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Read this at my funeral.

For nearly all of my life, I've known how I was going to die. Not from cancer, or diet, or drink, but by being crushed under a car. I will be mangled and bleed out painfully. The driver, distracted on their phone, will say that I "came out of nowhere". The police and the DA will call it an "accident". There will be no consequences of any kind. Except for my death, of course. [...]

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to jwz

non-cyclists that are confused by activism think that activists are attracted to cycling, when the reality is that becoming a cyclist very quickly radicalizes one into becoming an activist. Nothing crystallizes strong opinions as being frequently threatened with death by at best indifferent and at worst aggressive and antagonistic people.
in reply to jwz

People make fun of my NEON ORANGE sneakers (I walk a lot of places and am frequently crossing the street at poorly-marked intersections) but for me it's just one more chance to talk about road safety and how much dicier it's getting for all but the car and truck drivers.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

QR Code Login, megabridges, and BigBlueButton interoperability. That, and more happened This Week In Matrix!…

in reply to 🐓fat glavenus🐓 [-13] 『hunting generations』

@not_benis Yeah, sometimes using a foundation's infrastructure is about sharing cost burdens, but _every_ time it's about having a neutral space within which to collaborate.

Unknown parent

Dass Christian Lindner jetzt dem milliardärsfinanzierten Desinformationsportal „Nius“ ein Interview gegeben hat, passt ins Bild. Der Mann ist eine Schande für die Bundesregierung. Was kommt als nächstes? „Epoch Times“?…

Christian Lindner lebt seit er 21 ist von Steuergeldern, damals wurde er Abgeordneter. Davor war er Geschäftsführer eines Start-ups für “komplexe Softwarelösungen”, das ihn zuerst entließ und dann trotzdem pleiteging, was etwa die KfW 1,2 Mio kostete.

Nur so als Kontext.

mental health, burnout, LOTR meme

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Researchers craft smiling robot face from living human skin cells

Living cells isolated from juvenile foreskin are flexible enough to grin when moved.…

Did you know? There is a #Matrix Space for…
#Thanx to

Since it’s come up again - if you use new Outlook and Mail in Windows 11, it automatically syncs all your email and contacts into Microsoft’s cloud - even if you use a third party mail provider.

There’s no option to decline.

Pretty obviously, consider the risk.…

retail shittiness (TSC, uspoli)

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in reply to Hubert Figuière

retail shittiness (TSC, uspoli)

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in reply to Rick Scott 🏳️‍⚧️

retail shittiness (TSC, uspoli)

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El laboratorio de Patrick D Hsu ha descrito en Nature un nuevo sistema de edición genética basado en un elemento móvil IS110, compacto, que funciona con una pequeña recombinasa y un ARN bifuncional complementario al ADN de origen y destino, lo cual permite programar deleciones, inserciones e inversiones limpiamente, complementando las #CRISPR. Te lo explico en Science Media Centre España.…

in reply to Paolo Redaelli

after I plugged a Cyrix FPU onto my 486sx, raytracing went so fast! Seconds per pixel instead of minutes!
in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

I used to run it on a 2nd hand Amiga 1200 with 50mhz 68060… it seems millions of years ago instead it's just a generation.
Well I do feel old.
Let's pray I won't turn into a whining, nostalgic, grumpy #xgeneration oldies. 😄

Over the last eight months, Israel has killed at least 37,765 people and injured another 86,429, according to the ministry’s latest figures.…

This week's edition of the Open Source Spotlight newsletter of @ct_Magazin features Pika Backup + an interview with me.

(Only available in German)…

This is a really good summary of what happened with Polyfill. Great work by the researchers uncovering this. Note that:

The security research group warned that the combined impact resulting from these other three services is likely to have a much wider impact than initially anticipated.

Just recently, Cloudflare's co-founder and CEO, Matthew Prince stated that "tens of millions of websites (4% of the web)" used, dubbing the incident "extremely concerning" as is.

Nullify, an Australia-based forensic investigator and security researcher has now made an even more worrisome observation.

References to the 'check_tiaozhuan', a function that represents the injected malicious code exist on "Chinese forums dating back to June 2023.

Daniel's weekly report June 28, 2024…

haproxy curl, feature freeze, PRs, redirect, graceful shutdowns, QNX, author of month, LTS, SPNEGO, backends, faster QUIC, curl on Windows, failed on top

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

> I don't know how long it takes our friends in Redmond to react to this.

I usually ingest your upstream changes within a day of release, and get them into a Windows branch within a week. After that it’s up to the build gods… but I have it on good authority that 8.8.0 is already checked in and starting to pop up on customer machines. :)

daniel:// stenberg:// reshared this.

AweSIM: We register your number under our name. Your personal and financial data stays private, away from those who'd sell it. True privacy in mobile service. #DataPrivacy #Purism #AweSIM…
in reply to Purism

I'll switch to it as soon as you can bring it to Canada.

První tút o novém domě. A hned potřebuji poradit 🙂

Dům má sedlovou střechu. Kleštiny jsou od podlahy vysoko asi 185 cm. Já měřím 187. Potřeboval bych je posunout o 10 cm vzhůru.

Není tu někdo, kdo tomu rozumí a napíše mi: Ano (Ne), je (není) to možné?

Nevím ani, kam se obrátit s dotazem. Díky.


This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Don’t fall victim to a data breach, keep your digital identity protected❗🙅‍♀️

Read the Tuta Team’s tips for protecting yourself online 👉👉…

#digitalidentity #protect #onlinedata #encrypted #privacytips

Gut, dass der #ndr hier dranbleibt. Das stinkt so gewaltig zum Himmel.
#rassismus #Messerattacke #Stralsund #polizeiproblem

"Bei unserer ersten Anfrage hatte die Staatsanwaltschaft den Fall noch als Tötungsdelikt behandelt, am 6. Juni wird die Tat dann als "gefährliche Körperverletzung" bezeichnet."…

Warum erkranken manche Menschen nicht an Corona, obwohl sie dem Virus ausgesetzt sind? Forscher haben herausgefunden, dass bestimmte genetische Faktoren, wie das HLA-DQA2-Gen, eine entscheidende Rolle spielen. Diese Erkenntnisse könnten die Entwicklung zukünftiger Impfstoffe revolutionieren.…

I made a helpful chart about when to comment on blog posts

Přes slzy nemůžu ani psát tenhle tůůůt. Jsem trojnásobnej DĚDINKAAAAAAAAAA. Bulím no, to chlapi někdy můžou.

C’est la classe, ou bien ? Notre collègue @agon a imprimé des porte-clés Access42 et des planches d’alphabet #braille en 3D à l’aide d’un bioplastique à base d’amidon de maïs.

Très sympa, ces cadeaux de séminaire faits maison ! 🥰

#a11y #3DPrinting #Impression3D #DreamTeam

Cyklistika není jen o radostech. Po týdnu se těším, že vyrazím, a po 30 km nejde přehazovat. Samozřejmě z kopce, a zůstalo přehozeno na nejrychlejším převodu. S vypětím všech sil jsem dojel do Milíkova, kde mi tchán půjčil nářadí a aspoň se mi podařilo řetěz přehodit na 4. kolečko. Přijel jsem do Kynšperka, kde je servis, a tam zjistili, že lanko je v pořádku, ale rozbila se páčka na přehazování. Lze koupit jen set a cena je kolem 5000 Kč, bez práce. Heute ist nicht mein Tag.
in reply to Kateřina

No jo, kolo se opraví, ale v neděli jsem měl jet s kamarády na cyklovýlet, to budu muset oželet 😔😔
in reply to Kateřina

Mám už kolo v servisu. Možná je to jen otřepané a zaseknuté lanko, tak by bylo super, ale moc tomu nevěřím.
in reply to Archos

@KaterinaGloserova Bowdeny a minimálně lanka je při slušném ročním nájezdu rozumné měnit každý rok. Jestli to tam bylo déle, je to uvěřitelné.
in reply to Pavel Kout

@pavelkout Jo lanka tam mám dva roky, minulý rok jsem toho moc nenajel, tak jsem měnil letos řetěz a pár dalších drobností. @KaterinaGloserova

1/3 NV Access is pleased to announce that we are using a new code signing certificate for our builds. This will give users additional peace of mind in the authenticity of NVDA builds.

In the interim, those running new Alpha / beta builds may see a warning from Microsoft that Windows Defender prevented an unrecognised program from running. It is important to be wary of unexpected warnings like this, however in this case, the warning is expected, as the certificate is new.

#NVDA #FOSS #Alpha

in reply to NV Access

2/3 When the warning appears, press tab to "More info", then press enter. Reading through the dialog, note that the publisher is listed as:

"AU, Queensland, Camp Mountain, NV Access Limited, NV Access Limited"

To allow NVDA to run, press tab to "Run anyway", and press enter to run the snapshot. This will help us get through this period until Windows considers our certificate "trusted":

#NVDA #FOSS #Alpha #testing #Prerelease #Certificate #Security

in reply to NV Access

3/3 For those interested in learning more about the code signing process, and this warning, please see:…"

and if you would like to test out Alpha builds of NVDA, head to: Please feel encouraged to run the latest snapshot from….

If you do have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at

#NVDA #FOSS #Alpha #testing #Prerelease #Certificate #Security


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in reply to Steffen


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Love #LibreOffice? ❤️ Join the worldwide community that makes it happen! Help out with #UX design, #marketing, #documentation and much more – and build up your experience. We just redesigned this website: #foss #OpenSource

LibreOffice reshared this.

in reply to LibreOffice

did somebody sabotage you there? Or is that a joke, i'm not getting? Or am I missing out on the hottest nutritional advice? xD
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Yesterday, I blogged about curl's graceful connection shutdown. I was a bit vague on why this is beneficial in TCP.

With the help of Dan Fandrich, I provide a more detailed explanation. Hope it helps.…
#curl #tcp

#curl #tcp

From the double tap team. Maybe we shouldn’t advocate for alt text… #Blind #AltText #Accessibility #A11y #AIHype #AI
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Kaveinthran

I guess all this insights is not original, I think about it more after listening to the talking description to me Podcast, shout out to @ChristineMalec
in reply to Kaveinthran

The problem is that you need a pretty huge context size in order to do what you want to do, I’m actually not sure what the hardware requirements for large context models look like at the moment. I know they were pretty bad a year ago, but these things move quickly so I’d have to check at this point.