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Items tagged with: JS

JavaScript Bloat in 2024 😢 #webdev #webperf #javascript #js

Why is JavaScript fragile? (one of many reasons IMO) #js #javascript #webdev

@blender yeah, but I think making your tech more appealing and approachable to "#TechIlliterates" and "#Normies" should have a higher priority than following a trend and fad [aka. #VR]...

Regardless of that I do think that #JS and #Tracking / #Cookies are bad #ghettohacks of a technology and lazy #WebApps should've never seen mass adoption, but there's far worse staff like #MicrosoftOffice and espechally #Windows.

I just can't stand the latter...

This is fantastic, love it! 😻

Draw SVG rope using JavaScript

#svg #js #javascript

What is your favourite system for carrying out translations? Weblate? Locize? Other…? (And why?)

Which would be most suitable for a free and open source project would you think?

(And is there any library and/or service that you’ve found especially useful for JavaScript projects – both on the server and client sides – i18next, etc?)


(I’m looking into implementing internationalisation and localisation for Kitten projects –

#i18n #l10n #fediBrain #web #dev #js

Folks, if you’re using @small-tech/auto-encrypt in your projects, please make sure you’re running the latest version of the package (3.1.0) or certificate provisioning/renewal will fail due to the latest Let’s Encrypt protocol update.

#tls #https #letsEncrypt #autoEncrypt #js #javaScript #nodeJS #web #dev #smallWeb #smallTech

Just released JavaScript Database (JSDB) version 2.1.0

Added: exposes compactOnLoad and alwaysUseLineByLineLoads options to

(JSDB is a zero-dependency, transparent, in-memory, streaming write-on-update JavaScript database for the Small Web that persists to a JavaScript transaction log.)

#JSDB #javascript #js #database #SmallTech #SmallWeb

Right, thanks to your feedback, this is what the “hello, world” would look like in htmx versus the equiavelent of what I have now in Svelte.

But there’s one big drawback to htmx… no ES modules and thus no components. That’s a biggie.


#htmx #svelte #javaScript #js #nodeKit #smallWeb #prototyping

Bun (a new JS runtime ala Node.js and Deno) sounds interesting. Not least of all because it doesn’t use V8.

(I can’t use it for NodeKit at the moment as it doesn’t support custom ESM loaders but I’ll be keeping an eye on it.)

# # # # # # # #

Content warning: JavaScript unit testing (tape, ESM)