@wagtail is the best CMS in terms of features and accessibility.
I can't recommend it highly enough! It’s a powerful CMS that boasts impressive features, used by organizations like Google and NASA. Plus, the community is incredibly friendly and welcoming.
Accessibility is a top priority for Wagtail. With clear accessibility goals, dedicated accessibility team and a built-in accessibility checker, Wagtail is designed to make content accessible at scale.

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Can you believe that a GitHub issue I opened six years ago in the depths of “the long dark tea-time of the soul” has had such a cascading impact?
It has ultimately led to the formation of a dedicated accessibility team for @django
This is a moment that truly highlights the power of open source and everything it represents.
I'm so grateful for this community 💙

For me personally – this was a definite inflection point in my career, as I started investing way more into accessibility expertise. For Wagtail, we followed this with a project for a large govt agency to do even more testing and improvements of the CMS admin. Then got our accessibility team started. Then the accessibility team for @django. An #ATAG audit for Wagtail. Yearly reporting on our accessibility. There’s a long way to go but the journey’s been great already 🌈

Proud to be a part of driving positive change in the accessibility for @wagtail!
Huge thanks to @thibaudcolas and the team for your unwavering commitment and sense of responsibility. It makes all the difference.
🙌 #AccessibilityMatters

After 6 years – we finally got to close our longest-running #accessibility ticket in Wagtail, github.com/wagtail/wagtail/iss…. Thank you @mush42 for reporting this initially. We benefitted immensely from your accessibility expertise and first-hand experience with a screen reader ❤️

This was the ticket I created our "accessibility" ticket triage label for. 38 of those still opened, 165 closed. Kick-ass!

Migrate data from Dropbox to Amazon S3 using Rclone
aws.amazon.com/blogs/storage/m… #aws #blog
#blog #aws

I didn't think this was possible but the real disappointment of the day isn't Apple Intelligence – it's the "updated" Magic accessories.

They literally just…swapped the Lightning port for USB-C. No multi-device pairing, no design changes, nothing else.

The mouse still has the charging port at the bottom too. 😂


Switching from TalkBack to Jieshuo: Navigating the World with a New Accessibility Lens accessibleandroid.com/switchin…

After 6 years – we finally got to close our longest-running #accessibility ticket in Wagtail, github.com/wagtail/wagtail/iss…. Thank you @mush42 for reporting this initially. We benefitted immensely from your accessibility expertise and first-hand experience with a screen reader ❤️

This was the ticket I created our "accessibility" ticket triage label for. 38 of those still opened, 165 closed. Kick-ass!

in reply to Thibaud Colas

For me personally – this was a definite inflection point in my career, as I started investing way more into accessibility expertise. For Wagtail, we followed this with a project for a large govt agency to do even more testing and improvements of the CMS admin. Then got our accessibility team started. Then the accessibility team for @django. An #ATAG audit for Wagtail. Yearly reporting on our accessibility. There’s a long way to go but the journey’s been great already 🌈

Happens here in Canada w/ Post Merdia [not a typo, they're quite literally shit], as almost all of Canadian media have decided that the leader of the official opposition is justified in not obtaining a security clearance and that the LPC needs a new leader.


Pollsters asking, on a scale of 1 to 10 how much I hate Trudeau? [I don't]

None ask about how concerned Canadians are about PP NOT having a security clearance.

!@#$%^&*() #cdnpoli


[Blog Post] Apple Releases macOS Sequoia 15.1; Bringing both Improvements and New Bugs for VoiceOver Users applevis.com/blog/apple-releas…

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Finally got the chance to dig more into this story ”Researchers say an AI-powered transcription tool used in hospitals invents things no one ever said”


What’s confusing is that it mixes anecdotal evidence with studies, on diff versions of Whisper, wrapped in a range of different software, using a variety of audio types. Audio quality, length, number of voices, speech patterns all matter a lot. And the longer the recording the more likely it is to have errors

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The videos on my YouTube channel have now been viewed 250,000 times combined

Mastering the #curl command line alone has had more than 54K views to date:



Why FLOSS matters: Open-source software means transparent code, community-driven security, and freedom from Big Tech control. puri.sm/posts/the-case-for-fre… #Purism #Librem5 #PureOS

In which Jake's school friends possibly think I'm a lazy sod who sits at home and does nothing all day, and Alice tells the story of how we got some very nice, free cupcakes delivered that weren't for us:
#StroongeCast E07: Jake And Alice youtu.be/Xcckya9tKKs

Download: onj.me/media/stroongecast/07_-…

This week in #FDroid (TWIF) is a lot to read, and also we missed the toot about last week.

In short:
- F-Droid client 1.21 was released, but you should wait for 1.21.1 before you update
- there were some bugs in DAVx⁵, Nextcloud and Tailscale, so be careful in updating these too
- we're working together with @Codeberg to get our builds from apps hosted there working again
- any much more

Read the full details at
f-droid.org/2024/10/24/twif.ht… and f-droid.org/de/2024/10/17/twif…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

ACB Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs Claire Stanley joined Carl Richardson and Kim Charlson at a recent Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Disability Advisory Committee meeting. The meeting covered a range of topics, including gaming accessibility and the use of artificial intelligence to caption live video programming.

Access a recording of the meeting on the FCC YouTube page:

#RIPE89 kicks off online and in Prague, Czechia! From IPv6 to IoT, we’re diving deep into the future of the Internet this week. Tune in and follow the talks live at: ripe89.ripe.net/live/ #RIPEMeeting

My wife and I did an interview with storycorps which was archived at the Library of Congress in teh United States. If you'd like to learn more about us and our story, have a listen. It's free and fun, and there's thousands of stories from others like us ready for the listenin. archive.storycorps.org/intervi…

🔐 Sending a password-protected email to anyone is easy with Tuta Mail! 🔐

Check out our latest guide on how to send encrypted, password-protected emails here 👇👇👇

#encryption #security #privacy #email

The fact that the Whisper transcription service from OpenAI just fills out gaps and silence with nonsense, demographic stereotyping, perpetuation of violence and sexal innuendo should get it recalled.

But no, as long as OpenAI say they are continually working to improve the tool, everything is apparently good to go.

One example:
What the person said: “Someone had to run and call the fire department to rescue both the father and the cat.”

What Whisper transcribed: “Someone had to run and call the fire department to rescue both the father and the cat. All he had was a smelly old ol’ head on top of a socked, blood-soaked stroller.”

Reporting in the Verge: theverge.com/2024/10/27/242811…

The research paper:
facctconference.org/static/pap… (check out the table of examples!)

My March 2023 article on AI responsibility:

It’s Mid-2022 and Browsers (Mostly Safari) Still Break Accessibility via Display Properties — Adrian Roselli

Grat article with tons of updates on this topic. Thanks @aardrian

adrianroselli.com/2022/07/its-… #a11y #accessibility

Remember in August when I gave a talk about HTML tables for the WebAIM online conference?

That video is online!

I have embedded it on my site:

Or you can go to YouTube directly (where you can find the other swell talks from that day).

#accessibility #a11y #HTML