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Items tagged with: mastodon

Dík za link sem. Na kolika instancích jsi, tolikrát jsi #mastodon 🤔

I started a tool for Mastodon users who run their own small instances:… allows you to load server blocklists from larger instances so you don't have to do all the moderating yourself.

More features on this coming over the next week or so. My aim is to add importing/syncing with your personal instance, so you can keep your timeline free of nazis without lifting a finger.

#fediblock #mastodon #mastoadmin #mastoadmins

Although Jesse Brown from the Canadian news / podcast company #CanadaLand has said he has no plans to come to #Mastodon I still think it is worth while to give them a plug here.

I have donated to this podcast, from almost the beginning. I initially started because I really enjoyed his #CBC radio show (which was unfortunately cancelled)

Show Jesse that Mastodon is worth joining by subscribing & donating:…


Being "inefficient" isn't always a bad thing!

> The incentives are different. […] The inefficiency doesn't matter!…

#Fediverse #Mastodon

Thank you for the awesome detailed article on #Mastodon, importance of smaller instances, #performance issues. #GoodRead

This seems like an issue that should get a lot more reach than it has. #Accessibility #Mastodon #mastoadmin…
Please help!

Somewhat agree, strongly disagree with many conclusions.

Single-tenant #instances are a ruthless attack on our planet.

#Mastodon is conceptually flawed with topical communities expressing themselves mainly via a local #timeline. Lists: poorly implemented. Federated #groups: hacks

Look at the self-descriptions of any instance focused on a large #community, and ask yourself who could afford to *not* register at the *one* place where the *action* is.

@stephenfry @gretathunberg

Tohle jsem pro vás sepsal, abyste věděli, do čeho jdete:

FFFILM: Jak na Mastodon - sociální síť, která je alternativou Twitteru…
#czech #mastodon

Me, keeping an eye on my task queue as a conversation starts on my latest post 👀

#sidekiq #mastodon #scale #activityPub

Is the fediverse about to get Fryed? (Or, “Why every toot is also a potential denial of service attack”)…

CC @stephenfry @gretathunberg

#fediverse #mastodon #stephenFry #gretaThunberg #smallTech #smallWeb

Sure, #Mastodon is growing very popular but it is by far one of the the less efficient and optimized #Fediverse softwares… it is written in #Ruby, whose benckmarks score very low.

If only it was written in #Go

Pozitivní zpráva: Zapnul jsem si 2FA
Negativní zpráva: pro server arch-linux používám Microsoft Authenticator 😂
#2fa #mastodon #security

I have an extra #RasbperryPi laying around…could be spinning up an #mastodon server on it 😆

Krásné středeční #dobre_ranko přátelé #mastodon
Už se nám naše instance opět trošičku rozrostla. Některé účty znám ještě z dob, kdy jsem začínal s Linuxem. Tak užívejte pohody ve světě #fediverse a #opensource

> But, equally, it also makes the case that a system optimised to host hundreds of thousands of people on a single instance is not also somehow magically optimised to host just one person.

IDK; one of the major backends on the #Fediverse is #Pleroma and its cousins, which despite being more efficient (thus scaling better) than #Mastodon, it's largely used for single-instance users.

What happens when you have your own Mastodon instance (just for you) where over 21,000 people follow you and when you’re following over 4,300 people?

You end up paying ~€50/month for Mastodon hosting 👀

It also opens up interesting questions: what happens when a popular account joins your instance (hint: it will probably cost the instance maintainers quite a bit… I don’t envy the folks right now).

#fediverse #mastodon

#mastodon uses https to communicate with other servers so your messages are definitely encrypted in transit. Don't spread fud.

Spouštíme novou veřejnou službu - 🦅 🦅 je server decentralizované sítě #Mastodon otevřený každému kdo chce s respektem k ostatním sdílet, informovat a diskutovat. Bez reklam, sbírání osobních údajů a bez @elonmusk.

About a year ago, I made a simple #Mastodon #Presentation, using @libreoffice

It is on…

If it is useful, please feel free to git clone.

Nový tip je venku, druhý pro #mastodon. Dalo by se napsat, že je o tom jak na Mastodonu dělat #marketing. Zjistíte jak se různé mechanismy liší od jiných sítí a co všechno dělat, abyste měli účet co vám k něčemu bude. Být vidět. Ale, to je taky podstatné, mít co vidět.…

Stubborn people on #Twitter people be like: "But there's nothing to see on #Mastodon..." 🤦🏻‍♂️

:mastodon: :opensource: ICYMI, #Mastodon instances can each have a custom set of #emoji.

Here are the ones we currently have.

Our instances updates #customEmoji every few weeks so send a note if you have suggestions.…

This one is for all the new people on #Mastodon: did you know that the #fediverse has more than just a microblogging replacement? And that they can all interoperate with your Mastodon account?

Check them out!

Myslím, že nastal čas přemýšlet o jiném stroji. Zatím je vše v pohodě, uvidím kolik lidí z #twittermigration zde na #mastodon zůstane 👍👍

Twitter alternativa #mastodon

Discord alternativa #revolt

co ještě potřebujeme? #foss

Consider this the #mastodon missing-toot-#timeline-#cheatsheet
(not mine, and I whish I'd seen it earlier when I did).

BTW if you're looking for a simple and imho intuitive #androidclient @Tusky really nails it!

“Mastodon’s new sign-ups include some Twitter users with big followings, such as actor and comedian @kathygriffin, who joined in early November, and journalist @mollyjongfast, who joined in late October.”


Just got #Mastodon setup on my @purism Librem14 with #QubesOS. I am liking #Whalebird as the local client personally. Yes this is basically my daily driver when I don’t use the Pop!_OS desktop and also what a bit more security. now to back it all up. #cybersecurity #linux

RSS fans!

You can get RSS feeds of any specific tag in by adding /feed/ to the end of the tag's URL.

For example the tag for "Gardening" is at the URL: if you wanted to use RSS to track all new gardening accounts, the feed would be:…

When new accounts are added to tags you follow like this, they will appear in your RSS feed.

#RSS #Fediverse #Mastodon

I think just maybe something is happening here on #Mastodon, something much bigger than the April influx. The server has really slowed down, and I'm getting an occasional error page. Massive influx of new users from the bird site perhaps?

#TwitterExodus #TwitterExit

Mastodon: Die Mythen und Zweifel der Twitter-Community.

To-do für euch: Auf den Teilen-Button klicken! 😉…

#neuhier #mastodon #twitter

Mastodon gained 70,000 users after Musk’s Twitter takeover. I joined them.… @stux #Mastodon #twittermigration

#Mastodon ve mně budí jeden zajímavý pocit, podobný jako jsem měl před nějakými 15-20 lety po založení účtů na Facebooku a Twitteru: na síti byla zpočátku vesměs jen ajťácká komunita, žádný obří hatespeech, maximálně flamewars na nějaké technické téma.
Má to svoje kouzlo, možná by mi ani nevadilo, kdyby to tak zůstalo. Dezolátské diskuze ať zůstanou na jiných sociálních sítích. 😀

Are you using Mastodon through a computer?

Do you wish there was a multi-column TweetDeck-style interface?

There is! It's called the "advanced web interface" and you can activate it any time you want. It lets you add many specialised columns, subscribe to hashtags and all kinds of stuff suited to large wide displays.

Log into the website, go to Preferences > Enable Advanced Web Interface, tick the box and click "Save Changes".

(To restore the default single column interface, do the same thing but untick the box instead.)

This used to be the default interface on Mastodon, and very old articles about the platform will have screenshots of the multicolumn interface.

#MastoTips #Mastodon #TweetDeck #FediTips #Interface

One thing that is needed is a beginner-level #tutorial on the subject of "dealing with the #hosting industry." I don't know the ins and outs of procuring any kind of hosting other than #LAMP stack, which, as far as I know, won't accommodate #Mastodon.

@Gargron I disagree somewhat; yes, scaling well is an L for decentralization, but it is a W for the freedom of hosters.

What if you want to use #Mastodon to host your own centralized platform? #TruthSocial is a good example of this; #Trump aside, it's awesome that you can use #Mastodon to both be part of a huge network, make your own network, or make a standalone social site.