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Viete čo robím celý víkend... ležím pijem čaj a hrám Age of Empires Mobile. :kekw:
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Eleven years ago, the only long-lived #libcurl fork I am aware of was made:…

It existed for several years, but it seems to be completely gone now.

My instance has moved from 1 to 2,000 characters. I rarely hit the old limit. I love writing and am a very wordy guy, but I managed on twitter. hell: I managed with SMS in the 1990's.

I think this is also the first time I have actually started a post with the phrase 'my instance'.
Not sure how I feel about that, either. On the one hand, it's just here, working, and I'm not giving it a second thought.
On the other, I feel I should be paying toward its upkeep.

in reply to Sean Randall

A 1 character instance? WOW! That's fantast... oh... never mind.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

@BorrisInABox haha yes, I could have perhaps used some of those extra characters to add a few 0s in there!

decomplexifying #curl…

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I'm sure you're aware of the caveats but using function length may not be the best metric to measure complexity. What I'm about to write is therefore likely nothing new to you but I'm doing it nevertheless because there are many voices in the software engineering space that apply a naive law of "long function bad, short function good".

While splitting a function into smaller parts may improve readability to some degree, it rarely decreases the mental capacity needed to understand it. I'd argue that it's quite often even the opposite if the code is well-structured:
Blocks can be used efficiently to mimic a function that is specific to a use case, relatively short and not reusable. A separate function would introduce overhead in form of its signature and disruption of the reader's flow because its location is elsewhere in the code. The block can easily be shoved into a function when it becomes larger or when it can be re-used.

in reply to Lenny

@f09fa681 as a general rule, I still think longer is worse than shorter.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

As a general rule of thumb, I agree, I think.

When it comes to reducing complexity, what I'd want is to keep mental capacity needed in an acceptable range. In that regard, I'd e.g. value minimising the amount, scope and lifetime of variables within a function over function length. These metrics are likely much harder to provide but maybe they would be a neat addition next to the cyclomatic complexity.

in reply to Lenny

@f09fa681 I would also add making sure symbol names are short, readable and not easily mixed up. Hard to measure with a tool...
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

@f09fa681 Kinda agree when we exclude functions extracted/refactored that contain only one call. While a complex call with a GOOD name of the function might be considered helpful, I tend to find it harmful as it is a context switch while reading code, for only one line/call. So it can turn bad if everything is wrapped in small functions - having unreadable code, and slipping right through the metric.

"Death by chocolate" is just the more extreme form of "pain au chocolate"
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Why do we still call them set-top boxes? When was the last time you saw a brand new, modern television on top of which such a device could be placed?
For me, this was probably in the summer of 2003, and that's kind of a stretch.

Does this go into the category of why the save icon is still a floppy disk, why phone cameras still make analog shutter noises, and why phones are still called phones?

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Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to Patrick Perdue

I don't think I ever saw one on top of a TV even when they would fit. Always underneath.
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes My parents sincerely believe set-top box means you set 'the box', as in the television, above the plug-in box connected thereto.

Je to absurdní, ale Evropa se nemůže zbavit závislosti na ruském zemním plynu.

Paradoxně tak Evropa financuje obě strany konfliktu.
Nejde jen o tranzit přes Ukrajinu, ale i ruský LNG, který dováží čím dál více evropských zemí. Například Španělsko pokrývá 23 % svých dovozů plynu z Ruska.

I just got word that the 27th #XMPP Summit will indeed take place on the two days leading up to #FOSDEM 2025.
Thursday, January 30th 2025 and Friday, January 31st at the Thon Hotel EU in Brussels, Belgium.
Save the date! RSVP if you plan to attend in person.
If you are an XMPP developer and enjoy long discussions over minute details of XMPP protocol extensions this event is perfect for you!

Looking forward to seeing everyone in person again. Stay tuned for more details.

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Kink, me in a skirt and crop top, marks from a cane

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in reply to Meow~ >^.^<

Kink, me in a skirt and crop top, marks from a cane

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YSK: We have an official Loops Discord channel!


in reply to FediVerseExplorer

@fexplorer What would you even suggest? Most of the alternatives I've heard aren't really as good.
in reply to Samuel Hautamäki

Most oft the #FOSS communitys that I know so far, have rooms on but not only on the homeserver

Video o hodinách na věži frýdeckého farního kostela, mj. o každoroční změně času.

Věž je přístupná veřejnosti a jelikož je v centru Frýdku, tj. na kopci, je z ní krásný výhled na celé město i Beskydy. A naopak já mám z okna krásný výhled na věž, vzdálenou cca 150 metrů vzdušnou čarou 😀…

in reply to Richard

Tak to až někdy navštívím Frýdek, tak nesmím zapomenout na věž vyrazit.

Mohl by na Marsu existovat život? Studie NASA nabízí možnosti…

Výzkumníci se domnívají, že by roztátá voda pod krustou marsovského ledu mohla podporovat mikrobiální život. Hned na začátek je ale nutné připomenout, že zatím nemáme k dispozici žádné důkazy o tom, že by na Marsu byl skutečně objeven život. Ovšem nová studie expertů NASA zmiňuje možnost, že by potenciální mikroorganismy mohly najít vhodné podmínky téměř na povrchu planety.

Máme dnes v noci hodinu navíc. Tak pojďme na trochu filozofie - Ship of Theseus.

Za posledních deset let jsem ve svém PC měnil a modernizoval díly až tak, že jsem vyměnil i samotný case.

A přitom ten stroj furt vnímán jako stále stejnou mašinu 😁

in reply to Zechy

Já to mám i u notebooků. Jakmile se tam zabydlím naklonováním disku ze starého, je z něj svěží reinkarnace mého stroje.

Tak koukám, že budu muset sdělit manželce, že jsou o dost dražší koníčky, než je cyklistika :-))…

Já už jsem samozřejmě na změnu času připraven. Čelovka nabitá, jen vyběhnout.
Kdyby náhodou někdo hledal čelovku, tak Fenix HM 51 R mohu doporučit. Mám jí tři roky, sice dražší, ale je fakt super.
#sport #fenix

6:50 a nejako nie som unavený.. to bude tým časom a tiež určite že od piatku nepijem #dobréRáno
This entry was edited (4 days ago)

Grateful to Molly White for pointing out the legal precarity of freelance journalism. For most people, the law is more of a threat than a protector.…

Jak to máte vy? Vadí vám přechod z letního na zimní čas?
Snad to už brzo zruší.
#anketa Střídání letního a zimní času ano nebo ne?

  • ponechat zimní (61%, 61 votes)
  • ponechat letní (31%, 31 votes)
  • nechat jak to je (7%, 7 votes)
99 voters. Poll end: 1 day ago

in reply to Archos

Nevím, jak odpovědět 😁 Změna mi fyzicky nevadí, je mi jedno který, ale přijde mi to přežitek
in reply to Unreed

@Unreed Vyloženě mi ten přechod nevadí. Přesně tak, je to přežitek.

#Gruzie 🇬🇪🙏🏻💚
zažila volby a opozice ma koaliční většinu. Gruzínský sen společnými silami poražen a s ním končí éra 12 let pro-ruské vlády.

Oficiálně je sečteno 99.646%
Vítězí stávající autoritářská vláda 54%

Exit poolls ve vládě jednoho prostě nefungují 😔

Gruzie čekají těžké časy od odstraňování opozice až po opětovné zavedení vízové povinnosti do EU a USA.

Držím palce, snad se podvody podaří prokázat 💪🏻✊🏻🤞🏻

PS Omlouvám se těm co jsem mistifikoval exit poollem.

This entry was edited (4 days ago)

Oh my word and ho ho ho! We live in such a holly jolly era of miracles and wonders! Classic Christmas song gets authorized Spanish reworking thanks to ‘responsible’ AI…

Living in a society where everyone is constantly trying to scam you if exhausting.

Sure, there's the regular scammers we think of. The ones who call or email you and pretend to be your bank, your telco, your long lost family with an inheritance for you.

But then there's all the legal scamming. Phones that come with built-in advertising IDs. Pop-ups with tiny close buttons. Anything where you have to "opt-out". Wherever bullshit Adobe has thought up this week.

It's exhausting.


This entry was edited (5 days ago)

When I was a teenager in the 2000s I somehow got the opportunity to interview the drummer from Minor Threat for a hardcore zine.

I asked him for his advice for young musicians. He said “you’re not going to listen to this advice because you don’t think it’s cool, and one day you’ll regret it, but always wear earplugs.”

I didn’t listen.

Didn’t think it was cool.

Permanent ear damage by my mid 20s.

No, Windows 11 File explorer, I do not want my file list to be grouped by week, or by filetype. What kind of crack are you on? I just want a nice alphabetized listview. And stop telling me that you're working on it, because I'm the one who pressed Enter and am well aware that you will be working on it. thanks!

General #linux #OpenSource question. I've put together my own spin on top of NixOS that I'm calling "nixbook" (a play on chromebook)

The idea is immutable self updating base with flatpaks on top for super basic users.

I want to give it a name so normies can identify what it is, instead of calling it the scary L word.

But I have no idea, am I allowed to do that? Anything legally I have to do, or thing to watch out for not to step on toes of the #NixOS project?

AI generated, male voice

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What #linux distrobution has the best accessible gui? I need to duel boot this on the same machine along side windows. #slint #a11y #ubuntu #fedora #archlinux
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in reply to Khronos

I'd say Fedora or Slint. I go with Fedora cause it's way more mainstream and also pretty up-to-date.

Forensic Architecture's cartographic analysis of the Gaza genocide, provided to South Africa for use at the International Court of Justice.

Via @ayoub , but let me repeat for emphasis: READ THIS

(a thread with some findings from the summary)…

#Gaza #Genocide #ICJ #ICC #SouthAfrica #Israel #Geography #GIS

So in A Herbivorous Dragon of 5000 Years Gets Unfairly Villainized season 2, the Crunchy English subs make it seem like King Vanessa being a girl is a reveal in ep4, because in ep2, she's referred to as "he".

This is odd since nobody acts like it's a reveal, & her name is "Vanessa". So I looked further b/c Chinese has no spoken gendered pronoun (there is "he" & "she" in text but in speech, it's the same word). The Bilibili Chinese subs say "she" (她), so do their English subs. It's only Crunchy that made the assumption the King is a boy.

I suspect the CR translator was working from just the raw, & without text they had to make an assumption, & they heard "king" & saw somebody who could be a feminine boy & assumed male.

#AHerbivorousDragonOf5000YearsGetsUnfairlyVillainized #anime #donghua

in reply to Ami Angelwings

the reason we suspect it's a translator error and not Crunchy using AI translation or something is because in episode 4, a character definitively genders Vanessa, calling her "my sister". That's the first time it's made directly clear. (The character referred to an off screen sister in previous episodes but not that that was Vanessa). And then the Crunchy subs start referring to her using female pronouns. So that's likely when the translator realized the gender of the character.

Crunchy notoriously overworks and underpays their translators so it's likely they don't have time to think too much about these things because of how fast they're pushed to translate stuff, and they're doing it as they get the episodes.

This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to Ami Angelwings

incidentally I really hate how online western anime fandom treats Chinese anime/donghua. There's like constant hate on subsplease and other places on animation that has Chinese audio, and they complain about it being a "dub" even though that's the original language, and then they say they'll wait for the "real Japanese" even tho the JAPANESE IS THE DUB. There's also all the weebs who complain that Chinese sounds worse & is less "real" sounding than the Japanese dialogue and like, most of you can speak NEITHER LANGUAGE, shut the f- up.

And of course Wikipedia often only lists the Japanese VAs for a lot of Chinese anime, and it's so hard to find what the OP of a show is b/c all sites in search results list the Japanese OPs as the only OPs for the show -_-

For anyone who might have ideas. Could you recommend me a Daisy reader for desktop? I can read books fine on Bookshare but would like to be able to save them on my computer. Thanks.
in reply to 👩‍🦯The Blind Fraggle

I haven't tried this program and so I don't know if it's worth using but have you heard of Pratsam?…

I am currently researching the best NAS for all my data to be stored. My current device has finally decided to die. It was a western Digital. Any recommendations welcome. Also any recommendations to stay away from are Also welcome. Thanks!
in reply to Scott Erichsen

ooooh curious what you find on it, I currently have an older Buffalo NAS that has a decent-ish web interface and is paired with 2 3 TB drives in RAID to make 6. I back parts of it up regularly but would be good to find one that's either got built-in drives or has 2-4 3.5 inch bays to load up drives with.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg Indeed. I've held off as long as I can. All my data is safe, I just want a better more reliable solution.

my take on recent regrettable events in the #linux kernel community.…

reshared this

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Yes that’s entirely fair, it would not have taken much to state:

“We are removing these names from the maintainers list because of US sanctions enforcement. No, this is not optional, at a penalty of personal criminal liability but I Linus Torvalds would not challenge this removal even if I could”

(Which was i think the gist of the statements that came out later)

“Simply do not break a glass, and it will last a thousand years. Smash it, and it will not last an instant. Democracy is like that: fragile, but only if you shatter it.”

“Trust is like that, too, as newspapers know.”

It has fallen to me, the humor columnist, to endorse Harris for president…

When you let @micah choose the "candy" you hand out to trick-or-treaters.... #Halloween #NoTrick #D20 #DND
in reply to Kim Ilbery

how many of them will chuck 'em in their mouth without thinking for a second?
in reply to Aleca

@alecaddd lol we have candy to hand out as well and they will be clearly separated and labeled. So hopefully none. We’re thinking of making a game out of it idk yet.

PeaZip 10.0 File Archiver Debuts Revamped Interface…

Queremos expresar nuestro más profundo agradecimiento a cada uno de ustedes que, desde diferentes rincones de América Latina y del mundo, hicieron posible este gran evento.

Gracias a todos los asistentes, tanto presenciales como virtuales, y al increíble equipo de #GNOME Latam.

From #DadSaysJokes Arguing with my wife is like reading a Software License agreement.

In the end you have to ignore everything and click "I agree".

I do wonder just how serious about #accessibility is the team behind the MuseScore software. At least on Mac OS things are broken to the point of making it really quite counter-productive to use it. Broken tooltips, strange keyboard navigation, unfinished dialogs, etc, etc. I've been checking for updates for ever hoping to see some progress, but progress I see none.
in reply to Chi Kim

@chikim Good point. Though in MuseScore’s case, there are just so many other weird issues outside of the navigation.
in reply to victor tsaran

Yeah I definitely hear you about MuseScore on Mac. I can get it to work, but I have to fight a lot with focuss issues and such.