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Items tagged with: fedora

#Gnome on #Fedora is such a nice, polished desktop experience. Ever since switching to it (maybe about a year ago?), I've been a significantly happier computer user. And the new versions keep on getting better. I don't think I've ever been as happy with my computing situation (maybe with the exception when I got my first computer of my own as a child, but that feeling is hard to beat).

Really happy to see first beta release of @OBSProject featuring PipeWire camera support. Along with the recent Firefox support for PipeWire camera this is a big step forward.
#linux #pipewire #fedora #obsstudio #libcamera

The Fedora Pride team is hosting a @Minetest gaming event tomorrow, Jan 27 at 7pm UTC (2pm EST)!

Minetest is an open source game inspired by Minecraft. If you've never given it a shot and are looking for that 'first time playing Minecraft' experience again, come join us!

Learn more:

#Fedora #Minetest #Minecraft #OpenSource

Hey, is the feature "combine sinks" still there? I could not get it to work on Fedora, but having dual Bluetooth output would be great.

#pipewire #fedora #bluetooth

Fedora Magazine got an interview up of Wim Taymans about the PipeWire 1.0 release and plans going forward.

#linux #pipewire #fedora #audio

Today I'll probably be posting a bit more from the #OpenAlt conference. If you're not interested in it, use that great feature of Mastodon and mute me for the weekend.
I'll be giving two talks at OpenAlt:
Fedora Asahi Remix: Linux on Apple Silicon
Fediverse: Mastodon and Others

I'll be happy to meet you at the #Fedora booth or at my talks. If you cannot come, you can watch the talks online (they're in Czech though):

It looks like Fedora 39 torrents are live a bit early. 👀 It seems like a good choice for my father-in-law's recently-liberated EOL Chromebook!

After downloading, I've already seeded to a 1:1 ratio; if you have some spare bandwidth, you can join in, too!

#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS

I letos nás najdete na #OpenAlt. Jako již tradičně budeme mít #Fedora stánek a můžete si taky poslechnout přednášky @sesivany o Fedoře na Apple Siliconu a @lzap o instalaci Fedory z obrazu disku pomocí projektu #Forester.

Dnes a zítra nás najdete na #LinuxDays. Zastavte se na kus řeči, vzít si nějaký #Fedora swag nebo se podívat, jak Fedora běží na Macbooku s procesorem od Applu.
#RedHat #Linux

Zajímá vás, jak běží #Fedora a #Linux obecně na počítačích s procesory od Applu? Zastavte se tento víkend na našem stánku na @linuxdays. Budeme tam mít Macbook Pro s Fedora Asahi Remixem.

Thanks! (Can I claim a third pack by reporting a bug my patch introduced? :D)

I think Month of LibreOffice & the sticker packs are a great way to get more people involved long-term - after all the first patch/translation/bug report is often the most cumbersome one due to all the setup overhead.

I always try to lower the barriers I bump into along the way, eg. submitted this patch to #fedora to include all build debs ootb:

Official #flatpak build env when?

Content warning: Problem #thunderbird

Vyšla :fedora: #Fedora 38! Co nového přináší a jak upgradovat z předchozí verze, najdete v našem článku. 👇


Fedora Linux 38 will release on Tuesday, April 18!

We've hit the early target dates for our beta and stable releases, so props to the Fedora community. And thanks to all who helped with testing!
#Fedora #Linux

More updates on Friday's Fedora Facts:

Nice! Do you also have #Fedora and #Debian in mind? Hope this hasn’t been answered before.

Found this on other account. Please boost for reach: Fedora Linux is focusing on accessibility for the next five years. I'd love to see people with disabilities, very much including blind people, comment on this. If you're interested in Linux, or free and open source software, your voices are valuable. I hope Fedora finds our voices valuable too.
#accessibility #linux #fedora #foss

Just a note for people hesitating to try #DNF5 - I have been trying it for more than half a year. And in the past few months, I have not found any issues. So I use it as a default. And it is much faster. DNF5 is present in #Fedora 38, and for older Fedoras, there is #Copr repository

If you're interested in talking or collaborating with contributors to the Fedora Project, this is how you can join the conversation!

We have @matrix channels bridged to IRC for real time chat. We have the Fedora Discussion forum for long form conversations.

Both can be accessed with a Fedora account you can create, but Matrix is also available from other accounts since it is federated.
#Fedora #Matrix #Discourse

Come on over!

I am profiling #GNOME Shell (MASSIVE thanks to #fedora enabling frame pointers for all packages in 38 making this possible) and noticed clock_gettime() taking up a huge chunk. Turns out I hit many #AMD laptops are forced to use a very slow clock source (HPET instead of TSC). #Lenovo fixed it with a BIOS update for some laptops but not mine. :sadness: Kernel param tsc=reliable results in big speedups (up to 30% in browser benchmarks) but unsure if it impacts stability :/

@pvagner Jsem také uživatelem Woken od jejich vzniku nad M$ DOS, který jsem používal též 🫡. Nyní je ale používám jen v práci jako poučený uživatel 😊, tam to bohužel nejde jinak 😕. Ale většinou jako terminál 😎 a pak využití místních Office🙄
O #powershell proto slyším poprvé 😳, nevím, jestli mi k něčemu bude 🤔. No prostě #lama 😁.
Koncem 90. let jsem chtěl použít #RedHat, ale nerozběhl jsem tehdy jejich X Window 😬
Na hracím notebooku mám nově #fedora😜

Unfiltered Flathub is approved to be provided as a third party repo you can enable for Fedora 38! In the next release, if you enable Flathub as a third party repo, you will get everything on Flathub and not just the Fedora Flatpaks.
#Fedora #Flatpak #Linux


Super interesting blog post from Allan Day going through the results of the GNOME user survey. Glad to see Fedora Workstation being so well represented. #gnome #fedora #linux

I know it is not going to resonate much with people in English speaking countries, but this has been a major issue for people who use alphabets with special characters (my native Czech included).

For years #PDF viewers on #Linux such as #Evince couldn't save characters outside the basic charsets in PDF forms. It turned out to be a complex problem and multi-year effort, but it's finally done and you can use unicode in PDF forms. First available in #Fedora 37 where we've already backported it.

The #CreativeFreedomSummit will start in 4 days, January 17-19!

Over 100 people have joined us in our Matrix/Element chat room from which the event will be streamed, and we look forward to chatting with you.

(Learn more here:

We'll be covering @kdenlive, @Blender, @penpot, @inkscape, @GIMP, and @krita.

but that's not all... (1/2)

#OpenSource #art #Fedora

The #Fedora Project uses @matrix for our instant messaging needs (with IRC bridges also).

While the default experience is with #Element, there are several other neat Matrix clients you can use.

#Fractal, @neochat, and #Nheko are some great options to check out!

Then you can check out Fedora's Matrix room as well:

I’m not going to use bloody bugzilla, so if anyone from Mozilla sees this, your enterprise flow for adding certificate authorities (CAs) to Firefox on Linux fails on Fedora Silverblue.

Since Fedora Silverblue is seen as the possible future of Fedora/Red Hat, you folks might want to talk to the Fedora folks about it and come up with a solution.

#mozilla #firefox #fedora #fedoraSilverblue #bug #tls #ssl #redHat #linux #enterprise #certificates

I'm experimenting with running my whole #swaywm desktop from a user #podman #container on top of e.g. #Fedora IoT. Works surprisingly well already.

The only dealbreaker is that the container does not receive kernel uevents, i.e. it does not see any kind of hw change. It already uses --network=host and bind-mounts /dev.This is also broken in standard #toolbx. Does anybody know a trick to get that?

@signalapp does not support #linux on #aarch64 #arm, however, there is more than a project to support that unofficially, one of them is via #flatpak, which can be used with almost any linux distros, you can follow the link I am using it on #fedora @Raspberry_Pi

It's wild that I'm still the #3 contributor to the Anaconda OS installer used by #Fedora, #RHEL, and countless other #Linux distributions, at least according to Github stats. Love how the #OpenSource stuff you worked on can live on, and you can see it grow after you leave it behind.