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Can you guess what's happening on Wednesday?

Hint - It's going to be beautiful 😉

#privacy #beautiful #teaser #comingsoon

in reply to Tuta

is "T-drive" coming ? 🤩 With 100GB free storage ??🎉

Privacy meets power. The Librem 11 is our most advanced tablet, designed to protect your digital rights. PureOS, a pressure-sensitive pen, and freedom—all in one sleek device. #Librem11 #DigitalPrivacy
in reply to Purism

I am still waiting for a tablet with kill switches.
It doesn't really seem like a true #Purism device without them.

I just got an email addressed to Audrian. That’s a new one. I am always amazed at the frequency with which people try to put an n in my name… Andrea, Adrian and now this new bit of ridiculousness. It’s Audrey, y’all. It’s not that hard.. Sigh.

Welcome Moritz Buhl as #curl commit author 1291:…

Pršalo a ak stihnem večer spoj električkou bude dobre. Zajtra ráno chcem cvičiť.

📣 Do-It-Blind DIB online Besprechung am Montag, 8. August, um 19:00 Uhr. Du bist eingeladen!… Wöchentlich am Montag um 19:00 besprechen wir neue Formen der digitalen und inklusiven Zusammenarbeit. Mach mit! 🛠️ #make #blind #inklusion

Thanks to the help of its author, Irfan Latif, starting with v1.06 MyLocation is now RB :awesome: Welcome to the selection!…

#IzzyOnDroid #reproducibleBuilds

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

nice. But I'm still searching for an app that explicitly queries the none free Google play services location api. My #microG is no system app and can't register as system location provider.
in reply to Kurt

@Kurt I'm having microG as non-system app too (SHIFT6mq), but didn't see any such issues. But you can find some alternative apps here:…

To je nějaká novodobá vývojářská úchylka, že snad všichni používají #vscode ?
in reply to brabitom

no eclipsa je tak nějak za zenitem a vercajk od jetbrains zase drahý

The whole AI thing has me endlessly confused. Half the market is crashing because investors didn't see any signs of payoff in the quarterly earnings report, but I'm so lost as to what exactly they were expecting to see. Did they just not pay any attention at all to what these companies were actually doing with AI?

Were they expecting exponential Instagram usage growth as a result of Meta making it so you can have a conversation with the search bar? Or maybe everyone was going to buy 10 new Windows licenses in celebration of Microsoft announcing they want to install AI powered spyware on everyone's computer? Or was Google going to sell more ads by replacing all the search results with reddit shitposts? Either I'm missing something or everyone's last 2 remaining brain cells are really busy fighting to the death for 3rd place.

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in reply to Marcus Hutchins :verified:

@jcsteh I think AI will bring the money, and will probably take some away! O yeah, it will also take some time! :) LOL

Currently continuing to listen to the audio dramitization of "Left Behind" written by Dr. Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins, produced by Gap Digital, in asociation with Tyndale House Publishers
in reply to Tim Appleby

an award winning drama. I read the first book and listened to a fair bit of the drama many years ago, not sure if it's the same one.

I've been quiet on the fedi today. Yup, busy morning at work. how'd you guess!

yes, I still mask indoors
yes, I am comfortable with that
any problem here is... yours, stranger 👀


Started reading an article. Mid-way through a popup to ask for email or some shit.

Closed tab. I hope you have you spyware analytics properly configured to show you that.


In the U.K., not all racists are working class, and not all the working class are racists. But those thugs in our streets are working class. A tiny section of the working class the rest of the working class hate. We know them. We've dealt with them all our lives. They didn't come out of nowhere.

They are violent and dangerous and make our lives a misery. But are they a potent political force about to overrun the country? Er, no.

We've got this. Hold the line. Face them down. Again.


"After careful consideration, we have decided to proceed with other candidates whose qualifications more closely align with the specific needs of the role at this time" :boost_ok:

Sensitive content

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The Cabinet's accepted my report, and the whole affair is now completely closed. ... A fifty-foot monster can't swim up the Thames and attack a large building without some people noticing, but you know what politicians are like.

— The Brigadier, in “Terror of the Zygons”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Kačička cvičí a je vo vývine (alebo vývoji) a potrebuje veeeeľa papať. Mňam do piči. #objem
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I know flight simming is a thing, but wouldn't it be cool to be able to play trucker simulator? I mean, its gotta be interesting to go through the process of long haul trucking right? Who's with me? #Blind

Some companies have started using machine translation in their emails. SO instead of clearly human written english email, I get a machine translated version of Estonian, full of grammar and wording mistakes. While the intent is clear, this practice has been used by spammers for ages. I don't doubpt that some of the translated emails are legit, however, it immediately sets off a tone of unprofessionalism when I receive such messages. If you don't know the language, please, write it in English / other common language. Apologise and offer a machine translation afterwards, rather than fire off emails which professionalism or tone you can not verify.
in reply to Jakob Rosin

TBH, if you're not doing machine translation, the results can be just as bad.

I think my favorite is "blind people incapable of unaided existence", which is the label for the "blindness discount" in one of the Polish train ticket apps.

A different, far better app translates it as "blind people incapable of independent living".

Whether that's a good name for a discount that all blind people are eligible for is a different matter entirely.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki This just screams pure unprofessionalism to me. I am not very confident in trusting those companies or people in further communications honestly.

Some people asked whether in a dream you can speak a foreign language you barely know in reality. Well, the answer is a definite Yes since in my last dream I spoke #Hebrew a lot, although in reality… my Hebrew is very poor so far.
in reply to André Polykanine

Во сне свободно говорил с какими-то чуваками на фарси, причём так-то не знаю его, за исключением пары фраз от местных таджиков. Фиг знает как мозг работает и откуда оно вообще берётся.
in reply to Kirill

@Yinshi Вот и я про то. У меня прям длинный сон был, с кучей диалогов на иврите.
in reply to André Polykanine

И у меня так, причём понимал смысл всего.
in reply to André Polykanine

I have spoken French, Hebrew and a Slovic language that I don't know if it was Russian, Ukrainian, or something else, but I have definitely spoken foreign languages that I cannot speak in waking life with such furver, in dreams.

The local Blues Brother cover band absolutely understood the assignment. #vermont

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Zacelil sa ako sa zacelujú moje rany na duši, sám. Aj by to bolo smutné... :kekw: ...keby nemám dobrú náladu.
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Oh wow, Telefon-Scam. Bekam gerade einen Robot-Anruf mit Münchener Nummer: "Dies ist PayPal, wir haben eine verdächtige Transaktion in Höhe von 499€ von Ihrem Konto entdeckt. Drücken Sie die 1, um mit einem Mitarbeiter zu sprechen…"

Ja, klar. Dumm nur, dass ich gar kein Paypal hab (weiß schon warum). Aber wer sowas nutzt und einen solchen Anruf bekommt: Seid vorsichtig!!!

#PayPal #Scam #Telefon #TeleScam

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IzzyOnDroid ✅
@glueckstein tun sie ja. Mehrfach täglich sogar…
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Mit deínem Abnehmen und sprechen hast Du denen schon Geld gebracht.
Die Verkaufen deine Rufnummer jetzt an etliche "Unternehmen"


Estuve en el desembarco vikingo de Catoira, en #Galicia. Mucha gente, mucho sol, mucha comida y mucha gente disfrazada.

Upgrade to Penpot: the first free open source tool for UI designs, prototypes, and more!

Join Penpot, it's free! 😎…

Predajca syrov má dovolenku, do 3.8. a dnes je 5.? Radosť žiť. :kekw:

If I want to learn #Chinese and I'm #blind, what good options do I have other than in-person class? #Language #learning #a11y
in reply to modulux

pretty much any options that work with your learning strategy. As long as the characters are read properly by your screen reader (which means get a Mandarin/Simplified Chinese TTS that's actually good), and set your braille display to a similar braille table if you use one, and just ...use whatever. It's relatively rare these days that web-based courses use images of characters these days, that's more of a problem in textbooks
in reply to Florian

What synths are there that work though? Also is there a place where I can get info on the braille table? I don't know anything about it, or which sites are good.

Nebyť najebaný nie je ráno od veci. Tie dve Desperáda po ceste domov sú tak max akurát... i keď každý deň mh mh mh
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kapsičky sa dnes minuly, zatiaľ sa mi to ako tak darí a pozerám že niekto ďalší začal tiež, do teraz som tu druhé misky nevidel

in the five days since the previous #curl release, we have merged 47 bugfixes and 9 new features

Busy days.


Ala qué fuerte, es lunes y me acabo de levantar hace unos minutos, cuando normalmente ya llevaría una hora trabajando y casi 2 conectado. Me gusta esto de las vacaciones, ¡quiero más!

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Lunes, pero me queda poco para las vacaciones. Eso sí, es lo típico de que cuando uno tiene ganas de hacer pis y está ya casi en el baño es más difícil aguantar, o el hambre que se agudiza cuando la comida ya está lista. Puchero que se mira, no hierve. Es poco tiempo, pero se me hará largo.