
Items tagged with: webDev

People on StackOverflow telling people to screw up #accessibility with the HTML dialog element defeats the purpose of using that element in the first place IMO. Please upvote my answer that corrects the numerous wrong answers, including the accepted answer, to this question if you have an SO account.…

#webDev #a11y #html #css #javaScript

Client: "Well, sometimes we have to break accessibility on our site when it gets in the way of other users."

Me: 🤔

#webdev #memes #a11y

⌨️ prayer for the un-entitled user

"Like the rest of the web platform, interoperability is key to accessibility support. It is safe to say at this time (September 2024) that the display of title attribute content on keyboard focus is not implemented interoperably."

#a11y #WebStandards #WebDev…

Sensitive content

Vytvořil jsem si svůj "profesní" web (spíš je to jen landingpage), jelikož letos pravděpodobně skončím u dosavadního zaměstnavatele po dlouhých 18 letech 😮 (což zní až neuvěřitelně, ale fakt jsem tam tak dlouho vydržel, vystřídal jsem tam několik pozic).
Budu hledat opět práci #fullstack #webdev #homeoffice, ale se zaměřením na #Wordpress.
(Kdyby to tu četl někdo, kdo hledá někoho do týmu, tak uvítám nabídky, klidně i částečný úvazek.)

Images without text alternatives is a huge problem. The issue is magnified when the image is a link. Realize that screen reader users receive no valuable information when the image wrapped with a link is missing a text alternative.

Ensure that all images, including those that act as link, provide appropriate text alternatives.

#DigitalAccessibility #Accessibility #A11y #UXDesign #WebDev #WebDevelopment

New bookmark: React, Electron, and LLMs have a common purpose: the labour arbitrage theory of dev tool popularity.

“React and the component model standardises the software developer and reduces their individual bargaining power excluding them from a proportional share in the gains”. An amazing write-up by @baldur about the de-skilling of developers to reduce their ability to fight back against their employers.

Originally posted on See Original (POSSE). #GenAI #llms #webdev