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So well-written and so well-said… The rest is in the article!…

Sorry my British friends, but I sort of was expecting this. I mean, we are talking Spain here… :)…
in reply to victor tsaran

Same here. It was difficult to imagine England finish this before the game given Spain's awesome shape.

Yup apparently Safari has had this. And despite the billboard saying they care about privacy. I have seen the billboard…

@vixalientoots did it again 🎩

After adding TypeScript support; Angelo made Workbench able to use TypeScript for JavaScript diagnostics and completions :javascript:

#GNOME #GTK #JavaScript #TypeScript #GSoC

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

reshared this

Ich will euch diese Weisheit nicht vorenthalten.

I must admit, amazing « Nebula » #Thunderbird (version 128) ! 🤩…
in reply to Aleca

@alecaddd A day later : I really love it ! Assigning different focus colors may seem anecdotal, but it's so practical when you're managing 4 mailboxes 🤯

Today I discovered a new PDF reader, that I think folks doing research will like a lot.

It's called Sioyek [^1] and it's something of a software for power users. It minimal, with VIM style key bindings and hidden keyboard shortcuts. The website shows a great deal of the cool features, I will just mention a very nice addition I'm enjoying.

You can right click a reference in the document, and a small rectangle overlay will show you the linked content without moving your current view, so you do not lose track of where you started.

It's very useful to peek at an equation or a citation and keep reading afterwards.

#PDF #tools #research


Germany: sets up #SovereignTechFund at for "Strengthening Digital Infrastructure and Open Source Ecosystems in the Public Interest"

Also #Germany: Chancellor Scholz promotes #Microsoft based Delos Cloud for public authorities after visiting SAP.…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Prostříhávám jabloně a překvapeně koukám, kolik toho je. Tak když nejsou meruňky, budeme asi pálit z jablek 😉



Breakfast in Madison Square Park for our last day in New York

in general i try not to dunk but i can't believe that this is something that a mozilla tech lead actually wrote down about the nearly silent introduction of an aggregated advertising system into a browser that is plastered wall to wall in its promotional materials as being dedicated solely to privacy

The Complete Guide to Captioned Videos (2019)…
#captions #video #a11y

Where should I put my game's discussion forum? Steam? TIGSource? Reddit? My own site?

(For more details, here's a Reddit post with the same question that I just posted.… I'm too lazy to make it into a thread here on Mastodon, sorry.)

#indiedev #indiegame

in reply to Filip Hracek

Own Discourse is the way to go. If you can generate some genuine activity it'll be a SEO gold mine in the comming years. I see the big jump in Discourses we use (like from Google clicks starting this april.

My guess is this is a shift from AI generated copy on SEO websites and from centralized social platforms.

Jak jede LEVNĚJŠÍ SILNIČNÍ KOLO? Pogačar by mi ujel, ale i tak jsem si to užil!

Platí v USA, platí na Slovensku, platí všade na svete

From: @SecurityWriter…

in reply to Archos

sorry, ale tohle lajkovat nebudu. :(
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
Unknown parent

@margo To jo, to bojovala. :-(

GCN: Ireland’s first Gaeltacht for LGBTQ+ adults launches this summer

Taking place this August, the week-long summer camp has been designed for all levels of LGBTQ+ learners of Irish.…

#Gaeilge #Irish #Gaylgeoirí #Gàidhlig #Gaelic #Gèidheil #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #LADTAIÉ #LADTA #LADT #LGDTCEN #LGDTC #LGDT #MastoDaoine @lgbtqia @gaeilge @gaidhlig

Whenever someone shares their cat pictures online,

Me: (cyber cat petting)

#CatsOfMastodon #caturday #mastoart

In case anybody still believed that self-hosting is going to save them from tech companies taking their stuff down with no explanation or recourse:…
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

This stuff is why we *need* the blockchain, nobody has yet come up with any other system that our tech overlords cannot control.

The fediverse, with its reliance on DNS and TLS, is basically no less immune to any of this than X, Facebook, Instagram or any other centralized social media service.

in reply to modulux

@modulux Kademlia/IPFS solve one specific problem (namely that of being able to download some data whose hash you already know), blockchains allow you to run any algorithm computable by a Turing machine.

THe problem with Kademlia and IPFS is that you need to know the hash of the data you want to download beforehand, and there's no way for the data's original author to distribute updates. There's also the problem of discoverability, there are no human-friendly names, so you need a centralized index of names to hashes.

in reply to Kuba Orlik

not a blockchain as far as I can tell, but solves the issue
in reply to Kuba Orlik

@kuba This doesn't provide *unique* name-value mappings and requires users to either manually add the hosts they're interested in or set up delegation. This requires either a lot of effort or centralization.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

isn't the same true for blockchain? Or for any decentralized service, for that matter?
in reply to Kuba Orlik

@kuba No.

A blockchain can provide a unique mapping of names to values. It's centralized in the sense that there's only one mapping and every network participant agrees on what a given name is mapped to, but decentralized in the sense that only authorized users (where the smart contract defines what is meant by "authorized") are allowed to change mappings.

THe reason such a system cannot possibly work without a cryptocurrency is that you need some incentive against scalpers taking all the names for themselves on day one. If names are completely free to acqquire, somebody is inevitably going to get all the interesting ones and then they won't be free to acquire any more.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

What happens when someone forks a blockchain and people disagree which one is the true one?

Also, how do you read the data from the blockchain? Do you download the entire blockchain to your HDD? Or do you rely on some intermediary who wraps the blockchain in a lightweight API? Who is the intermediary then? How do we trust them?

Also, what's supposed to happen when someone steals your domain through some hacky means? Then there'll be no way to get it back, it will be gone forever.

in reply to Kuba Orlik

@kuba Blockchains have built-in mechanisms to decide on how to deal with forks. This is why proof-of-work was originally invented, with PoW, clients always choose the fork with more work applied to it. Proof of stake and other consensus mechanisms provide similar guarantees, but require far less energy.

You can make a hardfork (essentially changing the rules of your blockchain), but then it's up to which client you use, if you use a client that respects and implements the hardfork, you're on the forked version, otherwise your client treats the hardfork as illegitimate and only uses the unforked version.

in reply to Kuba Orlik

@kuba re: reading the data, there are some designs for DNS-like chains that allow you to be a lightweight client with no need to trust an intermediary. Essentially, you only need to download the headers of each block (which are much smaller than the blocks themselves), you download the rest on-demand. Having the headers (which contain the block hashes) ensures that nobody can tamper with the block contents without your knowledge.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

and how do you verify those without going all the way down to the genesis blocks?
in reply to Kuba Orlik

@kuba You do, you have all the headers.

See Handshake's technical design for the juicy details. They've gotten a lot of things wrong, particularly on the marketing / grift front, as most cryptos do, but the technical foundations and ideas are sound.

in reply to Kuba Orlik

Imagine someone taking over your domain. No institution in the world is going to help you take it back
in reply to Kuba Orlik

@kuba Re: hacking, this is a fundamental dilemma, if your registrar has the ability to forcibly transfer your domain to somebody else, they can help recover it in case of a hack, but they can also disable it when their automated AI systems mistakenly flag it as suspicious.

There are ways to mitigate this problem. Handshake for example has a concept of "domain burning", if somebody steals a copy of your key and tries to transfer your domain to their own, you have some time (two weeks I think) to disable the domain completely, making it unavaiblable to both you and the hacker. This removes any financial incentives for domain hacking, as most people would rather lose their domain than have it go to a hacker.

There are also other designs where you have multiple parties that need to authorize a transfer. You could even design this in a way where you need a both your key and a registrar's key to transfer a domain to somebody else, but the registrar's key isn't allowed to make any changes to the domain without your express consent.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

> This removes any financial incentives for domain hacking, as most people would rather lose their domain than have it go to a hacker.

Not really, irreversibly destroying someone else's domain would be an incentive for many

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

> > There are also other designs where you have multiple parties that need to authorize a transfer. You could even design this in a way where you need a both your key and a registrar's key to transfer a domain to somebody else, but the registrar's key isn't allowed to make any changes to the domain without your express consent.

That sounds like centralization with extra steps

in reply to Kuba Orlik

@kuba No, with DNS, a registrar is allowed to take your stuff down at any time with no recourse. With this design, a registrar is able to prevent you from selling your domain and/or slow that process down. This is bad, but far better than the registrar having total and utter control.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@rdrozd jak OVH odwali mi podobną manianę z mailem to coś czuję, że cały komputer wyleci w powietrze, i nie tylko komputer...

When the sun is out, you'll find us enjoying a post lunch ice cream at our local ice cream shop 😎🍦 Let us know your favorite #flavour below 👇

#Tuta #Germany #privacy #companyculture #summervibes

A quick chat with Jake about consoles, including a reskinned #XBox 360 with R2D2 sounds that come out of the unit when you turn it on or off, or eject the disk tray.
in reply to Andre Louis

I have a collection of boot-up sounds from various items, but always looking for more. If you're able to record directly from a device not listed here, and provide a lossless file to me to add to the collection, I'd be grateful for your digital donations.
.wav or .flac is preferred and don't worry if you can't edit yourself, only capture, I can do that. Thank you.…

Apparently messing with Matrix, via Element. For now, I'm here:
in reply to Nick Giannak III

Good luck. No, seriously, good luck because I couldn't stand it. Awful focus jumps, counterintuitive interface, no way of checking new messages… at least it was my experience.

„Podejte mi boty, musím mít boty.“ Vteřiny po pokusu o atentát na Trumpa: chaos, šok a zdvižená pěst…
in reply to Archos

@ozzelot Velky respekt vsem co davaji tag/CW ale obavam se ze u politiky je to prohrane. Nastesti ma mastodon filtry, diky kterym je jednoduche se od (US) politiky odstinit (pokud se neucastnite anglickych konverzaci o karetnich hrach ...).

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I have opinions on this, but they are complex and nuanced, which doesn’t fit well on the Internet. Anyway, the discussion here is excellent. Everyone keep engaging on this topic. It is complicated and important. There are easy pat answers for individual, but not for the entire community of users.

I released version 3.3.1 of Newsflash. It brings
- MPRIS support for video playback
- zoom controls in the article menu
- less memory/cpu by caching Gdk Textures instead of the raw encoded data of favicons
- a few fixes here and there…

Unknown parent

Ještě nedávno to byla ruina, dobrovolníci to z darů opravili. Je to zrekonstruovaná vysoká pec. Zpracovávala se v ní železná rudy, které se těžilá nedaleko.