Items tagged with: Stream


Items tagged with: Stream

Friendica: Wegen X abgerufen?

Ich habe hier auf meiner noch recht neuen Installation recht häufig Beiträge bei welchen als Herkunft wegen X abgerufen. X ist dabei ein Kontakt mit welchen ich verbunden bin und der den betreffenden Beitrag Kommentiert, möglicherweise auch geliked oder Weitergesagt hat. Das ist aber für mich nicht Sinn der Sache, zumal das meinen Stream/TL sehr voll macht und dazu führt das ich z. T. Beiträge die ich wichtig finde übersehe. Also wie kann ich das abstellen?

#Friendica #Frage #Hilfe #Beiträge #Timeline #Stream #2025-01-16 !Friendica Support

The Matrix Rust SDK now provides a room list that is sorted on the client-side instead of server-side,….

It has landed in Element X iOS nightly and soon on Android.

I’m going to publish blog posts to explain all the technical details but it’s really pretty neat!

#matrix #RustLang #stream #future #asynchronous

We got up to 71 followers in not even a day. That is honestly meteoric.
Tomorrow at 3 PM EST I'll do a first #stream. We'll make us a #TryHackMe account, go through the new user flow, maybe do a room or two while looking at the various #accessibility gotchas we run into. In future streams we'll do similar for HTB, HTBA etc. as well as more #programming related things but tomorrow ...we leave pallet town all mozie-like. See you all then! #twitch #infoSec #selfPromo

Hi! I'm happy to announce that we'll be streaming Final Hour next Saturday! Join me, @blind_lightning @TheFake_VIP and Tunmi13 for some thrilling matches! It's going to be great, so come hang out with us and get all your questions answered in real-time. Don't forget to spread the word, and mark your calendars for next Saturday, February 17, 2024, at 8:30 PM UTC. We're counting down the days and can't wait to see you there!
The official stream at the lower elements club channel:…
The stream at The fake vip's channel:…
The stream at Tunmi13's channel:…
Again, February 17, 2024 at 8:30 PM.
#FinalHour #Stream #streaming