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Items tagged with: movies

I am in the process of "reclaiming" digital purchases that I own.

Pro tip: Never buy digital movies, TV shows, or games. If you do not have a hard copy, it is not worth it.

#DigitalContent #Movies #TvShows #Blueray #DVD #Games

Today, March 18, in 1982, Seattle high schooler David Lightman teaches his friend Jennifer Mack about war dialing, hacking, phreaking, and the importance of infosec (WarGames, 1983)

#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #WarGames #TheOnlyWinningMoveIsNotToPlay

I created some #Halloween themed QR codes. A sinister little selection of 12 movie monsters.

Recognise them all?

Warning: Using your device to read the codes may lead to a poltergeist haunting...

Today, October 21, Doc Brown, Marty McFly, and Jennifer Parker arrive in 2015 from the year 1985 (Back to the Future: Part II, 1989)

#BacktotheFutureDay #Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #BTTF #BackToTheFuture ##BackToTheFutureII #BackToTheFuture2

Ian Failes of before and afters has an utterly fascinating article about the tests to add motion blur to Phil Tippett's stop motion dinos for Jurassic Park. While I knew of those attempts, I don't recall ever hearing that they used MORF (used in Willow) to try to make the dinos more realistic. Eventually the CG tests paved the way for a #VFX revolution

#movies #JurassicPark #StevenSpielberg #PhilTippett #morfing #StopMotion #dinosaurs #CG

The incredibly rare original ADR-take of the entire Wilhelm Scream recording session has been found!

Here’s some history about the Wilhelm Scream:

#SoundEffects #SoundRecording #WilhelmScream #History #Movies #Audio

I love actors! #Introduction

If you’re an actor (or agent, casting director, &c), reply with something like “I’m an actor!” and tag me and I’ll add you to my list of actors.

Let your actor-followers know by boosting this post.

Here’s my current list of actors:

#Actor #Actriz #ActorsOfMastodon #Acting #ActorsLife #Theatre #Film #Movies #TV #VoiceActor #BlackActor #BipocActor #AsianActor
 #SagAftra #bafta #sag #equity #meaa

Content warning: The accessibility for the blind advent calendar: day 11 - Germany - expand the content warning to open the window for today!

[time for a #reintroduction! #introductions #introduction]

I'm Flo (he/him), a #queer #author of #lgbtqia #fiction.

Primarily I write #sliceoflife, #comedy, heartwarming & lighthearted, #gay #romance in a variety of settings, such as #hopepunk, #scifi, #fantasy, #steampunk, #horror, #gothic, annnnd the list goes on~ 😅

Some more things about me:

— I'm currently pumped for #NaNoWriMo!

— I like #writing, #reading, #drawing, #art, #gaming, #movies, #books etc.

— I dabble in #learning #mandarin and #tokipona (which i don't tend to talk about here).

— I am #agender, #asexual, #aromantic, (thus #AroAce) #disabled, #ActuallyAutistic, and a #demiguy

— i have a wishlist (mostly full of very, *very* gay books):

— alt accounts at & @floghost

RetroStrangeTV is a livestreaming OwnCast account that shows weird old public domain films and television. You can follow at:

➡️ @rstv

You can watch the stream at and there's a website at

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