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Items tagged with: mastodon

👋 Hi, #scholars, tell us, why are you on #Mastodon?

🔍 We are researching how and why academics use Mastodon compared to other platforms. Is it key for #academic #discourse?

🔜 We'll launch our #research survey by mid-October, so stay tuned.

📣 Meanwhile: what features of Mastodon do you find most valuable for academic discourse?
And which other questions should we include in our research, you think?

#AcademicMastodon #AcademicChatter #OpenScience #SocialMedia

#Fediverse #OpenSocialWeb #Mastodon #Canada #CanPoli
This morning I got a response Letter (by email) from the Speakers Office of the House of Commons of Canada in response to the Open Letter* so many of you all signed back in June!

Here is Speaker Fergus’ letter in full. Reply with what you think we should do next to encourage MPs and Parliamentarians to ask for this!
Dear Mr. Alemany:

Thank you for your letter and proposal concerning Open Social Web.

Many Members, their staff, members of the Press Gallery and Canadians use social networks as a primary tool for consuming news, sharing stories of interest or to comment on news or information. The House of Commons established a presence on social networks in 2017, with a consistent branding, to share information and, critically, to provide Members increased and mobile access to relevant parliamentary information so that they may share this information with their social media followers.

Although the creation of an Open Social Web would present a promising opportunity with several advantages for the House of Commons, as enumerated in your letter, it also brings numerous challenges and risks to the organization (e. g. extensive engagement from many stakeholders, adoption of specialized and secure infrastructure and the need for content moderation and curation).

To date, we have had no requests for this type of service from Members. This would be a substantial undertaking that would require direction and approval from the Board of Internal Economy (BOIE) before being considered for prioritization and implementation. Even if mandated to offer such a service, we would be unable to ensure its adoption and widespread use among parliamentarians.

Thank you for your interest, and please be assured of our continuous support for more open, secure, engaging and informative multi-channel experiences for our users.

Hon. Greg-Fergus, P.C., M.P

*Open Letter:…
cc: @Paulatics

Fediverse Idea Proposition :mastodon: :rainbowdance:

What if we started posting about
things (news, comments, ideas, projects) that make us hopeful for the future using the #Hope ?

Hope for the future of tech, the future of digital rights, the future of the internet, the future of the world, etc.

What would you post under this hashtag today? Reply below using the hashtag :blobcatheart:

*no sarcasm allowed 🙅‍♀️

#Fediverse #Mastodon


Hagan la magia de #mastodon como se decía en algunos lares y Compartan este post de arriba por favor .

#fsf #fediverse #p4g

¡Hola #Mastodon! Me presento. Soy María Fernanda (Mafe Para los amigos). Soy escritora apasionada, psicóloga por vocación, y me encanta la música, el café, el chocolate, los paseos por la naturaleza y leer un buen libro. #Presentación

I wish #Mastodon had the ability to bookmark users who you frequently scroll the timelines of.

Werbefrei, datenschutzfreundlich und nachhaltig – das ist das #Fediverse! Um diese Vorzüge bekannter zu machen, ist es entscheidend, auch auf anderen Plattformen aktiv zu sein und die Mehrwerte hervorzuheben. Mein Eindruck.

Mich interessiert: Wie habt ihr es geschafft, Menschen für das Fediverse zu begeistern? Welche Argumente haben am meisten überzeugt? Eure Erfahrungen, Tipps und Unterstützung sind herzlich willkommen! :coffeeblob:

#Mastodon #FediKirche is an independent Mastodon server for OpenStreetMap people. Funding graciously provided by the OpenStreetMap Foundation.


You can find out more at or contact the admin @compass

#FeaturedServer #OpenStreetMap #OSM #Maps #Mapping #Map #Geospatial #GIS #Cartography #Cartographers #Cartographer #Mastodon #Fediverse #FreeFediverse

One thing I initially found confusing with @element / @matrix: How one would share and join a channel. The way you get bounced between instances for that. And in a way for @Mastodon, too.

People describe these services as "just like email". But I think the one thing that is missing for that would be a proper #URI scheme and integration in browsers for things you can join or follow in these federated networks. Email has its established "" for instance.

#Matrix #Mastodon

🚀 Phanpy CZ byl aktualizován! 🎉
Právě jsem aktualizoval novou verzi Phanpy! 📢 Verze 2024.08.31 přináší dlouho očekávanou podporu pro český jazyk! 🇨🇿
💬 Máte návrhy nebo jste našli chyby v překladu? Lokalizace ještě není kompletní, takže uvítám jakékoliv návrhy na zlepšení a pomoc s překladem. :-)
#Phanpy #Mastodon #Update #Localization #OpenSource

Once upon a time, I created a graph which analysed the @weeklyOSM outbound links, comparing the number of #Twitter and #Mastodon links.

A while later, the Weekly Team decided to not allow Twitter links anymore, as the platform needed an account to see content.

But, it is time for an updated graph!

Hi I'm Alex and I'm back on Tusky

(chorus: Hi Alex)

#Tusky #Mastodon

So this is cool. I just set up last night, a plug-in, which will allow me to use mastodon apps to post statuses directly to my Wordpress. I'm actually very excited about this. This means that you can use the Fetty verse to subscribe to my blog and get notifications when I post, and I can post from pretty much anywhere. I believe I can also set the character count as well, I'm not sure about that yet.
#Wordpress #FettyVerse #Mastodon #Accessibility.

First post on #mastodon, getting to know the place. Mostly interested in #science & #scicom content. Hello everyone! 👋

Ich hatte hier vor einiger Zeit im Rahmen der letzten #TwitterExodus -Wellen auf andere Social Media Plattformen im Kontext des #Fediverse hingewiesen, u.a. auf Firefish.

Leider wurde da die Entwicklung eingestellt, aber der #Misskey -Fork #Sharkey ( ist dafür umso aktiver. (Wie alle anderen Projekte, die #ActivityPub nutzen, föderiert auch Sharkey problemlos mit #Pixelfed oder #Mastodon.)

Wer das mal austesten möchte: oder bieten einen einfachen Einstieg.

Was ich an der Software besonders interessant finde, sind die Funktionen "Antennen" und "Kanäle".

Je heterogener das Fediverse wird, was die verwendeten Plattformen angeht, desto weniger Sorgen muss man sich um das Erreichen einer kritischen Masse machen. Die lokale Timeline mag dünn aussehen, aber die föderierten oder globalen Timelines sind dafür aktiv.

With apologies to those who come at me every few months to complain that some of my toots have #hashtags within the contents instead of "after the contents", this is an argument that can never be won, as I illustrate below.

I'd rather see screen reader applications (or a11y-aware #Mastodon clients) automatically solve the problem by removing the hashtag and/or colors for those who don't want them. Otherwise, you're petitioning each individual instead of fixing the tools. Ya heard me, #MastoDev

5 things white people can do to start making the fediverse less toxic for Black people…

  1. Listen more to more Black people – and amplify their voices
  2. Post less – and think before you post
  3. Call in, call out, and/or report anti-Blackness when you see it
  4. Support Black people and Black-led instances and projects
  5. Approach it intersectionally

The article also has links to anti-racism resources and appendices with a list of common mistkes to avoid and blocklist resources for moderators.

Thanks to everybody who gave feedback on earlier drafts!

Read on for some excerpts (1/N)

#fediverse #mastodon #antiracism

If you are using Mastodon on a computer, you can optionally use it entirely through your keyboard using "hotkeys". There is a complete list of these keyboard shortcuts here:


You can see this list at any time by pressing Shift + ? (or just ? on some keyboard layouts).

Some of the shortcuts only work with the advanced multicolumn mode (more info about it:…) but most shortcuts work with single column mode too.

#FediTips #Mastodon #Keyboards

Is it possible with Enafore to get access to 2 instances at once? #Blind, #Enafore, #Mastodon

Dieses Bild sollten noch viel mehr Hochschulangehörige sehen.

Deshalb: helft bitte mit, es auf anderen Plattformen und hier zu teilen. Damit das #Fediverse 🐸 noch stärker wird.
Es zeigt die Logoliste deutscher #Hochschulen mit #Mastodon-Account. Beim Download von der genannten Adresse wird ein pdf angezeigt, auf dem die Logos direkt als Link auf die Mast-Accounts 🐘 führen:…

Und unterschreibt die Petition ✍️ (sofern nicht schon geschehen):


People of Bangladesh protesting for their rights.

But the world is unaware about it, while thousands of people are dying. Please boost the post, let the world know.

Techy people!

If you want to use Mastodon through a command line or a text-based interface, try the client Toot:


(NOTE: This has no connection to the mobile apps Toot! or Tooot. They just have similar names.)

#Mastodon #CLI #TUI

We’re growing our product team!

Are you an #iOS Developer who wants to lead our official #Mastodon iOS #App?

This is a remote full-time position and requires an overlap with the CET timezone.


1. You are a senior iOS Developer comfortable with a mature codebase
2. Proficient in #Swift and #Apple Frameworks (UIKit, SwiftUI, Combine)
3. Prior experience with social media networks is a big plus!

For more info/to apply:…

#FediHire #GetFediHired #hiring #mastodev

What are people's thoughts about having multiple #mastodon accounts?

Another reason to use ALT text which some people might not have considered: it benefits people who are not visually impaired as well.

As #Mastodon is #decentralized there is no central network hosting all of the images. Should the admin of a server decide to purge old images to save space, users accessing older posts will not know what an image was without an ALT text.

Take this post from 2022 for example.


It's kinda funny that I don't even care anymore that "not everyone is on Mastodon". It is definitely a good thing. The same happened in the past with IRC and Telegram. You know they still exist, lots of people like me use them and I still will not use the popular ones that much or at all.

#Mastodon #Fediverse

Today I used, among other apps, Exhibit to preview some 3D files, Tuba for checking my #Mastodon timeline, Keypunch for some typing practice on my new #Corne keyboard, Black Box for terminal stuff, and Switcheroo for converting some images.

Me gustaría que #antennapod me redirigiera a #mastodon #tusky para comentar Podcast en #CastoPod

I like: URLs with slugs in that give me a clue to the title/theme of the content before I click.

I dislike: #Mastodon apps truncating URLs for display.

@helpers I write from my mastodon profile because from my account all the messages not leave and not happen. Only the RSS that work. My question is :

on #mastodon my timeline is clean I can release the publications of the lists that I want to look at the same time. on #Friendan I ordered my circles and my channels correctly. Is there a way to block or authorize a circle to display publication on the Timeline.


Pretty neat! If you're on (or another server running the latest in-development version of Mastodon), you can go to the Explore page eg. and view posts that discuss trending news articles (see the "X posts" below the headline link).


#mastodon #SocialMedia #news #design #UXUI

⚠️ If you've posted a poll on Mastodon and you edit the poll type or edit the answers, it will reset the responses back to zero without any warning. So, only edit it if you want to start the poll all over again.

(Weirdly though, editing the question above the poll doesn't reset the poll.)

#FediTips #Mastodon

Změnil jsem instanci Mastodonu

Před několika dny jsem po několika letech změnil instanci Mastodonu. Proč jsem se k tomu odhodlal? Podle čeho jsem vybíral novou? Co obnáší samotná migrace a jak jsem na nové instanci spokojený?

#fediverse #Mastodon #migrace #sociálníSítě #Vivaldi…

What are you using as a #mastodon client under #linux?

Today we're launching a new #Mastodon feature that will highlight writers and journalists that are active on the fediverse when their their articles are being shared.…

#mastodon #česko #statistika
„České instance” mají **orientačně**:
- 13,1 tis. uživ.¹ ² — připočetl jsem i (mají zrovna 503, ale orientačně jsou na 379 uživ.)
- od 2. 4.… jsme měli nějaké úbytky (hl. nasface — snad se jen přesunují a nebyli odrazeni úplně), ale i příbytky
- MAU ~1.5 tis. ³
- má dle API 2 999 uživ.


Dear !Friendica Support I'm sometimes reading my #friendica timeline from the @Tusky app on #android.
I am having an issue that some parts of the timeline are not loaded into the @Tusky app at all.
I have figured out when replies are added into a thread, the post is being repositioned in the list of posts returned by the #Mastodon compatible API. @Tusky is not fetching older posts when the one that has already been requested is found while syncing new posts. That is causing gaps in my timeline I can read on the phone.
It really sounds complicated. Do you understand what's my issue?

Okay, this is possibly going to be controversial in some quarters, but it has to be said for the good of the Fediverse: is not a good way to join Mastodon. If you're already on, you might want to move your account to another server. I've done an article about this topic at:


If you want to move your account, there's a complete step-by-step guide to how to do it here:


#FediTips #Mastodon #MastodonSocial