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in reply to James Scholes

Unpopular opinion. The most accessible cookie modals are those with 0 accessibility whatsoever, the ones that appear at the bottom of the page and don't actually stop you from using the page without being dismissed.

Doing something like this deliberately is a terrible idea because some people both use a screen reader and look at the actual screen, but god do I personally like those.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

I suspect that if I lived in the EU or UK, I would agree with you extremely strongly on this point.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

Sensitive content

I hope at some point we can start integrating AI into streaming services. For example, asking it to generate you a shower playlist of songs you haven't heard in a while, but have heard enough to probably know the words to, or be able to tell it you're tired of a song but to play similar songs to it, or just what mood you're in in general.
in reply to Malia Suhr

You're not thinking big enough. At some point, AI is going to give you the songs directly, instead of just a playlist.

Scoffs, smiles, squints: how Kamala Harris’s face spoke volumes in Trump debate | US elections 2024 | The Guardian…

Two years after @UniversalBlue started this cat showed up built #bazzite . Got trashed by know it all typical #linux users.

Tonight we celebrated his first patch that got accepted into the Linux kernel. Ignore the haters.

We make our own fate.

I'm stuck in the Wise ID verification now, for no apparent reason. They just suddenly decided the documents I had uploaded are not sufficient, so I had to take new ones.
I already had my provincial ID rejected because it's not a driver's license, and my passport rejected because it apparently hasn't had a signature for the past 8 years, so I went through the perilous and tedious process of signing it with Aira, which would have been much easier if I had four hands. Then I needed to upload a bank statement as proof of address.
i'm basically expecting this completely perfect set of documents to be rejected and I'm already gearing up to argue with support. Wish me luck.
in reply to simon.old

You should "accidentally" email investor relations about this, because "my buddy gave me this email address and told me that this is what I should use if I want to get an actual response to my inquiry."

Unlike actual customer support, those addresses are usually manned by competent individuals with access to the corporate directory, instead of people in Bangalore who are, at best, able to send you a password reset email.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki Surprisingly the documents did actually get accepted. However, this is an interesting idea. Sometimes when I'm dealing with untrained, uncaring, and powerless support, I just want to spam every possible email address that might get me a response.

Sobre el abundante uso de imágenes generadas por IAs por parte de esta gente, aquí un comentario:

A draft for extensible profiles, a new release for Dendrite, and a new beta for Draupnir. That and much more happened This Week in Matrix!…

Mozilla, reading the room extremely well, seemingly just recently flipped the switch to enable-by-default sponsored weather results from AccuWeather in every new Firefox tab you open. Clicking "Learn more" takes you here, with zero information on if your location is sent to AccuWeather every time you open a new tab:…

Probably only noticed because I normally have a blank new tab page but this showed up after updating Firefox!

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Bunch of gen Z folks walked past singing ‘killing me softly with his song’ loudly, together. Made me smile.

#Music #SanFrancisco

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 10 updated, 6 removed and 1 added apps:

+ Share To InputStick: Send text to your InputStick straight from the Share menu 🛡️
- 6 removed as outlined in the previous toots
* 2 #Magisk #modules updated at

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

there is popup when install the 7a.

Like "this app is not compatible, prone to freezing" etc.

in reply to oqq

@oqq ah, that. Not sure about how much of it is fact and how much just nudging and pushing. I guess it's mostly the latter. Like the Play Protect warnings for "potentially harmful" apps when google does not know the signature because the dev has no play store account...

Did you experience any of those freezes etc yourself?


what if sisyphus got a coin every time he rolled the boulder up the hill and then he could spend his coins in the shop to level up his pushing ability but each time he leveled up the boulder also got heavier so the challenge remains the same despite feeling like progression has been made. and what if he was able to unlock sisyphus minions that could roll the boulder up the hill while he was away. also every time he starts a new roll an ad plays. and also he can choose to watch an ad every time he drops the boulder to receive 2x coins for that round. and also you can buy fun skins for the boulder through microtransactions

so I reset my phone today to find that Apple doesn't have the Voiceover Tutorial on first launch. users must be able to figure out voiceover to complete the setup so they can get to the settings to get to the tutorial to learn how to use voiceover... I'll share more of my ios eighteen thoughts on Mondays hashtag KellyandRamya
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki It could ask you to speak your language. If you can't speak, it could fall back to the language(s) of the region it detects you're in or where the phone was purchased, start cycling through languages from there, and ask you to do something super simple like hold one finger on the screen when you hear the language you want. If you can't hear or use your hands, you're shit out of luck already because you need to set the phone up before you can connect a braille display or switch control device, as far as I know. @payown
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes How would you turn on VO anyway, and how would it tell you to do this?

Keep in mind that there's an additional complication of iPhones going through repair / refurb shops, accidentally turning themselves on and such.

I had a family member work at one of these, and they had far too many VO activations as it is.

Contemporary car design is so ugly. Every car looks like an old man who got too much plastic surgery with angry anime eyes. The forms are neither geometric and pure, nor are they taken from nature— it’s just a pointless collision of ‘swooshes’, like the Nike logo, and ‘swerves’ that gesture at aerodynamics without being functional or beautiful to behold. The colors are aggressively frumpy— the textures plastic, so that even when brand new they do not shine.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to myrmepropagandist

If someone offered me a free brand new car, and even promised to pay for parking I think I’d still say “no thanks” granted I live in NYC and cars mostly make people unhappy here— but I like machines and gadgets and there’s just not much to get excited about compared to the subway. Why would I want to wait in a line to go to a place? And then be inside of a huge object when I get there and also angry?

Introducing Casilda - A Wayland compositor widget!

A simple Wayland compositor widget for Gtk 4 which can be used to embed other processes windows in your Gtk 4 application.
It was originally created for Cambalache's workspace using wlroots, a modular library to create Wayland compositors.
Following Wayland tradition, this library is named after my hometown in Santa Fe, Argentina

Read more about it at…

@GTK #wayland #gtk

reshared this

Trivia question I just received from a game, the Panama Canal connects the Pacific Ocean to what other ocean. The answer I gave, Atlantic. Trivia game, no, that’s incorrect. The correct answer is France. Apparently France is now an ocean
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion don’t worry, the inside of my high school was apparently outside the United States. Not the whole building, just the inside. As soon as you walked out the door, you were fine.

Something that I think should be possible with fzf/ripgrep but have no idea how to do: grab a list of files that match some pattern, and then find a text pattern within those files
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

This "untrusted data" patch series from Benno Lossin is the result of conversations at last weekend's Rust Linux kernel conference in Copenhagen:…

It's not a "silver bullet" for why we should be using rust in the Linux kernel, but it is a "big giant sledgehammer" to help squash and prevent from happening MANY common types of kernel vulnerabilities and bugs (remember, "all input is evil!" and this change forces you to always be aware of that, which is something that C in the kernel does not.)

I had always felt that Rust was the future for what we need to do in Linux, but now I'm sure, because if we can do stuff like this, with no overhead involved (it's all checked at build time), then we would be foolish not to give it a real try.

And yes, I've asked for this for years from the C developers, and maybe we can also do it there, but it's not obvious how and no one has come up with a way to do so. Maybe now they will have some more incentive :)

in reply to František Fuka (Fuxoft)

Taky jsem na to koukal a přemýšlel, jak je to myšleno. Zda ta nejvyšší hodnota je 100% a ostatní se od toho odvozují nebo prostě jen někdo zadal špatně legendu. 🤷🏼‍♂️

При очередном обновлении Arch Linux предлагает заменить мне mlocate на plocate.
Утверждается, что plocate работает гораздо быстрее.
Когда-то я разбирался с устройством базы mlocate, да и смотрел код.
Тогда мне не захотелось ничего менять. Работает достаточно быстро, меня устраивает.
Но кому-то же оказалось не лень сделать ещё лучше, ещё быстрее. Молодцы. #Linux #mlocate #Arch #plocate

It's nice alt+tabbing around and not hearing anything about Task Switcher with this Windows 7 explorer. But beyond the lack of running UWP apps, you get a lot of other disadvantages:
- no notification or action centers. Things are very quiet since most apps still try to post there.
- no Windows+X quick menu, remember that came in later!
- Settings is a UWP app too, so is calculator, neither work. Notepad does, though.
Learning: you can miss what you had but not realize what you've gained since.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

This is certainly one of the more amusing 404 page not found errors I've ever encountered. Welcome, traveler. You’ve reached a page that doesn't exist, a place where content used to be—or maybe never was. Let’s take this moment to pause and reflect.

Take a deep breath in, and let
it out slowly. Notice the space around you, empty yet full of possibility. Imagine that each exhale clears away confusion, leaving room for clarity.

As you sit with this blank page, know that it’s okay to be here. You’ve discovered something unexpected, and that’s part of the journey. Gently release
any frustration, knowing that every path leads somewhere—even this one.

Now, when you're ready, slowly return to your search. Trust that the right page, the right information, will appear when you need it. Take another deep
breath, and when you exhale, click back or try again. The internet, like life, is full of surprises.

Thank you for taking this moment of calm. Your journey continues.

reshared this

Kapitalistische Autokorrektur! "Minzduft" kennt sie nicht, aber "Münzduft". Mei. Dagobert lässt grüßen:

"Geben Sie doch etwas Münze zum Bad…"


in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Kann nach hinten losgehen:

D., der sich erinnert, dass Donald die Abgase aus Onkel Dagoberts Fabriken heimlich an Südseeinsulaner verkaufte, weil die auf so neumodische Eindrücke standen. Sie haben ihn mit Goldzechinen aus untergegangenen Schatzschiffen bezahlt. Dagobert wollte davon abhaben, aber der Richter verurteilte ihn, den Duft mit... Zechinengeklimper abzugelten. (Das Geld zu sehen und nur die Geräusche abzubekommen, kann Kapitalisten in den Wahnsinn treiben.)

in reply to Domasla

@domasla Mega-LOL 🤣 Ja, lasst uns alle klappern – und sie in die Klapper bringen!

I., der sich erinnert, das Till Eulenspiegel etwas ganz ähnliches abgezogen hat: jeden Tag beim Bäcker rein und sich am Duft erfreuen. Als letzterer das bezahlt haben wollte, klapperte Till nur mit seinem Geldbeutel: "Ich habe ihr Brot gerochen, sie haben mein Geld klingen gehört – da sind wir quitt!"

We're hiring a Technical Administrator at @spritelyinst! This position is both technical and organizational... more or less you'd be helping the Executive Director (me) carry out the mission of the organization using FOSS tools.…

You don't have to be a programmer to take this position, but you do have to be comfortable with using and *learning* FOSS tooling (such as Emacs and Org-Mode, which are used heavily in the organization).

Non-traditionally CS paths to using FOSS tech are welcome; particularly excellent for someone who is early in their career as a free and open source enthusiast, or a humanities graduate student who uses technical tooling to organize their work, or someone who has established experience in the organizational end of FOSS ecosystems. If you feel that assisting in the organization of a FOSS nonprofit while using or learning particular FOSS tools is appealing, apply!…

iPhone 16 Pro coming Friday! Can't wait to see just how "studio quality" these mics actually are lmao.
in reply to Zachary Bennoui

same, maybe there's a way to share a raw recording and then individual ones from different microphones, although it might be the apps will need to get updates to support the new set of microphones.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I was just looking out the front door and saw the woman across the street checking the mail. She is an older #Haitian woman, who has been the home health care aide for the much older woman who lives in that house. For years.

She is always there, taking care of our seniors, and these guys punching down at these important members of my community really makes my blood boil.

These guys need to be shut down so hard.

Facebook's useless #AI based photo descriptions have made it to Threads; and, because they have, #blind people have to suffer for it. People think that posting photos on Threads without alt text is ok because of the utterly useless auto-generated descriptions. I thought I was rid of it when I abandoned Facebook in 2017. Please ask your friends, followers, and acquaintances to describe #photos on Threads.

#accessibility #a11y

Some Ryoko Kui studies from 2021 that I wanted to post now that the manga has wrapped up. Delicious in Dungeon holds a real special place in my heart, and while I haven't done much/any fanart of it, I have done manga studies!
#manga #studies #sketch #ryokokui #deliciousindungeon #dungeonmeshi#DungeonMeshi #Art #DeliciousInDungeon

[Blog Post] What's new in iOS 18 accessibility for blind and DeafBlind users…

mblaze 1.3, a Maildir-focused command line mail client, has been released!…

Ah, I see Snap is now making design choices based on the problem that nobody uses it willingly:….
in reply to Dylan McCall

is it the syscall or the toolkit? I mean patching glib isn't unheard of from them.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub System call, purportedly! But I don’t know where they put code for these things so I’m just going by the post :)

One use case the post has me imagining is an ancient legacy app that I want to run in a sandbox and also get permission prompts when it tries to access specific files. Which is a very specific use case which probably shouldn’t be attached to Snap at all, but I bet they have a customer to impress with that exact situation.

For DASCH, I've been transcribing some logs of photographic plate duplications from the 1900's. And they're just duplicating the same damn plates over and over, mostly. Suddenly I realized: these logs are basically pre-digital equivalent of download counts! "Hey, darkroom guy, someone else wants a copy of the Halley's Comet image. Get to it."
in reply to Peter Williams

Also, I love thinking about the human stories hidden behind these tables of information. Plate D14268 was made on December 23, 1909. What was the 1909 Christmas party like?
in reply to Peter Williams

Relatedly, I'm no expert but I think this is one of my favorite pieces of historical writing ever:…

Dieses Buch in meiner Unterkunft in Wales enthält keine Witze über Git.

Irgendwie enttäuschend. 🤨

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

So like I just have to ask. For people that are super critical of AI for accessibility, what do you expect instead? Do you want blind people to have human ... guides or whatever that will narrate the world around you? Do you want humans to describe all your pictures? Videos? Porn? Because that's about the only other option. And you may return with "Well audio description." And I return with "You think people are going to describe every YouTube video out there? Or old TV shows like Dark Shadows?" Because honestly that's what it'd take. If AI were *not* around, if we want *that* kind of access, that's what we'd have to ask, of darn near every sighted human in the world. And I just don't feel comfortable with demanding that of them.

Now, we'll see what Apple does to give us what will hopefully be even better image descriptions. Imagine a 3B model that is made with **high quality** images and description pairs, trained to do nothing but describe images. Apple has done pretty darn good without LLM's so far, so maybe they'll surprise us further. But my goodness, I'd much rather have something that, yes, makes me *feel* included, maybe a tad bit more than it actually *does* include me. And that's for each and every blind person to decide for themselves if they want to use AI for image, and probably soon, video descriptions, and what they're willing to trust with it. But for us to get this much real, human access, I just hope people who are detracting from AI understand that we who use AI are now used to having images described, and well, soon videos. It's just something that I don't think people should just deny quickly.

#AI #accessibility #blind #description #video #llm

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Falschanrede durch Deutsche Bahn endgültig rechtswidrig: Bundesgerichtshof bestätigt Urteil des OLGs FFM. Nicht-binäre Anreden sollten endlich von allen Unternehmen in Deutschland als rechtliche Notwendigkeit anerkannt und entsprechend umgesetzt werden!