Details:

I think every designer should write a love letter to a font at least once in their lifetime.

This is mine: A 150-year-old font you have likely never heard of, and one you probably saw earlier today.…

reshared this

Actual feedback I just submitted after making an Aira call through the web app

Sensitive content

in reply to Jamie Teh

RE Actual feedback I just submitted after making an Aira call through the web app

Sensitive content

A question for screen reader users who use VPS. I have a server I need to upgrade running on Vultr. Since I need to upgrade anyway, if I'm going to shift providers, now is the time to do it. I need a data centre in Sydney, which Linode didn't previously have, but it does now, so I'm seriously considering shifting to Linode. Among other things, Linode has Lish, where Vultr has a VNC based web console which is obviously not so great for a screen reader. While I rarely need direct console access, it can be super useful if things go to crap. Vultr's customer portal, while usable, also has some weird accessibility quirks. Is Linode's portal still nicely accessible these days? I do notice that Linode is slightly more expensive for anything other than the 1gb option, so if I need to upgrade past that, it'll cost me more, which is a factor. Anything else I should be aware of? #accessibility
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Noel Romey

@ner Direct console access is useful in the rare cases where you manage to screw your server up so badly that it either loses network connectivity or won't boot. In the former case, you can use the direct console to get networking fixed up. In the latter case, you can boot it with a rescue image, which won't have ssh running by default (because that would be insecure without a proper root password). The rescue image will let you mount the drive and fix whatever is broken before rebooting into the correct image. I've managed to do this once during a distribution upgrade and it saved my arse.
in reply to Noel Romey

@ner You can access Lish via ssh. It's just not your VPS IP address, but rather another system run by Linode themselves which then connects to the direct console on your VPS. All of the providers have direct console access, but most of them use VNC in the browser, which is pixel-based and you thus have to OCR everything to access it, which is all kinds of problematic, albeit possible in a crunch.
in reply to Jamie Teh

yes, linode's web portal's nicely accessible, and if you feel like helping a brother out and you don't have a linode account, use this link and you'll get $100 in credit once you add a valid payment method.…
in reply to aaron

I used to have them, though note they were the ones specifically from iOS 7.0.4, the ones they added in 7.1.2 didn't work I think. Nora has never worked, she was part of the higher sample rate vocalizer base, I forget the internal codename, that they used for siri before they brought in the neural networks. Note that the driver they worked with is long out of date though and I'm unsure if it was ever updated to cope. It's based on what we know of as the vocalizer expressive 1.1 model, and with the right DLLs you could maybe get the ones from iOS 7.1.2 to work. I can try to dig them up in backups if you like, but no guarantees I even have any beyond Aaron and Nicki, or if I still have a driver that'll work. And of course any such driver isn't going to work with 2025. These are add-ons from 2017 or earlier, NVDA has changed even the synth drivers a couple times since then, E.G> how callbacks are used, to say nothing of Python 3.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Mijn intropraatje bij de commissie Digitale Zaken van de Tweede Kamer gisteren over waar het heengaat met de digitale soevereiniteit in Nederland. Het is niet best. Ook te bekijken op…

Hi! Trying to get Friendica installed and working on one of my domains but having some issues with the s3_storage addon and Cloudflare R2.

Has anyone successfully been able to get the #Friendica #s3_storage #addon to work with #Cloudflare #r2 buckets?

This is what I've got in my local.config.php...

	'storage' => [
    	'name' => 's3',
    	'bucket' => 'friendica',
    	'region' => 'wnam',
    	'endpoint' => 'https://[REDACTED]',
    	'credentials' => [
	        'key'    => '[REDACTED]',
	        'secret' => '[REDACTED]',
	    'options' => [
	        'use_path_style_endpoint' => true,
          'S3_PERMISSION' => 'private',
But when I load the Storage settings page under Admin -> Configuration -> Storage, I just get a blank page.

If I forego the config file approach and add the settings under the Addon Configuration page, I just get an "Access Denied" message.

The bucket for this domain is set up identically to the other buckets I use for Sharkey. Public Access for the URL is enabled, and I'm using a freshly created Access Key & Secret that have access to the R2 bucket for this domain.

Any thoughts or help would be appreciated!

in reply to George Ellenburg (he/him/his)

I have an update. I have confirmed that my credentials are OK because I have successfully mounted and connected to my bucket using s3fs.
gme@Mint-Desktop:~$ s3fs burque-social ${HOME}/s3fs -o passwd_file=${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs -o dbglevel=info -f -o curldbg -o url=https://[REDACTED] -o use_path_request_style
2025-02-15T16:52:50.680Z [INF] s3fs version 1.93(unknown) : s3fs -o passwd_file=/home/gme/.passwd-s3fs -o dbglevel=info -f -o curldbg -o url=https://[REDACTED] -o use_path_request_style burque-social /home/gme/s3fs
2025-02-15T16:52:50.680Z [CRT] s3fs_logger.cpp:LowSetLogLevel(239): change debug level from [CRT] to [INF] 
2025-02-15T16:52:50.680Z [INF]     s3fs.cpp:set_mountpoint_attribute(4563): PROC(uid=1000, gid=1000) - MountPoint(uid=1000, gid=1000, mode=40775)
2025-02-15T16:52:50.681Z [INF] curl.cpp:InitMimeType(431): Loaded mime information from /etc/mime.types
2025-02-15T16:52:50.681Z [INF] fdcache_stat.cpp:CheckCacheFileStatTopDir(78): The path to cache top dir is empty, thus not need to check permission.
2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF] s3fs.cpp:s3fs_init(4287): init v1.93(commit:unknown) with GnuTLS(gcrypt), credential-library(built-in)
2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF] s3fs.cpp:s3fs_check_service(4431): check services.
2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF]       curl.cpp:CheckBucket(3673): check a bucket path(/).
2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF]       curl_util.cpp:prepare_url(257): URL is https://[REDACTED]
2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF]       curl_util.cpp:prepare_url(290): URL changed is https://[REDACTED]
2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF]       curl.cpp:insertV4Headers(2892): computing signature [GET] [/] [] []
2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF]       curl_util.cpp:url_to_host(334): url is https://[REDACTED]
Now I'm debating if I shouldn't just set up s3fs on my web server. 😔

Let the flaming begin.

What do: Twitter (downgraded to X), SpaceX and Tesla have in common?
They're all run by someone that quite a lot of people hate.
Yesterday a post from someone who I think should probably mind their words a good bit, said that since Apple now re-advertises on twitter, they are quote unquote, 'A Nazi company.'

Now I don't know about you, but after a while, words like 'Woke' and 'Nazi' and 'Snowflake' and 'Gammon' all start to become background noise and cease to mean anything really, diluting their actual meaning at all.

There will be people working at all these companies, Blacks, Whites, Asians, Jews that are simply trying to make ends meet.
Are they all, due to their jobs now also Nazis, because they are run by someone who has in recent times been acting as a Nazi?

It seems to me that someone can behave very badly without tarnishing those that work in his companies with the same brush. Am I wrong?
Perhaps it's time to start having a care how we label people.

in reply to Andre Louis

You know what? I'm going a step further because I really want to hammer this point home. You're going to say to yourself 'Oh come on now, don't be stupid. This is utterly preposterous' which is the correct response to what I'm about to suggest.


You were in a school with a naughty teacher. Yes, that kind. The kind that gets sacked as soon as what they did, comes to light.
They get put on a certain register for their utterly disgusting behaviour. This is the right thing, are we agreed?

You however, having been taught by that teacher are now also a kiddy-fiddler by-proxy, because someone in a position higher than you did this nasty thing.
Isn't this just one of the most utterly stupid, incompetent things you've ever read? I hope so. It should be, because that is precisely my point.

@prav is on Google Play Store!

Thanks to @VishnuSanal and @mj for all their efforts to get this on the Play Store.

You can see an incomplete list of all the people who contribute to Prav at (if you are missing or know someone else is missing in the list or your information is incomplete, feel free to send a pull request).

#prav #xmpp #FreeSoftware

I see too many posts lately calling Musk and Trump "dumb", "stupid", etc. Can we please not? They're not geniuses, but they're not mentally incapable. Frankly, that's letting them off the hook too easily. They are making harmful, reckless, life-threatening decisions for self-serving, profit-driven reasons. They are fully responsible for those decisions.

Please don't link intellectual disability with moral evil. That never ends particularly well.

Well! What a day! The new Echo Sub came while I was having my rest. @brian_hartgen worked for ages trying to get it set up. I have to say, these studios and the sub have been the hardest things to set up we've had in a very long time.They are finally, finally working in conjunction with each other and the whole thing is sounding so, so much better. But it wouldn't have happened without the endless patience of @brian_hartgen. I don't have words for my love and gratitude. Setting anything up is one of my anxiety triggers, so I had to get well out of the way so he could work without me going into meltdown. We are now both absolutely wupped but triumphant. and I didn't even do anything except worry!

Jedu dneska večer po jedné z těch středočeských silnic bez vyznačených pruhů, na které je noční můrou předjíždět třeba autobus. Vyjedu ze zatáčky a proti svítí auto, které mi přepne dálkáče na potkávačky, takže vidím hovno, jenom jeho světla. Blížím se a říkám si: Ono bliká, kam chce tady odbočovat? Ne, ono je na blikačkách, ono stojí... ono stojí... ono stojí v protisměru!!! Jen taktak jsem to ubrzdil.

And, there was a wolf inwolfed. Byl to spíš vlčák, to je jedno. Ten stál v druhé půlce vozovky. Nějak jsem prokličkoval. Nevím, co se tam stalo. Nechtěl jsem se s tím řidičem bavit. Nevyhnul bych se tématu, jak blbý nápad je parkovat v noci v protisměru. A taky se mi nechtělo vylejzat, když tam byl ten wolf, involved, unchained. To nechceš ani za dne v Praze.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Oh geez

"The DOGE website is wide open and vulnerable to hackers, according to reporting from 404 Media. Two coders had already infiltrated the site and left their own messages on it at the time of 404’s reporting on Thursday evening: “THis is a joke of a .gov site,” said one, and “THESE ‘EXPERTS’ LEFT THEIR DATABASE OPEN -roro” said another."…