Manda huevos.
Lo dejo por aquí por si a otro le pudiese valer.
El otro día preguntaba donde comprar un repelente de agua para una chaqueta de ante o nobuck y no tenía ni idea.
Pues en el ultimo sitio que hubiera buscado.
En Decathlon venden. Si en una cadena de deportes, flipe 😊.
@modulux Si, pero en zapaterías de esas de barrio de toda la vida.
Esas ya casi no quedan.
Yo de echo aquí en Palma no conozco ninguna por donde me muevo.
Son todo cadenas grandes de zapatería y por ejemplo si quieres unas plantillas o cordones o limpiador de zapatos te buscas la vida en otro sitio por que solo y exclusivamente venden los zapatos.
Antiguamente en una zapatería se compraban los zapatos y todo lo que conllevan.
Es lo que se esta perdiendo en comercio de cercanía.
1960: the people of 2024 will have flying cars, 2 day work weeks, and be colonizing space
2024: "why is everybody mad at me today" i wonder as i stare at the notifications on my pocket depression rectangle
1990: the people of 2024 will be more productive than ever because computers will make everything easier
2024: me staring at my screen clicking for hours "what counts as a motorcycle? does the person riding the bicycle count as part of the bicycle? does the walk signal count as a traffic light? is this small white edge part of the crosswalk!? why won't you LET ME JUST BUY THE GODDAMN MADOKA PLUSHY YOU ARE THE ONLY STORE THAT ISN'T GEOLOCKED FROM SENDING TO MY COUNTRY"
André Polykanine reshared this.
Exciting update about the hackfest: We will now offer lunch for participants of the hackfest. 🍲
The lunch will cost about 8 Euros. A friend volunteered to cook for us with the deal that any extra funds would go to the local social bicycle association Efesta (, which we both are part of.
The event will be so much bigger than I anticipated, already more than 15 people signed up.🎉
If anyone is wondering how pkpass support in Catima is going: I would summarize it as slowly but steadily. It has definitely been a way bigger undertaking than planned, and unexpected issues may still show up, but the end seems to be in sight.
Basically, the feature consists of two parts:
1. Code to read a .pkpass file and turn it into a loyalty card object.
2. Adding a pkpass option when selecting a source.
Easy enough, right? Well... (1/3)
Oooh The Designed by, and Powered by OpenWRT router is now out!…
$89 and $10 of every order goes directly to the OpenWRT project!
Hope to see some folks get these and post reviews soon! (I'll order one as soon as I can afford to)
Mozilla bought the Android email app K-9 (which didn’t include any trackers) and integrated trackers as part of #Mozilla‘s rebranding under the #Thunderbird name.
They even made it opt-out instead of opt-in. Their defense for breaking the law: ”we wouldn’t have enough data if we obeyed the law.“
It doesn’t matter whether you ”anonymized“ the data or not: If you want to extract data from someone’s device to yours, you may do so only if they knowingly consented.…
My original team at Apple is hiring for a couple of software engineering roles: junior and senior. This is an amazing team and a chance to have a positive impact in education!…
I'm about to finish an audit of 42 webcomponents. The devs did a great job because pretty much none of them had detectable issues in axe. Still, only 8 of these 42 components have no critical issues. I only discovered those bugs through manual testing.
Long story short: automatic accessibility testing is only the first step. Manual testing is a must. Also, hire an accessibility expert if possible.
"Das Wort „krank” feiert gerade sein Comeback in der Alltagssprache, oder kommt es nur mir so vor? Ständig hört man jemanden „krank” sagen, um etwas stark zu betonen.
🗣 Das ist „krank” anstrengend gewesen.
🗣 Es war „krank” viel los.
Oder auch einfach nur:
🗣„Geisteskrank!”, um Erstaunen auszudrücken.
🗣 Das ist ja „krank”!
Hier ein paar Wörter, die du stattdessen sagen kannst:
💭 sehr, doll, stark, krass, heftig, mega, überraschend, unglaublich"
(Raul Krauthausen)
Pech für alle, die BILD glaubten und sich eine neue Gasheizung aufschwatzen ließen: Laut Heizspiegel wird Heizen mit Wärmepumpen 2024 am günstigsten. Das wird wenige überraschen - außer die, die ihre Informationen von fossilen Propagandaschleudern beziehen.
I know what a brick shit house is, what a shit house is and what a housefire is.
Confused about the combo
'MP in fresh bid to change law on assisted dying
What are your thoughts on this, I am for assisted dying if the alternative is a long drawn out painful death.
Assisted dying?
Yes it seems somehow cruel to humans to me.
I do think if it comes into Law a person needs to sign up for it when they are young and fit though.
With HIDIOCREVOKE we can now finally have a go at implementing a desktop portal for sandboxed apps to access hidraw devices without giving them blanket permissions to all device nodes…
I learned a new git trick this morning. I wanted to update an acceptance test I wrote a few weeks back as part of a bug fix, but couldn't remember the file I modified. With a test suite of hundreds of files, there was no way I was going to comb through them all.
Instead, it's possible to show all files in a directory you changed with the following command
git log --since="1 month ago" --author="" --name-only --pretty=format: -- <directory_name>
Worked a treat.
This should scare everyone:
" In 1976, about 40 percent of high-school seniors said they had read at least six books for fun in the previous year, compared with 11.5 percent who hadn’t read any. By 2022, those percentages had flipped."
We are educating morons.
They're going to be running the country and companies.
from Miska Nuutinen
Russia is deliberately leaking chemical waste into the Desna River, wiping out wildlife. Typical.
"Not a single organism survived. This is unprecedented. It’s Europe’s first completely dead river."
#RussiaIsATerroristState #PutinIsAnEcoTerrorist
Tuta's (@Tutanota) new calendar app for Android and iOS is here:
Great news, @nlnet will fund my FOSS projects @foss_warn and @foss_public_alert_server. This allows me to make #FOSSWarn a much bigger project than I initially imagined.
With the funding from nlnet, I will build the FOSS Public Alert Server (together with @VolkerKrause) and integrate it into FOSS Warn. That means FOSS Warn will not only get real push notifications via #unifiedPush but will also support way more countries than now.
I’m really excited about that possibility. 🚀
If only @Tutanota could provide an email alias service, like DuckDuckGo emails or SimpleLogin by would be awesome.
DuckDuckGo aliases is free and unlimited, but after the terrible experience with Skiff, I'm scared of these "free" services. How long it will be sustainable for Duck?
And Proton is just too expensive. The Mail Plus plan gives only 10 aliases, which is not in line with my need. The Unlimited is too much for me.
If only Tuta would provide that too..
Thanks for your feedback. You can create 15 aliases using our domains, and if you have added a custom domain to your account you can create unlimited aliases.
We are considering how to introduce a similar aliasing feature for future release.
in reply to AndyGER • • •