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Items tagged with: DNS

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old enough to have set up CNAME records on dozens and dozens of DNS servers for host quit pointing to use-exit #dns

If you're running a DNS server, it may be time for a security upgrade due to these recently announced DNSSec vulnerabilities. The Internet Systems Consortium offers a good explanation, as well as upgrades to Bind 9.
#dns #security

We have just issued the first #release of #sshd-openpgp-auth and #ssh-openpgp-auth.

Using this server and client-side tooling it is possible to manage the #authentication of #SSH host keys with the help of an #OpenPGP certificate as trust anchor.

Many thanks to @wiktor for the great collaboration and #NLnet / #NGIAssure for funding this work!

#DNS #KeyOxide #KnownHosts #OpenSSH #Rustlang #Software #WebKeyDirectory #WebOfTrust #WKD #WoT

Any #rust developers on #windows interested in a working on #network and #dns code? It’s OSS, this would be if you had a hobby interest or need this software at your work. We’ve had this long standing issue in Hickory Resolver, a big performance issue in the Windows implementation:

Guten Morgen. Wer sie noch nicht kennt, sollte unbedingt einen Blick in die Empfehlungsecke werfen. Diese enthält meine aktuellen Empfehlungen zu verschiedenen Themen wie Messenger, Werbeblocker, werbefreies YouTube, Passwort-Manager, Suchmaschinen und Co. 👇

#empfehlung #tracking #security #datenschutz #adblocker #android #youtube #messenger #linux #firefox #dns #unifiedpush #email #frankgehtran #thunderbird #passwortmanager #videokonferenz #vpn #suchmaschine

The history of #DNS in the newest #MapMen!

Woohoo! #IETF #RFC9460 has been published: "Service Binding and Parameter Specification via the #DNS (#SVCB and #HTTPS Resource Records)".

Thank you to everyone has supported and contributed to this over the past almost nine years since the initial seeds were planted during discussions at a TLS 1.3 interim meeting.

SVCB has potential to have substantial impact across a wide range of Internet protocols. I'm thrilled to see how many drafts are already building on it.

Watch Philip's talk at #FOSDEM, where he covers the API and prototypes for 'connectbyname', a library function that takes as input a DNS name and returns a TLS connection, as well as a new EDNS(0) option called Proxy Control option that allows stub resolvers to send requirements to a local proxy.

We're developing an #API in #rustlang that can internally use asynchronous #DNS lookups, implement Happy Eyeballs, support #DANE, SVCB/HTTPS, encrypted client hello, etc.

Let me introduce you to a new program, an experimental authoritative # server intended for dynamic answers. It is just for fun and it does not pretend to replace existing programs. But you may want to read its source code, or use its online demo, at


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