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Items tagged with: PgP

The long sought after secure communication of end-to-end hardware encrypted (HWE) chats is now available.…
#librem5 #Purism #smartcard #pgp #encrypted

Last year, the @sovtechfund fund invited us, the Sequoia PGP Project, to join their new Bug Resilience Program.

Today, I'm pleased to announce that we are publicly launching our bug bounty program with rewards of up to €10,000 for novel, security-relevant issues in Sequoia applications, libraries, or specifications. #pgp…

In the past few weeks, I spent a bit of time on a set of #OpenPGP hobby projects around #rpgp ( Today I'm happy to announce:

rsop v0.1.0 (, an early stage "stateless OpenPGP" tool based on rpgp.

Relatedly, I also released rpgpie 🦀️🔐🥧 v0.0.1 (, an experimental high level OpenPGP API based on rpgp (rsop is built on top of rpgpie).

#PGP #Rust #rustlang

Thunderbird is an email client with built-in support for PGP encryption.

Messages are encrypted/decrypted in the client and remain encrypted on email servers, this is client-side encryption.

Some email providers support PGP encryption server-side, this method could be vulnerable to third-party decryption of emails.

Client side encryption:…

Mastodon: @thunderbird

#Thunderbird #Email #Encryption #OpenPGP #PGP

Having decidedly too much fun playing with ancient #PGP artifacts.

Note the two version 2 public keys from 1992. They were created just over a year after Phil Zimmermann first released PGP (on 6 June 1991), deep in the crypto war era.

These keys predate the #OpenPGP name by around half a decade.

At over 31 years old, nation-state actors can definitely factor John Gilmore's RSA 1024 key today.
However, I believe the cost still exceeds a hobbyist budget even now.

LibreOffice supports symmetric and asymmetric encryption for OpenDocument Format (ODF) files.

Select File > Save/Save As

The "Save with password" option encrypts the file with AES-256.
The "Encrypt with GPG key" option encrypts the file with a public key.

Symmetric encryption:…
Asymmetric encryption:…

Mastodon: @libreoffice

#LibreOffice #Encryption #OpenSource #OpenPGP #PGP #GnuPG #GPG #InfoSec #Privacy #Security

#thunderbird sadly lacks some basic functionality for me. #pgp is not an option in #xmpp chats and it doesnt really support #nextcloud I hope the will change in future updates and thunderbird will evolve in to my be all end all software for communication. but it still has a long way to come.

E-Mail Server bei : #Posteo_de
E-Mail Clients: #fairmail #thunderbird
Chat: #signal
Office: #libreoffice
Browser: #firefox #fennec
Phone: #VollaPhone #googlefrei
Password: #keepass
Social: #mastodon
Video: #newpipe
Map: #openstreetmap
VPN: #openvpn
Radio: #radiodroid
News: #hamburger
Route: #osmand
Tracking und Werbeblocker: #pihole auf #rasberrypi
E-Mail Verschlüsselung: #pgp
Cloud Speicher in Deutschland: #MyStorBox
Captcha Plugin for Joomla! 3 and 4. : #aimy

Sequoia PGP is now licensed under the LGPL 2.0+. Read more about why here:… #pgp #sequoia

Great to see you around the Fediverse 🥳 :mastolove:
And I'm looking forward to see #Thunderbird on Android :mastolove:

However, I think that @Ahorn and @fuomag9 have raised two important points that I'd like to second:
Please plan to publish your app via #FDroid right from the start - and include encryption via #PGP and #SMIME :mastoinnocent:

Oh - and just drop the word here when you start looking for beta testers 😊