Takže, v paralelnom vesmírne Erica Schmidta, môže za zaostávanie Googlu na poli AI rozhodnutie, že ľudia môžu pracovať z domu.
Takéto vyhlásenia sú zlé na tak veľa úrovniach, ako to je len možné a vedia ma dostať do vývrtky. Áno, než som toto napísal, musel som si napočítať do desať, opakovane, ináč by som sa znížil iba k jednoslovnému vulgarizmu.
Pracujem z domu viac než dekádu, coachoval som viacero kolegov a známych, ktorí behom toho obdobia (už aj pred pandémiou) postupne prechádzali na remote work. Sám som za tú dobu vystriedal množstvo interných pozícii smerom hore, či dokonca prešiel úžasným (externým) kariérnym skokom, takže smelo predpokladám, že som biznisu odovzdával nadpriemernú hodnotu.
Taktiež môžem povedať, že som týmto veľa získal v osobnom živote - týždenne ušetrené hodiny času, môcť vidieť, v priamom prenose, svoje deti vyrastať, flexibilita na starosti denného života... Je to na nezaplatenie a je to win-win.
Iste, nie je to pre každého, iste, sú aj ľudia, ktorí budú mať tendenciu takúto príležitosť zneužívať, alebo ju iba jednoducho a ľudsky nezvládnu. Adresovať tieto nástrahy je však úlohou managementu. A kto vedie management? Leadership!
Takže, ak Eric tvrdí niečo takéto, treba pozorne počúvať. Síce to znie ako, boli sme ňuňu dobrí na ľudí, a preto zaostávame, ale v skutočnosti tým hovorí - sme naprd leadri, s mizerným managementom, ktorí nezvládli svoju základnú úlohu - efektívne riadiť ľudí.
Ono, je tu však ešte tretia, najpravdepodobnejšie (uvidíme) možnosť: nedarí sa, spálilo sa mrte prachov bez adekvátneho vysledku, treba nájsť vinníka a ideálne zmienku ako zoštíhliť firmu, teda vyhodiť pár ľudí... ale keďže sme už ňuňu dobrí, my nikoho vyhadzovať nebudeme, my iba všetkým prikážeme návrat do office a oni odídu dobrovoľne... Rád by som sa mýlil, ale za posledný rok som takýchto pribehov videl už niekoľko.
Je tu však háčik - takýmto spôsobom sa firma zbaví predovšetkým tých šikovnejších, tých ktorí sú si vedomí svojich schopností aj pridanej hodnoty, bez toho aby strávili život v openspace... A viete čo - dobre im tak!
#ustrelilomidekel #somsaopustil #homeoffice #ericschmidt #google #alphabet
From: @zachklipp
Zach Klipp (he/him) 🥥🌻🇵🇸 (@zachklipp@androiddev.social)
Eric Schmidt can go fuck himself https://techhub.social/@Techmeme/112962014640033767Android Dev Social
"It didn’t matter what Joe Biden did – pull the country out of a pandemic ... tame inflation, grow jobs, grow wages, enforce anti-monopoly laws, revive every single one of the so-called 'left behind' counties that voted for Trump in 2016 because of 'economic anxiety' ... The press corps decided nothing was more important than his age, and lo! 2024 became an election about vibes and vibes ended his candidacy.
"Vibes are this press corps’ forte, not fact and substance."
Kamala Harris is taking power back from the press corps
She learned from Biden’s fatal error.John Stoehr (The Editorial Board)
Membership Committee elections: Townhall sessions with the candidates - The Document Foundation Blog
The Document Foundation (TDF) is the non-profit home of LibreOffice, and its Membership Committee (MC) administers membership applications and renewals following the criteria defined in the Foundation’s Statutes.Mike Saunders (The Document Foundation)
Self-driving Waymo cars keep SF residents awake all night by honking at each other
Self-driving Waymo cars keep SF residents awake all night by honking at each other
Haunted by glitching algorithms, self-driving cars disturb the peace in San Francisco.Ars Technica
6 Best Free and Open-Source OCR Screen Capture Tools
This article highlights OCR-powered screen-capture tools to capture information instead of images. We only feature open-source software here.LinuxToday
Picker is a simple app; give it a list of items and let it pick one out for you! It can help make decisions, picking from tasks you haven't started but really should, or it can help you decide what you want for lunch, picking from ingredients in your fridge! Once the app has selected an item, Picker gives you the option to copy it or even to remove it from the list entirely!
You can get the app on Flathub here: flathub.org/apps/io.github.mez…
I thought that Chats (GNOME Chatty) is an SMS app, but it actually supports Matrix and XMPP too. So I can join discussions on the postmarketOS Matrix server from postmarketOS devices. Cool.
#linuxmobile #postmarketOS #matrix #chat #gnome
Fortunately I hear that one of the big benefits of distributed version control is that it does not rely on a central server and works even when some participants are offline, therefore I’m confident that this outage will have minimal practical impact on developers’ work today.
[touches earpiece]
From @ryanrandall:
Ryan for a permanent ceasefire (@ryanrandall@hcommons.social)
Nope, it's not just you. #GitHub is indeed down for lots of people.hcommons.social
Ex-Google CEO: AI startups can steal IP, hire lawyers to “clean up the mess”
“But if nobody uses your product, it doesn’t matter that you stole all the content,” former Google CEO Eric Schmidt said during a talk at Stanford that has been pulled offline.Alex Heath (The Verge)
Reminder that you can use AccessibilityAttributes on your AttributedStrings to have more fine-grained control over how assistive technologies interact with your Text, such as modulating the pitch or pronunciation #VoiceOver uses! #accessibility #iOS
AttributeScopes.AccessibilityAttributes | Apple Developer Documentation
There's never been a better time to develop for Apple platforms.Apple Developer Documentation
This is my favorite coconut water product. Just coconut water and coconut flesh, frozen in a bag. The next best thing is getting a young coconut on a Thai beach.
Keeps me going, what with all the terrible coconut water products here
On an especially hot day, taking this out of the freezer = having coconut ice slushy instead of water, which is also excellent
Aaand… Welcome to the RB family, Pinboard! 🥳
#reproducibleBuilds at #IzzyOnDroid
„Pinkt for Bookmarking“ – IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository
Pinkt is an unofficial bookmarking client for Pinboard and LinkdingIzzyOnDroid App Repo
From Freedom Scientific:
Learn How to Access PDFs in Adobe Acrobat Reader with JAWS
Thursday, August 15, 12:00 PM Eastern Time
Learn How to Access PDFs in Adobe Acrobat Reader with JAWS
Are you required to access PDFs at home, school, or in the workplace? Need tips for setting up Adobe Acrobat Reader for optimized results? Join us Thursday, August 15 at noon ET for a live we…Freedom Scientific Blog
Sources: Sonos is considering relaunching its previous mobile app as it works to improve the redesigned version, which launched in May to widespread criticism (Chris Welch/The Verge)
Sonos considers relaunching its old app
Sonos has discussed bringing back its S2 app for Android and iOS to reduce customer frustration as the company continues working to improve its redesigned software.Chris Welch (The Verge)
zvyknem teraz poslednú dobu sedieť a popíjať po práci na schodoch pred vchodom, môžem s kolegami ale ušetrí mi to kopec času a aj menej toho vypijem, plus po ut st stíham aj električku
edit: začalo pršať ale zatiaľ sa to dá a mám ešte jedno, veľmi príjemné
daniel:// stenberg:// reshared this.
GOOD NEWS EU 🇪🇺 For innovation in app distribution, Epic Games has granted us a MegaGrant grant that we plan to use to cover Apple’s Core Technology Fee going forward — and we won’t take it for granted!
What does this mean? AltStore PAL is now FREE — no subscription necessary 🎉 altstore.io
reshared this
Esta noticia es increíble. Una mujer come en un restaurante de Disney y, después de preguntar y pedir repetidas veces si la comida no tenía ciertos alimentos a los que era alérgica, y de ser asegurada, repetidamente que no los llevaba, muere por una reacción alérgica a la comida.
El marido denuncia al restaurante por negligencia y ahora Disney quiere desestimar la denuncia porque la mujer una vez se apuntó a una prueba gratuita de un mes de Disney+, y entre los T&C aceptas uno que dice que cualquier disputa que tengas con la empresa deber resolverse con ella (y no a través de los tribunales).
Disney wants wrongful death suit involving LI doctor tossed, citing Disney+ terms
The lawsuit claims that Dr. Kanokporn Tangsuan suffered a fatal allergic reaction after eating at a Disney Springs restaurant despite repeatedly informing the waiter of her severe allergy.News 12 - Default
@matrix I know you worked on encryption and key exchange in the latest iterations, but you made it worse.
That is freaking not usable. A new contact added by ID in 1to1 chat, "Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions.." not activated. Just a brand new contact.
Not working at all. Trying to get users to #Matrix like that won't work.
It's not only old-style looking, heavy and non-intuitive, it's just not working at all.
(matrix(dot)org homeserver btw!)
We're sorry to see that, and appreciate you reaching out! We agree the user experience around E2EE needs to be improved and presents a barrier to adoption.
It is our understanding that the client and server developers recognize the issue and are working on it.
Hieronymus Bosch Butt Music
Music printed on the butt of one of the tortured souls in the 15th Century Hieronymus Bosch painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights" , Played on (What else?...YouTube
We announced that we are sunsetting unauthenticated media access on matrix.org just 2 months ago, and already 60% of requests are now using the new authenticated endpoints! We’re grateful to and proud of the ecosystem for moving so quickly 🚀
We’re on track to hit nearly 100% by August 28th, but some fixes and releases will be landing awfully close to that deadline – so we’re moving the deadline back one week to September 4th.
Learn more in our original announcement: matrix.org/blog/2024/06/26/sun…
Sunsetting unauthenticated media
Matrix, the open protocol for secure decentralised communicationsTravis Ralston (matrix.org)
aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats… #aws
New capabilities for Amazon EC2 On-Demand Capacity Reservations: Split, Move, and Modify additional attributes - AWS
Discover more about what's new at AWS with New capabilities for Amazon EC2 On-Demand Capacity Reservations: Split, Move, and Modify additional attributesAmazon Web Services, Inc.
Question on permissions · Issue #223 · LagradOst/QuickNovel
My scanner got a few new features in January, and now reported on today's release: ! repo/com.lagradost.quicknovel_54.apk declares sensitive permission(s): android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE ...GitHub
The recording for my talk from Berlin Mini GUADEC about the GNOME STF project is now online! Probably the talk with the least preparation and sleep I've ever given, but hopefully interesting nevertheless.
I'm very sad that @sonny was not allowed to give the talk with me as planned. He is the heart and soul of the STF project, and none of this would have been possible without him.
GNOME and Sovereign Tech Fund (STF) - Tobias Bernard - Berlin Mini GUADEC 2024
Last year, Sovereign Tech Fund invested 1M€ into the GNOME project. We will share our experience organizing and managing the initiative, go over some work th...YouTube
@lebout2canap The async annotations are a new marker for GObject-Introspection, like the ones we have for memory ownership.
This allows bindings like JavaScript and Python (and maybe Rust) to automatically map `foo()`/`foo_finish()` methods to their native async/await syntax.
the hacker march
#unix_surrealism #openbsd #technomage #linux #9front #penguin #comic #fediart #mastoart #foss
Paul Cantrell
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