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LibreOffice 24.8 Beta1 is available for testing…

Navigating Accessibility Challenges on Mobile Event Ticket Websites…

Every app should have this!…

Here's another #LibreOffice feature you might not know about! If you're looking for a feature but can't find it in the menu, go to Help ▸ Search Commands (or use the shortcut ⇧ Shift + Esc). Type a few letters and you can see where in the menu to find it! 👍 #foss #opensource #tip
in reply to Eric Eggert

@yatil Hmmm, I can’t seem to make it work with VOiceOver though, or at least can’t figure out how to use it. Should I be seeing autocompletions when typing into that search field?
in reply to victor tsaran

Yes, if you go to Safari, for example and type Zoom into the search field in the Help menu, the first four autocompletions are Zoom In, Zoom Out, Zoom, Zoom All under a Menu Items heading.

I can’t make it work with VoiceOver, too… unsure if it’s my terrible VO skills tho.

in reply to Eric Eggert

@yatil Time to file 'a bug with Apple? I mean, it's been a decade or so? :)
in reply to Eric Eggert

@yatil You know, I think I am able to see the serch results after typing into the “search” field under the “help” menu, but those results seem to link to help topics rather than menu items. What am I missing? :)
in reply to victor tsaran

There are Menu items at the top and documentation search results at the bottom. If there are only documentation search results, it looks like they are reachable, but once there are menu items, I can’t get it to work. No time unfortunately to investigate it in-depth at the moment. Maybe on the weekend.

Well this sucks. ChromeOS at least tried to track mainline Linux and was a major Linux desktop ecosystem contributor. Now it becomes just another android vendored crap. With more and more AI forcefeeding too. #chromeos…

Some years ago, Arm announced MTE. I pointed out that it would be trivial to leak tags via speculative execution and so it wasn’t a robust defence in the presence of an adaptive adversary. No problem, I was told, it’s not intended as a mitigation technique, it’s intended for at-scale debugging. Then certain companies decided it was a security technology.

That went well.

Note: The composition of CHERI and MTE that we proposed is not vulnerable to these attacks because MTE tag changing (in pointers and memory) is controlled via the CHERI permissions mechanism and so nothing in the model depends on the secrecy of MTE tags. If you leak the MTE tag in the composition, you gain nothing of value and cannot forge a pointer using that tag.

In vier Monaten endet die Petition zur Einführung einer europäischen Vermögenssteuer. 212.000 (Ziel: 1 Mio.) Unterschriften in sechs Monaten, europaweit. Ernsthaft? Liegt wohl auch daran, dass Medien darüber nicht berichten, oder
@ndaktuell ?
#medien #gesellschaft #taxtherich #petition…

“A Short IPv6 Guide for Home IPv4 Admins” - taught me a bunch of useful things I didn't know that I didn't know about IPv6 in practice. Good stuff!…



Was für ein Tag 👏👏👏

Nach vielen Monaten Vorbereitung ist die Kampagne #AfDVerbotJetzt heute gestartet. Meine Bitte: Lest, was wir auf der Seite an Argumenten und FAQs aufbereitet haben, folgt dem Account @AfDVerbotJetzt und wenn ihr könnt und wollt:

Macht mit!

Alle Infos gibt es auf

Are you ready? Plasma 6.1 drops tomorrow at 10am UTC.

Tell me you're a self-centered fuck who doesn't give two shits about other people's struggles without telling me...

via the Pale Moon browser's docs.


This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to masukomi

Pale Moon and bigotry

Sensitive content

Official statement from @Mer__edith: the new EU chat controls proposal for mass scanning is the same old surveillance with new branding.

Whether you call it a backdoor, a front door, or “upload moderation” it undermines encryption & creates significant vulnerabilities.…

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Awesome update and progress by GNOME GSoC student @atbrat on porting Workbench demos to Vala…

Vala took the lead over Python 😉

Thanks to @lw64 and @dimmednerd for reviewing

#GNOME #GSoC #Vala #GTK #pygobject

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Patrons Speak Out: The Impact of Losing Access to More Than 500,000 Books…

Doctor Who Magazine special celebrates novelisations…

Forderung nach Taskforce für #AfDVerbot: Wir dürfen nicht einfach zuschauen… #afdverbotjetzt

Nach Tweet über "braunen Dreck": Disziplinarverfahren gegen Bahar Aslan eingestellt…

:postmarketos: v24.06 "The One With Over 250 Devices" is out now!

* @alpinelinux 3.20
* @gnome 46
* @plasmamobile 6.0.5
* @phosh 0.39
* #Sxmo 1.16.3
* New ports in "community": Generic X86_64, ThinkPad X13s, Nexus 10, MS Surface RT
* Devices from "testing" category included for the first time!
* New keyboard mappings for chromebooks
* New UIs: cage, moonlight
* Logbookd
* Lots of kernel upgrades, improvements and bug fixes

Thanks to all who contributed! :blobcatheart:…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Dänemarks Nationalteam verzichtet auf Gehalt für Equal-Pay. Dänemarks Fußballer verzichten deswegen jetzt auf eine Erhöhung ihrer Prämien. Dadurch wollen sie erreichen, dass Dänemarks Nationalspielerinnen nach der EM genauso bezahlt werden wie sie.…

RIP Dario G…

#fuckcancer #LoveMusic

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Tip of the day: The beauty of the paperless office is that you can automate workflows. But maybe you are not familiar with all the capabilities of automation in #DEVONthink or don’t know when which one makes sense? Here are the main options and when it’s best to use each. #automation #paperless #pkm #productivity #tipoftheday #workflow…

More than 500,000 books have been removed from the Internet Archive's lending library due to the Hachette v. Internet Archive lawsuit, including more than 1,300 banned and challenged titles. 📚 Our patrons have shared powerful stories about how this loss has impacted them, and we need your help to make a change.

Sign our open letter to the publishers urging them to restore access to these books. 📖✍️ #LetReadersRead


🌴We've finally wrangled everyone together for a group photo last month! 📸

We're a small but mighty team based in Montreal 🇨🇦, and building a secure and private communication app like Jami takes more than just code. It takes a dedicated team with a shared vision, a healthy dose of humor (seriously, check out those smiles! 😄), and a passion for collaboration (both within our team and with the amazing Free software community 🌐).
#Privacy #TogetherWeBuild

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Here's a picture taken with the Meta Smart Glasses, then described with #AI via #BeMyEyes, which has been an invaluable helping-hand, enabling me to know what randomly labeled pictures in my collection are, without having to ask my wife or children.
With image names such as 'photo-296_singular_display_fullPicture.jpg' it's a fun time trying to decipher such randomness sometimes.
This was taken at a podcast recording of Tim Harford's 'Cautionary Tales' and I got to take Jake along with me.

I get the AI hate I really do, but there are just times in life where hate is misplaced. for me, something that is an enabler is such a time.
No, it's not perfect, we're not there yet, but for my usecase it helps more than it hinders.
Your milage will of course, vary.

Did you know? In Canada, Capital gains are taxed far lower than other types of income.

But watch for confusion! The recent increase from 50% to 67% is NOT the tax rate, it's just the amount of the gain that qualifies to be considered for taxation. Nothing is *taxed* at 67%.

You can have an opinion about whether or not $ in an investment should be treated the same or differently from $ from working a job. But that's a different topic.

Try the calculator:…


in reply to Cameron MacLeod

and even the Intuit lobby lies as they say the average tax rate is 15.6%, when it is actually 7.8% by calculating it over the taxable income instead of the actual income.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Wheeeee... That was certainly a lot of work, but very exciting to read. Thank you for these insights into the user community.

📢 Wir sprechen uns mit Nachdruck dagegen aus, #Asylverfahren in #Drittstaaten auszulagern! Wir befürchten eine Unterminierung des Flüchtlingsschutzes weltweit.



Unsere Stellungnahme:
"Auslagerung von Asylverfahren in Drittstaaten. Eine menschenrechtliche Bewertung der aktuellen Debatte"

Quiz time! Guess the noise!

Attached to this post is an audio file. Have a listen and guess the origin.

I recorded this in my rented co-working office space. It's super loud and annoying and has been happening for months.

Engineers have now discovered the source!

* I am on the 2nd of 4 floors
* It's intermittent and can happen a few times a day, or 5 times in 5 minutes.
* There is a bathroom nearby
* There are other offices nearby
* It does not come from my office (or me)


There Is a New Live TV Streaming Service Called ZipWave TV Trying to Compete With Frndly TV & Philo TV…
in reply to David Goldfield

i love the youTube channel. Luke does a great job with the content. Are there other cord cutter's news people I should know about too?
in reply to Nick's world

@gocu54 I don't have the URL but there's another site called the Streamable which is similar. For U.K. news about cordcutting there's Cordbusters.

9 Ways to Keep Your Kitchen Cool During a Heatwave - CNET…

Going on Vacation? 11 High-Tech Security Tips Before You Leave - CNET…

Some of the problems I encountered after installing Windows 11 alongside Linux (as described in the previous post):

1. Windows by default sets the real-time clock to local time; Linux by default sets it to UTC. This is a problem in a dual-boot configuration in which both operating systems are installed on the same machine, and they don't agree on the date/time. I must have solved this before, but I had forgotten the solution. A Web search identified a Windows registry change which specifies that the clock is set to UTC.

2. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) service under Windows wouldn't synchronize. It was configured to use as its NTP server. Changing the server to worked. For some reason, this seemed to deactivate the NTP service, so I had to start it manually and configure it to be started automatically on boot, with a couple of Windows PowerShell commands. I don't understand why it wasn't running after I changed the server details.

3. Microsoft Windows kept losing its IPv6 address. This is possibly related to the packet filter configuration. A discussion I found on the Web suggested that IPv6 router advertisements might be filtered out - and they're needed to renew the address. At this point, I had installed Microsoft's Windows Security Baseline, which sets a large number of security-related parameters in the local group policy configuration. The solution, in the end, was to change the network category of the Ethernet interface from Public to Private, which has less restrictive packet filtering applied.

4. The Windows Security Baseline also prevented the system from entering suspend mode (i.e., any of the sleep states). I found and fixed the setting in Local Group Policy. I also remembered that I had to change the setting which prevented writing to unencrypted removable drives - a good idea in many commercial environments, but not for my use cases.

Here's another #LibreOffice feature you might not know about! If you're looking for a feature but can't find it in the menu, go to Help ▸ Search Commands (or use the shortcut ⇧ Shift + Esc). Type a few letters and you can see where in the menu to find it! 👍 #foss #opensource #tip
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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in reply to LibreOffice

It is an amazing feature that in my case always causes hard crash of libreoffice. Just use Shift+Esc and then use arrow up or down and... boom!

Fedora 40 Gnome at Wayland.

in reply to Piotr Gawron

@gawron Hi! Are you using the latest release of LibreOffice 24.2.4? If so, and it still crashes, please let our QA community know with a quick bug report at – Thanks! 😊
Unknown parent

@ninguem Sounds like a good idea! You can submit it as an enhancement request on – But of course, as we're a volunteer-driven project with limited resources, the more help we get to implement it, the better 😊

Patrick Breyer fordert zum Widerstand gegen die Chatkontrolle auf und gibt Tipps, wie sich jeder Einzelne aktiv beteiligen kann. Werdet JETZT aktiv, sonst kann es sein, dass die Unvernunft siegt. 👇…

#chatkontrolle #ChatkontrolleStoppen #sicherheit #security #datenschutz #privacy

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Schon am Mittwoch könnte über den belgischen Vorschlag zur Chatkontrolle abgestimmt werden. Die Chefin des Messengers Signal warnt vor rhetorischen Spielchen: Der Vorschlag führe zu einer „gefährlichen Schwachstelle in der Kerninfrastruktur“ und würde Verschlüsselung grundlegend schwächen. Das sieht auch der Chaos Computer Club so.…

in reply to Dan Luu

Two small nitpicks:

1. Making Brotli much better for English than for other languages *might* make some sense because it's often used to compress html markup, Javascript, stylesheets and so on, and those are overwhelmingly English, even on non-English websites. I don't think it's why this happened and there's probably bias involved, but I can envision a scenario in which something like this was explicitly considered "intended behavior"

2. I think there are fundamentally two kinds of AI bias, and people seem to be conflating the two. The first is a bias explicitly against the user's intentions, e.g. turning Asians into whites. That's a bug. THe second, however, is a reflection of the world, and "fixing" it would actually make the model worse. A good example is a sentence like "My partner is a programmer. [blank] works at Google on search rankings." If you ask a model to fill in the blank, "he" should be far more likely than "she", just because there are far more male programmers than female programmers. "Fixing" this makes the model objectively worse at its job.

I notice that most people are in two camps, either they think both biases are egregious and should be fixed, or they think that it's all just "woke people being woke" and we shouldn't fix any of them. I think both attitudes are wrong.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

vis-a-vis your point 1: it's addressed in the text, and typically javascript / stylesheets are minimized these days anyway. brotli isn't targeting stylesheets or javascript or whatever in particular, it's "regular" text (which is also clear if you look at the dictionary which is also linked in the text). (your second point is not really even worth responding to but i'd also recommend reading the text again since it's just a copy paste of a common argument)
This entry was edited (5 months ago)