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Items tagged with: Jaws

Content warning: Screenreader-Trouble

I still can't copy-and-paste in Chrome with #JAWS and now #NVDA doesn't work properly with Vocalizer. I need to buy a new version of #Vocalizer unless anyone has a better suggestion? #Accessibility #Blind #ScreenReader #TTS

That said, updating #JAWS is still a pain. It's ridiculous that the US has had such a cheap way of using JAWS at home for over half a decade now and the rest of the world pays stupid prices or has to buy at very specific times of the year which you only know about if you're quite involved in the community,
And I'm still sad that workplace adjustments are still hugely JAWS driven, when NVDA Addon development should really have made this much more of an open thing.
Hey ho, it's all about the choice I suppose and that's a good thing. Hopefully screen readers will keep enspiring each other to new things.

Very impressed with the new Split #Braille Feature in #JAWS. Being able to read Teams chat with half my display whilst typing someplace else is tremendous. They seem to have well thought out the different modes and views. Shame about the cells wasted with the split and lack of customisability of the viewport widths. If I won the lottery I'd throw a few hundred k at #NVDASR for comparable #BrailleDisplay development

The third edition of David Kingsbury’s popular free digital book, “The Windows Screen Reader Primer: All the Basics and More,” is coming soon! Author David Kingsbury, an Assistive Technology Instructor here at the Carroll Center, wrote this comprehensive resource to help JAWS, NVDA, and Windows Narrator users work more effectively with the most important PC applications—like Microsoft Office, email clients, and web browsers.

Join author David Kingsbury via Zoom on Thursday, April 4 at 7:30 pm ET to find out what’s new in this edition, hear a few tips and tricks, and ask your questions. Save your seat here:

#Windows #Jaws #NVDA #Narrator #blind

@AppleVis I made a post the other day, about using #place-markers in #jaws & @DavidGoldfield surprised me by sharing it on his Twitter page. Can I share it to the new #Windows section of your website, for more exposure?

Last week a colleague asked me for practical, real-world demonstrations from real screen reader users. I think I have decent ideas but I'd like to hear about anything others have shared and found effective. #accessibility #blind #screen #reader #JAWS #NVDA #VoiceOver

today I passed an image from my wife's blog through #PictureSmart AI in #JAWS just for fun, then showed the description to her. She was very impressed! @freedomscientific

I wrote an article about how to make hastags accessible. Did some #ScreenReader testing with #JAWS, #NVDA, #VoiceOver and #Narrator, which was fun!

Pretty long one though, contains a bunch of tables for comparison. Enjoy the ride!

#accessibility #a11y #html #JavaScript #WebDev #frontend

I wanted Renpy games to speak with screen readers, so I made a very quick and dirty hack/patch to make them speak with JAWS and NVDA instead of SAPI.
#renpy #jaws #nvda #steam #accessibility #a11y #gamedev #SlayThePrincess #arcadeSpirits

Introducing Face in View. A revolutionary new feature in JAWS and Fusion that tells you how to position yourself so that your face is clearly on-camera. Face in View uses facial tracking points to audibly guide you to look directly into your camera. Check out this short video:

#JAWS #Fusion #FaceInView

Is it just me, or is the interface for searching in #thunderbird really clunky with #NVDAsr? Seems like it takes a lot of steps just to view the list of results. I find myself resorting to iOS mail if I need to track down a message from a few days ago. Is it better with a different #Screenreader? #accessibility #a11y #Jaws #JFW

We are pleased to announce the release of the 2024 versions of JAWS, ZoomText, and Fusion! Check out the What’s New pages and download the latest version for all the new features and improvements.




#JAWS #ZoomText #Fusion

@matt RIM is awesome!
I just wish #jaws on the #ElBraille handled the commands more gracefully. As of right now, it doesn't know what to do with them.