My family is a Linux family: both my parents and my wife use Linux, and so will the kids once they have their own computers. Apart from my Dad, they're all non-enthusiasts.

Yet, none of them use a beginner-friendly distribution. My Wife, who's by far the least technologically inclined of them all, is a very happy and satisfied NixOS user. A distribution that's the exact opposite of beginner-friendly.

How is that possible? None of them maintain their systems. I do that for them. In the past two decades, what I learned from helping friends and family with their computers is that the vast majority of non-enthusiasts have absolutely no desire to install and maintain an operating system, or even programs. They're much happier if someone else does that for them.

Therefore, while I see value in distributions aimed at beginner enthusiasts, I see very little value in distributions aimed at non-enthusiasts.

I wrote a few more words about this topic on my blog too.

#linux #desktop #gnome

Constantly persisting everything in a web form to localstorage in case of browser, tab accidents is such a cheap and effective trick!…

„Lidem v sociální nouzi pomáhá stát formou příspěvku na bydlení, která se odvíjí mimo jiné od výše nájmu. Systém tedy funguje tak, že majitelé ubytovny nastaví nájemné kolem dvaceti tisíc korun za pokojík, který obývá pětičlenná rodina, a tuto částku prakticky celou uhradí příspěvek na bydlení. A tento byznys a s ním i existenci ubytoven hradíme všichni z našich daní. Nejsou to tedy Romové, kdo zneužívá dávky, ale podnikatelé obchodující s chudobou.”…

#AndroidAppRain at today brought you 8 updated and 1 added apps:

* Canta: uninstall any app without root

Canta updates are stuck on F-Droid, so they reached out to us to have the app included here, and we gladly accepted.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

11 Social Media Platforms You Probably Forgot Existed (And Why They Failed)

Posted into All Mental Floss Stories @all-mental-floss-stories-mental_floss

Reminder: Europe ends DST on October 27th, but North America ends it a week later, on November 3rd. If anyone you work with or anything you work on is on the far side of an ocean next week, double check your calendars.……

So, the Washington Post is reporting that the oligarch owner of The L.A. Times pulled their Kamala Harris endorsement.…

Next, CNBC reports that the oligarch owner of The Washington Post pulled their Kamala Harris endorsement.…

Any bets we're going to see this complete a full circle?

NEW: Crypto critic @molly0xfff received emails from a purported lawyer and someone working for a “reputation management company” offering bribes in exchange for the takedown of a blog post about the arrest of an alleged crypto fraudster.

The purported lawyer used a blog post made on a website apparently populated with the use of a service that offers "SEO optimized human-like content” using AI, claiming White infringed copyright.

White declined.…

Hello everyone, I made an audio recording of The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin for a friend.

I've licensed the audio to the public domain, so if you want to listen to it, or remix it, or use it in a thing, go nuts. (Note: the text itself is under copyright, see replies to this post for licensing contact if you have commercial requirements.)

I'm still working on my voice acting and narration, but I think it came out well. (And if you require this voice, please note that I need money and you can hire me to read things for you.)

You can read the story in text at:…

Download it from…

#LeGuin #SpokenWord #VoiceActing

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to 13 barn owls in a trenchcoat

Hello. Thought your friend and anyone else would enjoy a bit of an improvement, it's closer to a studio sound now. A very nice reading, reminds me a bit of Sophie Aldred at times. ENjoy!

The Flac format (as I have added some replicated high frequencies that the mp3 encoder threw away) can be downloaded from MediaFire here

in reply to Erion

@erion Thank you so much, Sophie Aldred is one of my favourite narrators, so I may unconsciously mimic some of her style.

And thank you for working on the track. if you'd like to put your production chops into further practice, here's a FLAC of my original WAV file (with minimal cleaning and noise reduction - I have an uncleaned version available as well).…

in reply to Erion

@erion Here's one with no attempt to ameliorate the sound or erase noise. I've left a few seconds of ambient room noise (most egregiously a computer fan) at the end.…

I'm in the process of building a studio space at this moment, but my acoustic foam tiles are still reinflating after shipping!

in reply to 13 barn owls in a trenchcoat

It's my pleasure to present the revised, final master that this reading deserves, this time from the original unprocessed recording, with a bit of added expensive analog magic 😀. Listenable here, and downloadable in lossless flac from MediaFire. Enjoy!

I donated to @glyph and co's #SuperSwingDistricts slate. Properly resourcing state-level candidates increases the chance that voters in important swing districts might actually get to meet someone they're going to vote for, or be persuaded to show up and vote for something that matters to their local community.

Learn more, consider supporting:


#accessibility question:

Does anyone know if a HTML support for Orca screen-reader exist?
(like @SteveFaulkner's tests on…)

#Orca #screenReader #a11y #Linux

This entry was edited (4 months ago)