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Items tagged with: flathub

It's not long until the 1st of June, so why not pick up the guitar and learn some catchy tunes for the summer? I've just published version 7.0 of Fretboard, which brings more accurate chord name prediction, note names on hover for the neck top toggles, and a couple of fixes for various small issues encountered since last release. It should be on Flathub very soon!

#Fretboard #GNOME #Flathub #GNOMEApps #GNOMECircle #Guitar

Ptyxis, a toolbox/distrobox container aware terminal from Christian Hergert is now available on Flathub!…

#Flatpak #Flathub #Silverblue #AtomicDesktops

Opened up Apostrophe to edit a README and it launched in its sleek 3.0 version. Life is good.

#makeappsnotthemes #gnome #circle #flathub #updates

I'm excited to see Fretboard featured on @flathub's front page this week! 😃

#Fretboard #Flathub

The Flathub website just received a fab revamp ✨…

#flathub #linux

I really need to automate this somehow, but my latest (conservative) estimate of active users of Flathub is 1.99 million!

It’s likely over 2,000,000 in reality; this is a number of updates delivered to the most popular runtime, org.freedesktop.Platform//23.08, between the 23.08.14 and 23.08.15 releases. This was less than a month (March 18 through April 9) and only counts this runtime; any users running apps that don’t use it are not counted here.

Pretty impressive stuff!

#Flatpak #Flathub

Today's the day 🥳✨🌈

The new home page layout is live on now, including:

- Banner with 5 featured apps (updated weekly)
- App of the day
- New group for trending apps
- Tabbed section with trending, popular, new and updated apps

This has been almost a year in the making, including tons of work on documentation, backend, frontend, and the actual metadata in apps. Special thanks to @razze and @tbernard!

#flathub #flatpak

@sonny It's a tricky one, but I think it should be doable to make it work somehow. For being featured the first screenshot is most important, you can preview that here:…

More generally, I'd reduce the number of screenshots to 3 or so (e.g. first, second, last) and avoid manual compositing with multiple windows as much as possible. Happy to discuss this more in detail, but might be better on Matrix, e.g. #flathub or #gnome-design :)

Quick #flathub/#flatpak question regarding AppStream Metadata - what's the correct way to handle screenshots for apps that are inherently multi-window like Multiplex? In the long run I want to embed MPV, but that will be a while out still. I've tried to improve the old screenshots by green-screening the background and using the GNOME shadows, but I still can't pass the "resonable window size", "just the app window" etc. requirements ...

Retro; the customizable clock widget is now available on Flathub in v2

What's new:

• 24/12h support (follows GNOME Settings)
• Energy usage optimizations
• Better support for round clocks
• Controls moved out of the way

What do you think of the floating header bar?…

#GNOME #GTK #CSS #Flathub #Flatpak #Linux

Just realized, we have 47 locales on #flathub all thanks to #weblate and all translators contributing. Thank you! 💗…

It keeps getting better 🛡️ 👍


Thanks to all you developers out there adding brand colors to your apps over the past months we're almost ready to launch featured banners ✨

If you're an app maintainer and haven't done this yet for your app, here are the docs:…

To make it more interesting we're setting a deadline! We will be launching the new banners on April 20th, so for the possibility to be featured during the first week, update your apps today :)

#flathub #flatpak #gnome #kde #linux

💡 portal for anonymous telemetry. Hear me out!

Many developers want to have telemetry so that they can learn about how their app is used and how they perform.

It can lead to better software, but it's also a privacy nightmare 😮‍💨

Currently, apps need to enable full network for it (or more) and users have 0 control over it. This is happening. Right now.

What if there was a way to remove all the negative aspects of telemetry so that we can consider it safe? 🛡️

1/2 🧵

#Flatpak #Snap #Flathub

Big thank you to @dogphilosopher for an update to flatpaks on Bluefin. Now flatpaks can be preinstalled from the ISO rather than having to download them on first boot in order to provide the intended experience. That means @thunderbird on the dock by default!

Awesome step forward for us to be able to bring you intended apps by default without straying from @flathub

If you can help with testing the new ISOs, please see below for instructions.…

#Bluefin #Flathub #Fedora

Junction 1.8 is out ✨

Junction pops up automatically when you open a file or link to let you choose which app to open with.…

The highlight of this version is better mobile and touch support :linux: 📱

Plus, the app is now verified on Flathub and has a "High quality app data" rating.

#GNOME #GTK #Flatpak #Flathub #LinuxMobile #Linux

You may have seen the “Verified” badge on apps from Flathub which shows that the developer has proven ownership of their app, e.g. via their website or code host.

With great adoption (nearly 1,000 verified apps!), we’re trying something out to help with transparency:

⚠️ Unverified

If you see this, it flags that the app has not been verified by its developer—it’s effectively a community-maintained package.

#Flathub #Flatpak #Linux

Anyone in my network interested in research and prototype network portal for Flatpak?

In the long run we are interested in:

• Give more control to users over app network access
• Allow apps that need network access to be considered “Safe”

We expect something like unsharing the network namespace and a bridge on the host for permissions / monitoring.

Boost welcome :boost_love:

1/2 🧵

#FediHire #Flatpak #Flathub #Linux #Snap #containers #Docker #freedesktop #Ubuntu #Fedora

I've seen a few app maintainers lately mentioning that bleeding edge libraries are required and that distro X in version Y isn't supported.

This is why you should have a Flatpak manifest in your repository; not just on Flathub.

It lets contributors easily build and test the development version without having to worry about the host.

Upgrading or downgrading your OS shouldn't stop anyone from working on your app.

#Linux #development #GNOME #KDE #Flatpak #Flathub

Friends of energy efficiency - the Light Video 0.1.0 #Flathub update is out, build with #gtk4 4.14 and #GStreamer 1.24.1.

This should be the first app targeting the #linux / FDO desktop enabling Wayland video offloading (think zero-copy playback) by default. In many cases (actually more than I expected) this can improve battery lifetime - and on low-end devices even playback performance - significantly.…

Thank you stranger. The work required to review Flatpak is very much appreciated.

#Flatpak #Flathub #Linux

Received my first automated email from Flathub to inform me that the permission change in our app "Biblioteca" is under review.

Love to see it!

Well done @flyingpimonster, @barthalion and @razze

#Flatpak #Flathub #Linux

Would pay monay to have all flatpaks support mdns domain resolution? Is there a fund I could contribute to for that? As far as I can tell it's been broken for years. #flatpak #flathub #linux #avahi #bonjour #rendeszvous #mdns

GNOME 46 runtime and sdk are back and available on Flathub beta

Just in time for testing your apps over the weekend !

flatpak install flathub-beta org.gnome.Sdk//46beta org.gnome.Platform//46beta


Thanks @alatiera !

#GNOME #GTK #Flatpak #Flathub #development

“Improved build validation, increased moderation, and the long-awaited switch to libappstream” by @barthalion

Heads up to app developers: Flathub’s automatic build validation is more thorough now, and includes checks for issues we previously would have only flagged manually. There’s a chance that if your app has been passing continuous integration checks previously, it will fail now; here’s why, and what to do about it:…

#Flathub #Flatpak #Linux #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS

Hello, world! 👋 It’s your friendly neighborhood Linux app store here on the Fediverse! Check our profile, we’re verified. 😎

Speaking of which… if you’re an app developer and want to get your app verified on Flathub, check the docs! If you need any help, give us a shout here.…

#Flathub #Flatpak #OpenSource #Linux #FOSS #FLOSS #introduction

Attending FOSDEM in person or remote?

I compiled a list of things of interest for GNOME :gnome:…

Let me know if I missed anything

We also have a Matrix room…

#FOSDEM #GNOME #Flatpak #Flathub

Flathub has OVER A MILLION active users! 🎉…

That's a nice new stat to reference when asking developers to bring their app to Flathub: it gets them in front of more than a million Linux users. 👀

#Flathub #Flatpak #GNOME #KDE #Linux #OpenSource…

#flathub #linux

By popular demand, we made Vivaldi available on #FlatHub. Are you using #Flatpak? Have you downloaded @Vivaldi yet? Did you tell your friends?😀

#Linux #Desktop #Download #browser…

People familiar with Flatpak and Blender... want to help Blender on board with Flatpak, officially upstream?

There's an open issue with initial tasks to be completed:…

They could use some help around packaging and permissions. :)

#b3d #OpenSource #Flatpak #Flathub #Linux #Blender

Some of you might have heard about it, and the rumors are true! After many requests from our #Linux users, Vivaldi is now available as a @FlatpakApps on #Flathub.

PS. The package is not yet official, read all the details in the article below by @omgubuntu👇…

More on why it is not official yet:…

Frog is such a neat little Linux desktop app to extract text from images.

You can give it an image (file selector, drag & drop) or let it take a screenshot. And you can even paste an image from your clipboard!

This is great for adding alt text when posting an image or copying text (as text) from a screenshot for sharing (or adding to UI mockups, as I often do).

It also reads QR codes and supports several languages.…

#Linux #desktop #app #Gnome #OCR #Flatpak #Flathub

@dino 0.4.3 just got released with some exciting improvements for #LinuxMobile

1. Several fixes for touch input, making audio/video calls actually usable on phones
2. Fixes for video support so devices with #libcamera / #pipewire support like the #PinePhonePro work now
3. The app is now recognized as mobile friendly on #Phosh
4. Stricter #Flatpak sandbox - no device/all any more

The new version is available on #Flathub and lots of distro repos.

#GNOME #xmpp #Jabber

Snapshot, the new Camera (photo/video) app is available on Flathub 🎉 📷

It looks fantastic, here is a picture of Hermine sleeping next to my desk.…

Made by @maximiliano 🎩

#Flatpak #Flathub #GNOME #LinuxMobile #Linux #Rust #Gtk

Flathub is definitely leading the charge in the Linux app store space. Everyone else is struggling to just keep up.

#flathub #flatpak