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Hey all, I have a nice pro tip for you. If you want to record iPhone's audio, like VoiceOver, games or whatever else and comment on it then you may run into an issue where your headphone mic is captured by default and there's no apparent way to change it. That's true, but you can download an app such as Ferrite Studio, set monitor to your iPhone mic, disable the mic in the screen recording control panel control and voila!

I'd like to wish everyone a very merry delete that platform.

Edited: apparently the tweet about "weird" being a slur is a fake and has been debunked, so I am taking it down (see, even I have to check my sources sometimes!) However, I am leaving the post up and replacing the fake tweet with a real one where he calls the word "cis" a slur and whines about how he will punish people who use it.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Goodbye to a very scammy product from a sleezy company with questionable motives.
OrCam to halt developing visual aid devices…

18.1 definitely still has the silent notifications bug. It's now spanned five major iOS releases, almost a third of iOS's full lifetime. At this point, it's a feature not a bug.
in reply to Simon Jaeger

It's so so stupid. Seriously considering a sym transfer to the jelly star, and eventually jelly max.

Im #September finden drei sehr interessante #Konferenzen statt. Zwei in #Berlin und eine in #Dresden .

Es handelt sich um die #Datenspuren des phänomenalen Teams der @datenspuren des @c3d2

Die zweite ist die #BildetNetze Konferenz von #Netzpolitik
in Berlin.

Die dritte Empfehlung ist die erste #Konferenz des #Matrix -Messangers in Berlin, veranstaltet von der The Foundation @matrix ebenfalls in Berlin.

Na dann - viel #Spaß!…

Lebensretter auf dem Smartphone: So richtest du den Notfallpass richtig ein

Wusstest du, dass dir dein Smartphone im Notfall sogar das Leben retten kann? Denn es kann Rettungskräften deine Notfallkontakte und Notfalldaten auf dem Sperrbildschirm anzeigen! Wir zeigen dir, wie's geht!…

#NotfallPass #Smartphone #Notfallkontakt

in reply to SWR3

Wo werden denn die Daten auf dem Phone gespeichert und wer hat darauf Zugriff?

babe are you ok? you've barely touched your accumulated combustible biomass

Gerade auf Droidblind gepostet: Ein kurzes Accessibility-Review des Lenovo Tab Plus…

Open source nonprofits are weird. Why don't they just focus on hiring more developers?

The answer is long and complex, but the short version is that open source nonprofits are weird because they (need to) go beyond tech.

Here is a tale about fiscal status, fundraising, governance and two worlds colliding.

A particular thank you to @al for demystifying the world of nonprofits for me, and @richlitt for sharing his extensive nonprofit experience.…

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I have released a new version of Exhibit!
- Improved settings with four default configurations for different file types and the possibility to save custom ones
- Bundled four HDRI by default, but more can be added
- Added a button to open the file in an external app
- Automatic reload on file change
- More ways to color models
- Improved point cloud support
- Updated F3D to latest version

Get it on #Flathub:…

#GNOME #GTK #Libadwaita

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Hello @unread. I heard about the app thanks to Mac Stories, and after trying the Mac version I'm really impressed. I'm a blind VoiceOver user and everything is read perfectly, it's also probably the most responsive RSS reader I tried, probably the fact the UI is appkit based has a lot to do with that. :) So because I liked the Mac app I decided to try out the iOS version, and I think I found a bug. I see you payed a lot of attention to accessibility on iOS because there's a lot of really good use of actions, and both the list of feeds and articles as well as the articles themselves are read well. However, I don't see any buttons anywhere. Like on the main screen I would expect some buttons to go into settings or edit the accounts I added, or some controls on the article reading screen, but right now all I see with VoiceOver is the list of accounts/tags/articles, and the article contents if I open one. Did I find a bug or am I missing something? :)

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to Johann

@johann Oh, so they are. That is really clever! Probably worth having some kind of pop up when the app is ran for the first time if VO is on to tell people about it though, because I totally get the reasoning but didn't think to try this.
in reply to Pitermach

@johann Thank you for writing. I am glad the app is working well for you with VoiceOver and that Johann was able to answer your question.

I will consider some messaging around this in the onboarding tutorial.

(Thank you, Johann!)

💚 80 let od úmrtí autora Malého prince. Zkuste si kvíz.
(Zřejmě mi je Antoine de Saint-Exupéry něčím blízký, protože jsem drtivou většinu odpovědí jen tipnul 🙂 Měl bych si tuhle knížku po 20 letech znova přečíst.)
"Odpověděl/a jste správně na 15 otázek z 15. Saint-Exupéryho a jeho knihy znáte na jedničku, gratulujeme." #deSaintExupery #SaintExupery #knihy…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Our July Development Digest is out, and we've got some great highlights about the latest 128 Nebula release and upcoming features!

🌀 128 Nebula! Where to find more info and how to get it.
🐧 The Linux System Tray lands at last!
🪟 Exchange in TB Daily…

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Development

Aleca reshared this.

in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Desde el miércoles recibí la actualización a Thunderbird 128 Nebula, les quedó muy bonito, felicidades a quienes lo hacen posible: @thunderbird
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

I hope that one day Thunderbird will get a way to use colours in message list to show threads with unread messages.

Upgraded from 115 to 128 and partially read threads with new messages are marked with few green dots. Like "Upcoming libpkgconf soname bump in Rawhide" thread on screenshot. For me it is barely visible.

Hail "show only new mails" button on one of many toolbars.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Snažím se překonat a neprospat první den volna a pokud možno být i maličko produktivní. Vstávání v 10 považuju za úplně v pohodě věc, protože je to pořád do-poledne ✅ hned sprcha a pak venčení a nákup, při čemž jsem vynesla odpadky + plasty ✅ Odpoledne jsem sice proležela s mobilem a hrou, ale neusnula 👏🏻 A teď bych potřebovala vydržet, aspoň než se setmí 💪🏻😀

been experimenting with computing-infused ceramics and the latest one is a pillow phone rest that puts your phone on do not disturb..

is this something that people would buy :O

If you are a screen reader user, keyboard-only user, screen magnifier user, or user of other AT (I consider WHCM in there), then GitHub is looking for your feedback on its ‘hovercards’:…

I linked the other discussion / bug report that had to be rolled back so y’all can have more context.

#accessibility #a11y

Že by sa mi v práci nedarilo nemôžem povedať, a to dnes ani nesrším pozitívnou náladou.

Does AI entice people to buy?

No. No it does not. People are less likely to buy things when AI is a part of the product description.…

reshared this

Stunning images of Jupiter captured by the Juno spacecraft during a close flyby in October 2018.

Video credit: NASA/​JPL-Caltech/​SwRI/​MSSS/​Gerald Eichstädt
#space #science #nasa

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Do you want a Fujifilm X100VI but can't get one? I have the next best thing, the neighbor kid loves playing with my camera but they're fragile so I made him a printable replica that he loves 😛 Handy if you want to play around with the form factor
in reply to Christian Selig

it's more the shape of the device, where things are on it, how your fingers sit.
For example if you google an Orbit 20 Reader versus a Brailliant BI20 you'll see some have keys at the front, some don't. Really hard to get a feel for something without ... well. having a feel, I guess. Thanks for the info!
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Yeah it seems like a no brainer that those companies should offer digital 3D models of their products, would be really handy to print

Quiet Moon

Other Names: Wolf Moon, Cold Moon



In the whispers of Celtic lore, the January full moon is known as the Quiet Moon, a celestial herald of serene stillness. This name, softly spoken through generations, reflects the tranquil season of rest preceding the vibrant dance of the harvest. In other realms, it is called the Wolf Moon or the Cold Moon, each name echoing its own mystic tale. The Quiet Moon invites a

The fifth QUIC backend being worked on for #curl could make the topology map look like this soon
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

That seems kinda horrifying, honestly. Is there any legitimate hope that the number of QUIC back ends shrinks? (Not to 1, because that's probably too much to ask for)
in reply to Dan Sugalski

@wordshaper I kind of expect one or two of them to get dropped in the future, yes. Until then we let the market and users decide which way to go!
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Keen, I hope it sorts itself out soon. It's not quite like security and encryption stuff where more options means more vulnerabilities, but it is kinda worrying to see so many different versions of the same thing available (along with the corresponding "how vulnerable to compromise is it" for each one...)
Unknown parent

daniel:// stenberg://
@Man2Dev module does not imply that it is not upstreamed. But I have no idea how or if ever it will be adopted into kernel mainline.

Movim 0.26, codename Borrelly is out! 🚀

This new release integrates the custom emojis feature, better handling of spam messages, content embedding in messages and articles improvements as well as many internal fixes 😋

Checkout the complete release note on our official blog… and if you're an admin don't forget to update and join the federation on 🗒️ ✨

You can also support us by joining our Patreon 🥰

#movim #release

Breaking: Orcam Moves Away From Visual Aids Market - watch the latest from Double Tap on YouTube…

I don't know how long this has been a thing but this morning I discovered that Doctor Who Magazine is available on the Apple News+ platform. For my blind followers, it's totally accessible #DoctorWho

If you're even interested in doing/building cool things with computers you owe it to yourself to watch @simon's truly outstanding keynote from @pycon. The fact that it only currently has 3K views is a travesty. Yes folks, it's THAT good :)…

Even as someone who's been playing with this stuff for a while, I found several really helpful hints around prompt building and the ethics and ramifications of using this stuff in an actual work context.

in reply to Feoh

You might want to remove the "t" query string parameter in that URL so people don't start watching it in the middle.

Transparency breeds security. At Purism, we open-source everything - from our Librem 5 hardware schematics to OS code. No hidden vulnerabilities, no backdoors. Our devices are secure by design, not obscurity. Verify yourself. Choose Purism for provable privacy. #OpenSecure #DigitalFreedom #PureOS #Purism…

Cez víkend pracujem, síce asi iba v nedeľu ale nemusel som, vždy poviem áno.

We've founf 13 floppy disks at my grandpa's place. Is there soemone whi can us it, e.g. for retrongaming or something?

That book from the veep GOP candidate, it was made into a movie already. Was even nominated for the Oscars. Distributed by Netflix.

I have a Zoom meeting coming up. While I don't like Google's dominance of most common online tasks, one thing they do right is meetings. When I'm invited to one, it gets added to my calendar unless I decline it. This gives me a warning before it starts, and puts it on my watch face. I can even join the meeting right from the event or the calendar notification. Zoom meetings don't do any of this. As a result, I really don't like Zoom.
in reply to Alex Hall

I have a love-hate relationship with Meet.

The main gripe I have with it is that it never get account right. I have two accounts logged in on this machine, personal and workspace, with personal being the default. It always wants to join meetings using my personal account, even though that's not the one that was invited and the other account is also logged in.

У вас бывает ли такое, что вот проснулся утром, тебя прям пристукнуло по голове каким-нибудь инсайтом, прям вот словил нечто очень важное, от чего кажется зависит вся твоя жизнь...
А потом пошёл умываться, завтракать... И забыл.
И вот хоть час сиди смотри в стену, не можешь вспомнить...

Вот я сегодня под этим эффектом и хожу.

in reply to Cyrmax

Не бывает. О важных вещах не думаю сразу после того, как внезапно встал на весь рост. У меня вообще нет возможности думать перед тем, как встал. Я вставаю сразу и не думаю а встать ли. или не встать. Мозг начинаю использовать только тогда, когда наверняка встал.

🧐 it occurs to me that geeks with blogs could modify the page generation to insert

<span aria-hidden="true" style="display: none;">RANDOM WORD HERE</span>

liberally throughout their posts, as a mechanism for poisoning them for AI without harming users. Prolly better if using a class instead of style to increase bar for bots to knowing this span is BS.

We could do it on our mastodon instances too.

#AIPoison #AI

in reply to masukomi

Anything that can be hidden from screen readers will be ignored by LLM training programs as well soon enough.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt I think of it more as yet another arms race. First blocking popups, then blocking ads and ad blocker blockers, now ai bots. ;)