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Items tagged with: disabled

New @Lenovo laptops are coming soon with new accessibility features for visually impaired people. Listen to Graham Thomas from the company telling Steven Scott about the company's commitment to #disabled people

So here is where you come in, lovely people.

I do not actually know many parents of visually impaired children in the UK. So, I would be very appreciative if one of you kind souls would point me in the right direction to find someone who could make use of it.

The device usually retails for £1400, not including VAT and import fees, all of which shall be paid for.

If you do not know anyone, then boosts for reach would also be appreciated.
Thank you all for your assistance with keeping our young visually impaired children learning Braille.
#blind #fedi #mastodon #UK #disabled #donation #AT

so, to the #UK #Disabled and #Blind communities on Fedi.

I ordered a device called a BT Speak about a week ago. It is a PDA-like device, with an 8-dot Perkins style Braille keyboard and speech output for the visually impaired.

When I got the device, it did not boot, and I contacted the company about it.

I was able to get the device working again by myself rather quickly, however here in lies the reason for my post.

The company were so quick to respond that a replacement unit is already on the way.

After some discussion, what has been decided is that I will be donating the replacement device, brand new, to a visually impaired child who may not be able to procure assistive technology via other means.

This could be me and you if the US government allowed disabled people to get married without losing their benefits...


Hey, #Accessibility #Experts, #blind or #disabled people. Have you noticed, that is calling for questions about Accessibility? See quotation, please. #Thunderbird #Inclusion #a11y

Do you have questions about the Message Context Menu, accessibility, or the design process in general in Thunderbird? Send them to to get them answered during our chat with UX Developer @emitche this Thursday, January 25, at 18:00 UTC. Find out more - and how to join us live! - in the blog post:

I find myself reaching out for #MutualAid once again. I thought I had 11 days to renew my phone number for the month, but I only have 9. I have to pay £9.49 by January 26th. Please support me with whatever you can!


#blind #disabled #neurodivergent @mutualaid

My tribute to Andrés Gallegos, disability rights lawyer, national leader, hell of a nice guy, who died this weekend: #disability #disabled #DisabilityRights #HealthCare

On October 4 the United States Supreme Court will hear a case about who can file lawsuits under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Opinion (not expected until 2024) may impact digital accessibility lawsuits. My article about the case is here. It includes links to the audio and transcript of the argument that will be posted. #accessibility #disability #disabled #a11y

We’re a disabled-led #transcription and #ClosedCaptioning company, dedicated to creating work for #disabled, #ChronicallyIll and #neurodivergent freelancers.

By offering discounts for junior, under-funded, independent, & marginalized #researchers & #ContentCreators, we make our services accessible so you can make your content more accessible.

Thanks @SusanJonesArts!

Get a quote today at

#DisabilityPrideMonth #a11y #accessibility


My queer platonic partner Luke and I are both trans, neurodivergent, and disabled. We are currently homeless and living out of our van with our two cats.

We are in need of mutual aid donations to help us be able to afford food, gas, and other necessities, along with our phone bill on the 4th of $100.

My CashApp and Venmo links (handles:$magicalgrrrl/@magicalgrrrl respectively) and Luke's PayPal (@LouieSJ) are in my linktree:

Please help a couple of homeless queers survive during #Pride month

#MutualAid #disabled #trans #autistic #neurodivergent #queer #homeless


Hi #Fediverse, we are an #LGBTQ family in the US who have just fled a red state, and are raising survival funds. Money donated this week will go toward groceries, gas, household supplies, and an emergency vet bill for our dog Loki.

Our fundraiser is currently at $7553 — we really need to hit $8553 by June 10th to stay on track. Every bit counts!

#PleaseBoost #Trans #Queer #Nonbinary #Disabled #TransCrowdfund #MutualAidRequest @mutualaid #MutualAid #Pride

I’ve been on #twitter for years now, but checking out #mastodon because #musk. Any other #disabled or #queer ppl or #amquerying writers? I’d love to connect! Here’s a blog post I wrote about #querying.

Dear @Meetup: Read this one too! People everywhere count on #Meetups for connection and community. Don't exclude #disabled people by using an overlay instead of committing to true accessibility. #a11y

I was grateful for the chance to chat with Time Magazine last week about some the unique ways the collapse of Twitter is impacting its #disabled users. You can read the piece here:

#Disabled people and #spoonies, a lovely and very organised-sounding group of people on Mastodon have set up - if you've been considering Mastodon, this might be for you.

More info here:

They have a whole accessibility TEAM!


If you know me from #Twitter you've been informed that my mom is abusive & ableist...

I'm an Autistic person requesting help to secure safe housing & pay for a plane ticket. A year ago I was planning to move for college, but gradually my mom has been financially trapping me. I now have no solid income atm & I cannot work or drive!

•Click link for more detail;

#mutualaid #ActuallyAutistic #disabled #RequestingAid #News #mastodon


[time for a #reintroduction! #introductions #introduction]

I'm Flo (he/him), a #queer #author of #lgbtqia #fiction.

Primarily I write #sliceoflife, #comedy, heartwarming & lighthearted, #gay #romance in a variety of settings, such as #hopepunk, #scifi, #fantasy, #steampunk, #horror, #gothic, annnnd the list goes on~ 😅

Some more things about me:

— I'm currently pumped for #NaNoWriMo!

— I like #writing, #reading, #drawing, #art, #gaming, #movies, #books etc.

— I dabble in #learning #mandarin and #tokipona (which i don't tend to talk about here).

— I am #agender, #asexual, #aromantic, (thus #AroAce) #disabled, #ActuallyAutistic, and a #demiguy

— i have a wishlist (mostly full of very, *very* gay books):

— alt accounts at & @floghost