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Items tagged with: matrix

Didn't get a chance to go to @fosdem this year, or missed any of the @matrix talks for whatever reason?

We got you covered! Here is a YouTube Playlist with all of the Matrix talks @ FOSDEM 2024

⬇️ All the videos details below ⬇️

#fosdem #matrix #talk #devroom #janson

Since announcing the idea of #Matrix 2.0 at #FOSDEM, we've been busy building out full real-world implementations for folks to play with, and today we're super excited to take the wraps off Matrix 2.0: The Future of Matrix. 👀🎉🎊🍾👀

Blazing fast Matrix, Native E2EE Group Calls, state of the art auth and potential WhatsApp interop.

Matthew covers the last year in Matrix and how it can be used to speed up the opening of communications silo required by the EU Digital Markets Act

#matrix #e2ee #voip #oidc #dma #whatsapp #silos

We remain excited about the Digital Markets Act and the push for interoperability:

If you didn't catch the main stage talk from Matthew, Matrix's project lead, at FOSDEM, we encourage you to watch the recording once it's posted online:

#Matrix #Interoperability #OpenSource #OpenStandards #FOSS #FOSDEM #ProtocolsNotPlatforms #EUPol #DMA

@matrix @fosdem

Nice dream, but realistic?! I would like a generally understandable explanation as to why this should happen.
I love the idea of Matrix, but in terms of functionality, speed and stability it lags far behind the big competitors.

#matrix #fosdem #fosdem2024

The @matrix FOSDEM devroom is starting SOON, head to building H, room 1309 for 4 hours of Matrix talks!

Full schedule is at

#fosdem #matrix #devroom

Good news everyone, a fresh batch of t-shirts made it to the Matrix booth at FOSDEM!

We have some Medium and Large t-shirts back “in stock” in addition to the Small and XXL sizes left over.

Aaand we have a credit card reader that works! Amazing how far tech is bringing us these days. Come by and say hi, grab stickers and get yourself a t-shirt while waiting for the devroom to start this afternoon 😎

#fosdem #matrix #booth #stand #tshirt

Don’t miss the @matrix main talk in Janson at 10:00, and the Devroom at FOSDEM today in room H.1309 between 13:00 and 17:00 local time.

State of the union, DMA, Matrix in the public sector and more… don’t miss out! Full schedule at

The fantastic booth gang will still be there all day to welcome everyone else. Come by and say hi!

#fosdem #matrix #devroom #booth #stand

We’re about to run out of M and XL sized t-shirts on the @matrix booth, now’s your last chance to grab some!

We’re in building K, level 2. Go go go go!

#matrix #booth #stand #tshirt #fosdem

Next up at FOSDEM: the @matrix booth!

The team of awesome volunteers and Foundation staff will be there to meet you in person 🥳

Wanna have a chat with us, grab some Matrix stickers or buy a t-shirt? Find us on the second floor of Université Libre de Bruxelles’ building K!

#fosdem #matrix #booth #stand

Thanks everyone that was at the #matrix meetup today!

What's been happening this week in Matrix? Circles in F-Droid, Elm refactoring, big changes in LibMatrix, new release of Trixnity, FOSDEM, and more! 🔥

#TWIM #Matrix

The Foundation is pleased to share that today, alongside @mozilla, we have joined @OpenForumEurope as supporters.

OpenForum Europe has proven an effective convener and advocate for open source and open standards in Europe, and we’re glad to help further that work:

#Matrix #OpenSource #OpenStandards #EU

FOSDEM here we gooo!

First stop in the @matrix journey: the Fringe Event at HSBXL, today between 13:00 CET and later this evening.

Looking forward to meeting the community in the flesh, see all the fun projects worked on, and gather everyone’s expectations for the Foundation.

Catch me there and tell me all about how you think the Foundation can support Matrix best!

By the way, drinks & pizzas are on the house 😇

#matrix #fosdem #fringe

The @dweb HQ is hosting a virtual meetup next week, Feb 7th, at 5pm PST

> "Join us at our first virtual DWeb Meetup of the year! (Rescheduled from this week) We'll be featuring lightning talks from projects across the DWeb ecosystem. Afterwards, we'll try meeting for an after-event hang out on Third Room—a virtual world platform built on the federated messaging protocol, #Matrix"


RSVP on Eventbrite to join

#event #dweb #VirtualEvent

Today we launch a new fundraiser, talk about the scope of the Foundation's work, and begin to unpack our emerging roadmap for the future 🚀

There is a lot going on and we need your help to keep it going!

#Matrix #OpenSource #OpenStandards #FOSS #Interoperability

Thunderbird als Matrix-Client

Seit Thunderbird 102 ist Matrix standardmäßig aktiviert. Ich habe mal einen Blick darauf geworfen.

#Thunderbird #Matrix #Matrix_Client #Chat #Linux

This week, next gen @element client, Element-X, and @neochat announced they are supporting #UnifiedPush. This makes 2 more @matrix clients supporting it !

NeoChat the second Linux app officially supporting UnifiedPush, after @tokodon


I collected a few stories about what happened in and around Matrix in 2023:
The post got a little delayed, because stuff never stops happening, but if you still want to read it, it is here now!

#matrix #2023

kind of shame at @bitwarden not place one from most noticeable and oldest email clients around which now supports #OpenPGP and #matrix ;/

We're proud to bring you the Creative Freedom Summit as a free virtual conference hosted entirely with **open source software**!

The talks are hosted on Jitsi, piped into @element where we also use a @matrix room for live chat, and also streamed live on @peertube where they will be immediately available for viewing after the event. Pretty cool!

Join the Creative Freedom Summit in 3 easy steps:

#CreativeFreedomSummit #ArtWithOpenSource #Matrix #PeerTube #OpenSource

Have you seen the Stack Overflow Developer Survey results for 2023?

Of the 83,830 folks surveyed, Matrix is the #1 chat tool in terms of current users' satisfaction. It's also rated as the most desirable among the open source tools listed, but there is a _lot_ of room for improvement in awareness there.

Let's build on this in 2024! 🚀

#Matrix #StackOverflow #FOSS #OpenSource

Hey #fediverse,

Can y'all Please tell #NPR about #mastodon, #activityPub (and #Matrix!), please?

No really.. They're literally asking for it,

Ok, I could be reading too much into it, but it really would be nice if maybe I wasn't the only one that mentioned maybe it's something they should look into?

- A. Rando

That is not what is happening here.

Anyone can fork an open source project, and they frequently do to varying degrees of success. @element isn't even the first company to fork Foundation-hosted projects.

Forks of projects hosted at other foundations, such as the ASF, don't make those foundations less relevant.


I wonder what rlevance the @matrix foundation has while it moves all relevant projects into the for-profit @element corporate.


@Lukáš Tyrychtr Thank you very much for preparing great accessibility improvements for #fractal. It's now merget and available in Fractal 6 beta! #Accessibility #Matrix

The next release of the js sdk is planning to bump the supported #matrix spec version to 1.5 or 1.6. This means it and as a result also Element Web will refuse to start on current versions of #conduit and #dendrite. This is an intentional decision resulting from a discussion between several SCT members.

I think that approach is bad and it should check for a range of supported versions instead of arbitrarily bumping the minor version to make the ecosystem move, but this is a heads up, that now is the time to contribute to both of those servers, if you use them and want to use the Element Web client on them going forward. (I already had my discussion with the SCT and I won't tell other projects, what they should do.)

JS-SDK change: supported versions: supported versions:

I'm very excited to be presenting at FOSDEM in February! I've been working on messaging interoperability for about 2 years now with much of that focus being on developing an open standard for that exact purpose. We'll be exploring how #Matrix works as an existing decentralized open standard for *interoperable* communications, and how other protocol development work interacts with Matrix.

Join me for a technical look at #MIMI, #DMA, and the Matrix protocol:

Who Cares Who Delivers Our Notifications?

Android or iPhone — either Google or Apple delivers our messages — surely? You don't accept that?

Time I Learned: there are freedom-respecting phones.

People who do not want to depend on Google or have them control our devices are using android-compatible but not google-controlled phones, a.k.a. “degoogled phones”. We have been asking (ourselves) for several years if we can have google-free push notifications. Thanks to the developers of the UnifiedPush standard, the answer is now, “yes!”

But why?

You've probably heard of the Observer Effect. Partly influenced by hearing that someone is observing my blog from a social psychology angle relating to attitudes among the open source community, but also I was already thinking I should, I've decided to write more about why I write/build/care about the topics I choose. For a start I wrote a “Why Would I Care?” section for my latest post Google-Free Push Messaging for Google-Free Phones. Here, that section is published as an article on its own.

Why Would I Care?

Why would I care how my push notifications reach my phone? What difference does it make to me?

That's a good question. Inside a building that has a good heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, we don't notice the system, we just feel comfortable. With push notification delivery, part of the answer is the same: the system just does its job and our notifications come through. Whether the delivery channel is controlled by Google or by us or by someone else doesn't change that. The immediate, concrete result is the same. So it's not about wanting it to function differently; that's not why I care.

The difference it makes to me is about freedom, privacy, independence, self-agency. I am happy to have the choice to use any particular company's service, but I am not happy to be forced to use them, to have no choice, if I can't leave no matter how bad it gets. What if I don't like Google monitoring my notifications to know what I'm doing? What if I don't like to live in fear of offending them in some way and being cut off from their service and having no replacement option? What if I just don't want to condone their business model by using it, but I still want to be notified when I have messages?

Push notification delivery is one of the many invisible technical services that underpin our online communication systems. These kinds of services are implicitly considered to be part of the public infrastructure, something that we now assume is available to everyone.

When we allow ourselves to become dependent on any particular company's service, and yet do not regulate it as a public service provider, then we subject ourselves to the company's whims, priorities and values, which are different from ours. They will inevitably act against public interests.

Building publicly owned infrastructure based on open standards and freedom software is therefore essential to ensure the independent provision of services aligned with public needs and values.

I am one of the people who feels it is my place to use, promote and build non-proprietary public services, both for my own mental wellbeing and because I believe it is important for society.

It is the same reason why I support: open Ed-Tech, degoogled phones, #matrix, #fediverse, freedom software, open-source hardware, #rightToRepair.

Speaking as one of the people who prefer our devices not to be controlled by and dependent on Google:

What do we want? UnifiedPush!

When do we want it? Now!

I would love to work on any freedom tech project bringing UnifiedPush to a wider audience.

See my other posts tagged... #unifiedPush #degoogled #awesomeFOSS

Follow/Feedback/Contact: RSS feed · Fedi follow this blog: @julian​ · use the Cactus Comments box above · matrix me · Fedi follow me · email me · via LiberapayAll posts © Julian Foad and licensed CC-BY-ND except quotes, translations, or where stated otherwise

Google-Free Push Messaging for Google-Free Phones

UnifiedPush open-standard push messaging complements degoogled android-compatible phone OS's such as LineageOS.

People who do not want to depend on Google or have them control our devices are using android-compatible but not google-controlled phones, a.k.a. “degoogled phones”. We have been asking for several years if we can have google-free push notifications. Thanks to the developers of UnifiedPush, the answer is now, “yes!”

The open standard has now been created. While not a large number yet, a useful handful of apps already support UnifiedPush, including several matrix and fediverse apps. For its servers and the associated client-side “distributor” component, there are multiple successful implementations deployed.

The current situation is such that anyone can use UnifiedPush on an android-compatible device by installing their choice of UnifiedPush distributor app (which must run in the background), configuring it to connect to their chosen U-P server (compatible with chosen distributor), and then installing any number of U-P-aware apps which will then use it (without needing per-app configuration to do so).

In android-compatible OS ROM projects such as LineageOS, implementing some core support for the standard now seems to me like the right way to go. Exactly what form of support is to be decided.

Involving the OS ROM

Some ways an OS like LineageOS could usefully be involved to improve the UnifiedPush experience are:

  • ensuring the U-P distributor app has a convenient way to be installed and permitted to run in the background, free from restrictions, because getting this right is critical and if the user installs the distributor manually it can be tricky to get right; (investigate: would it need to be a system app, or some kind of whitelisting (ugh), or be split into a system component and a user component, or what?)
  • providing a convenient way to let the user (or the OS distribution provider) configure the distributor's U-P server address: perhaps rather than using an ad-hoc UI provided by the distributor app, it could integrate with “accounts” settings.
  • potentially providing a system settings UI for monitoring the U-P connections and which apps are using them.

Thoughts on the role of microG. The purpose of microG as best I understand is to provide Google compatible APIs to apps which expect Google services. Underneath these APIs, it provides access to a mixture of actual Google services, alternative real services, and fake services. As far as I know it does not so far provide any non-Google APIs, and yet for push notifications the provision of UnifiedPush APIs might be a good fit for fulfilling its overall purpose as a compatibility layer. Or perhaps not, perhaps that is out of scope and should be in LineageOS or another add-on layer instead. I'm sure the folks involved will work out what is best.

Constraints, FCM Fallback, non-Android

Unlike the situation with some other google APIs, it is important to note that an OS compatibility layer such as microG cannot automatically divert the connections made by apps built using Google's FCM, to use U-P instead. The apps must be modified.

However, the inverse is possible: a UnifiedPush aware app can automatically “fall back” to using Google's FCM if U-P support is absent and FCM support is present. See details of the Embedded FCM Distributor in UnifiedPush documentation.

Non-Android devices can use UnifiedPush too, including Linux phones such as PinePhone and Purism Librem. The UnifiedPush D-Bus spec may be relevant. (On locked-down proprietary devices such as Apple's it is unlikely to be possible, nor to make much sense: FAQ.)

Packaging a UnifiedPush Distributor

A U-P distributor app could be built in to an OS or subsystem like microG but there is a significant down-side to that: it would support only one type, or at most a fixed small number of types, of U-P server. Choosing a distributor type is more of a whole OS packaging decision. In cases where the whole OS is related to a service provider of some kind (so not like LineageOS, but perhaps like Murena/Calyx/Graphene etc.), the service provider might choose to run a U-P server for their users and have their distributor automatically connect to it (with user consent/opt-in/opt-out). In the more generic/self-hosted case (like LineageOS) it makes more sense to leave it to the user to install their preferred U-P distributor.

I would love to see distributors of google-free phones, such as Murena, support google-free push notifications. I posted a brief sketch of a UnifiedPush Plan for Murena /e/-OS on their forum, without attempting to go into details of integrating the U-P distributor into the ROM.


A rough time line of UnifiedPush development. (From light research and having followed it through its development.)


Whatever the specifics of how any android-compatible OS ROM project might choose to proceed with google-free push support, the solution space enabled by UnifiedPush now exists. Speaking as one of the people who prefer our devices not to be controlled by and dependent on Google:

What do we want? UnifiedPush!

When do we want it? Now!

See my other posts tagged... #unifiedPush #degoogled #awesomeFOSS

Follow/Feedback/Contact: RSS feed · Fedi follow this blog: @[url=]Julian[/url]​ · use the Cactus Comments box above · matrix me · Fedi follow me · email me · via LiberapayAll posts © Julian Foad and licensed CC-BY-ND except quotes, translations, or where stated otherwise

After two and a half years of rewrite, #Fractal 5 is finally out! Get the #GTK 4 #Rust #Matrix client from and enjoy new features such as #EndToEndEncryption, location sharing, or multi-account with Single-Sign On 🚀


Ну и что, по-вашему, можно обычным людям советовать использовать мессенджер, у которого в настройках такое?..

#Matrix #мессенджеры #пиздец

@Matthias ✔ I can't make it work. Perhaps it's not enough keyboard accessible or something similar. Can you please try to describe how you use this feature in slightly more details please? When trying to mention your display name I start typing the @ sign followed by mat, then pressing up or down arrow keys I am expecting I should be able to select from the list of suggestions. Pressing the tab key to trigger the auto complete is not working the way I would expect as well. To reference an accessible autocomplete implementation I can point out #element #matrix client for example. When using #tuskyapp with my #friendica account I can autocomplete #Hastags but I can't complete user mentions.