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My experience voting as a person with a disability…

AMC Networks Takes Full Control of BBC America in $42 Million Deal…

DuckDuckGo Is More Than Just a Search Engine Now…

It's Not a Real Job. It's an Employment Scam - CNET…

7 Morning Home Safety Checks Everyone Forgets…

in reply to David Goldfield

I'm still waiting for them to bring the symmetrical speeds to my neighborhood. Waiting, waiting, waiting.
in reply to David Goldfield

I can't tell if they offer anything over a gig from thddI have the gihabit plan. I'd like more symetry. I live in a large area. Portland, Oregon area.

Here's Why Experts Say You Shouldn't Use an AirTag to Track Your Pet…

🧣Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 11/2024 - Title:
🟡 "Ada takes windows where she
finds them and makes windows
where she needs them." 🐿️
🔴 "Ada nimmt sich Fenster, wo sie sie
findet, und macht Fenster, wo sie
sie braucht."
#StreetArt #Art #Chalkart #Artist #SidewalkChalk #3DArt #Squirrel #Window

What’s New in Jieshuo 20241108: Offline OCR Overhaul & AI Enhancements…

Takže přátelé, #Vánoce se blíží a jak jsem varoval, tak už je to tady - #DarujHračku

Máte jedinečnou možnost rozsvítit aspoň na jeden den oči dítěti, který moc důvodů k radosti nemá. Akci organizují každoročně #Tango manažeři na vozíčcích, což je samo o sobě něco, co si zaslouží obdiv.

Představte si, že můžete náhodnýmu prckovi dopřát zázrak pod stromek a splnit mu přání. Buďte #Ježíšek.

Často to nedělám, ale tentokrát prosím - boostujte. On totiž i ten pitomej boost může znamenat radost v očích jednoho prcka.

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Neblbne někomu po poslední aktualizaci aplikace pro Nextcloud z Fdroidu?
Mně pořádá chodí oznámení při stahování souborů došlo k chybě.
#Nextcloud #fdroid #app #android
in reply to Archos

Mám Nextcloud z F-Droidu starej 13 dní a synchronizace mi v týdnu běžela (aspoň směrem na server, zpět jsem nezkoušel)
in reply to Schmaker

No právě, že já ani nic nestahoval do telefonu. Za hodinu dorazí snad 30 oznámení.
in reply to Archos

ja narazil na bug, ted nedavno, ze to do telefonu synclo vse ze serveru. I adresare, ktery nebyly oznaceny k sync.
in reply to luke__666

@luke__666 Na F-droidu jsou myslím tři aktualizace za pár dní, tak snad to vše brzo doladí.
in reply to luke__666

Jo, to byl průser, dost lidem to vyžralo mobilní data, mně naštěstí jen baterku. Kvůli tomu musel NC dočasně pryč z mobilu, aktuální verze z F-Droida už tím netrpí.
in reply to Lukáš Jelínek

@aikencz Já mám poslední verzi z F-Droidu a dostávám upozornění o špátném stahování souborů :-(
Zkusím se odhlásit, jestli to nepomůže.

I found a blog I want to follow. Now I'm following it, in the same place I follow all my other long-form sources. RSS has been around for decades, and it's still great. No accounts, no proprietary API, no third-party server in control of the data, no relying on a single app.

I have cancelled all but one of my streaming video subscriptions in an effort to save money. I wanted to watch a certain movie but didn’t have a physical or digital copy, and didn’t want to purchase it. Suddenly, I remembered that libraries exist. Today I walked to the library and checked out a few movies on Blu-ray and DVD. For free. I feel strangely powerful. Support - and use - your local library.

#streaming #library #physicalMedia #DVD #Bluray #saveMoney

from alex (

Generally we think of alt-text as the domain of those with accessibility needs.

However alt-text is useful for many reasons, which benefit your viewers, as well as you, the creator!

Sorry I didn’t call you back. Forgot my phone could do that


Sensitive content

I posted this elsewhere, but I thought it was worth bringing here.

there's a common sentiment in some communities i'm in that people who understand computers at more than the most surface level can't really be trusted. and, yk, i get it; it's an inscrutable, esoteric, yet deeply powerful art, and the people who practice it are often quite disconnected from society by financial privilege or simple introversion. it's one of many reasons i call what i do wizardry, which is meant in the AD&D, swords and sorcery, Forbidden Tower sense - but, at the same time, it isn't actually magic; it's a complicated tower of social conventions baked, in part, into sophisticated patterns of metal on glass.

lots of folks in my little pocket of the 'net, myself included, use the term "computer toucher" broadly and with only a little irony to mean programmers, hackers, system administrators, computer engineers, and the like - but that's silly, right? if we're talking via the Fediverse, we're touching computers; if we're talking via Discord, we're touching computers; by definition, anyone reading this post in its original medium is a "computer toucher" in its literal sense.

i certainly don't believe it's incumbent upon everyone to understand "how computer work" in any detailed sense. i have four years of formal education and a decade of autodidactism behind my knowledge of things like the syntax and semantics of programming languages, the operation of network protocols, and the conventions behind USB device communication. i have an entire bookshelf full of titles like Linux Kernel Development and Rust Atomics and Locks. you do not and should not need to understand all this nonsense to live in the world. that said, i do think there is a basic level of competency that it's reasonable to expect from people who use computers on a daily basis, and the more i see companies like Apple and Google try to erode computer education, the more important i think it is to make sure people get some.

to analogize: i drive a car (i know, i hate it too lol.) i am not a "car person"; i know some people who are, which is great, because i can ask them for help with things like changing my oil. i don't really understand why i have to change the oil; does it like, get hot and chemically change? does it get contaminated with dust? i haven't found the time to look into it. i don't know how my car works; i understand that it's got an engine and a transmission (though i'm not totally sure what that is). and that's okay.

but can you imagine if i tried to drive a car without ever learning that cars use gasoline? if i tried to get a license without learning the difference between the accelerator and the brake? if i got angry and shut down the conversation when i said i didn't want to set my e-brake on a steep hill and someone tried to tell me that it's unsafe? that's absurd.

that's how i feel about computers. no, people shouldn't have to know what a kernel is to use Discord, and indeed they do not. but you do have to know that the car burns gas. you are on the hook for understanding the basic operating principle of the thing you're operating - the thing that runs every nook and cranny of the society you live in.

modulux reshared this.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Matt Campbell
Because they think we're out-of-touch elites? Or something else?
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Matt Campbell
All right, I think I get it. So they say we can't be trusted to recommend software that's usable for normal people, or to develop such software without input from a UX person or the like.

While I was being sedated for my hysterectomy, the (woman) surgeon came in to check on everything. I asked her if she would be so kind as to send my uterus to Congress. If they want to control them, I said, they can have mine.

Every person in the room was female and I passed out to the sound of roaring laughter.

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If a child refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?

Hollywood really need to remove all these MAGA cars from movies. Take a fucking stance.

See this animated gif?

It's two comb jellies, each of which was injured, with a part of its body ripped off ...

... and the two healed themselves by merging into one

All their systems -- nerves, gastrointestinal -- merge. If you poke one of the jellies the whole organism reacts

Scientists only just now discovered that comb jellies can do this

Item #6 in my latest "Linkfest" newsletter, free to read and subscribe to here:…


A teacher trying to teach good manners, asked her students the following question:

'Michael, if you were on a date having dinner with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?
'Michael said: 'Just a minute I have to go pee.' The teacher responded by saying: 'That would be rude and impolite. What about you Sherman, how would you say it?'

Sherman said: 'I am sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back.'

'That's better, but it's still not very nice to say the word bathroom at the dinner table. And you, little Johnny, can you use your brain for once and show us your good manners?'

Johnny said 'I would say: Darling, may I please be excused for
a moment? I have to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope to introduce you to after dinner.'

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Are you a technology expert, or just trying to make sense of it all?Our new podcast, Access On, will have something for you.
It’s interactive, informative, and leverages the extensive networks of the National Federation of the Blind to bring you the tech news makers.
Technology is all about people, so we want to hear from you with your tech comments, tips, tricks and questions.
It won’t be long before Access On, is on, and you can follow it today in your app or device. Here’s an audio taster.

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Welcome. Access On is the National Federation of the Blind's home on mastodon for discussion about the role technology plays in living the life we want.
Learn about our latest technology advocacy campaigns, interesting items of tech news, our Access On podcast, and the work of our Center of Excellence in Nonvisual Accessibility.
Posts regarding products and services are for informational purposes only and do not necessarily constitute an endorsement.

A reminder that science is gatekept wby oligarchs who exploit the free labour of academia to make billions on their back while restricting access to science.

And they will to great length to jail those that gets in the way.

And you know what's free (gratis)? Misinformation propelled by the same oligarchs.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

and remember the orange traitor kept classified document (ie stolen) and was rewarded with a new job that give him the power to pardon himself.

Taken! I made someone happy!!!
I still have my first computer, an Osborne Executive with all of its original software and manuals. It still worked great when I last booted it up in 1999. We're really trying to not hang on to stuff forever, so it's heading for the electronics recycling in a week unless someone wants it. Free, but I don't think I can deal with shipping it anywhere, so pick-up in Woburn, MA.
(Computer details at…)
(Any ideas, @knizer?)

#free #VintageComputer

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Man, maybe I’m just old school but I am really not digging the now-unfortunately-well-established trend of people on Instagram putting music behind their photo posts

I just wanna look at some, like, pictures

but scrolling down my feed is now like sitting in an old car where someone won’t stop spinning the tuner and all I hear is 0.75 seconds of like ninety songs

it is such a hilariously wretched UI experience

At 14, he helped create RSS.
At 16, he contributed to Creative Commons.
At 17, he co-created Markdown.
At 18, he co-founded Reddit.

The web would be different if he were alive.


I use an RSS feed for news, and I’m sure I’m not the only one here on the Fediverse who appreciates the convenience it offers, because it helps me stay informed in a way that suits my preferences.

How do you keep up with the important topics that matter to you?

I’d love to hear your thoughts!


#Linux #OpenSource #FOSS #Ubuntu #Fedora #ArchLinux #LinuxMint #Debian #Manjaro #Privacy #Decentralization

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

#GNOME Papers finally becomes a PDF viewer that can digitally sign documents and verify signatures.

The latter was implemented by Marek Kašík from our team. It was several years in the making. He originally implemented it for Evince, but Evince is pretty much dead and it's been waiting to be merged upstream for 1.5 years. When Papers were forked from Evince, Marek rewrote it in #Rust and implemented it there. It's currently under review and should be merged soon. ✌️

#Linux #desktop #PDF

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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Quick Tip: How To Stop Your Battery From Draining When Using Jieshuo Screen Reader…

Montréalaises, montréalais, soyez informés que l’armée canadienne va «faire du bruit» pour les Alouettes vers 15h00. 🙄

From: @camerondotca…

in reply to Nicolas Guay

j'ai rien entendu au dessus du bruit de la souffleuse à feuilles.

I feel like it’s a Scooby-Do moment. The orange spook mask comes off and it’s… President Musk!

I know I don't usually do this, but it's necessary. My partner's check for this month, which we had plans for, was physically stolen this month when it went to another state, and because of expenses from an overcharge and my own delayed check as well as some other things, mine is about to run out too. I have $15.00 to my name. Help needed for groceries, bills, credit card debt, and some other time-sensitive payments. I have no credit, I can't take out a loan to do it.
My info is:
cashapp: $xocat1372
Apple Pay: available upon request via DM
partner's info:
cashapp: $shimmerscript
Apple Pay: available upon request via DM
#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #crowdfund #DisabilityCrowdfund #HelpNeeded #Survival #begpost #donations #BoostForReach #desperate @mutualaid @MutualAidNet @MutualAidVisibility

Sabéis que no va dimitir, verdad? Conocéis a alguien de ese partido que dimita? Pues eso, dejará correr el tiempo y, en las próximas elecciones, mayoría absoluta. Os suena Madrid, no?
in reply to modulux

@modulux No solo tenía que dimitir, sino que tenía que adelantar elecciones. No es él solo, es todo el partido en Valencia.
in reply to Juan CBS

Habrá que ver, pero yo creo que no tiene mucha escapatoria. La ha cagado demasiado y el partido se puede buscar a otro.