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I miss when Intel Centrino was a thing. Anyone remember Centrino? Whatever happened to that brand? After like 2012 it sort of died I guess. Cool name, though, as a result of that back in the day in 2006 I made an Alter Aeon character called Centrino, but that's neither here nor there. I had the 3rd-generation of Centrino notebooks at the time with a Core Duo (not even core2Duo). That's my Throwback Thursday on a Friday moment for you
in reply to Tamas G

I had a Centrino laptop back in I think 2006, that thing had great battery life, was quiet, had decent WiFi for the time, I liked it a lot. Was a Toshiba.

google Notebook LM is so very, very disconcerting. Staying far away. Like, physical uncomfortable levels of disconcerting.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Patrick Perdue

it was only a matter of time... Once you can swap in your own voice models and do more direct prompt engineering on what script it records (right now it's just the briefing) podcasting as a medium will no longer be the same, or at least it will get split into AI-casts and those where people physically sit down, and maybe the sit-down podcasts will hold higher value eventually in a world of spit-out crafted AI crap. Who knows.

Happy Friday, since it's 2 days before my birthday I took it off work. Even though there's a mountain of stuff to do and be looking at. Thursday's Xfinity outage did not leave a sweet taste in my mouth either. I worked until 9 PM last night to make up some ground, update project stuff I'm doing, so that is making me less anxious about it I guess, but I hate leaving work with everything hanging. That and have no clue of what I'll do for this birthday as I'm stressed to make plans, lol.
in reply to Tamas G

not even sure why they had to have our network out for an entire day, the only thing I'll give them over past years of Xfinity is the warning. Even that came only 1 day in advance, but hey, at least they said there will be an outage. I didn't expect it to last until well after 5 PM, though. Maybe we got some type of speed capacity upgrade in our area, I would have to guess with how long it took, but I'm happy with my 600MBps one for now

After this week, I'm going to go out to eat, and eat the absolute biggest burger my belly can handle. Oh my gosh! And fries, and fried oreo. And either sweet tea or Doctor Pepper! Like, I can't tell y'all how ready I am to sink my teeth into something good. I know, stress eating isn't good for me. But goodness I haven't done that in, well, quite a while.

Aktuální stav podporu nominací na předsedu @Pirati:

Lukáš Wagenknecht PRO 184 (77%)
Martin Šmída PRO 100 (64%)
Jana Holomčík Leitnerová PRO 73 (62%)
Adéla Šípová PROTI 63 (60%)
Rudolf Špoták PROTI 145 (76%)

#politika #pirati #piratskastrana

Xfinity Agreed to Drop Its '10G' Branding. Here's What the Term Actually Means…

Lasst uns über #CrippingUp sprechen – wenn nicht-behinderte Schauspieler*innen Rollen von Menschen mit Behinderung übernehmen. Das schadet der Repräsentation und schränkt Möglichkeiten für echte Inklusion ein, da behinderten Schauspielenden die Teilhabe verwehrt wird. /1

just a heads-up that if you're using Adblock Browser for Android, you should probably consider switching to something else. under the hood it's running Chromium 111 (from Mar 2023) while current stable is 129.
in reply to Rick Scott 🏳️‍⚧️

ABB updates have slowed considerably since this past March. if you're looking for alternatives, Firefox for Android + uBlock Origin is one good option.

#лытдыбр #фалыстыннаш после общения на шиномонтаже я вспомнил мысль, подслушанную у Шульман. Каждый человек идентифицирует себя как то.

Отец, мать, сын, учитель, программист, мясник, шиномонтажник.

И только самые бессмысленные и опасные люди идентифицируют себя как еврей, араб, русский и т.п.

потому что кроме национальности в них ни хуя и нет и в других они ценят только это

in reply to Fred Brooker

Hele to nikdy nevíš, taky jsem si to říkal a už jsem stavěl chajdu na zahradě 😀😀

There will be 4 SSI payments in the next 3 months - Social Security makes it official…

We’ve launched a comprehensive database to catalog TalkBack and Jieshuo (CSR) screen reader bugs affecting blind and low vision Android users. Our mission is to raise awareness of these issues and help developers address them more effectively and promptly. Join us in improving accessibility for all! Feel free to add your screen reader bugs to make the database more comprehensive. 🌍 #Accessibility #TalkBack #Jieshuo #AndroidAccessibility

reshared this

‼️Mal día para los agoreros de los datos económicos.

📈PIB 2º trimestre +0,8% (3,1% en variación interanual)

📉Inflación interanual IPC septiembre 1,5%. Subyacente 2,4% y intermensual -0,6 (la mayor caída en muchos meses).


кто то спиздил с машины два колпачка от ниппелей.

из этого печального факта и легкой формы окр, не позволившей с этим жить оказалось можно извлечь много пользы:

- прокатиться с удовольствием и проверить, что может #tesla в крутую горку (все)
- немного вернуть веру в хороших людей. араб на шиномонтаже открутил колпачки от каких то валяющихся у него ниппелей и пытался всучить бесплатно. (лишился попутно единственной налички - 5 шекелей для отрицания тележки в супермаркете) ->

in reply to Galactic Jew 🇮🇱

О, у вас тележки тоже за шекели отпирают?) прям как у нас, только у нас еврошекели 😊
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion чаще всего так. почти везде. одно время пытались сделать так что в можно было взять по номеру ID. но по-моему почти везде это уже поумирало.

So a lot of things I've read about the new Braille screen input on iOS suggest that you dismiss it by pulling your fingers apart on the screen. Personally I find it easier to use both my pointer fingers and pinch them toward each other. It feels way more natural to me. Really it can be done either way, as long as your fingers are going in opposite directions.
in reply to Amber

Apple call it a "pinch" in settings, so I think that's the way they expect it to work.

The original Raspberry Pi was awesome because it ran cool. You could just set it up and forget about it, literally for decades. But now they require fans, they're just like any other computer. They've added a definite point of failure, given enough time. Well done, chaps.

My son proposed to his fiancée about six months ago and she said yes. They're super happy and we love her family too. I just found out today that another girl is in love with him and plans to propose next week; should I say anything? Oh and also, he's 4. They're all 4.

With great reflexes comes great response ability.

People, I know myself and a shit load of other people say this every fucking year, but goddam it needs repeating. Christmas does *not* begin in fucking September. It just doesn't. Huge corporations would love you to think that it does, but most normal people really don't find this stuff appealing at all.

Jako jeden z dlouholetých (ale pouze řadových) členů Pirátské strany jsem se vrhl do studia diskuzí na fóru (ostatně, viz včerejší anketa), aby se pokusil pochopit, jaké možnosti v dané situaci máme, jestli neúspěch v krajských volbách znamená konec pirátského experimentu s vnitřně demokratickou stranu v politice.

Několik rychlých tezí:

- ne každý v Pirátech, kdo je názorově nalevo (zejména vnitropoliticky) od Jana Lipavského (Tomáše Pojara), je "komouš". Liberalismus je často nalevo of konzervativismu. Deal with it.
- "menšinová" účast ve vládě, která nebyla závislá na podpoře zbylých pirátských poslanců (jejichž většinu vykroužkoval malý zlomek voličů koalice PirSTAN) od začátku směřovala k současné situaci, což bylo jasné. Jenže netušili jsme tehdy, že v sázce bude tolik (ruská invaze na UA, eskalace na Blzkém východě, do toho prezidentské volby v USA..)
- otevřenost a vnitřní demokracie Pirátů je experiment, který nemá v české politice obdobu a je hodnotu sám o sobě (a to by měli uznat i nevoliči Pirátů - že by měli být rádi za možnost _něco jako Piráty_ vůbec volit, i když se pro tuto možnost nakonec třeba nerozhodnou)
- nejzajímavější otázkou podle mě je, co v dané situaci před krajskými volbami mohl a měl udělat Ivan Bartoš (v současné době byl v podstatě vykopnut, z ne zcela dobrých a uměle vytvořených důvodů a víceméně nic moc se už dělat nedá)

#tldr #politika #pirati

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Chao-c'

@xChaos 1) ČR potřebuje nějaké prozápadní "komouše" jako sůl. / 4) Ivan Bartoš měl pochopit už někdy v červnu, co se na něj připravuje (systém DSŘ je nedotažený, naštve strašnou spoustu lidí, kteří už jsou stejně naštvaní dávno, že musejí každý den chodit do práce, a rádi budou poslouchat kecy od politických protivníků IB). Měl se starat o damage control a o změkčení zavádění a měl mít dávno vymýšlené způsoby, jak si mezi úředníky SÚ dělat přátele.

Meta has finally fixed a long-standing accessibility issue with Instagram for Android. With Instagram V350., TalkBack and Jieshuo users can utilize the standard one-finger double-tap gesture to open Stories. With older releases, the gesture would fail to open Stories in most instances, and only Jieshuo users could utilize the "direct click" function to open Stories.
#Accessibility #Instagram #Android #TalkBack #Jieshuo
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aaron reshared this.

The sense player media player is getting sluggish/freezing again. This is after last weeks factory reset, just started today. Any good accessible players for android that can play folders of mp3 files?
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Clavicula is a hidden gem of a 3D editor, featuring various techniques, ranging from SDF modeling to high-poly sculpting.

A new version has just been released, with some pretty cool new stuff:


Clavicula is free, and available for Windows, Linux and macOS…


#design #artwork #sculpture #3DModeling #digital #DigitalArt #art #arts #arte #artist #artists #GraphicDesign #3D #clavicula #SDF #CreativeToots #FediArt #MastoArt #ArtistsOnMastodon

in reply to Metin Seven 🎨

It's same for Windows application, you need the most expensive trusted certificate on a physical medium to sign Windows binaries to avoid the"dangerous app warning".

On Windows it's just not that strict. Yet.

I did both and Widnows is more expensive and more painful to release software.

in reply to Martin Wenisch

I assume you only need to pay Microsoft if you publish your app via the Windows app store? I can effortlessly run trivial Windows executables I downloaded from the internet.

One warning message is OK, but I'd hate having to go into a terminal to shut down security on a deep level, just to be able to run something.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

School is back, #Fractal is back! Here is Fractal 9.beta. Read more about it here:…

I am pleased to announce a new Cambalache stable release, version 0.92.0!

What's new:
- Basic port to Adwaita
- Use Casilda compositor for workspace
- Update widget catalogs to SDK 47
- Improved Drag&Drop support
- Improve workspace performance
- Enable workspace animations
- Support new desktop dark style
- Support 3rd party libraries
- Streamline headerbar
- Lots of bug fixes and minor improvements

Read more about it at…

@GTK @gnome

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Sneaking in some time for icon design seems to require a lot more energy than it used to. Anyway, app icon sketches on a Friday!

#gnome #app #icon #design #sketch #procreate

@Tutanota how can I make a custom repeating event? This is the main thing that's stopping me from using your calendar app.

Just tried it for my radio club and the 2nd event was on a Saturday, not the first Wednesday like it should be!

in reply to Tuta

how though?

I only have: daily, weekly, monthly or annually, listed on mine!

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Llega el otoño y ya he cogido premio en forma de dolor de garganta. Dejé de usar la mascarilla en agosto este año, y está claro que la voy a volver a poner, de hecho hoy ya la llevo. Por suerte no tengo fiebre ni otros síntomas.

in reply to modulux

primero, la mascarilla no te sirve para no enfermar, sino para no contagiar a otros, dado que eres el único en llevarla, no te sirve para nada más que para que estés incómodo.
Segundo, muy posiblemente no te hayas contagiado en el trabajo sino en la calle. En los bares somos demasiados y demasiado juntos.
in reply to Juan CBS

Lo del bar es verdad, pero la mascarilla protege en ambos sentidos. La protección es mayor si la lleva la persona infectada, pero también reduce el riesgo para la persona que se expone, más si es FFP2. Eso sí, al tomar el café no hay mucha escapatoria, pero toda exposición que se evita reduce el riesgo.

Hungary would have given in to Russia, says Orbán’s top aide – POLITICO…

I’m gonna try introducing an Autistic space concept to fedi–color communication cards, we had them at all the autistic self advocacy events and conferences back in the before times of in person events, it was very helpful for communicating our varying levels of nonverbalness and desire to be left alone or approached. I think it could be a useful tool here in online space if normalized, using fedi’s custom emojis (it doesn’t need to be these exact ones, anything with the color scheme/shapes would work). that’s my idea today for us Autistics maybe communicating a little better on here.

also it’s ok to reply to this post whatever color I’m on since I made it informationally and intentionally made it shared to a group and all.

(descriptions paraphrased from ASAN’s document)

:Green: actively seeking communication; may have trouble initiating conversations, but want to be approached by people who are interested in talking.

:Yellow: only wants to be approached by people they recognize, not by strangers. might approach strangers to talk, and that is okay; the approached people are welcome to talk back to them in that case.

:Red: probably does not want to talk to anyone, or only wants to talk to a few people. might approach others to talk, and that is okay; the approached people are welcome to talk back to them in that case. but unless you have been told already by the badge-wearer that you are on their red list, you should not approach them to talk.

@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic

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