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@Friendica Support
ich fände es praktisch wenn man in einem der Kanäle z.B. Für Dich eine Möglichkeit hätte Kontakte zu verbergen. Bei selbst erstellten Kanälen geht das ja.
Unknown parent


Ich meine das hier.

Lässt sich ja bei selbst erstellten Kanälen auswählen.

Unknown parent

Von allen anderen.

A few weeks ago, @mekkaokereke was telling you of our love of the English language in #Nigeria, and how we're unafraid of being eloquent. Need proof? Check out these "pithy" placards from the demonstrations currently going on in the country.

"Reverse all anti-people, neoliberal policies of privatisation, deregulation and devaluation of the Naira!"

Rolls off the tongue.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Njoku

In fact, in #Nigeria we had a politician who was a prototype Boris Johnson - a comedic bombast who spewed Latin phrases liberally without a care whether his listeners understood a word he was saying.

Unlike Britain tho, we (and he) knew he was a clown and we didn't make him Prime Minister.…

Krásné dobré ráno mastodoňata! 🙋‍♀️🐈🐕
Pár poznatků po čtrnáctidenní dovolené:
Ano, do práce se mi nechce.
Ano, pravdu měl ten, kdo tady psal 'winter is coming'! 😱
V pět ráno je chladno, je šero, je syrový vzduch.
Ženský, pro pánajána, v čem se teď chodí do práce? 🤣🤣🤣

Nebuďte zmatení jako Káťa, dejte si snídani....a hlavně.....klid! 😊


Na fotce je náš večerní návštěvník.

To by se békalo. Jenže víkend skončil a máme tady pondělí. Dnes bude ten první den v novém zaměstnání, tak si říkám “dokud se zpívá, ještě se neumřelo”🎼🎵🎶 #dobréRáno 🤗

Recording Available: I Love Braille: Learn About the BT Speak From Blazie Technologies
If you have further questions, you can call Blazie Technologies at (772) 214-1616 or visit us on the Web at
Recording available here.…

in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

yes, they had the office above ours for a while when they were TiVo Analytics... Right around when TiVo went to shit, not coincidentally.
in reply to Will Schenk

system-ui is great for input fields but terrible for most other things.

in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

that's property testing with an assert!(is_still_good()) and a panic if it fails

I heard a discussion at #FOSSY24 regarding "FOSS outside of corporations," referring to the origin of the Free and #OpenSource software movement, beginning with hobbyists and foundations.

Thought I would also include the early contributions to FOSS from and through #HIgherEducation. Many foundational projects have their roots in #HigherEd.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

So many people have worked on curbing climate change.
What have we got to show for it?

For starters: The projected warning has decreased by 0.9C. That's considering only actually implemented policies. Pledged emissions cuts go even deeper.

Is it enough?

But we've gone from "It's all going to hell" to "We made good progress let's keep going, and faster."

Data from Climate Action Tracker.

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yellow, the company that used to be schwan's, has reopened their call Center for people who would like to call in their orders instead of dealing with the website. I don't know exactly when it opened, but it certainly is operational and you can order the same way you used to when it was schwan.
they will do all the transactions, answer your questions, etc. they are open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. central Time, Monday through friday. I put in an order and I'm waiting it this week and am so happy to have this call center back. I thank them profusely!
the phone number to call is a new one, not the old number for schwan. it is 844-935-5641. 844-935-5641 it actually spells out 844 yellow and the number one I thought I would send this to people that I knew used ones or might be interested in it. please pass this on to anybody you know who might be interested, the more people they get using the call center, the better!
thanks, everyone and peace and all good!

NVDA 2024.3 Beta 6 is now available! Since Beta 5 the main change is that we fixed a bug with Unicode character normalization - and we updated some more translations. Do please download and test it and keep letting us know of any issues! Read the full details on NVDA 2024.3 and the new beta here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #A11y #Accessibility #FOSS #Beta #Update #Prerelease #NewVersion

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David Goldfield reshared this.

Our department leadership sent out an email to faculty saying that their curriculum needs to be pre-approved by the university legal team to make sure it doesn't violate anti-DEI legislation in Texas.

How are y'all doing?

As a Blind person i never thought i would be on social media savoring photos. But the communal Mastodon alt text game is so strong that sweet, poetic or silly descriptions abound on my timeline. Thanks to legions of people who take time to write a meaningful description of the ephemera they post, i learn so much about insects, plants, buildings, memes — all dispatches from a dimension of the world that i otherwise wouldn't experience. If you're wondering whether anybody reads these things: YES.

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Brief moment of panic: opened my laptop, and after a while of browsing stuff I noticed that its webcam's light was on, and the cover was open. It looks like a video call from, that I had yesterday, didn't quite close the camera after the call ended and I just closed my laptop's lid.

New blog post! Debugging a rustc segfault using some very cool illumos debugging tools.

Really excited about this one, it is a bit long but there was so much to cover, from how the stack and the heap works to virtual address permissions :D…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I have just made an interesting comparison. I never intended to carry out. Back in the early part of the year, I decided to read all of the Jack Ryan novels in chronological order. I started with Patriot Games on bard. Read by Bob Askey. Life got crazy for me and I only got partway through the book. When I upgraded phones, the bar app didn’t synchronize data and therefore I did not remember where I was in the book. I decided it made sense just to start over. For reasons I can’t quite Articulate, rather than re-download the book from bard, I decided to purchase it on audible. Read by Scott brick. I’ve listened to most of the first chapter again. Both narrators are quite good, although quite different. Scott brick does dialects which Askey does not. I would be hard-pressed to say one gentleman reads better than the other.
in reply to Jamie Pauls

I agree with you; both narrators are equally great! Bob Askey has always been one of my favorite NLS readers.

People of Bangladesh protesting for their rights.

But the world is unaware about it, while thousands of people are dying. Please boost the post, let the world know.

I updated the #Freedesktop specifications website, to build it with some more modern tools - please let me know if you notice any issues! 🙂…

"Wir schätzen Ihre Privatsphäre" – jaaaa, gaaanz sicher! Und wir teilen sie…

* mit 1574 Partnern
* einschließlich genauer Standortinformationen
* um Ihnen gaaaanz private Werbung zu schicken

Man beachte: Es gibt nur "Alles akzeptieren" – nix anderes. Friss oder stirb!

Unter "Zwekce" geht's dann weiter: 683 Anbieter fordern Zustimmung an. Aha. Laut Taschenrechner wollen also 891 "einfach mal so ohne". Toll. Das schätzen WIR nicht!

#werbung #tracking #cookiebanner #privacy #privatsphäre

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IzzyOnDroid ✅
@kranzkrone Keine Ahnung, hab ich irgendwann mal eingerichtet und funktioniert halt. Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, war das irgend eine "social" blocklist in uBO.

I have written a lot of code in JavaScript over the years. A lot. My son is learning JavaScript and just told me the place he’s learning it from was using the terms “truthy” and “falsey”. I’ve never heard those in my life, and it made me laugh 😊 anyway, I kind of like those terms because of the dynamic typing JavaScript does. Also they’re hilarious.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eric Vitiello

yup. The idea that a value that is not actually a Boolean but tests as true is called truthiness.
var foo = [1, 2, 3];<br>if (foo) {<br>    console.log("truthy!");<br>}<br>

Yesterday, I read one of the most disturbing and thought-provoking books I’ve read in a while.
“Nuclear War, a scenario” is written by the award-winning journalist Annie Jacobsen, who has written several bestsellers on defence. Her research for the book included talking with people who have firsthand knowledge of the plans for nuclear war, the exercising of game theory around it, and how it would be executed.
The book paints an all too plausible scenario around how the world as we know it would be over, and how life would be over for most of us, within just over an hour. Her argument is that it’s just as likely to happen now, in some respects even more likely, than it was during the cold war.
The fact that we as a species have gotten ourselves into this position is horrific. My primary takeaway from the book is that when we vote, we had better make sure we are electing stable people with a high degree of emotional intelligence. It’s not going to do anything about the rogue states, but it least it is something.
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

Long post
The nuclear risk is among the arguments by Savulescu et al. for what they term "moral enhancement", to be achieved with parmaseutical interventions, AI, or other strategies. The underlying position holds that evolution has equipped us to live in small groups, but not in large and complex societies with potentially species-destroying technologies.

Building MIDI drums in Reaper is actually kinda nice

u2 wrote the song "with or without you" when they were considering changing the name to just 2, they wanted to ask their fans

There's a project that has been going around today that uses an LLM to insult someone based on their GitHub profile. I admit I got caught up in the "fun" of this, and didn't think about how sad it is that we think it's cool to tear down each other or even ourselves.

Until I came across this contrasting project by @cadey, which instead uses an LLM to praise someone based on their GitHub profile:

Unknown parent

Matt Campbell
@FluidEscence It might feel less generic if the prompt included details about specific repos, like the prompt for the insult thing apparently does.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@FluidEscence I was going to do that, but I'm already hitting rate limits as it is!

New video!

So you're new to Linux, and you're wondering what the what is an ISO file? Or maybe you just don't know why you can't DD a CD?

Here's a video that explains a bit about ISO files, and how to create flash media from them.…

in reply to Veronica Explains

wow.. that's such garbage. Ventoy's fine, but it's not the end-all, be-all.
Anyone who claims one shouldn't talk about other options because *thing* exists.. is just wrong.
in reply to Liam

It's weird that this happens in computing discourse, because relying 100% on one thing always leads to tears eventually.

Even weirder when it happens in FOSS circles, as FOSS is supposed to be all about alternatives and freedom of choice. It's like a few people actively want there to be monopolies? (Assuming it's not people from a project shilling for themselves of course.)

Mne padla a už aj sedím na schodoch a dopíjam druhé Desperado. Pohoda, mierna spokojnosť, za to ale asi hlavne môže tréning a že nie som opitý. Myslím že budúci týždeň (ha dnes je nedeľa) by som mohol tretinovo splniť další cieľ.

@doubletap I'm really glad that you're discovering Leasey. Its clipboard feature, known as Leasey Clips, along with Leasey Texts are my two favorite features. Honestly, if it only had those two features I'd still have paid for it.
in reply to David Goldfield

100% agree with this! I use Leasey Texts all the time... And now you can append to the clipboard and that's really helpful!
in reply to Michael Babcock

@payown what was the podcast that double tap talked about Leasey? Leasey is invaluable if you are a Jaws user you need Leasey.
in reply to Dennis long

@Dennislong82 @payown And if you have not purchased Leasey I can help with that. I distribute it. If you have purchased but do know people who have not, please let them know I would be happy to help them learn about the product, and help them purchase it.

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in reply to Michael Babcock

@payown @Dennislong82 Hey Dennis. I briefly mentioned it in the 1st August episode which seemed to catch fire with those listening - and it’s attracted a lot of new people to it which is great - but we will be discussing it in more details in the coming weeks.
in reply to Double Tap

@payown @Dennislong82 I'm always glad to see Leasey getting more coverage. I've been using it for nearly six years and it's become an important part of my work flow.

I have a legitimate concern about the rise of violent crime on the streets of the UK, so I think I'll pop out tomorrow and commit violent crime on the streets of the UK to raise awareness about the rising problem of violent crime on the streets of the UK.

I'm listening to Forgotten 80's on Absolute. There's a group of us who get together and discuss the songs. Now I've just heard Hot Chocolate with the Police song, Walking On the Moon. It was awful, and it went on and on and on. I would have rather heard Laurie Anderson O Superman. In fact, I quite like it.
in reply to Brian Hartgen

Oh, .. that song O Superman always freaks me out whenever I hear it. It's one of the few songs that has that effect on me.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

#curl's 265th command line option is called --skip-existing. Lets you completely skip a download if there is a local file present already.…

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Hey guys, anyone know how to pass keys like the capslock key directly to apps on iOS, with a bluetooth keyboard? I'm trying to use Jump Desktop to control my computer but I can't really use NVDA commands properly.
in reply to mad-gamer

Alternatively, are there any NVDA add-ons that would allow you to alter the NVDA modifier key to anything you want?

Direct Click, Direct Swipes, and Direct Scroll Functions in Jieshuo Screen Reader…