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Is there anyone among my followers using Audio Technica ATH M60X headphones? I am trying to match a 1-quarter-intch adapter to their cable but none I have fit. A customer supporter (LOL) from Audio Technica says that any should fit but this does not seem to be the case here. Should I be looking for a specific adapter on Amazon? Thanks for any advice! #audio #headphones #audiotechnica
This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to victor tsaran

Oh, well that's dumb. I can tell you, because I'm sitting here looking at them, that I have at least three different adapters that aren't compatible with each other's mating threads. Either they're too deep, or the threads are the wrong size.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

@BorrisInABox OK, I think I found a kindred soul here. Let me call them back tomorrow then. I certainly cannot confirm that any 1-quarter-inch adapter fits their cable.

Tune into our newest episode of the Nation’s Blind Podcast where our hosts are joined by Jonathan Mosen, former producer and host of the Bolotin award-winning Living Blindfully podcast and our incoming executive director for Accessibility Excellence. They discuss Access On, our new podcast that focuses on the role that technology plays in living the life we want. Jonathan also provided advice and tips for new podcasters:…

A study asked 50 doctors to make six different diagnoses for medical conditions. "Doctors who did the project without AI got an average score of 74%, doctors who used AI got an average score of 76%, and ChatGPT itself got an average score of 90%." "AI didn’t help doctors using it as much as anticipated because physicians “didn’t listen to AI when AI told them things they didn’t agree. Most doctors couldn’t be convinced a chatbot knew more than them." #LLM #AI #ChatGPT…
in reply to Chi Kim

Who trained ChatGPT on that data though? This sounds a bit contradictory!
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 They mentioned that the researchers intentionally used the cases that are never published specifically so that the ChatGPT can't cheat from training dataset.
in reply to Chi Kim

But how would it make its conclusions if it has never seen the data? Can we verify this somewhere?
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 The research article was published on journal JAMA Network. I don't have access to that, but I think it's a pretty serious peer-reviewed medical journal.
in reply to Chi Kim

Believe me, it does sound amazing. It’s just when you see all these articles claiming this and that with no easy way to verify what they say, the questions arise! At the end of the day though it matters little until we see an impact in real people’s lives.
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 I guess you have to read the actual article to find more info. :)…
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 Maybe I'm not understanding the question. Isn't it the point of AI though? AI systems recognize patterns and draw conclusion from similar patterns they've seen before. They are not just capable of simply regurgitating exact pattern.
in reply to Chi Kim

You did understand my question. I understand the premise. I just don’t want to assume, hence always asking… I’ll look at the article. Thanks for the link!
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 Of course, Ask instead asume is always a great choice! :) Having said that, Jama is one of the most respected medical journals in the world with rigorous peer-review processes, so I'm sure if reviewers noticed anything suspicious, they would have raised red flags before publishing. :)
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 From New York Times: "The cases intentionally have never been published so that medical students and others could be tested on them without any foreknowledge. That also meant that ChatGPT could not have been trained on them."

That’s cute… I wonder what sort of AI Jesus he/she/it is? Does their Jesus incorporates an encoder, decoder or both? I assume their Jesus is a multi-modal bot / agent? LOL…

I give up. Now there's a Swiss church that has an #AI Jesus....

"Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing religious life at a small church in Lucerne, Switzerland, where a virtual Jesus is caring for the concerns and needs of the faithful."

Hold on...
Isn't this from the film THX 1138?

Good god, we're living in a low-budget 1970s dystopia.…

This entry was edited (4 days ago)

Prusa Announces New CORE One Flagship 3D Printer - Prusa launched a surprise Core YX 3D printer at FormNext 20... -… #3dprinting

Here's a link to my RNZ Nine to Noon interview about the unfinished business I leave behind as I leave New Zealand. Yes, it's been an emotional week since the PM dropped his ableist grenade into the apology.…
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

Did you really say this: “…it is the worst country in the western world in which to be blind.” Or is it just a sensational heading? I am sure I could point to a few contrary examples in the Western world, but then again, I never lived in New Zealand, so what do I know… :)
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 I mean, I went to high school in college in Mexico. Believe me when I say it wasn’t exactly shits and giggles. The first University I applied to straight up told me they wouldn’t accept me because of my blindness. That they could not accommodate my needs.

Another sad day of looking through job postings.
in reply to Keri Svendsen

If you don't mind answering this question, what type of role are you looking for?
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield My expertise is in reintegration after incarceration, so ideally helping run or build programs that focus on reentry, but I'm also open to other social justice, and human rights stuff. I just want to get out of clinical work honestly, so am trying to keep my options open. I hate clinical work.

Does anyone know the secret to getting a direct Winampable link from a web player?

Welcome to the RB family, OpenSCQ30 🥳…

OpenSCQ30 is free software for controlling settings for the Soundcore Q30 headphones.

Took us (the author and IoD) quite some efforts to get the "rusty" things at bay, but we finally succeeded – thanks a lot, @oppzippy :awesome:

Green shield will show up with the new release on the next sync around 7 pm UTC.

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

Flathub Is Fixing Its Biggest Fault!! #Linux #YouTube

Hi, magic fedi: does anyone know anyone with experience of locally opposing the construction of new arms facilities in the UK? Looking for any tips on strategy as I'm not sure where to start.

Please boost.

Then here's a children's version of the periodic table song. It concerns me that arsnic is so close to bromine.…

For fans of #DoctorWho with a qualifying print disability, the following title was recently added to the BARD service by NLS. The phrase "Doctor Who" is not found in the title or description, so people who search BARD for "Doctor Who" may not find it. I haven't checked to see if BARD has grouped it into a Doctor Who series.
I've already read this book from Bookshare, as it's been available from that service for quite some time.

Harvest of time
Reynolds, Alastair. Reading time: 11 hours, 49 minutes.
Read by Geoffrey Beevers.

Science Fiction

"When Unit is called in to investigate a mysterious incident on a North Sea drilling platform, the Doctor discovers that the Brigadier and others are starting to forget about the Master, Unit's highest-profile prisoner."-- From publisher. Unrated. Commercial audiobook.

This entry was edited (4 days ago)

Una última cosa antes de irme a dormir:
Nos han pedido que firmemos digitalmente el documento X, que previamente hemos tenido que firmar a mano.
Insisten en que pongamos firma visible y temo que la quieran para que la versión en papel también esté "firmada".

Y me han entrado grandes tentaciones de poner FELIPE VI R como nombre en la firma visible (puedes poner lo que te dé la gana, la identidad real está en metadatos).
Pero mi autofirma firmaba con protocolo obsoleto y Acrobat no lo reconocía.

This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to MicroBlog Castellano

Ese es un gran problema de accesibilidad, porque Autofirma te pide que señales donde quieres aplicar la región de firma en el PDF y por razones obvias no lo puede hacer alguien que no vea.

Wow, I just spent the last few hours workshopping this unfinished PR with Claude. I get why AI is bad for unverified research and the like, but that I as a CMake know-nothing and after not getting help on the CMake forums was able to get a thing mostly building on Android when the build originally crashed a minute or 2 in, working through multiple problems and obscure CMake issues, kind of blows my mind.…

GoToSocial: good name for what it is?

  • It's good / I like it (39%, 9 votes)
  • It's fine / it is what it is (34%, 8 votes)
  • It's not very good / I don't like it (21%, 5 votes)
  • GoToSocial? That's a funny name, I'd have called it a shazwozzer (4%, 1 vote)
23 voters. Poll end: 3 days ago

in reply to Bos Rond De Kip

Like it or not, pun names have a long history for programs, and this pun is not offensive or anything, so I think it's good.


One third of children in the UK are living in poverty and we have had a day with the media obsessing about rich farmers who want to keep their millions tax free. Who is orchestrating this utterly bizarre news agenda, and why?

very interesting, just got a message on Facebook on the basic site saying "Facebook will not be available on this browser after a certain date." I use Safari on the Mac. Anyone else received this strange message?
in reply to Michael Marshall

Yes, they've been slowly turning the basic mobile site off. For many people it went down last month
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach That’s just a little bit sad. Looks like I’ll be using it on the phone then.

I give up. Now there's a Swiss church that has an #AI Jesus....

"Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing religious life at a small church in Lucerne, Switzerland, where a virtual Jesus is caring for the concerns and needs of the faithful."

Hold on...
Isn't this from the film THX 1138?

Good god, we're living in a low-budget 1970s dystopia.…


I don't like to say this, but I'm at the point at which I think deployment of websites and applications (including updates) should come with a compulsory accessibility impact assessment that can halt if the application or website is inaccessible withouth an extremely good reason (disproportionate burden or such).

That awkward tech moment when you're so used to Leasy that you attempt to use the key commands to select your text to copy and paste, only to realize, um, that does not work in NvDA! Um, oops?
in reply to Mendi Evans

this was my trouble when I started teaching tech. I had customised my setup so heavily, I'd almost forgotten the 'Normal' ways of doing things.

The most unbelievable thing about that sci-fi book is that they use metric…

En algún lugar de España, una o varias personas han decidido que un chaval tiene que ir a terminar la ESO a un CRE de la ONCE. Ha acudido a pedir información, escribiendo por un foro. Y alguien que tiene ese estilo de escritura, corriendo los tiempos que corren, no está para ser internado en un CRE ni de coña. Corre el riesgo de quedar marcado para siempre, y si se puede evitar, hay que intentar evitarlo. A ver si nos enteramos de quién es.
in reply to Laurística🖤🧜‍♀️

@Lauristica con un buen equipo de profesores de apoyo habrías podido hacerlo. Ahora, ahí tenemos otro melón que abrir, qué son los EAB de la casita encantada y qué deberían ser. Los EAB deberían estar duplicados, triplicados o cuadruplicados. La enseñanza integrada es carísima y alguien no la quiere pagar aunque tiene herramientas para hacerlo. (1/2)
in reply to Juan CBS

Sinceramente lo de la pasta no me coincide, porque si la educación integrada es cara la educación específica ya no te cuento.

opinion, fedi software

Sensitive content

in reply to Echedelle ⚧

opinion, fedi software

Sensitive content

Čau lidi na modrém nebi i modrém slonovi :)
Mám v plánu obnovit psaní newsletterů - o tom, co dělám a co vařím, co roste a zraje v přírodě i na zahradě, jaké budou v nejbližší době akce a svátky, o přírodním stavitelství, o vztazích...

Co byste si rádi přečetli?

Toddler has discovered the joys of parallel reading and book swapping at the same time.

So now she is "reading" a book on queer witchcraft and I am reading The Little Unicorn Can't Sleep.


#parenting #witchcraft #books

We have gotten the rent paid today. I went to the bank with someone to do it, and we left a message on the landlord's machine. I hope he gets it. If not, then it's on him, because we *did* pay it. We have the deposit reciept and everything if he wants proof.
Good news today. Hopefully the week can only get better.
Mom is still sick, but she has to change the numbers on the bills to this new card. I'm so glad that this card works. I was hoping it would.
I told the assistant manager that the bank marked this card as a fraud and she was shocked. Apparently, the Direct Express card is a cash advance card, or what she calls it. Yeah, it has the government payment on it, but it probably shouldn't have been marked as a fraud.
The direct express company didn't even know how to fix it except to say to get a new card.
Anyway, that is my good news. Now I'm going to relax.

Please disable your ad blocker so we can include animated banner ads, fifty extra megabytes of JavaScript, unrelated autoplaying videos that follow you down the page, elements that load asynchronously and move the text you’re trying to read, and sponsored Taboola promotions that are eight times the length of the article and leave you grateful that tabloid newspapers can’t leave their stands and follow you out of the store.

9front system release art tier list

100%, glitchless, no commentary


This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to Tomáš

nepôsobí to na mňa dobre, idem spať, ani susedia.. vidíme sa

Před pár dny jsem tu sdílel info, že botník končí a že se jeho boti stěhují na

Dneska jsem se tomu trochu věnoval a ukončil 2 boty, ale hlavně...

Na aktuálně běží reálně několik stovek velmi zajímavých informačních zdrojů, počínaje ofiko @NationalGeographic a konče třeba @BBCNews.

Když si do Explore zadám a nechám zobrazit všechny výsledky, je jich opravdu moooc a jsou hodně zajímavé, tak to zkuste.

#fediverse #tip_mastodon

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Bye Bye Elon, bonjour journalisme indépendant ! Pour fêter votre retour massif sur Mastodon, découvrez notre travail en profitant de 3 mois d'abonnement pour 1€. L'offre est valable une semaine, mais chut il ne faut pas le dire aux autres 🤫…

#Catima 2.33.0 is out!

This release contains some minor tweaks and some user-contributed features and fixes, most notably the ability to choose the amount of columns to display in the home screen and a fix to retain the search state when rotating the screen or opening a card.

Coming soon to an app store near you :)

#Android #OpenSource #IzzyOnDroid

This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to Sylvia

And there cannot be any doubt it is a reproducible build, with all 3 verification builders being in full agreement :awesome:
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

nobody noticed the cheating, not even I 🙈 that screenshot was from the previous release, 2.32.1 – the index at the repo browser was not yet updated. So here's the one for 2.33.0, with results arrived from 2 builders so far.

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 10 updated and 1 added apps:

* Mindful Attention Awareness Scale: Find out how mindful you are on a scale of 1 to 6. 🛡️

RB status: 343 apps (28.3%)

At today 1 #Magisk #module was added, and 2 updated:

* Audio HD Enhancer: Improve audio output to 320Kbs systemless for both Internal Speakers & Bluetooth

Status there: 120 modules

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Anyone know of a good gitops-configurable web server mostly for static files?

Looking for something a bit like Netlify but self-hosted. I want to basically point it at a git repo containing a Hugo site and server config and either have it pull regularly or respond to a web hook. On change, it rebuilds the site or updates its config.

Examples of things I want to configure today would be redirecting /.well-known/webfinger and similar to another host, or telling the server to send /.well-known/matrix/server as application/json even though it's just plain text.

And before anyone tells me to just use nginx with cron and maintain the config separately/manage restarts myself, or just shove the whole thing in a container, I know I can do those things and how. I'm just looking for a simple self-hosted HTTP endpoint for mostly static hosting and it blows my mind that doesn't exist. Caddy is mostly there but its git support is all in-memory, and its exec commands only run on start/shutdown.

Dear Zoom, I don't want an "AI Companion"! 🥴
in reply to DennisL

its meeting summaries are actually surprisingly useful. If it comes with your plan, it may be worth giving it a try