Items tagged with: privacy
Huge win for privacy: Record fine against #Facebook thanks to Max Schrems & @noybeu! 🥳
#Meta must pay 1.2 billion euros for violating the EU #privacy regulation #GDPR. 👌
Read more: 👇…
Huge win for privacy: Record fine against Facebook thanks to Max Schrems.
Meta must pay 1.2 billion euros for violating the EU regulation GDPR.Tutanota
Nice & good video about app stores, #privacy & #Android which is worth looking:…
Also highlights some aspects you might not have considered (or not consciously).
Most PRIVATE App Stores!
App stores are central to how we use our smartphones. If you’re on Android you probably get all your apps from the Google Play Store, and if you’re on iOS you get your apps from the Apple App store.Naomi Brockwell: NBTV | Invidious
Journalists, whistleblowers, activists - they all risk their lives to make the truth public.
Let's fight for the right to #privacy and #pressfreedom.
Together with #Threema, #Tor #FightfortheFuture and others we call on policymakers to not undermine #encryption.
We ALL depend on encryption for #security and #privacy! 💪🔒
Read more:…
Press Freedom Day: 40+ organizations call on world leaders to uphold encryption & privacy
On Press Freedom Day a coalition of 40+ ogrs have united to defend strong encryption.Tutanota
BREAKING: #Google to start deleting unused #email accounts so other people can use them.
🤔 What could possibly go wrong?
🤦♂️ Techbros are (still) idiots.…
Updating our inactive account policies
Starting later this year, we are updating our inactivity policy for Google Accounts to 2 years across our products.Ruth Kricheli (Google)
Pünktlich zum Start von @tagesschau auf Mastodon, ist auch unser Artikel hier zu finden…
#privacy #datenschutz #degoogle #smartphone
Wie Berliner Aktivisten Smartphones "entgoogeln"
Konzerne wie Google, Meta oder Apple tracken unser Leben mit – jeden Tag und fast überall. Dagegen wehren sich Aktivisten, indem sie Handys auf Wunsch mit neuen Betriebssystemen ausstatten. Von Robert
By default, #Thunderbird automatically blocks images in your emails from being displayed -- because many of those images may contain tracking code.
(Sometimes these images are tiny "tracking pixels" you may not even see).
Take your protection one step further by installing #uBlock Origin to block all kinds of unwanted content in your RSS feeds -- it's now an official Thunderbird Add-on:…
uBlock Origin
Finally, an efficient blocker. Easy on CPU and memory. uBlock Origin (uBO) is a CPU and memory-efficient wide-spectrum content blocker that blocks ads, trackers, coin miners, popups, annoying anti-blockers,
Are AI tools really as smart as creative writers? 🧐 It looks like we will soon know for sure. In any case, AI and its influence on our societies must be watched closely: After all the tools were trained with human writers content who they are now supposed to replace.…
Read more on this issue and why ChatGPT is a privacy nightmare: 👉…
#ai #creative #content #writers #privacy #chatgpt #bard #ernie
GPT-4 Can’t Replace Striking TV Writers, But Studios Are Going to Try
The desire to replace writers with AI is a symptom of the larger problem that the guild is fighting for—which is that companies do not value writers and their work.Chloe Xiang (VICE)
Today is #worldpressfreedomday
Together with 45+ pro-privacy organizations such as @threemaapp @mozilla @nextcloud and others we are calling on democratic world leaders to uphold encryption, privacy & press freedom:…
Our asks are simple:
▪️ Do NOT undermine encryption via overreaching legislative initiatives 🔒
▪️ Do NOT block or throttle technologies providing secure, encrypted services 🔒
#privacy #encryption #pressfreedom #pressfreedomday #worldpressfreedomday
Press Freedom Day: 40+ organizations call on world leaders to uphold encryption & privacy
On Press Freedom Day a coalition of 40+ ogrs have united to defend strong encryption.Tutanota
Is #Gmail killing independent email?
"Is it okay that Gmail has the power to decide whether a business is sending spam or not?"
Gmail has rigged the email game imo. It makes running a self-hosted email server hard, even after properly configuring DKIM, DMARC, and SPF.
#cybersecurity #privacy #technology…
Is Gmail killing independent email?
People report that self-hosted emails always end up in Gmail spam. Is there anything Google can do about it?Tutanota
Stay strong: Desperate governments worldwide want to downright criminalize #privacy and #encryption now, using laughable pretexts like #cybersecurity causing #childabuse to literally put everyone on the planet under a permanent wiretapping mandate like we're common criminals by default.
Smartphones are especially susceptible to surveillance, and among those devices we have the least control over instead of corporations merely renting them to us: It's time for that to change!
Google has just updated its 2FA Authenticator app and added a much-needed feature: the ability to sync secrets across devices.
TL;DR: Don't turn it on.
The new update allows users to sign in with their Google Account and sync 2FA secrets across their iOS and Android devices.
We analyzed the network traffic when the app syncs the secrets, and it turns out the traffic is not end-to-end encrypted. As shown in the screenshots, this means that Google can see the secrets, likely even while they’re stored on their servers. There is no option to add a passphrase to protect the secrets, to make them accessible only by the user.
Why is this bad?
Every 2FA QR code contains a secret, or a seed, that’s used to generate the one-time codes. If someone else knows the secret, they can generate the same one-time codes and defeat 2FA protections. So, if there’s ever a data breach or if someone obtains access .... 🧵
#Privacy #Cybersecurity #InfoSec #2FA #Google #Security
Passt ja zu meiner Custom-ROM-Serie: "Smartphones mit verbreitetem Qualcomm-Chip senden heimlich private Informationen an US-Chiphersteller" 👇🤦
#android #security #qualcomm #backdoor #tracking #privacy #sicherheit #datenschutz
#ChatControl #OnlineSafetyBill #EarnIt - Lots of politicians want to undermine encryption once again. When will they ever learn that a "backdoor for the good guys only" is simply not possible?
Learn here why we must keep fighting for strong #encryption:…
#OSB #CSAM #ClientSideScanning #Privacy
Politiker wollen wieder einmal die Verschlüsselung untergraben. Wann werden sie jemals lernen, dass eine "Hintertür nur für die Guten" einfach nicht möglich ist?
Global Encryption Day: Any backdoor would do more harm than good.
By demanding encryption backdoors, politicians are not asking us to choose between security and privacy. They are asking us to choose no security.Tutanota
Did you ever wonder how Tutanota's encryption is able to protect all your data? Check out our new encryption page with lots of interesting facts! 🔒😍
We ♥️ #encryption!
#security #privacy #email #data
Everything you need to know about Tutanota's encryption.
Details on how the encrypted email & calendar service Tutanota encrypts all data.Tutanota
The encrypted Tutanota mailbox makes sure your data belongs to you, and to you alone! 😎🔒
Make sure your friends enjoy the same level of privacy. Invite them to Tutanota! 🤩
#privacy #security #Encryption
Security for all: Recommend Tutanota to your friends! 🎉
Tutanota has launched a refer-a-friend program so that you can both benefit.Tutanota
»Facebook collects intimate customer data from over 100 European pharmacies«
Wenn man die DSGVO-Bußgelder korrekt und konsequent umgesetzt hätte, dann wäre Facebook heute vermutlich längst pleite. So schlittern wir aber von einem Datenskandal zum nächsten. 🤷♂️…
#facebook #datenschutz #privacy #teamdatenschutz #fail #gesundheitsdaten #tracker #tracking
Facebook collects intimate customer data from over 100 European pharmacies
Facebook collects detailed information about pharmacy customers and their purchases from over 100 online pharmacies in Europe, a Swedish Radio News investigation ...Sveriges Radio
The Broad, Vague RESTRICT Act Is a Dangerous Substitute for Comprehensive Data Privacy Legislation
This bill is being called a “TikTok ban,” but it’s more complicated than that. The bill would give more power to the executive branch and remove many of the commonsense restrictions that exist under the Foreign Intelligence Services Act and the Berma…Electronic Frontier Foundation
Tesla-Mitarbeiter ergötzen sich an Videoaufnahmen aus fremden Autos…
"Die Kunden hätte eh jede Erwartung von Privatsphäre aufgegeben."
Selbst Tesla Mitarbeiter würden keinen Tesla kaufen, seit sie von diesen Praktiken wissen...
Tesla-Mitarbeiter ergötzen sich an Videoaufnahmen aus fremden Autos
Kameras in Tesla-Autos beobachten nicht nur die Umgebung, sondern auch die Insassen. Der Belegschaft dienten die Aufnahmen zur Erheiterung, berichtet Reuters.Daniel AJ Sokolov (heise online)
EU-Gesundheitsdatenraum: Ärzte befürchten sinkendes Vertrauen der Patienten…
"Google, Facebook & Co würden ja auch sammeln" ist halt kein Argument.
EU-Gesundheitsdatenraum: Ärzte befürchten sinkendes Vertrauen der Patienten
Der EHDS soll die EU-weite Gesundheitsversorgung verbessern. Offen sind jedoch einige Fragen, etwa wer den Datenschatz hütet und wer die hohen Kosten trägt.Marie-Claire Koch (heise online)
Everyone deserves #privacy! 😎 That's why Tutanota is now launching a refer-a-friend program. As a Tutanota user, you can now recommend Tutanota to your friends and family, even to your doctor or lawyer, and you both benefit. 🤩
Check it out! 👇…
Security for all: Recommend Tutanota to your friends! 🎉
Tutanota has launched a refer-a-friend program so that you can both benefit.Tutanota
ChatGPT has leaked conversations and payment info of some users. While #OpenAI feels "awful" about this, experts say users "should have had zero expectation of privacy when using the #ChatGPT web demo."…
Read also our blog post on ChatGPT: A #privacy nightmare or a helpful tool?…
OpenAI CEO 'feels awful' after ChatGPT leaks conversations, payment info
Delayed mea culpa isn't a good look for a biz with 'open' in the nameJessica Lyons Hardcastle (The Register)
Missing Link: Ausverkauf der Gesundheitsdaten im Namen der Forschung…
Missing Link: Ausverkauf der Gesundheitsdaten im Namen der Forschung
Hierzulande steht die Massenspeicherung von Gesundheitsdaten noch vor Gericht, da kommt die EU mit einer XXL-Variante um die Ecke. Droht der gläserne Patient?heise online
You also say "We encourage all partners to be objective and accurate in their reviews." - Requiring your partners to agree to a code of conduct would be even better. 😉
We hope we can continue to fight for #privacy together and keep up healthy & fair competition!
5/5 🧵
To je průser. Co to vnitro dělá za pi*oviny? Digitalizace jak nemá vypadat...
The EU Commission is planning what Apple stopped after a huge backslash: Turning your own device into a surveillance machine via client-side scanning.
Stop #ChatControl now! 💪
Check here how you can join the fight for #privacy:…
And don't forget: Use #encryption. 🔒
Jahresbericht: Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragter watscht Chatkontrolle ab…
Nachbessern - oder in die Tonne kloppen...
Jahresbericht: Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragter watscht Chatkontrolle ab
Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz hat seinen Jahresbericht vorgelegt. Drin stehen Hausaufgaben für die Bundesregierung, etwa zur geplanten Chatkontrolle. Hier empfiehlt Ulrich Kelber: deutlich nachbessern – oder in die Tonne
Law enforcement use closed-source "secure" communication tools to catch criminals, but this compromises the privacy of law-abiding users. Exclu, An0m, EncroChat - these all prove why only open source software can be trusted. Read more! 👇…
#communication #privacy #lawenforcement #opensourcesoftware #foss #opensource
Collateral Victims of Sting Operations: The Risks of Closed-Source Software
Only open source software can truly be secure.Tutanota
Impressive campaign by @mullvadnet against the CSA Regulation #chatcontrol Here's more info:…
Do you want to help as a citizen against scanning of all your chat messages? Sign the petition:… #privacy #encryption #stopscanningme
Fight chat control: Mullvad really nails it with their new campaign!
Chat control is one of the worst EU plans to date and opposition is HUGE. Mullvad VPN has now launched a great campaign to fight for democracy.Tutanota
Microsoft Authenticator prompts the user to accept sharing analytics during the first launch. The prompt only dismisses when the user taps on "Accept." In fact, the app starts sending analytics even before accepting the privacy statement.🤦♂️
In this video, we downloaded the authenticator app from the App Store and we opened it as we monitored the iPhone network traffic. While the app was showing the permission prompt, we captured at least 3 calls made by the app sending diagnostics to Microsoft. The app sent 14 KB of analytics even before accepting the prompt.
The message on the prompt actually says that Microsoft needs to collect diagnostic data in order to keep Authenticator secure and up to date. 😵💫
#Privacy #Cybersecurity #2FA #InfoSec #Security #Microsoft
Privacy: Microsoft Authenticator sends analytics even before accepting the privacy statement
When opening Microsoft Authenticator for the first time after downloading it from the App Store, it prompts the user to accept sharing diagnostics with Micro...YouTube
Das konnte ja keiner ahnen!
Amazon Ring: Selbst Wohnzimmer-Aufnahmen sind nicht vor Polizei sicher…
Amazon Ring: Selbst Wohnzimmer-Aufnahmen sind nicht vor Polizei sicher
Ein Mann aus dem US-Bundeststaat Ohio sollte der Polizei Aufnahmen aus seinem Wohnzimmer vorlegen, obwohl nur gegen seinen Nachbarn ermittelt wurde. Als er sich weigerte, legte die Behörde einen richterlichen Beschluss bei Amazon Ring
Keyoxide Mobile gets new funding!
NLnet approves new funding for Keyoxide Mobile.Berker (Berker’s Scribbles)
Let's fight chat control!
Congrats to @mullvadnet - you really nail it with your new campaign against client-side scanning! 💪🔒
#privacy #e2ee #encryption #clientsidescanning #chatcontrol…
Fight chat control: Mullvad really nails it with their new campaign!
Chat control is one of the worst EU plans to date and opposition is HUGE. Mullvad VPN has now launched a great campaign to fight for democracy.Tutanota
EU-weit 66%, in D gar 80%:
#Chatkontrolle: Jugendliche lehnen Überwachung ihrer Online-Kommunikation ab…
Chatkontrolle: Jugendliche lehnen Überwachung ihrer Online-Kommunikation ab
66 Prozent der 13- bis 17-Jährigen in 13 EU-Staaten sind dagegen, dass Diensteanbieter ihre digitale Kommunikation auf verdächtige Inhalte hin durchsuchen.Stefan Krempl (heise online)
Der Einsatz biometrischer Methoden zur #Überwachung wird laut Koalitionsvertrag abgelehnt. Wie äußert sich das in der Praxis? Schauen wir mal.
Überwachung: Sicherheitsbehörden treiben automatisierte Gesichtserkennung voran…
Aha. Noch Fragen?
Überwachung: Sicherheitsbehörden treiben automatisierte Gesichtserkennung voran
In Inpol hortet die Polizei 6,7 Millionen Lichtbilder, die für biometrische Gesichtserkennung relevant sind. BKA und Bundespolizei testen neue Analyseverfahren.Stefan Krempl (heise online)
Passend dazu: die Risiken.
Gesundheitsdatenbanken und die virtuelle Verwundbarkeit des Patienten…
Missing Link: Die neue digitale Verwundbarkeit des Patienten
Die Digitalisierung von Patientenakten und zentrale Speicherung von Gesundheitsdaten schafft nicht nur Vorteile, sondern auch Risiken. Sind wir gewappnet?heise online