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On this day six years ago we shipped #curl 7.61.0 which introduced showing HTTP headers in boldface in terminal output. And more.…


The Foundation for Science and Technology sends a call to action to the new UK government to support digital commons.

We're proud that they relay our call for more government support and complement it with specific recommendations.…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Unsurprisingly, Lithium batteries are not good for the environment. This paper notes the manufacturing is an overlooked significant source of ‘forever' chemicals,…

AccessiBe sued for fraud! 🥳…
#a11y #accessibility #law #accessibe
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Web Axe

New Class Action Lawsuit against AccessiBe

Overlay Company Sued for Breach of Contract, Breach of the Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing

by @LFLegal…

Why are my live regions not working? by @patrick_h_lauke

'Live regions have a reputation for being "flaky" and inconsistent. While this can be attributed in part to shortcomings in current implementations, the problem can also be caused by developers misunderstanding how live regions are intended to work.'

#accessibility #HTML #ARIA #WebDev…

Unfortunately, I was in the middle of a short editing session when the OSM outage (apparently due to a #DDoS) occurred. So I’m keeping my tab with iD and my pending changes open (hopefully not needing to rely on LocalStorage). I wish I had used #JOSM so I could save my session to a local file, but I was on a laptop without JOSM.…


in reply to Eugene Alvin Villar 🇵🇭

Click the save button. At the bottom left of the panel where you can enter your changeset comment, you can download your changes as OSC

GDPR-compliance is vital for many businesses.

Meet Jugendhilfe Bockenem who chose Tuta Mail for best data protection. 🔒…

#GDPR #business #businessemail

Unknown parent


@josh When entering your credit card data did you see the message that a new browser window will be opened for the verification? Did you try to do this verification? Was there any kind of error message, possibly from your bank?

Users often tell us that verifying does work when they use a different browser. Please try to verify the card through Firefox, Chrome or any
Chromium-based web browser with all extensions deactivated.

in reply to Tuta

@josh Let us know if you are still unable to verify the card and we can provide further

If you are doing this on mobile, could you please try the process on a desktop browser? The paid features will then also be available on the app.


Webarchivar*innen und solche, die es noch werden wollen, aufgepasst! Am 12.07. starten ZLB und Technologiestiftung Berlin gemeinsam den Stammtisch Webarchivierung.

Wie geht Erhalt von Netzkultur? Welche Tools gibt es? Welche Netzwerke brauchen wir?
Bringen Sie ihre Fragen mit auf die Dachterrasse der Technologiestiftung.

Anmeldung bis zum 10.07.:…

Weitere Details zur Veranstaltung:…

#zlb #Webarchiv #Veranstaltung

GitHub now requires a fork of a repository (instead of just having it starred) to count contributions to a repository you are not part of

Problem solved, with snarky remarks!

Berlin Mini GUADEC is coming up in just one week 🥳

It kicks off next Friday, and then we'll have 3 days of talks, followed by 3 days of hacking.

The schedule for the local main track (other tracks will be unconference) is now available here:…

If you haven't signed up yet you can do so on the Hedgedoc. If you already have ideas for hacking topics feel free to add them to the list.

See you at Regenbogenfabrik next Friday 🌈🏭

#gnome #guadec #berlin #berlinminiguadec

reshared this

SpaceX releases its $599 Starlink Mini portable dish to anyone in the US, available with its $150/month Regional and $50/month Mini Roam services (Thomas Ricker/The Verge)……

Someone complained that the xkcd Dependency comic is unrealistic because it only shows one critical dependency you've never heard of.

However, it all makes sense once you realize it's actually a fractal:

reshared this

I attempted to scan this QR code and it didn't give me a link, it prompted me to use "Google Lens". Then Google Lens recommended me similar looking QR codes

I'm trying to recall ...
Did any Canadian mainstream media at all ever report on a Trumpster billionaire laundering money thru Rebel Media to rw violent extremists?

NYTimes: "Tech billionaire Robert Shillman paid roughly $7,000 a month, for a year, through a right-wing Canadian media outlet called Rebel Media"

I mean aside from foreign papers like the NYTimes, The Times of Israel, The Times, & The Guardian:

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Update time! #LibreOffice 24.2.5 is now available – the fifth minor update to our current major release. It includes over 70 bug fixes and compatibility improvements:… #foss #opensource #news

LibreOffice reshared this.

Another nice blog post from one of GNOME's current Outreachy interns. This time on the experience of a newcomer grappling with the idea of a "desktop environment".

Udo's internship is also being sponsored by the GNOME Foundation.…

reshared this

"It's not as bad as it was a couple of years ago because we were not well-protected but now a lot of people in Quebec has experienced COVID-19 so far — sometimes a couple of times. [..]"

-- the Quebec Public Health director on a COVID-19 outbreak in a hospital…

It is now obvious Mozilla has become an ad company as well.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

FWIW GNOME Web has become much better in heavy/multimedia web pages

Unfortunately, due to circumstances out of my control, I won't be speaking in Freiburg after all. But if you can attend, I highly recommend you check out the lineup of talks and workshops ⚡️ and grab a ticket now before they're sold out. 🎫…
in reply to Sara Soueidan

Oh no, are the German immigration offices giving you trouble again?
in reply to Marco Zehe

@Marco No 🙏🏻 it's just that there's a lot of things happening in Lebanon and in my life that I had to cancel traveling in September 🙏🏻

La ideología en las escuelas británicas se sirve a paladas.

Ugh, Element has the blank window bug _again_.

Days like this make me wish there was a usable* native Matrix client for GNOME.

(* Not Fractal, as it has inaccessibly small and non-adjustable text, which is a dealbreaker for a chat app, where you're supposed to be able to quickly glance and see what someone else wrote.)

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Garrett LeSage

I pin the tab. "Alt-2" in the browser switch to it. Since it's in the second tab.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub It doesn't work when you have like 20 browser windows open, each with dozens of tabs.

(I have to work on a lot of stuff at the same time, across multiple projects, including some research for things like web standards and much more.)


Ukrajina nedostávala zpočátku veškeré prostředky potřebné pro úspěšnou obranu před Ruskem. Zpoždění ji stála mnoho životů i část území, řekl ve středeční debatě na diskusním fóru při příležitosti summitu Severoatlantické aliance ve Washingtonu český prezident Petr Pavel.

Současně uvedl, že chce, aby summit NATO označil vstup Ukrajiny do Aliance za nezvratný.…

Nesnáším. Prostě nesnáším GTK file dialog. Vždycky musí mít něco spěšl, co mě neskutečně sere. Proč ta tlačítka musí být nahoře? Proč si je nemůžu posunout dolů? 🤬

Myslel jsem, že si zvyknu, ale nevypadá to tak.

in reply to Marián Kyral

jo no. Jak nějakýho UXáka napadne hodit potvrzovací tlačítka nahoru, to nechápu.
Workflow by snad mělo být podle směru čtení. Filtruju nahoře, vyberu níž, potvrdím dole.
Mám rád gtk header bar s tlačítkama a dalšíma widgetama, ale tohle se nepovedlo.
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

@stepan Myslíš, že tam vůbec nějakého zkušeného UXáka mají? Přijde mi, že jim to prostě přišlo "cool", tak to udělali takhle.

Co budeš snídat?
Dneska nemám moc hlad, dám si jenom jeden jogurt ...

Anybody there? Should a journalist like me go there? I once received an UN award, haven't had any contact since 2007... #ospo
#opensource #unitednations #…

alt text in #CSS generated `content` is now supported all modern browsers (as of firefox 128 and safari 17.4)

please hide your weird glyphs and icon fonts using an empty string like this:

content: "›";
content: "›" / "";


Manželka: jsem ráda, že máme velkého psa, ten nás ohlídá

Meanwhile hlídací pes

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

in reply to Pavel Kout

Já jsem viděl jen hru o trůny. House of the Dragon, jsem ještě neviděl. Teprve se chystám.