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So, I turned off “normalization” in the Spotify app and the Spotify audio in my Meta glasses does not sound as distorted as before. Good!

in reply to Rob C 🐳

@robcee @paperdigits They're not really weather sealed. It's the one* big weak point of the GR III / GR IIIx.

(* aside from the price)

I still love mine and bring it with me quite a bit (when I'm not bringing my Fuji X-T5 (and a lens). I just try to not get caught in a rainstorm with the Ricoh.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

@paperdigits @garrett compared to most of the latest mirrorless cameras that’s still a bargain. I love fixed focal length cameras.

[Book Review] Witchcraft on a Shoestring takes the reader through a fun and engaging journey of magical practices that don’t require expensive tools or materials. Readers will have a magical time creating spells, divinations, and even recipes that cost little to no money, which reminds us that we don’t need fancy items to practice the Craft; all we need is a little imagination!…

#budget #witchcraft #bookreview #moneymagic #deborahblake #pagan

Watch this space - exciting news coming soon! | AppleVis…

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in reply to AnonyMouse

@FreakyFwoof So, perhaps it’s not the end of an era after all?
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My phone routinely misidentifies my partner and I as children in photos, but y'know I'm supposed to trust Apple to scan my photos for abusive content. Lol no.

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 5 updated and 1 added app:

As @organicmaps was kicked out of PlayStore, I decided to make an exception adding it to #IzzyOnDroid despite of being twice the per-app size limit. It's the "web" variant that comes with (part of) GMS inside for network location. As there are other apps at F-Droid and IoD supporting network location without GMS, I hope to help OM to get rid of this NonFreeComp, though.

Welcome aboard IoD, OrganicMaps!

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Looks like the app is again visible in this thing named "PlayStore"?!…

Get ready to rep accessibility with the limited edition WordPress Accessibility Day 2024 t-shirt! Want one? One way to get your own is to Donate or sponsor at a Micro level and get a guaranteed tee! Volunteer and score a free shirt!… #WPA11yDay #WPAD2024 #accessibility #a11yEvents

This is the longest of longshots but... people here seems to know everything about the most obscure stuff. Does anyone know of an #NVDA remote client for Linux? There is one for Android, sort of one for iOS, but I have yet to see one for Linux. I'm thinking it may not be difficult, and would definitely be nice to have. Servers/relays are already available, does anyone know of a client? Boosts are, of course, very welcome, indeed, they'd be appreciated. #blind #A11Y #screenreader

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Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Systems Like Starlink Cause Environmental Harm Regulators Didn’t Prepare For

Last June scientists warned that low-Earth orbit ( #LEO ) satellites constantly burning up in orbit could release chemicals that could undermine the progress we’ve made repairing the #ozone #layer.

Researchers at USC noted that at peak, 1,005 U.S. tons of aluminum will fall to Earth,
releasing ♦️397 U.S. tons of aluminum oxides ♦️per year to the atmosphere, an
💥increase of 646% over natural levels. 💥

Numerous companies, most notably Elon Musk’s #Starlink and Jeff Bezos’ #Blue #Origin,
are working on launching tens of thousands of small LEO satellites in the coming years.

A new report by U.S. PIRG adds to concerns that these launches haven’t been thought through environmentally,
noting that the disposable nature of such satellites means ♦️29 tons of satellites ♦️will re-enter our atmosphere every day at peak.

After years of delays, the FCC did recently release rules requiring that satellites be removed from orbit within five years to help minimize “space junk.”

But the organization notes that very little if any thought was given by innovation-cowed regulators toward the 🔸environmental impact of so many smaller satellites constantly burning up in orbit:🔸

“We shouldn’t rush into deploying an untested and under-researched technology into new environments without comprehensive review.

Over just five years Starlink has launched more than 6,000 units and now make up more than 60% of all satellites.

The new space race took off faster than governments were able to act.”

The steady launches are also a notable pollution concern, the report notes,
releasing ♦️“soot in the atmosphere equivalent to 7 million diesel dump trucks circling the globe, each year.”

#SpaceX has consistently played fast and loose with #environmental #regulations,
with regulators even in lax Texas starting to give the company grief for releasing significant #pollutants into nearby bodies of water.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Google's Gemma2 local LLM gets this question wrong, first giving me the answer two, then one, then zero. Command-R, another LLM got it right first-try. Test your LLM of choice and see what you get back.

'How many R's in the word 'Strawberry''

in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 Gemma2 is good in other areas to be honest, and the size of that Llama model is a bit big for my 1 TB drive.
in reply to Andre Louis

I'm happy to hear it works for you. Never did for me. I use Lama3.1 8B and its size is pretty decent. But yes, of course, in the end...
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 Oh, weird. Then I'm surprised Gemma2 didn't work for you. It helped me write a damn good email yesterday.
in reply to Andre Louis

Just downloaded the 27b variant. Will give it a go! Thanks for encouraging me to give Gemma2 another chance!
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 I am using the larger Gemma model by the way, not the puny one. It's 16 GB. Gemma2:27B I believe.
in reply to Andre Louis

Ah, that’s a good point. I have not tried anything larger than their 9b version. Perhaps I should try the one you have. I just didn’t have good experiences with Gemma model, hence a bitter taste in my mouth. I just duck and run straight to the Gemini 1.5 Pro! :)
in reply to victor tsaran

I'm not paying for anybody's llm, not my cup of tea. I want it local and I want it on my own resources. The exception I will make is the pay-as-you-go system for GPT4 API key, but that's it.
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Řízky? Nasmažené!
Domácí guláš? Zavařený!
Ponožky? V sandálech!
Ledvinka? Připravena!
Nákupní taška Lidl? Vždy po ruce!

Děcka, se těšte! Pavel zítra ráno vyráží směr Chorvatsko!

Dad died because he couldn't remember his blood type. I will never forget his last words. Be positive.

Everyone who builds web applications should read the Reckoning series by @slightlyoff…

My own notes here, but you should work through the entire thing:…

Seriously, take a look at the case-study in which the California food stamps signup site takes 29.5s to become interactive on a slow rural mobile connection, and tell me we don't urgently need to do better!…

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Patreon being forced to pay creators through in-app purchase reminded me of a cool app I made two summers ago.

VPN clients on iOS lie on a spectrum between selling you out to data brokers or being expensive subscriptions.

Having prior experience with Digital Ocean my app made it easy to spin up droplets configured as VPNs ready to use from your iPhone.

It was so fast that droplets could be launched on-demand and shut down fast keeping costs extremely

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in reply to Anders Borum

The app used OAuth to act on behalf of users on their personal Digital Ocean accounts making the cumbersome task of setting up a truly personal VPN available to the less technical or less patient user.

App Review rejected the app because I didn’t collect payment to Digital Ocean through in-app purchase.

Tried to appeal and spoke to Apple on the phone arguing that the payment was outside my control and that my app was a privacy boon but they did not care.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

"Parking your 2 ton death machine's hood over the pavement like an arsehole."

submitted by u/juoig7799

in reply to Fuck Cars Bot 🤖

You know why american sidewalks are so narrow? Because otherwise they would be confused with parking.

The Slow Decline of the Apple “Cult”…

Her: "Oh you're cute, can you send me some more pics?"
Me: "What kind of pics?"
Her: "You know... the ones you get sent at 3am ;)"
Me: "Oh... those pics"
<Sends a picture of a server crash incident log>

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Najednou se v timeline vyrojila spousta tootů, které jsou den i dva staré, některé jsem dokonce již četl. Je to chyba, nebo vlastnost? 🤔

Piešťanské zábaly... nie, nebol som sa rochniť v bahne - bol som si vychutnať trochu kultúry na prvom ročníku tohto divadeľného festivalu. Štvordňový vstup by bol na mňa trochu moc, ale žiaden problém - na každé predstavenie sa dal kúpiť lístok osve. Bolo to super, a to množstvo ľudí, ktorí prejavili záujem o takéto podujatie, bolo ohromujúce aj pre usporiadateľov.

Jediný zlý bod boli, samozrejme, ľudia. Ani to, že si kúpite celodenný lístok na divadelný festival z vás kultúrneho človeka neurobí. Dupľom nie, ak sa vám počas celého predstavenia nezavrú ústa a na slušné upozornenie, či by sa vám lepšie nerozprávalo hneď vedľa v kaviarni iba tupo konštatujete, že tu sa vám dobre rozpráva...

#piestany #divadlo #kultura #nekultura

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Does any #BikeTooter here use one of these lights that are powered by magnets on your spokes? Do you like them? My rear light's battery is dead and I'm looking to replace it, and these look very interesting!
in reply to une abeille

yes! They are great. Just bright enough to be seen by cars (and to be legal), but don't expect it to light your path.
in reply to Pietervdvn

@pietervdvn Luckily both my front lights are still functional! I do rely on a bright headlight because my eyesight is poor at night.
in reply to Pietervdvn

@pietervdvn I wonder how many would you need to put so it lightens the path enough, and how much drag they add :)

When writing an email do you use 'I hope this email finds you well'❓

And how would you think people look like when they actually get your email⁉️


in reply to Tuta

Gibt es da irgendeinen Kontext zu, den ich nicht kenne oder irgendeine sonstige erklärung?
Ich verstehe das sonst nicht.
Unknown parent

@DJxSpeedy What's wrong with that music? :D

Ist der Push-Dienst von Google Firebase ein Tracker?

Bei den Apptest, die wir fürs @kuketzblog machen, stellen wir uns im Kontakt mit App-Entwicklern öfters die Frage, ob Google Firebase in unseren Testberichten wirklich als Tracker zu werten ist, wenn damit nur die Funktionalität für Push-Nachrichten erreicht werden soll.

Die Antwort im Mini-Thread: ⬇️

After hearing about Eric Schmidt's guest lecture in an AI class, I looked up the transcript, and yes he really did say that if a Silicon Valley entrepreneur were to "illegally steal everybody's music" they would just "hire a whole bunch of lawyers to go clean the mess up." Then I was curious and looked up the syllabus for the course and based on the topic schedule, the most explicit ethics topic seemed to be "opportunities and risks" for which the guest speaker was... Eric Schmidt. 😕

I think the outage yesterday is a good opportunity to check one thing. If you work in software manufacturing (systems design, programming, project/product management, testing) do you know what Therac-25 is without searching?

#infosec #IT

Boost for reach please. :BoostOK:

  • I make software and I know about Therac-25 (43%, 1611 votes)
  • I make software and I don't know about Therac-25 (33%, 1257 votes)
  • I do other things and I know about Therac-25 (8%, 314 votes)
  • I do other things and I don't know about Therac-25 (14%, 540 votes)
3722 voters. Poll end: 3 months ago

in reply to Leszek

Therac-25 is ancient. Do people know about Toyota's bogus controller firmware causing unintended car acceleration? This is much more recent.…

Seventeen years ago, I pissed off Apple by stating their first Intel MacBook Pro got really hot. I was in my early 20s, my first year at @osnews, and they were pressuring me to change my review. I effectively told them to fuck off, and they kicked me out of their review/press program.

Now look at everyone getting press access from Apple, and think to yourself - would any of them tell Apple to fuck off?…

I saw a big barn full of Hay! I asked the farmer who all that Hay was for?
He said, the Cattle eat it!
Wow!, I said. That is one hungry Cat!

Unknown parent

to bude ono, pri cesnaku som začal dymieť... pfff naša generácia je z časti odolná proti týmto požehnaniam cirkvou.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

#TIL In ancient #Japan the day was divided into 12 hours (each hour was equal to two modern hours), and the hours were called according to the Eastern zodiac: hour of the Rat, of the Dragon, of the Rooster etc. Probably not only in Japan, but I'm reading Chronicles of Yoshitsune, that's why I'm talking about Japan here.

Great Braille Game! I learned about this game from Holly Anderson of the Maccessibility Podcast.
Brailliance is a Braille version of the popular Wordle game with a little twist.
You are given the total number of dots in the word, and you have to guess what the word is by figuring out the letters in the word with each of your guesses.
For example. The word has a total of 10 dots.
So your first guess is tale, t, a, l, e.
It tells you that 3 of those letters are in the word, and one is not.
t, a, and l, are in the word, and the letter e is not.
Please note: those letters are part of the final word, but they do not have to be in that order.
So lets see, the letters t, a, and l, equal a total of 8 dots, so you only have 2 dots left to make the final word.
And you only have 4 letters left with 2 dots, b, c, i, and k.
So now it is just a process of elimination
For this word, the correct other letter was k. So the final word was talk, t, a, l, k.
The tough part is figuring out words that have a specific number of dots, but this gets easier the more you play.
Plus, to help you out, the total number of dots for each letter can be found on the letters of the on-screen keyboard.
So how good do you know your Braille? Ready to take the challenge?
Just like Wordle, there is a new puzzle every day, as well as some other puzzle packs that you can play on the side if you like.
The game is totally free, and does have a cost to get rid of ads if you want.
I actually find this game more fun and challenging as Wordle! So I highly recommend giving it a try.
Here is the app store link.…

#Game #Accessible #Wordle #Braille #Maccessibility #Blind

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Ahoj Mastodon komunito! 🦣
Zveme vás na druhý ročník srazu Mastodon uživatelů, který se uskuteční 11.10. 2024 v Praze.
📍 Místo: (restaurace se zatím vybírá, detaily brzy!)
Těšíme se na vás všechny, ať už jste #fediverse nováček, nebo veterán! Přijďte si užít skvělou atmosféru a poznat nové lidi.
@mastopivo… #mastopivo #boost
Návrhy na restaurace jsou vítány, tak dejte vědět, kde byste se rádi potkali!
Zatím je zde návrh Hospůdka Do Větru @xChaos
in reply to Archos

Zas jenom pro Mastodon? To je škoda... 🤷‍♂️🤔
in reply to Martin Kostera

@martin Hned jak jem toot odeslal, jsem ho chtěl předělat. Že jsem na vás ostatní zapomněl. :-)
in reply to Martin Kostera

@martin No ale aj jsem napsal Těšíme se na vás všechny, ať už jste #fediverse nováček, nebo veterán! :drake_like:

So salesforce and microsoft authenticator are both named "authenticator." Fine, but not really. I'msure the icons look diferent but I can't see them. This si a problem.
#Accessibility #AppNames #Technology
in reply to Sarah A

you can edit their voiceOver labels at least. Irritating, but necessary sometimes.
Unknown parent

Sean Randall
well yes obviously it's a last resort ... But it's a workaround at least. We're used those in the blind community by now.

Ona nemôže a mne sa nechce... už teraz si rozumieme. :kekw:

Kladska... jooo i tady je krasne 💁‍♂️
in reply to Archos

@archos aha, dobre, tak to vymyslime jinak... jednak zari mam plno, potom az se vratim z Islandu, tak muzeme dat bezky 🤔 Bud Kynzvartsko a nebo Bedrichov? kde se bude dat 🙃 cca. prelom prosinec/leden

Welcome to the family of #reproducibleBuilds SkillRack! 🥳 With the next sync publishing v1.0.6, the green RB shield will be present at #IzzyOnDroid :awesome:…

in reply to -/mondstern

@mondstern Klar kann man. Du hast doch den Artikel gelesen? Sonst hilft Dir auch die Info-Seite weiter, die Du über der Liste der Apps über den "Details" Link erreichst.

Falls Du meinst: alle RB-Apps auflisten lassen – das geht (noch) nicht, ist aber auch geplant.


Sensitive content

in reply to Poll Bot


Sensitive content

Takhle si jej budu pamatovat.
R. I. P. 🖤
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