Hello everyone, I made an audio recording of The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin for a friend.

I've licensed the audio to the public domain, so if you want to listen to it, or remix it, or use it in a thing, go nuts. (Note: the text itself is under copyright, see replies to this post for licensing contact if you have commercial requirements.)

I'm still working on my voice acting and narration, but I think it came out well. (And if you require this voice, please note that I need money and you can hire me to read things for you.)

You can read the story in text at:

Download it from theos-cloud.eu/index.php/s/Xys…

#LeGuin #SpokenWord #VoiceActing

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to 13 barn owls in a trenchcoat

Hello. Thought your friend and anyone else would enjoy a bit of an improvement, it's closer to a studio sound now. A very nice reading, reminds me a bit of Sophie Aldred at times. ENjoy!

The Flac format (as I have added some replicated high frequencies that the mp3 encoder threw away) can be downloaded from MediaFire here

in reply to Erion

@erion Thank you so much, Sophie Aldred is one of my favourite narrators, so I may unconsciously mimic some of her style.

And thank you for working on the track. if you'd like to put your production chops into further practice, here's a FLAC of my original WAV file (with minimal cleaning and noise reduction - I have an uncleaned version available as well).


in reply to Erion

@erion Here's one with no attempt to ameliorate the sound or erase noise. I've left a few seconds of ambient room noise (most egregiously a computer fan) at the end.


I'm in the process of building a studio space at this moment, but my acoustic foam tiles are still reinflating after shipping!

in reply to 13 barn owls in a trenchcoat

It's my pleasure to present the revised, final master that this reading deserves, this time from the original unprocessed recording, with a bit of added expensive analog magic 😀. Listenable here, and downloadable in lossless flac from MediaFire. Enjoy!

I donated to @glyph and co's #SuperSwingDistricts slate. Properly resourcing state-level candidates increases the chance that voters in important swing districts might actually get to meet someone they're going to vote for, or be persuaded to show up and vote for something that matters to their local community.

Learn more, consider supporting: superswingdistricts.org/


#accessibility question:

Does anyone know if a HTML support for Orca screen-reader exist?
(like @SteveFaulkner's tests on github.com/stevefaulkner/scree…)

#Orca #screenReader #a11y #Linux

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

macOS Sequoia Complications: VoiceOver Issues Could Affect Technicians’ Privacy pneumasolutions.com/macos-sequ…

Registration Now Open for ‘InFocus: Rethinking Tinnitus Symposium’ hearinghealthmatters.org/heari…

I've been checking out a fair bunch of videos by the YT channel "#Revolution and #Ideology”. They succinctly put what they do in their About as: "Jared (#History) and Nick (#Sociology) discuss history and theories related to revolution and #SocialChange." What I appreciate is that they have conversations about source texts through quotation, not simplified summaries. #Philosophy #Anthropology

Postmodern Jukebox mě neskutečně baví, dnešní novinka: Good Luck, Babe! - Chappell Roan (1960s Lesley Gore Style Cover) ft. Tatum Langley youtube.com/watch?v=NiQwpKXKn-… #music

Op vrijdag 22 november (13u30) en zaterdag 23 november (11u) organiseer ik een wandeling vanuit de Krook in #Gent waar we met #OpenStreetMap en @MapComplete bewakingscamera's in kaart gaan brengen.

Na een korte uitleg gaat iedereen een eigen kant op, op zoek naar camera's.

Dit past binnen mutationfest.be/program

(Of je kan ook meer info vinden op de meetup-pagina: meetup.com/openstreetmap-belgi…)

#privacy #bewakingscameras #surveillance

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

AWESOME new @kagihq update:
For ex: I want to look at the #OpenStreetMap wiki page for (power) sockets.

Previously you could do search like this:
socket !osmwiki
this would bring you to wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Sp…

But if I know that the chance of the right page being the first result on #Kagi is high, I can just do:
socket @osmwiki !
then I land on: wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Ke…:*

! is basically the Kagi equivalent of that google "i'm feeling lucky" feature from back in the day

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Pietervdvn

@pietervdvn yeah Kagi is using the same ddg bang list but with some modifications.

instead of doing
!wosm <search>

I now will do
@wosm <search> !

which will put me on the first result Kagi finds. skipping having to click on the osmwiki search results first.

In my example, doing

!wosm socket
would land me on the search results page on the wiki
@wosm socket !
would land me directly on the key:socket page

Hmm, interesting news from the Sound On Sound newsletter that could be useful for windows music-makers.

Microsoft announce audio-focused ARM64, ASIO & MIDI 2.0 Windows features

As part of their keynote at the Qualcomm Snapdragon Summit 2024, Microsoft have made a number of announcements about upcoming Windows features geared towards musicians and audio professionals. They include both hardware and software support for ARM64-based systems, along with native ASIO integration and built-in support for MIDI 2.0.

It has now been twelve years since the paper "The most dangerous code in the world: validating SSL certificates in non-browser software" was published.

My blog post about it from back then: daniel.haxx.se/blog/2012/10/25…

It'd be interesting to know how much HTTPS clients are still skipping cert verification in the wild. I bet it is still widespread.

Anthropic released a fascinating new capability today called "Computer Use" - a mode of their Claude 3.5 Sonnet model where it can do things like accept screenshots of a remotely operated computer and send back commands to click on specific coordinates, enter text etc

My notes on what I've figured out so far: simonwillison.net/2024/Oct/22/…

Some more work on testing congestion control in picoquic on high speed loopback links. I found out that the data rate for a 10GB download using Cubic was less than half the data rate of a 1GB download. The issue: ACK Frequency was setting a 1ms delay and a very large ACK Gap, causing feedback frequency to drop and Cubic to slow. The fix: cap the ack gap to 32. More in the blog.


La URE dice que hoy 25 de Octubre está prevista la comunicación por radio desde Sevilla con los astronautas a bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional (ISS). Se podrá seguir desde las 12:00 h. aproximadamente a través de youtube.com/live/N-aRpG-nz1M


Sorry for "@"

Is it possible for `libcurl` to match the parallel http download performance of

`curl --parallel` with globbing?


Three years ago I blogged about #OpenSSL's decision to deliberately block #QUIC progress in the world: daniel.haxx.se/blog/2021/10/25…

Which is timely with the OpenSSL 3.4.0 release announced just days ago: that still does not offer a working (and performant) QUIC API. (yes, there is an attempt there but it's not production grade)

It's almost like the writing was on the wall already a long time ago.

#WenkoffRetro No. 163 🎶❤️

Klidný pátek u sedmdesátek!🤞

25.10.1950 se narodil Christopher Ward Norman, 🇬🇧 glam rockový zpěvák a hudebník.

Chris byl především tváří kapely Smokie, kde zpíval v letech 1964-1986. Mimo ni zaujal v r. 1978 duetem Stumblin' In se Suzy Quatro a v r. 1986 vydanou deskou Some Hearts Are Diamonds s hitem Midnight Lady.

Smokie i Chris dodnes vydávají každý svá alba. Pro mě ale ty největší ♥️ovky dál zůstávají v 70s a ujíždím na nich dodnes. Ujeď si 2x i ty.😉👇

Co je Pairdrop a jak funguje na Oscloud?


#Aplikace #pairdrop

Attention all #remoteIncidentManager technicians who may be assisting end users running macOS Sequoia:
Recent changes in macOS Sequoia have created some challenges for our Remote Accessibility Module, which allows seamless assistance without revealing the technician’s disability.
Due to changes in how #VoiceOver settings are managed in macOS Sequoia, visually impaired technicians may experience issues that disrupt their ability to perform tasks discreetly. We’ve identified these problems and are working with Apple’s Accessibility team to find a long-term solution, but we need your help to make sure this critical issue is prioritized.
If you’ve experienced difficulties using RIM on macOS Sequoia, we encourage you to contact Apple’s Accessibility department - accessibility@apple.com - and politely but firmly advocate the prioritization of a reliable API that allows for safe, controlled adjustments to VoiceOver.
Spread this message far and wide! Together, we can push for better accessibility and maintain the tools that empower visually impaired professionals, while fully preserving their dignity by preventing non-consensual disclosure of disability. Accessibility is a right to inclusivity, and true inclusivity in this case must allow for the fair and equal treatment of visually impaired technicians in this stage of the support process.
#accessibility #inclusivity

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