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Items tagged with: libreOffice

Update time: #LibreOffice 24.2.3 is now available. This is the third minor update to the 24.2 branch, that we released in February this year:

Did you know that #LibreOffice has a tabbed user interface option? Make sure you're using the latest release, LibreOffice 24.2, to get the most from it! (And you can find it in the menu under View > User Interface...) #foss #opensource #freesoftware

I've been using #LibreOffice for many years. Only when I'm forced I use another office suite, and that did not happen in the last 2.5 years.

I highly recommend LibreOffice!

#FOSS #opensource #DigitalSovereignty

Something special is happening in May: it's the Month of #LibreOffice! Join our project, learn new things, and grab a cool sticker pack (or extra merch) as thanks: #foss #OpenSource #freesoftware

Catch up on what's happening in the #LibreOffice project and community! Here's what we did in April: #foss #opensource

I would love to see #LibreOffice include US postal coding for addresses (the coding just above the mailing address). I know there are some add-on that do this, but they have not worked for me in my experience.

I didn't know that
That's excellent
Thank you
#LibreOffice #leaveoffice

If you're an editor, I found the #LibreOffice track changes feature is not as accessible as MSWord is. There's a bunch of dialogs that simply don't read, like the templates dialog. The ones that find it accessible probably never go beyond using it as a way to just type documents but the minute you have to start formatting stuff or working collaboratively or working with templates, well, that's when it starts to fail hard for me. Then again, other blind people are far more lenient about accessibility issues than I am and I believe other blind people have trained themselves to getting around the inaccessibility so they might say it's fully accessible. @sasquatch

Join us at the 20th Latin American Free Software Installation Festival! The #LibreOffice community will be there – with Daniel Rodriguez giving talks:

So, I'm debating with myself if it's time to ditch Microsoft365 & switch to something like #LibreOffice I'm not sure how #accessible it is to #blind users as I've never really looked into using it before, but I'd like some opinions from others before I devote my time & some SSD space to it. If it's worth it, then ditching both MS365 & Copilot Pro would save me around $30 a month. I'd still need to think of how to replace OneDrive, as having a 2TB drive in the cloud is sort of handy.

Improve your #coding and #QA knowledge – join the #LibreOffice project! That's what Kira Tubo did:

Handy #LibreOffice Calc tip! Press Ctrl+; to insert the current date, or Shift+Ctrl+; for the current time. Want a date and time that's always updating? Use the =NOW() function. #foss #opensource

Not yet updated to #LibreOffice 24.2? Here's an overview of some of the new features – with subtitles in 30 languages! #foss #OpenSource

New on the #LibreOffice dev blog: testing crashes to avoid creating re-creating regressions: #foss #opensource

Look! A #LibreOffice feature you may not know about 😉 When exporting a #PDF the "Hybrid PDF" option embeds the original file. Then anyone with a PDF reader can view the file – and LibreOffice users can edit it too: #foss #OpenSource

LibreOffice supports digital signatures via GnuPG for OpenDocument Format (ODF) files.

Digital Signature:

Select: File > Digital Signatures > Digital Signatures > Sign Document > Select Certificate > Sign > Enter Password > OK > Close

A banner will appear stating the document is digitally signed.

Mastodon: @libreoffice

#LibreOffice #DigitalSignature #GnuPG #GPG #InfoSec #ODF

News from #LibreOffice's Quality Assurance (#QA) and Development communities: in March, they resolved 429 bug reports. Learn more, and give them a hand: #foss #OpenSource

Love ❤️ #LibreOffice? Come and meet the worldwide community that makes it, at local events! For instance, we were recently at the InstallFest 2024 conference in Prague: #foss #OpenSource

Calling all #LibreOffice users: Power up ⚡ and become a LibreOffice contributor, like Adam Seskunas! Learn new skills, build a portfolio of experience, and have fun on the way: #foss #OpenSource

Note2Self: time to give #LibreOffice another try. I did try it 3x in the past but it did not work for me in terms of features (e.g. collaboration), usability, UX, interoperability.

Schleswig-Holstein geht voran:

#LibreOffice statt M$ Office
#Linux statt Windows
#Thunderbird statt Outlook
#Nextcloud statt Sharepoint

Das Kabinett hat den Startschuss für den Umstieg auf freie Software gegeben - ein Gewinn für #IT-Sicherheit, #Datenschutz und die heimische Digitalwirtschaft.

Langfristiges Ziel ist die vollständige digitale Souveränität des Landes.

Wir ziehen den Hut und wünschen eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung!🎩

#OpenSource #DigitaleSouveränität

Question! Why should local governments use taxpayers’ money to buy proprietary, closed software from a single vendor? And what happens to citizens' data? A solution is to move to free and open source software like #Linux and #LibreOffice – which is exactly what Schleswig-Holstein is doing: #foss #OpenSource #privacy

Lots happening in the #LibreOffice project! In March, we had updates to the software, new user guides, Document Freedom Day, reports from meetups and more: #foss #opensource

#LibreOffice’s #localization community translates the software’s user interface, along with its documentation and websites. We ran a survey to find out what tools the community uses, and how we can improve them: #foss #opensource

Today we're releasing #LibreOffice 24.2.2, the second update to our new 24.2 branch (with "year.month" version scheme). We've also updated the previous and older LibreOffice 7.6 branch too: #foss #opensource #news

Today is Document Freedom Day 2024! Let's spread the word about open standards and open formats, like #LibreOffice uses, to ensure everyone can get access to their data – whatever apps we choose to use:

I received this in the post today. This is so awesome. @libreoffice you all are the best. #libreoffice thank you for all that you all do.

#LibreOffice isn't just a piece of software – it's a worldwide community, working on #UX, #QA, marketing, documentation and translations. And thanks to that community, we now have a Czech version of the LibreOffice Writer Guide 24.2 🥰 #foss #opensource

Formatting issues with bullet lists in #LibreOffice writer continue to vex me. Is there something I need to do on my end to resolve this? @libreoffice

Looking for a career change – maybe in technical writing? Join the #LibreOffice documentation community, and improve our help content and guidebooks! You can pick up valuable experience along the way. Dione Maddern explains more: #foss #opensource

New guidebooks, for our shiny new #LibreOffice 24.2 release! Get the most out of Writer and Calc: #foss #opensource

Last month, #LibreOffice's QA community resolved 419 bug reports! Learn more, and give them a hand:

Our Nepali Community celebrated the #LibreOffice 24.2 Release Party with CS50x Nepal students 🥳 #foss #opensource

#LibreOffice 24.2 is our latest big update, with many new features, including password strength indication when saving encrypted files. Find out more: #foss #opensource

Our community was at #FOSDEM 2024 in Brussels, to talk about #LibreOffice, answer questions, and hand out cool merchandise! 😊

#LibreOffice 24.2 is our latest big update, with many new features. For instance, the special characters dropdown now shows description text. Find out more: #foss #opensource