Krásné dobré ráno mastodoňata! 🙋♀️🐈🐕
Pár poznatků po čtrnáctidenní dovolené:
Ano, do práce se mi nechce.
Ano, pravdu měl ten, kdo tady psal 'winter is coming'! 😱
V pět ráno je chladno, je šero, je syrový vzduch.
Ženský, pro pánajána, v čem se teď chodí do práce? 🤣🤣🤣
Nebuďte zmatení jako Káťa, dejte si snídani....a hlavně.....klid! 😊
Na fotce je náš večerní návštěvník.
If you have further questions, you can call Blazie Technologies at (772) 214-1616 or visit us on the Web at
Recording available here.…
Modern Font Stacks
System font stack CSS organized by typeface classification for every modern OS. The fastest fonts available. No downloading, no layout shifts, no flashes — just instant
I heard a discussion at #FOSSY24 regarding "FOSS outside of corporations," referring to the origin of the Free and #OpenSource software movement, beginning with hobbyists and foundations.
Thought I would also include the early contributions to FOSS from and through #HIgherEducation. Many foundational projects have their roots in #HigherEd.
So many people have worked on curbing climate change.
What have we got to show for it?
For starters: The projected warning has decreased by 0.9C. That's considering only actually implemented policies. Pledged emissions cuts go even deeper.
Is it enough?
But we've gone from "It's all going to hell" to "We made good progress let's keep going, and faster."
Data from Climate Action Tracker.
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NVDA 2024.3 Beta 6 is now available! Since Beta 5 the main change is that we fixed a bug with Unicode character normalization - and we updated some more translations. Do please download and test it and keep letting us know of any issues! Read the full details on NVDA 2024.3 and the new beta here:…
#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #A11y #Accessibility #FOSS #Beta #Update #Prerelease #NewVersion
NVDA 2024.3beta6 available for testing
Beta6 of NVDA 2024.3 is now available for download and testing. For anyone who is interested in trying out what the next version of NVDA has to offer before it is officially released, we welcome yo…NV Access
David Goldfield reshared this.
New blog post! Debugging a rustc segfault using some very cool illumos debugging tools.
Really excited about this one, it is a bit long but there was so much to cover, from how the stack and the heap works to virtual address permissions :D…
Debugging a rustc segfault on illumos :: sunshowers
Using `mdb` and `pmap` to find the cause of a crash.Debugging a rustc segfault on illumos
People of Bangladesh protesting for their rights.
But the world is unaware about it, while thousands of people are dying. Please boost the post, let the world know.
Fresh violence in Bangladesh student protests
More than 200 people have been killed in recent weeks after a crackdown on demonstrations.Lipika Pelham (BBC News)
I updated the #Freedesktop specifications website, to build it with some more modern tools - please let me know if you notice any issues! 🙂
"Wir schätzen Ihre Privatsphäre" – jaaaa, gaaanz sicher! Und wir teilen sie…
* mit 1574 Partnern
* einschließlich genauer Standortinformationen
* um Ihnen gaaaanz private Werbung zu schicken
Man beachte: Es gibt nur "Alles akzeptieren" – nix anderes. Friss oder stirb!
Unter "Zwekce" geht's dann weiter: 683 Anbieter fordern Zustimmung an. Aha. Laut Taschenrechner wollen also 891 "einfach mal so ohne". Toll. Das schätzen WIR nicht!
#werbung #tracking #cookiebanner #privacy #privatsphäre
There's a project that has been going around today that uses an LLM to insult someone based on their GitHub profile. I admit I got caught up in the "fun" of this, and didn't think about how sad it is that we think it's cool to tear down each other or even ourselves.
Until I came across this contrasting project by @cadey, which instead uses an LLM to praise someone based on their GitHub profile:
Praise my GitHub profile!
Use your GitHub profile as a way to get personalized messages of praise and
Plagát č. 1:
- Attention
- Thanks for your attention
Plagát č. 2:
- Ľuďom chýba ľudskosť
New video!
So you're new to Linux, and you're wondering what the what is an ISO file? Or maybe you just don't know why you can't DD a CD?
Here's a video that explains a bit about ISO files, and how to create flash media from them.…
ISOs Explained + four programs to make Linux boot media
Linux boot media need not be tricky! In today's episode, I'll talk about four ways to flash an ISO from Windows (and other systems too). I know a lot of you are switching to Linux because of Micros...TinkerBetter
Anyone who claims one shouldn't talk about other options because *thing* exists.. is just wrong.
It's weird that this happens in computing discourse, because relying 100% on one thing always leads to tears eventually.
Even weirder when it happens in FOSS circles, as FOSS is supposed to be all about alternatives and freedom of choice. It's like a few people actively want there to be monopolies? (Assuming it's not people from a project shilling for themselves of course.)
#curl's 265th command line option is called --skip-existing. Lets you completely skip a download if there is a local file present already.…
curl: add --skip-existing by bagder · Pull Request #13993 · curl/curl
With this option, the entire download is skipped if the selected target filename already exists when the operation is about to begin. Also works fine with "globs". code documentation test cases...GitHub
Direct Click, Direct Swipes, and Direct Scroll Functions in Jieshuo Screen Reader - Accessible Android
Direct click, direct swipes, and direct scroll functions are among the useful features included in the Jieshuo screen reader. In this post, let's talk aboutKareen Kiwan (Accessible Android)…
Klimaklage Klimaschutz Fachanwalt Bundesverfassungsgericht
Immer mehr Verbände reichen Klimaklagen ein. Aber setzen Parlamente und Regierungen die Urteile auch um? Jurist Remo Klinger erklärtDeutschlandfunk
SCAM ALERT: Data centers bring practically zero local jobs. They are a tax break scam everywhere they operate.
"Washington lawmakers approved a tax break for data centers to create more jobs in rural Washington, but they can’t say how many jobs the state actually got. Repeated expansions turned a modest program to bring a budding industry to rural areas into one of the biggest corporate tax giveaways in the state."…
A Tax Break for Washington Data Centers Promised Jobs. Is It Paying Off?
Companies have saved $474 million since 2018, with most of the windfall going to Washington-based tech giant Microsoft. Lawmakers repeatedly expanded who qualifies, and they lowered the number of jobs expected in return.ProPublica
The Ultimate Guide to Windows 11's Touchpad Gestures
Windows 11 comes with lots of handy touchpad gestures, and you can even customize them to do your bidding.Kim Fernandez (MakeUseOf)
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Priznajte sa, kto to bol?…
Polícia žiada o pomoc pri stotožnení muža, ktorý sa správal zvrhlo v električke
Jeden z cestujúcich sa v úseku medzi zastávkami Trnavské mýto a Česká dotýkal obnaženým údom cestujúcich, informovala hovorkyňa Krajského riaditeľstvaTASR (
Announcing Lainey Feingold as our 2024 Keynote Speaker - WordPress Accessibility Day 2024
We are thrilled to announce that this year’s keynote speaker for WordPress Accessibility Day will be Lainey Feingold.Ryan Bracey (WordPress Accessibility Day 2024)
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This initiative calls to require publishers that sell or license videogames to consumers in the European Union (or related features and assets sold for videogames they operate) to leave said videogames in a functional (playable) state.
To be successful, a European citizens' initiative has to reach one million statements of support as well as minimum thresholds in at least 7 countries.
telegram link:
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"The Open-Source AMD GPU Linux Kernel Graphics Driver Nears 5.8 Million Lines"
Insane is a word that comes to my mind.
That's about 33 times the size of curl - for a set of drivers.…
The Open-Source AMD GPU Linux Kernel Graphics Driver Nears 5.8 Million Lines
Last August I wrote an article about the open-source AMD GPU kernel driver crossing 5 million lines of code -- including their overzealous header files -- and following the recent Linux
Blind Information Technology Specialists FUNDRAISING With Terri Lynn
Our group is working to help blind and low vision people to achieve all they wish through the use of technology. You can help by purchasing these delicious nuts, snacks, & chocolates. Every purchase brings us one step closer to realizing our goal.
A portion of every product sold on this fundraising website benefits Blind Information Technology Specialists!
Starting now, #curl shows extended help for a given command line option if you write it after --h. Like "curl -h --location" or "curl -h -O"
Shipping in the pending curl 8.10.0 in mid September.…
curl: --help [option] displays documentation for given cmdline option by bagder · Pull Request #13997 · curl/curl
First shot. The extracting of the help texts is still a little crude: because we typically have 270KB of text zlib compressed into a single blob, we have to scan for the text to show. As of now, I ...GitHub
Point out DOH server IP pinning by duxsco · Pull Request #14377 · curl/curl
The IP address in the example is taken out of RFC 5737.GitHub
in reply to Kateřina • • •No nic jdu na to 😃
#dobréRáno 👋
in reply to Archos • • •🤣🤣🤣
Ale v duchu jsem s tebou pracující spolubratře. 👍🍀
in reply to Kateřina • • •To už dám 😃
in reply to Archos • • •Myšlenkami už je člověk stejně na dovolené.
Užij si den. 😊👋
in reply to Kateřina • • •