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Another prediction that isn't really that hard to make: the hype around Big AI will fade (this is already happening, IMHO). This will mean that not that many Nvidia chips are needed. This will lead to what always comes at the end of a hype: patent wars. There will be claims and counterclaims on who has patented certain obscure technical stuff first. Seeing how Apple just doggedly keeps on adding more "neural" chips on their processors, I can make an educated guess on where this war will start.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

🌐Más que nunca, es clave revisar de forma crítica cómo (nos) informamos sobre los países árabes y otros estados históricamente relacionados, por eso el primero de nuestros cursos sobre información internacional lo dedicamos al Magreb y a Oriente Próximo.
📝Inscríbete antes del 18 de octubre aquí👉🏾

Kritik an Israel - Amnesty: „Humanitäres Völkerrecht wird nicht eingehalten“

Amnesty International kritisiert eine „einseitige Parteinahme“ der Bundesregierung mit Israel und fordert auf, Waffenlieferungen zu stoppen.#GAZA #Libanon #AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL #ISRAEL

Spielplatz. Zwei große Jungs ärgern und provozieren einen kleineren Jungen. Kommt ein etwas älteres Mädchen (Geschwisterkind?) angerannt und baut sich empört vor den Großen auf.

„Lasst ihn in Ruhe!“
„Verschwinde, wir hauen keine Mädchen!“
„Aber ich haue Jungs!“

Mir erscheint es für einen kurzen Moment, als stehe die Zeit still und in der Stille vermeine ich das freudige Raunen millionenfacher Frauen aus allen Zeiten zu hören.

Die großen Jungs sind dann einfach verschwunden.

"In der aktuell erregt geführten Debatte über die gesellschaftliche Bedrohung durch Besteck redet niemand über Löffel. Es geht nur um die Messer. Da aber ist man quer durch die Parteien mit Verboten schnell bei der Hand. Kann sich jemand eine ähnliche Diskussion über die weitaus größere Gefahr auf Deutschlands Straßen vorstellen, über die Straftäter am Steuer? Sie scheint undenkbar. Und genau das ist das Problem."


📆 Importing external calendars is quick and easy with Tuta's Calendar import 📆 Have you tried it yet? If not, what are you waiting for?!
in reply to Tuta

Looks good! Does it support Caldav sync from an external online calendar like #nextcloud ?

I really appreciate an honest code comment 😄

This class implements the Noam Learning rate schedule. This corresponds to increasing the learning rate
linearly for the first ``num_warmup`` training steps, and decreasing it thereafter proportionally
to the inverse square root of the step number, scaled by the inverse square root of the
dimensionality of the model. Time will tell if this is just madness or it's actually important.

zajímalo by mě, proč se lékárna jmenuje U Pošty, nikoliv U pošty... 🙄

netuší někdo? 🤔 #Czechia

in reply to Fred Brooker

Prostě to tak diktují pravidla pravopisu. Ty asi nemusí mít logické zdůvodnění.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Gente, cuidado pra não espalharem sorofobia em forma de notícias sobre o caso dos transplantados infectados por HIV!

Koukám že se tu na #LinuxDays snaží někdo udat #ThinkPad P51. Nedivím se. Je to bratranec toho mýho P52 s hybridní nvidií a ta z toho dělá děsnej křáp. Bylo to drahý a stojí to za 💩.

Anyone who is willing to pay $1200 for Jaws is out of their minds! #Blind

Recently I asked about choosing a style sheet for developing a personal Web site that would automate the visual presentation, allowing me, as a nonvisual author, to concentrate on the markup and content.
I've started working on the site, using the "classless" version of this style sheet.
I'm using the Hugo static site generator. I'll write more about it when I create a blog for longer-form posts.
#accessibility #css #WebDevelopment

Efficiency is putting a pot of coffee on to brew, then having a shower while it brews. Then consuming the first cup in five minuts flat. I think I will turn into a puddle of coffee at this rate, LOL.

Vypadá to, že tu mám moc velkou bublinu účastníků #mastopivo ... Příště vás tam musím navštívit též! 😁
in reply to Zechy

mám z těch fotek a postů trochu FOMO. 😄 Asi taky budu muset jednou dorazit...

Hmm teď koukám na fotky z #mastopivo a tahle se mi fakt povedla. 😃
in reply to Skaut

To rozhodně, bylo tam hodně podobných kamarádů 😃

Hradec Králové hlavní nádraží!

A víš, co bude následovat teď?

Spinkání u babičky!


in reply to Pavel

I ty tuláků jeden, koukej už mazat domů 😃😃

Musel jsem už konečně vyrazit na #cyklovýlet. Protože od #mastopivo již nepiju #birellovka, ale zásadně Bernard švestka, tak přidávám jen statistiku z Garmin. 😃
in reply to Archos

Pokud nekdy potkas neco nize, tak zkus :)

Albrechticky - Koleck0% IPA
Clock - Lazarus passion fruit sour Ale
Nachmelena opice - Nealko IPA Free
Zichovec - Drink & Drive non-alcoholic IPA

zejmena ten Zichovec je luxus a Opice vlastne chutna skoro jako jejich vlajkova lod Sun Apa

in reply to mahdi

No u nás toho moc na cyklostezce na výběr není. Birrel pomelo a ještě Lobkowicz nealko.

Der Kleidung nach zu urteilen wurde ich eben im Neuenheimer Feld von einer Klinikmitarbeiterin fast frontal mit dem Auto angefahren, weil sie an einer engen Stelle einen entgegenkommenden Radfahrer (viel zu dicht) überholen musste. Mich hat sie anscheinend "übersehen".


Today, @james' @Podnews revealed that @AntennaPod the amazing open-source podcast player, just added transcript support! 🎉

"Version 3.5 of podcast app AntennaPod now displays Podcasting 2.0 transcripts, joining Pocket Casts and Apple Podcasts."

This is a game-changer for accessibility, SEO, discoverability, and the ability to quickly search within an episode.

Huge shout-out to the AntennaPod team, especially Tony Tam, for developing this awesome transcript feature! 🙌

in reply to cedricdes

The menu item is only shown if the podcast you are listening to supports transcripts.
in reply to AntennaPod

@projetslibres_podcast you are the ones who introduced me to Castopod but your podcast doesn't support transcripts?

@AntennaPod @Castopod

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

If you’re looking for a #litrpg that does a good job of balancing fun slice of life with asking difficult thoughtful questions, and is actually complete, give this one a go! I binged it over the last few days. An Unbound Soul | Royal Road
in reply to Sean Randall

You might also enjoy the prequel called the lonely dungeon. Though it’s not quite as strong; it’s mostly world building for this one.
in reply to Samuel Proulx

oh best get that then I suppose, if it sets things up. I did note there was a bit about that at the beginning.

ja ten sloh budem písať zajtra, vážne, alebo možno večer ale teraz neviem kde je sever

Just heard someone say chips and fish. I've never felt so irritated, I'll fetch them some vinegar and salt. Or perhaps they want pepper and salt.

reshared this

Resetting my iPhone to factory defaults has revealed some revelations. Which are the very best things to reveal.
1. The new default volume for VoiceOver in light of the new audio ducking feature is 180%. I guess that makes sense, since the old default was 80%.
2. It appears the new default gesture for Type to Siri is a four-finger flick down. I have been using a four-finger flick up and down to move between links, which I intend to continue doing because I’ll use that a lot more than I’ll type to Siri.
Similarly, I decided I don’t make too much use of the four-finger flick left and right gestures to switch apps. So now, I’ve assigned those to previous and next control. This is really nice when in Safari, because swiping up and down with four fingers moves between links, swiping left and right with four fingers moves to form controls.
I also use two-finger swipes left and right to navigate between headings. It makes my rotor much less cluttered and gives me ready access to functions I use a lot.

WestphalDenn reshared this.

in reply to Jonathan Mosen

that's a very interesting set of gestures. I use next and previous apps a lot, but also use a 2-finger set of flicks for headings.

We are off to Spain in the morning, I don't fly so it is coach, most likely crossing the Channel on one of the P&O Ferries that sacked 800 UK staff, by text all at the same time because Brexit let them do that.

Labour have taken steps to stop other companies doing the same.

But, Labour.

in reply to Merry Christmas

we couldn't afford to fly so did those trips. I used to relish the opportunity for a quiet few hours with a book and free cups of tea. I got beaten up for it at school, too. Never stopped me taking more books, though!

Mit aller Bru­ta­li­tät

Au­to­fah­re­r:in­nen stellen ein Viertel aller Ver­ur­teil­ten in Deut­sch­land. Dennoch fehlt vielen von ihnen das Un­rechts­be­wusst­sein, selbst nach fahr­läs­si­ger Tötung. Das Problem ist die ge­sell­schaft­li­che Ak­zep­tanz

#natenom #fahrrad!6041990

Lets Encrypt will disable OCSP about 6 months after Microsoft Root program allows it to (the browsers have already okayed it).

This all could be over in a year, year and a half. If you need OCSP for your business, you need to investigate alternatives NOW - which are all proprietary.

Apache ACME will handle this change just fine. Stapling will of course no longer be provided to clients.…

A Hippo is really heavy.

A Zippo is a little lighter.

in reply to Archos

Jo, když ono už to slovo NÁVOD z principu zní tak nějak jako PŘÍRUČKA PRO AMATÉRY 😂

Kdybych za ty roky spočítal, kolik času jsem mohl ušetřit přečtením si jedné věty v návodu, README.txt a podobně, asi bych se nenáviděl ještě o kousek víc.

We're preparing for the final day of the #LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024! We have workshops and talks, before the closing session:… #foss #OpenSource

Já: Prohlídnu si tu Prahu, když už tady jsem...

Včera na #mastopivo : Pavle, víš o tom, že jsou dneska #LinuxDays ?


Já: Tak ČVUT je v Praze...

Jede se na #LinuxDays !

20 hudebních alb, které ovlivnily to, kým jste. Jedno album denně po dobu 20 dnů. Žádné vysvětlivky, žádné recenze, jen obaly alb.

Přijďte na #linuxdays a stavte se u mě na #ubuntu stánku. Mám tu samolepky, placky a nějaké telefony s #ubuntutouch na vyzkoušení. Rád si popovídám a můžu i pomoci s nějakou novou instalací.

Tak dávám #GrapheneOS další šanci s #AndroidAuto. Vypadá to, že největší problém s připojením byl mezi židlí a klávesnicí. Čteme ty návody, pane Archos. :androidDealWithIt:
in reply to Radomír Žemlička

Prosím tě ani se neptej, stydím se 😃😃
Jak je v GrapheneOs vše v sandboxu, musím povolit v /Nastavení/Sandboxed Google Play oprávnění 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️
Teď to jdu vyzkoušet, myslím, že to půjde.…
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Wait, what is this?
An HTML message with hardcoded white background and dark text that works perfectly out of the box in dark mode in Thunderbird without any add-on?

Coming soon on Daily!


in reply to Aleca

As someone who has to write emails that work in different clients: oh no 😅

Edit: which is not to say that I don't think users will appreciate it :)

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Voting… Here is a Con on Pop 3 to change California constitution to give equal marriage rights to everyone. Gosh, who comes up with ideas like these? “CON: Proposition 3 removes all rules for marriage, opening the door to child marriages, incest, and polygamy. It changes California's constitution even though same-sex marriage is already legal. By making moms and dads optional, it puts children at risk. This careless measure harms families and society. Vote No on Proposition 3.”
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Ted Drake

@Ted_drake Not sure if you read my post completely. I was appalledby the rhetoric in the "con" section of the prop. Of course, I voted "yes". No questions there! :)
in reply to victor tsaran

@Ted_drake I see what you mean though. I should have quoted that “con” rather than simply pasting it. Anyway, the ballot is on its way!