
Items tagged with: Design

Falsehoods programmers believe about… Biometrics

(For the new reader, there is a famous essay called Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names. It has since spawned a long list of Falsehoods Programmers Believe About....)

Everyone has fingerprints!

The BBC has a grim tale of a family with a genetic mutation which means they have no fingerprints. It det…

#/etc/ #design #falsehoods #policy #security

The Creative Freedom Summit will cover five main topics:

* Accessibility
* Community
* Crafts & Skills
* Demos
* UX/Design

Whether you want to dive deep into a specific tool or listen to a higher level discussion, we have something for you!

Join us on Jan 23-25:

#CreativeFreedomSummit #ArtWithOpenSource #Art #Accessibility #Design

V Bufferu mam uz dlouho zalozenou ideu o Figma Dev Modu, kteremu se podarilo znicit vsechna hand-off reseni nedavne minulosti. Kdo si jeste pamatuje Zeplin?

Ted mi na >c.d email prisla smutna zprava, ze Figma presouva Dev Mode exkluzivne do placeneho planu. To je nenapadna, ale dost zasadni zprava. V celem nasem neziskovo-dobrovolnickem setupu jsme odkazani na hand-off prave Figmy ve view only modu.

Presun vyvojaru do placeneho modu bude bolet. Ceka nas Zeplin Revival?

#figma #design

WRKS neni charita.

Jeden ze zajimavych problemu vyplyvajici z rozhovoru s tvurci obsahu je poziciovani platforem typu Patreon, Kofi... jako "charity". Podporujte umelce pro dobry pocit.

Je to casto zminovany duvod, proc se jim umelci brani. Snazime se proti tomu vymezit a nestavet umelce do role zebraku na ulici.

👇 Navh copy landing page. Vystihli jsme podstatu dobre? Je tomu rozumet? 🙏

#design #wrks

Prepis webu >c.d do Webflow zdarne probiha.

Tedy probiha uprava designu. Designerka upravuje Figmu, tak aby s ni slo pracovat ve Webflow kompatibilnim formatu. Z tehle faze uz jde udelat hruby export primo do Webflow (pluginem) a jenom doladit detaily.

Koncept responsivity ve webflow je top->down. Zacina se na Desktopu (>991), pres Tablet (>767) po mobil (<=767). Silne doporucuju je nemenit. To by mohlo rozbit predatelnost projektu, Webflow koderi jsou na to zvykli.

#webflow #web #design

Everyone waiting for @bagder to reach 100 operating systems but actually the only important aspect is that it’s not a prime number for the list to fit nicely into a rectangle. 😉

99 did a very good job of 9×11 OSes. 100=10×10 will probably do just fine.

But dare you anyone submitting the 101st OS (prime number)! ☝️

#primenumber #slidedesign #design

Some very vocal #LibreOffice devs consider that client-side window decorations (for example #GTK HeaderBar kind of things) are "NOT a #UX #design issue", and that it's all about the burden of maintaining that across different OSes/platforms.

Yeah… I might buy their argument if LibreOffice had the guts to actually commit to only one (or two) UI layouts and toolkits, instead of maintaining *seven* UI layout choices, to begin with 🙄️…

I’ve promised enough people this, so I had to do it! 😁

Here’s my write-up of how I added client-side Fediverse-powered comments to my Jekyll blog using the Mastodon API.

Huge props to @jwildeboer for the initial inspiration, as well as @julian and everyone who provided feedback for inspiring the design improvements.…

✨💬 Reply to this thread then check the blog post comments to see it in action!

#Mastodon #Jekyll #WebDevelopment #ActivityPub #design

"when will the save icon stop being a floppy disk?!"

Probably whenever cartoon bombs stop looking like these grenades from 1688

#design #UX

Alex Hollender's retrospective on a recent Wikipedia redesign…

reminded me of a post I wrote in 2019: Design, and Friction Preventing Design Improvement, in Open Tech…


those exceptional #FLOSS projects that aren't developer tools, and are robust, & have high-quality user experience

problems & approaches in product management + #UX #design in #opensource, and people already working on it

Wikimedia & design pushback specifically

Wow, so the other day I shared what #Microsoft does when you search to download #Firefox from #Edge* but they go one step further for #Chrome.

(I have zero love for either surveillance capitalist but, my goodness, what absolute asshattery. Having spent more time than I’d like testing in #Windows these past two days, I constantly feel like some malevolent entity is trying to exploit me at every turn. Because one is. This OS is a case study in hostile #design.)



Here's some tips about mobile app design. If you're holding a phone, normal humans can't reach buttons at the top of the screen with their thumb without using a 2nd hand. It's better to put the buttons where fingers can reach them so that buttons are easier to use.… #UX #Design