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Items tagged with: Transparency

🇬🇧 Finally we're live with a new set of features! More than 18% of the apps at IzzyOnDroid already have Reproducible Builds – that's more than 1 out of 6, and more will follow. Two wonderful clients will make this and more transparent for you soon. Read about all the exciting news in this article:…

All this was made possible thanks to the help of @obfusk – and her :awesome:

#IzzyOnDroid #reproducibleBuilds #FDroid #transparency

🇩🇪 Schluss mit der Rumeierei – jetzt ist es Live! mehr als 18% der Apps bei IzzyOnDroid verfügen bereits über Reproducible Builds (also mehr als jedes 6. Ei – oops, jede 6. App; mehr folgen). Zwei wundervolle Clients werden Euch dies und weiteres transparent machen. Das & weitere spannende News könnt ihr hier nachlesen:…

All dies war nur möglich Dank der Hilfe von @obfusk – und ihrem :awesome:

#IzzyOnDroid #reproducibleBuilds #FDroid #transparency

🇨🇭 Welcome to the party!! 🇨🇭

Innovation will start booming with Switzerland mandating government software to be open source.

Public money for public code, forever! 🤘

#OpenSource #Transparency #DigitalSovereignty…

Being #OpenSource has many advantages. For #NVDA has opened the way for community contributions, and has enabled #transparency, #security and #innovation beyond what might have been possible in closed software. Increasingly, governments are also mandating the use of open source. Here is an article on such a step forward in Switzerland:

"Switzerland Makes Open Source Software Mandatory For Public Sector"…

#FOSS #NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #Software #News

With Pessach cleanup you figure why the ingredients are listed on stuff. Because they MUST BE, not because they WANT TO.

*sigh* (gets the magnifier glas)

With #IzzyOnDroid that's the other way around. There they are listed for #transparency (see the library section for each APK at Unfortunately, no way (yet) to transport that to the Android clients…

And now you can find some background on the SigningBlock BLOBs on the #IzzySoftRepo info page (…) as well.

The last task of this „additional APK checks project“ will be to link to the corresponding blocks from where they are reported with an app, so you can find it more easily.

#Android #apps #transparency

Oh, PS: went through all the metadata of the apps in the #IzzySoftRepo for a little cleanup. Some apps were removed (no updates for years and longer working, having accumulated too many nonfree libs etc).

And also: wherever an app has an AntiFeature, their descriptions have been updated, partially improved – and are now always available in 🇩🇪 **and** 🇺🇸 !

Project #Transparency continues :awesome:

All APKs (~2.000) of the #IzzySoftRepo have been rescanned. Expect to see more details on most apps with the next sync. Teaser Image below.

While permissions already have a short description on hover (and link to more), something similar still needs to be implemented for the other sections, though. And of course a proper documentation…

#Android #apps #transparency

The US #Supremecourt has declined #Twitter's legal challenge to publicly disclose national security subpoenas. 👨‍⚖️

At Tuta, we pride ourselves on #privacy and #transparency. Our warrant #canary is live and regularly updated. This is one reason among many that keeping your data securely #encrypted within the EU has major privacy advantages over the US. 📣

You can check out our transparency report and live warrant canary here:

same reason for #Linux I guess and same reason why I do all the #OS1337 code in #bash with only .config makefiles where needed:

Readable and thus easy to #audit code allows for #transparency, which is vital for #maintainability and #security...

After all, mistakes do happen and I'd rather have it easy find and fix than optimize every bit at the cost of unmaintainable code.

There has been a minor privacy issue in Tutanota. It didn't affect security or encryption.

Despite image loading being blocked, images contained in some emails were loaded & senders were able to see when such emails were opened.

We've fixed the issue:…


2. The General Services Administration should publish data on #Section508 compliance.
#GSA gathers and analyzes data on Section 508 compliance twice a year but does not
release it to the public or Congress. Releasing these data publicly will improve #transparency and accountability regarding Section 508 compliance…


So, the European Union has set up its own Mastodon instance, EU Voice, as an official channel/platform for all its many institutions - what a great initiative
#TwitterMigration #europe #Diplomacy #Transparency