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Vispero and Aira Announce Strategic Partnership to Increase Awareness and Promote Equal Access for Online Communities…

You ever seen something so painfully out of touch and oblivious it hurts?

Something I learned very intimately lately is just how variable disabilities can be. And this extends not just to mental disabilities but physical disabilities as well. The main disability I had before was static. Each day was like the last more or less. I always knew intellectually of course that this isn't the case for everything. And going through it is something else. So don't judge disabled people on their good or bad days. Sometimes it can be almost completely ok. Other days it'll be beyond a struggle to keep going. And often you don't know what it's gonna be until you're there. Don't be so quick to judge people one way or the other. If you see them then it's likely because they could manage then. It doesn't mean tomorrow will be the same.

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to Keri Svendsen

@sapphireangel Yeah. Currently going through something similar. It's one thing to know it but quite something else to feel it. You can understand it intellectually but just like with most disabilities it's something that's very hard to get for someone who doesn't live it.
in reply to Talon

Yeah. It's a hard shift. You then beat yourself up a lot. Just know if you need to vent/talk it out I'm here. It took me a while to come to terms with it, and I'm more stable than not these days.

I finally got back into the Lloyd's Bank mobile app the other day, and I have to say they've really done a tubular job of ensuring the app is as accessible and easy-to-use as possible with VoiceOver. On-screen elements are clearly labelled, item focus is never lost, everything response as it should when interacted with, and so much more. Sure, some stuff is weirdly positioned, but you can easily explore by touch if needed. Are other UK/US/other countries' banking apps this accessible? #LloydsBank #banking #OnlineBanking #MobileBanking #blind
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Seedy of Chucky

I hate the redesign. All this spaces stuff, no consistency as to your inbox location within the rest of the apps navigation ... I had no issue with the old layout at all.

Not so short note on aria-label usage – Big Table Edition

“aria-label is one of a number of secondary methods to label native HTML UI elements. It works particularly well on interactive elements, it also works well on most block level elements old skoolterm that have explicitly or implicitly defined structural roles. It works less well or not at all on text level semantics.”

#aria #HTML #accessibility #WebDev…

Скрипучий старенький компостер
В трамвае старом за депо
Жует беззубым ртом влетевший
В пустой вагон кленовый лист
(с) не моё
in reply to Green Sadness

Ну и красотища! Обожаю такие пирожки.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion Вот и меня это четверостишие чем-то зацепило

The Stallman report

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Player 1:
Player 2:


in reply to daniel:// stenberg://…

Le digo la lotería es un impuesto a la estupidez me dice vamos a ver gilipollas no te das cuenta de que es una manera de crear tribu, de unirnos, de cohesión social, qué quieres ser condenado al ostracismo le digo dame dos décimos.
in reply to Alferecía enjoyer

@modulux La envidia vende mucha lotería. Nadie quiere que le toque a sus compañeros/familia/amigos y ser el único que no llevaba. No juegas para ganar, sino para no perder. Si le toca a cualquier desconocido, no has jugado, tampoco has perdido pero si le toca a tus compañeros y a ti no la sensación es de haber perdido y ser un pringao. Esos anuncios en los que le regalan un décimo al pardillo que no llevaba es una forma pasivo-agresiva de recordártelo
in reply to Javi Domínguez

Cuando lo hablo con extranjeros siempre les digo que la lotería no es un tema de ilusión y de pensar que vas a ganar, sino de despecho. No te puedes permitir la posibilidad de que tu jefe, o el compañero al que odias, se vuelva rico y tú no.

So so many reviews of audio equipment don't actually have any audio. Good to see that different here.
[Best Headset Microphones for Podcasting: USB Headset Mic Guide](…)

„Naposledy za námi přijela někdy na podzim. Jen na pár dní. Ustlala si tehdy mezi mnou a klukem, na zemi, přímo pod stolem. Prý že tak je zvyklá, že takhle se cítí v bezpečí. Celé noci tam pak naříkala. Vyla jako zvíře a křičela ze spaní. Nikdo si prý neumíme představit, co se tam na východě odehrává.“…

Ever find that sitting in front of your unnecessarily complex music rig is hard sometimes? Creative block hits and there's nothing you can do about it?
I certainly find that lately, more often than not.
One device has come into my life and changed a lot of that however. Ableton Move.

In this world-first video, I take you through making a beat without sight, just using the undocumented screen-reader function within the web-based Move Manager.

It's incredibly freeing to be able to just load a fresh set, be presented with four random sounds and perhaps one of them will inspire you so you just begin doing a thing that you had absolutely no plan to do before you started.
#InspiredBySound - Let's Move! (Ableton Move Accessibility Overview)
#Accessibility #Ableton #ScreenReader #Blind #Music #Composition

in reply to Andre Louis

@talon Given that you, like me, appreciated Ableton Note, methinks you'll appreciate this stand-alone thing which is sort of like Note but not quite. Link in-thread if you end up being curious. It has sparked such creativity in me and I'm loving it.
in reply to Andre Louis

I did see your video about it and I want one really bad. But I'll have to probably wait a little. Can't really afford it right now :( :(

What's a good podcast to have on at work these days? Ideally around tech but not overly US-centric and def no techbro energy, also: social justice, and probs arts.
I'm determined to make podcasts happen in my life, but if I have to hear one more smarmy US podcaster giggle at some quip about some serious topic or an other or attempt "humour" I will lose my actual shit
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in reply to Shrig

This may be a bit too niche, but I'm the co-host and co-producer of a podcast called Talk Description to Me. Our main target audience is the blind and low vision community, but it's a lively fun and informative dive into the visuals of many things, conversational between myself and a professional Audio Describer. Given the delightful popularity of alt text here, you might find it diverting.

Showing up for more interviews at the tech company and when they start insisting that I was turned down for the job so I should go away, explain that the only options are "yes" or "maybe later"

Liebe Männer,
wenn ihr einen Post über Mansplaining lest und das dringende Bedürfnis verspürt, witzig drunterzukommentieren (z.B. "Ich mansplaine hier mal drunter haha"), lasst es einfach.
Es ist nicht lustig und tausende Männer vor euch hatten schon dieselbe Idee.


Do not downplay this. The Wall Street Journal editorial endorses murdering UN peacekeeping troops. This is all this means. They have adopted Netanyahu's line. It's a choice.

What follows is Israel bombing the UN.

They already did that: look up the 1996 Qana Massacre.…

Kind of a jarring experience to have dudes publicly in my mentions defending Stallman over individual nitpicks on one item in a thousand-page dossier while right next to them on my TL are locked posts from women detailing decades of trauma and ruined career opportunities from him and his ilk.

Stallman is a piece of shit, he has demonstrated this over the course of decades, and if you want me to think highly of you, you will not defend him in my replies. I am not open to being persuaded!

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

[EN]Since new readers have arrived here, I think I should introduce myself again. My name is Berta, I am a Spanish-Ecuadorian #philosopher and #artist. I am especially interested in the transition from #nature to #cultures, #mythology, #religion, and #symbolism. In my current #photography project, I am reconstructing the myth of Persephone.

🇫🇷 La decadencia del macronismo, bajo sus diferentes formas y etiquetas:

2017: 450.000 simpatizantes
2023: 35.000 militantes
2024: 8.500 militantes…


Say hello to #libssh2 1.11.1, just released =>…

A couple years ago I opened a thread to add #AltText on #Mastodon banners and profile pictures. Now detailed todos are being posted. Is there anyone who could help in this case?…
#a11y #Acessibility

WestphalDenn reshared this.

It really comes to something when you start hearing metal pipes, banging and builders in your back garden, because they've climbed over the wall to put up scaffold without us being informed. We live in a Maisonette, and there's something wrong with the window above our house. As a result, they have to get upto that floor to fix it, but the housing association couldn't be bothered to tell us about it. As a result we'll have scaffold up for perhaps a week, perhaps even longer, while that work gets done. This makes our garden inconvenient for me to walk around for one thing, and potentially dangerous for another. Sometimes I just cannot believe the audacity of some people.
I made it very clear when I went out to talk to the builders that I don't blame them, they're just here to do a job and don't know who's house it is, but I do blame the higher-ups for being so damn lackadaisical as to not let us know properly. They could have been anyone. Burglars. I feel extremely on-edge as a result.
in reply to Andre Louis

We get so many notices about roadworks and closures in our area with little maps. This part of the road. This house. all just dotted or circled. Phone number never picks up. Bastards.

I have been corrupted by the coffee people. I was thinking of adding some milk and sugar to my morning coffee today to get a palatable, smooth drink but then I had a sip of the black coffee and was like "no no, I want this flavor right now". This is bizarre cause just a month or two ago I'd practically never drink black coffee.

neat, Rogue Legacy source code is on GitHub now…

My #GoToSocial backup procedure:

This runs as a cron job every day at an off-peak hour. Do bear in mind that both the sqlite backup, which takes place while GTS is running and therefore must handle locks, and xz, take up a lot of CPU power.

umask 027
now0="$(date +'%F %T')"
printf "%s: Starting backup.\n" "$now0"
cd /home/gts/gts || { printf "Impossible to backup. Cannot access directory.\n"; exit; }
mv --backup=numbered instance.back.tar.xz db-backups
printf "Backing up database.\n"
sqlite3 sqlite.db ".backup 'sqlite.db.back'"
printf "Preparing file list.\n"
echo sqlite.db.back > file.list
echo config.yaml >> file.list
echo >> file.list
echo file.list >> file.list
./gotosocial --config-path config.yaml admin media list-attachments --local-only >> file.list
./gotosocial --config-path config.yaml admin media list-emojis --local-only >> file.list
printf "Tarring up instance data.\n"
tar -cf instance.back.tar -T file.list
printf "Removing auxiliary files.\n"
rm sqlite.db.back file.list
xz -T3 -e --best instance.back.tar
now="$(date +'%F %T')"
printf "%s: Finished backing up.\n" "$now"
in reply to modulux

One thing I want to do to improve this, is using ts to timestamp the output on the log. I run this on a cron job and redirect it to a log file so that I can see if any command has failed or any dodgy things has happened.

Want to quickly switch conversations in the Messages app on macOS? You don't need to use the conversations collection, just press Control-Tab to move to the next conversation in the collection, and Control-Shift-Tab to move to the previous one. #TipTuesday

@Tutanota I was thinking about a "new" service. Keep private and encrypted URLs as services like Pocket or Mozilla does (but not encrypted) to save bookmarks for interesting posts and articles found into the web.
Right now I'm using Signal personal notes but a Tuta bookmarks service could be nice.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Buenos días, fedi. A ver como va el día.
in reply to modulux

Tiene que ir bien! De momento espero que tu madre ya esté mejor y que pronto vuelva a casa.
in reply to Óscar Gorri

Está mejor, por lo menos sin fiebre y bastante animada. De momento sigue por allí, y aún no le han asignado habitación, lo cual me parece mucho tiempo, pero bueno... A ver si pronto le dan el alta.

in reply to Henrik Sandklef

@hesa @Cheatha yes, and also limited as barely any developer test their changes in more than one or a few config setups, which then easily would break in another setup the developer (or reviewers) did not think about

Now this is something I want. Don't get me wrong, I love my cane but if there's anything I can use to make traveling easier, you best believe I'm using it because right now, its just so exhausting to even want to walk anywhere and I'm tired after going out. It's much less exhausting being driven anywhere so if I can make walking easier with this cane, I'd get it. #Blind…

Today I learned that there are micro USB cables that only carry power, not data, and that I have several of them. 😒 Unfortunately, I learned this while trying to use an old phone that I haven't used in years. I tested it with two different cables, thinking I had eliminated the cable as a variable in the problem equation and leading me to assume it was something wrong with the phone or its configuration. I finally found another micro USB device which uses data (surprisingly, I don't have many) and realised that my two cables weren't working with that either.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Jamie Teh

Indeed they exist, and then there are cables which can only provide up to so much power, and if that isn't enough for the device, the device won't charge, nor will you get data of it. That is... always fun to work with.
in reply to Jamie Teh

sadly some of this persists into today, although at least per-spec Type-c charge-only cables are not supposed to be a thing. That doesn't mean there aren't 2.0 Type-c cables which disconnect the data wire (and some are still marketed to do this in the name of security) so generally the only time I've had to be careful over this is with cheap cables purchased from a gas station-type store. Many Micro ones will use the tactile trident mark when charge-only but it's not reliable.

I voted and California said my ballot was already counted just two days later. Here is hoping! #USPol

Umberto Eco Explains the Poetic Power of Charles Schulz’s Peanuts…

Perfectl is Not New, It's Not News About Linux, Outdated Apache RocketMQ is Not Linux, and the Real News Should be Back Doors Like Windows and CALEA Blunder…

Na Pixel 9 Pro max právě dorazil Android 15
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

práve som odoslal úlohu z angličtiny, na poslednú chvíľu 😎

Other than not funding them, and putting shame-pressure on them, is there anything one can do about the FSF?

If the FSF got dissolved, what happens to the copyrighted code that it owns / that has been assigned to it?

in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

You are right that this identifies a huge "bus factor" for all FSF-stewarded projects. Anyone who works in operating systems knows how fundamental many of these pieces are. A few things could happen.

Option 1: The ongoing work to Rust-ify everything is accelerated. A new surge of energy appears to move to a Rust future.

Option 2: Good Person(s) Scenario. FSF gracefully hands over copyright ownership to a responsible steward.

Option 3: Bad Person(s) Scenario. S***show.

in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

I went through the FSF copyright assignment process once (for some automake patches). From memory, there were some conditions attached to the assignment related to how the FSF would license the code.

If the FSF dissolved and the copyrights transferred to a successor org, I assume those promises would also transfer with it. It's possible that they might be able to relicense the code under a more permissive free software license, but they couldn't sell commercial licenses to the code.