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Items tagged with: Rust

🦀 Thunderbird Making Progress With Adopting Rust Code
— Phoronix

"Thunderbird developers have been using Rust for overhauling the mail client's Microsoft Exchange support. Rust is proving useful for replacing a lot of old, unmaintained code within Thunderbird. The hope is that with the Rust transition they'll be replacing a lot of old and delicate code paths and improving the overall architecture."

#thunderbird #rust #opensource

A couple of month ago, I opened an issue suggesting a new Clippy lint for rust. (Recommending against using try_into() when into() is available.

Someone implemented it and it recently reached stable with 1.76, I'm surprised at how many times this lint triggered in our codebases 😅.

I guess that means that this lint is useful!

#rust #rustlang #clippy

Been so busy and happy that forgot to make it public till now: last November, I quit my job at Microsoft after the last reorg which sent me away from my xamarin friends and my career goals. Spent 2 months relaxing and recently started on a contract work while I wait for a great opportunity (OSS-related) or the lottery, so that I can retire 😝
Got back to some of my personal projects (#Godot #rust #astronomy ) and am now stress free and looking forward for whatever comes next!

The Rust Foundation is hiring an Infrastructure Engineer to work on... well, shockingly enough, Rust infrastructure.

A fringe benefit is that you get to work closely with @jdno. He's great! (You also get to work less closely with me; YMMV on that one.)

Details: (make sure you click through to the actual vacancy, since it includes a bunch more detail on the specific position)

#Rust #RustFoundation #jobs

Regular reminder that if a #rust compiler error isn't clear, we consider that a bug. File a ticket! Worst case scenario it gets closed as a duplicate. Second worst it takes us a long time to get to them. But I assure you I've read every single open A-diagnostics ticket at least twice.

#rust question: When is it still a good idea to use parking_lot rather than the standard library's Mutex, RwLock, and so on? My understanding is that parking_lot became much less necessary when Rust 1.62.0 introduced thinner, faster mutexes on Linux, and 1.63.0 made the constructors const. And if one only has a small number of mutexes, I suppose the overhead of the parking lot would dominate. Has anyone written a post in the past year or so weighing the pros and cons?

#Workbench has been added to the showcase on, the #GJS documentation site!

We want newcomers to know there's over 100 API demos in JavaScript, alongside implementations in Python, Rust and Vala.

Get started with #GNOME in #JavaScript or #Python, and you'll have an expressive platform to learn #Vala and #Rust!

@mixxx I see several topics about #Rust on Zulip. Is it theorical or there is an ongoing work to port the engine to Rust? I'd be very interested in working on this although I don't have any prior experience in sound development or C++ and Rust is still very new to me.

My company, @pneumasolutions, is looking for a developer to work for us on a contract basis, to enhance the screen capture and mouse input implementations in our remote desktop product ( This project will involve #rust, #webrtc, native Windows and macOS APIs, and integration with an existing Electron app. A more detailed high-level spec is available to qualified candidates. Please email if you're interested and available.

Sudo rewrite sudo in #rust - just received this postcard at #FOSDEM.

Thundertalk Alert! ⚡ 🎙️

At 17:10, @brendan and Sean Burke will be giving their talk on going from rot to Rust in the Rust devroom at FOSDEM (H.1308 Rolin) 🦀

If you can't scuttle over, you can watch the stream ( or watch and chat (

#Thunderbird #FOSDEM #Rust

Playing around with Cairo, using the Rust bindings! I don't have any practical ideas to utilize what I'm learning yet, but it's fun to experiment with nonetheless ✏️

#GNOME #GTK #Cairo #Rust #Graphics

My reaction when I discover a script running "cargo build" in the repository of the first example program I opened from the ones listed on the gtk-rs documentation page.

Is this common in the rust world when interacting with primarily C based libraries?

#rust #gtk #rustlang

✨ Making Rust binaries smaller by default

👉 "The PR has been merged a week ago, and it is now in nightly! 🎉" 😊

#rustlang #rust

#Hugo's slogan of being "The world’s fastest framework for building websites" is a shameless lie.

It has been raised up 3 times on Github with benchmarks showing that other full-featured static site generators like #Zola (#Rust) are faster, sometimes by 10x. Each time, the issue is closed and locked.

I migrated a couple of websites from Hugo to Zola and won't look back.

Feel free to ping me if you need any help with Zola 🥰

#RustLang @kubikpixel

Workbench 45.4 is out 🛠️

• Restore on-disk projects on start
• Restore scroll and cursor positions on format and Run
• Add "Copy" and "Select All" to Console
• Add Vala formatter support
• Add WebP image format support
• Library: Add "Context Menu" demo
• Library: Add "HTTP Server" demo
• Library: 12 demos ported to Python, 4 to Vala and 2 to Rust

Happy hacking / learning / prototyping

#Linux #development #GTK #GNOME #libadwaita #Rust #JavaScript #Python #Vala

Any #rust developers on #windows interested in a working on #network and #dns code? It’s OSS, this would be if you had a hobby interest or need this software at your work. We’ve had this long standing issue in Hickory Resolver, a big performance issue in the Windows implementation:

I came across a blog from a 2 years ago that compared different implementations of dot product. It had a couple interesting points. The cost of functional programming in #Swift was huge (31x on M1 and 198x on x86). I did an equivalent test in #Rust and the cost was 1x (on M2). That lets programmers use the high level abstractions without dreading the performance costs.

.map(|(&l, &r)| l * r )

Recently I have ported the Monk Tower game written in #rust to native Android, I've collected some issues found on the way - so you don't have to reinvent the wheel :)

#rustlang #android #gamedev

A while back I posted to announce we were enabling the use of #rust as a development language within @thunderbird

Pleased to say that we've now landed support, and as of today it's possible to write new libraries and xpcom components using #rustlang, as part of the libxul build!

Don't worry, we're not about to "RIIR" - this is enabling new code next year to supercharge the backend architecture for your favourite mail client.

I found a few weird edge cases which, combined, took my #rust compile-times from 1.5 minutes to 33 minutes. Here's how we found the problem and fixed it.


After two and a half years of rewrite, #Fractal 5 is finally out! Get the #GTK 4 #Rust #Matrix client from and enjoy new features such as #EndToEndEncryption, location sharing, or multi-account with Single-Sign On 🚀


I'm so so excited to announce #rust hyper v1.0 🚀


Ever wondered how apps like RescueTime and Foreground track the current active process in Windows? I wrote a blog post about how I do it in #rust:

En estos días fríos y un poco depresivos me ha dado por aprender #rust #rustlang y me está encantando, no solo por el lenguaje en sí, sino por los maravillosos recursos oficiales de aprendizaje que tienen. Los tres que tienen en su web son muy, muy buenos.

Has been released Lapce v0.3.0 🎉

Lapce (IPA: /læps/) is a modern Open Source, Lightning-fast, and Powerful code editor, written in pure Rust with a UI in Floem. 🦀

#OpenSource #CodeEditor #Rust #Lapce #Floem #UI #Editor #FOSS #Developer #Experience #DX

Last week I presented my paper at SecDev on the impact #Rust has vs. #C++ on the probability of a vulnerability being introduced by a first-time contributor to a project—and therefore, how easy it is for newbies to get contributions merged. The full paper is available here:

but the tl;dr is: Rust significantly lowered the number of vulnerabilities introduced, especially from new contributors, and increased the quantity of new contributors to projects.

#rust #c

periodic reminder that I maintain a big ol' list of #Rust command-line tools:


Did you know that a lot of things in #Rust directly implement the `Ord` trait?

For example `Option<T>` where T: Ord

So you can do:

assert_eq(max(Some(0), Some(1)), Some(1))

assert_eq(max(Some(0), None), Some(0))

assert_eq(min(Some(0), None), None)

There are a lot of other things that implement `Ord`:

#RustLang #RustTips #RustTip