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Die #DeepL Datenschutzeinstellungen schließen sich seit einiger Zeit weder durch Ablehnung noch Bestätigung.

Der Dienst ist so nicht nutzbar.

Ist das bei Euch auf #Android 14 auch so?


in reply to FediVerseExplorer

Fix scheint bald zu kommen…

1984 spoilers

Sensitive content

Starting now, #curl is also apparently the curl "enterprise" on #GitHub.The curl enterprise owns the curl organization which owns the curl repository. From which you can build the curl tool.

Clearly we need more curl.

“A swordsman does not fear death if he dies with honour.”

“Then he's an idiot.”

— Farrah and the Doctor, in “The Androids of Tara”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

I've probably asked this here before but…Linux geeks: Is there any such thing as a smart .forward replacement? What I mean is, I know that when an Email comes in, if the user has a file called .forward (for those whose screen readers mispronounce this, the file is called dot forward), that Email is forwarded to the Email addresses in that file. However, as far as I know, the forwarding happens for all incoming Emails, indiscriminately. For some situations this is okay, but there are situations where I want to ideally automatically forward Email to a person or list of people, but in case spammers ever get hold of that address I don't want that to get forwarded, as then that spam would appear to be coming from my server, and going to otherwise trusted/willing recipients. So does anyone know of any type of system that forwards Emails, but has some configurability, for example, only auto-forward Email from these trusted Email addresses, etc? Another possible solution would be some sort of web application that receives Emails to be forwarded and holds them in a queue pending my manual review, at which point I can add the sender to a trusted sender's list to be auto-forwarded, forward the Email, not forward it, add the sender to the naughty list so to speak, etc. Maybe @adam would know? Please boost for reach. Thanks.

reshared this

«Обожаю» заказывать обувь с доставкой
Месяц ожидания, чтобы выяснить, что китайский размер как обычно не равен всем остальным, и все надписи "соответствует размеру" были всего лишь наебаловом/ошибкой озона
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

При чём, китайский размер меньше европейского.
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

Я не понимаю какой линейкой мерили китайцы свои сантиметры обуви
Потому что то, что было немного маловато мне, оказалось в самый раз @mira_the_catgirl, хотя у меня (насколько я знаю) 47-й, а у неё (насколько она знает) 43-й

Может мы уже прекратим играть в размеры, и просто начнём писать габариты тушки, на которую это всё шилось...?

in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@mira_the_catgirl Да, у китайцев реально размер поменьше. У японцев есть тоже такой прикол с размерами, только такая разница, что у японцев это не только с обувью, а ещё и с брайлем.
in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

@asael хрен с ним с размером, почему у них сантиметры не сходятся!
в карточке товара ведь есть таблица соответствия...


in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@mira_the_catgirl Не знаю. самому интересен этот прикол. В европейских магазинах бывает, что китайские размеры встречаются, хотя мы в хорватии по-больше.
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

То есть, у нас есть российские размеры, а есть европейские
Которые похожи, но различаются на единицу
По моему они уже внаглую издеваются
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

прекрасно все страны издеваются. а смотри вообще размеры Сша и Великобритании.
in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

@asael ну с ними то все понятно, они измерять длину нормально не умеют
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

Мдаа, вообще, сконвертируй свой рост в футы, пиздец же
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

У меня на округление получается при стандартном пересчете 6.1

I've noticed recently that the English language uses a lot of French words recently such as hors d'oeuvres, and that's just for starters
in reply to Natasha Jay :mastodon:🇪🇺

If you are interested in this topic, start googling from two things: year 1066 and Old English. find a YouTube video where someone reads in actual Old English or even speaks it (there are enthusiasts), you'll be surprised, to say the least. TL;DR: English before year 1066 sounded somewhat in between German and Icelandic to our ears.
in reply to André Polykanine


Orcam MyEye Pro and Read will be no more, as the company closes its visual aids division to focus on hearing devices. Full details with live reaction from a former senior employee on air at noon ET on @AMIaudio and podcast

reshared this

Our next major update – #LibreOffice 24.8 – is just around the corner! It'll be released in late August, and you can help to test the second Release Candidate:… #foss #OpenSource

LibreOffice reshared this.

Im #DisabilityPrideMonth dran erinnern, daß …

31 … nichts über uns ohne uns laufen sollte. Redet mit behinderten Menschen, wenn es um behinderte Menschen geht, nicht nur über sie!

I don't get adults deep interest in barbies. Yeah it's cool new disabled ones are coming out, but I have no desire to get one. Maybe it's because we didn't have too many as kids, but I just don't get the obsession.

I know I've bemoaned this a number of times, but now that braille screen input is getting some serious love, I again want to know how app developers take advantage of the "quick action" gesture. It doesn't even seem to work in places where it previously did now. It's just such a shame because it could be so incredibly useful in messaging apps in particular.

Sean Randall reshared this.

in reply to Jamie Teh

Do I understand from this that the three-finger swipe to send messages has gone in iOS 18's braille screen input? I use that gesture a lot in iOS 17.
in reply to Clare Page

@frog67 I don't think it was working for me when I last checked, but then, I thought they had broken it in iOS 17 too, so maybe not? I'll check again when I have something useful to message someone that won't annoy them, haha.
in reply to Jamie Teh

It works for me in a few apps, even THOUGH I currently have to turn the rotor afterwards to get out of BSI.
in reply to Clare Page

@frog67 @DerryLawlor it works in some of the apps I use and not others. I wish developers used it more consistently too.
in reply to Sean Randall

@frog67 @DerryLawlor @cachondo But developers can't use it consistently because Apple haven't documented how they can. Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't find it anywhere in the developer documentation, and Stack Overflow suggests I'm not the only one. It's either in some private API or it's undocumented, neither of which would surprise me where Apple is concerned.
in reply to Clare Page

@frog67 @DerryLawlor Definitely not working in the iOS Messages app for me, but I thought it was broken for me in iOS 17 too. It did work in iOS 16 for me though. This inconsistency kinda proves my point: Apple need to be a lot clearer about how this is supposed to work for developers, apparently even for their own developers.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@frog67 Ah, I don't tend to send many mesages in the messges most stuff is from Whats App and Mona.

Are you sick of Google Maps, but are still worried about getting from A to B? 🏃 🚲 🚗

Checkout these great open source alternatives!

#degoogle #maps #opensource #foss #privacy

in reply to Tuta

and on Linux OSes (such as #SailfishOS or UbuntuTouch), there's PureMaps
in reply to Tuta

/e/OS comes oreinstalled with "Magic Earth", which is also not bad.
Not sure if it's entirely open Source, though. And I think it costs money if you get it via Google Play Store.

PipeWire 1.2.2 is out! Some more regressions and bugs were fixed. More details here:…

I wonder what voiceover users of @MonaApp have your Magic tap and swipe options set to?
in reply to Sean Randall

so for me, magic tap is compose, swipe left is play media and right is view links. The rest of the actions are left in my rotor.
in reply to Sean Randall

Mine is almost identical except I have my magic tap turned off because I sometimes play media in the background while browsing and want to pause it to hear a post better.
in reply to Sean Randall

Magic tap for compose, three fingers left for repost, three fingers right for reply.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Tohle je důvod, proč potřebujeme stavebně oddělené cyklopruhy.

Protože řidiči nedodžují ani pravidla slušného chování, natož zákony a vyhlášku. Pravé zrcatko auta bylo asi 5 cm od mé ruky, kterou držím řidítka.

SPZ: 6T6 3139

in reply to Schmaker

@schmaker @archos Samozrejme, ze i cyklisti delaji problemy. Ale ja se hrde hlasim k tem, kteri problemum predchazi. Jenze najezd zezadu opravdu neni fer a nemohu s tim nic udelat
in reply to Michal 🇨🇿

Přesně i já se snažím problémům předcházet, mám i radar od Garminu, tak vidím na navigaci kdy jede auto. Na kole jezdím skoro vždy sám a mám pravidelné problémy s řídiči a to nemluvím o pravidelné dávce z ostřikovačů na křižovatkách 🤦
in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:
Mě by zajímalo, co ty debily k tomu vede. To udělá fakt jen pitomec. U nás jen troubí a i to jen minimálně.

Ale na stranu druhou, silnici se fakt snažím vyhýbat
@Michal 🇨🇿

Newsflash 3.3.3 (and .4)
This one is for all the Local RSS enjoyers out there:
- use etags to skip downloading unchanged feeds
- avoid writing unchanged RSS 2.0 feeds to disk (feed-rs fix)
- handle articles that are published by multiple feeds with the exact same GUID (e.g. planet gnome)…

#rss #gnome #app

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Registration for #LAS2024 is still OPEN! Don’t forget to register to join us on October 4-5 in Monterrey, Mexico or online:…

Hello everyone. @cub80_appleby and I had our first cup of coffee and breakfast. I then helped her install @MonaApp on her iPhone. We hope you all have a good day.

Pociťujem smútok, bežný smútok, pocit.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

My MR which implements a new image mounting dialog for #GNOME Disks in #Rust has been merged 🎉

The new dialog allows not only to mount and view disk images, but also to edit, inspect, write or, if the disk image is already mounted, unmount it.

Thanks to @tbernard for the design and to @pothos for the review and help.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I can press letters to access my #Windows #TaskBar items again. Now where did I put my happy face?
Unknown parent

Sean Randall
@FluidEscence I'd prefer to know what's potentially a problem to help others than take the step of downgrading a new machine

Just realised that on Mastodon, boosting *is* the algorithm.

There's no code trying to cleverly show me stuff it reckons I'd be into, based on what my contacts are into, instead my contacts are saying "I like this, I bet my contacts would like it too" and that is way smarter than any algorithm.

Thank you, boosters!

in reply to Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

I'm seeing a lot more "please boost" on here than I've seen "please RT". Unfortunately, it does work, though I'm very tempted to just filter out everything containing the word "boost" at this point.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki I can understand that it might be annoying to you, I see it as analogous to "spread the word"

Wrote up some notes on trying out Aider, a neat open source Python terminal tool for working with codebases on disk via a variety of LLMs…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

The #curl 8.9.1 video presentation…

Nie som opitý a večer po piatej som už ani nepil, do vtedy som vypil štyri pivá a zle mi je kardinálne. Podobne naposledy mi takto nejako bolo cez zimu.

Unknown parent

Tady je kolem 30, ale na střeše to praží to je hnus. Naštěstí už mám hotovo.

Welcome Joe Birr-Pixton as #curl commit author 1289:…

(I deduped a few authors counted twice, so the count is a few less than previously)


Sometimes, when navigating tables on the web with NVAccess@fosstodon.orgDA, table navigation keys either don't work properly (edge of table) or refuse to work at all, and I have to restart NVAccess@fosstodon.orgDA to fix it. CC @NVAccess @BTyson @tspivey
in reply to The Cube!

yeah, I'v seen this for a few months now in Firefox. It's odd.
in reply to Sean Randall

@mush42 Does anyone know if there is an issue for this? It sounds like there certainly should be
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to NV Access

Yeah, looks to be this one:…
@cachondo @TheCube @BTyson @tspivey @mush42

Here’s a demo of all five phenomenal new US English Siri voices, reading the article I posted to the Living Blindfully website today. We start with voice one, and work our way through in sequence to voice five.

André Polykanine reshared this.

in reply to Jonathan Mosen

Great voices, yes. But they stress the word "Blindfully" as it was an insult, I'm sorry. At least, my impression.
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

Most of the research behind these incredible models is open. Even folks at Apple share their findings.
Building on this research, I'm developing free and high-quality TTS models using open-source speech datasets.
I already created the cross platform speech engine called "Sonata", and currently training some English voices for it.
Here's a sample of the very first training run.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

“Mama Matrix, kann ich disappearing messages haben?”
Mama Matrix: “wir haben disappearing messages zuhause!”
Disappearing messages zuhause:

Software mívá chyby, tak to prostě je. Je ale třeba před nimi nezavírat oči a postavit se k nim čelem.

Minulý týden vyšla najevo chyba v aplikaci eDoklady. Nic sice přímo nezpůsobila, být tam ale rozhodně neměla. Tým DIA začal obratem pracovat na nápravě a všera, po méně než týdnu, vyšla opravená verze aplikace (1.5.0). Tak to má být!

Děkuji Honzovi Cibulkovi že chybu objevil a také všem, kteří se zasloužili o její rychlou nápravu. @jancibulka @honza

Good morning all, just after doing my Covid test and I am negative for the first time in 13 days. So good to be negative. Hope you all have a super day.

V noci som sa asi tri krát zobudil a mal depky že som sám.

So is there some way in git to delete not only your squash merged local branches, but also delete the upstream copy? Right now, I have to do something like this:
git branch -D someFoo
git push me :someFoo
which is rather annoying. I'm sure I'm missing something. I guess I could use some alias or shell function, but surely there's a better way?
in reply to x0

@x0 That is less awkward than git push me :foo, indeed, but it doesn't cut out the other step of git branch -D foo as far as I'm aware and ends up being more typing in the end.

Je mi zle... začínam mať úzkosti s miernou depresiou, tu a tam paranoju a podľa mňa to je z alkoholu a nie najlepšou marihuanou, tiež z časti aj prácou. Mal by som si dať pauzu ty vole.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)