Deutschland: "#Deutschlandticket nicht bezahlbar muss teurer werden!"
Portugal: "Landesweites Ticket, das sogar für Intercities gilt, für 20 Euro."
Es ist alles nur eine Frage des Wollens, finanzierbar wäre sowas auch bei uns.…
Die Typen hinter ShiftPhone machen das ja aus religiöser Überzeugung: "ein Unternehmen, das komplett Gott gehört"
Wir waren gerade im Entscheidungsprozess zwischen FairPhone und ShiftPhone und sind überzeugte Atheist*innen und unterstützen daher nicht gerne wissentlich Unternehmen, die Gott gehören. (Mag für manche meiner Followys ein Pro-Argument sein, für uns spricht es total dagegen.)
Ich habe mal über Van Halen gelesen, dass sie am Ende ihrer Sicherheitsmassnahmen für Konzertaufbauten die Forderung erhoben, backstage nur braune (oder ohne) M&Ms in einer Schale haben zu wollen. Das klingt erstmal nach bizarrer Superstarattitüde, hatte aber denselben Grund: wer dies nicht erfüllt hat, hat wohl auch den Rest nicht gelesen, und alles muss überprüft werden.
Proč jsem přešel z #Windows k #EndeavourOS? Opouštím i další služby Microsoftu 🐧
V článku mi chybí zmínka o Wine, zejména jako možnost pro hráče.
Je tam i jedna nepřesnost, "v EndeavourOS si můžete vybrat prostředí podle sebe během instalace" a to prý v jiných distribucích nejde. Samozřejmě to jde, to nabízí i klasický Debian. Ubuntu jsem sice dlouho neinstaloval, ale divil bych se. Každopádně každý takový článek vítám, Windows je otroctví.
@Unreed @infoek
Jiří Pavlík likes this.
@Unreed @infoek
A nebo v Debianu malinké ISO jako netinstall a tam se dá během instalace taky zvolit desktop 🙂
Ale to není pak úplně instalace pro nováčky přecházející z Win, jelikož uživatel skončí s docela malým OS, kde se část musí eventuelně ještě doinstalovat (pokud se to ručně nevybere v průběhu instalace). Pro starší PC ale skvělá věc.
@Unreed @infoek
Na každé větší distribuci si člověk může nainstalovat jakýkoliv wm, které je v repozitáři. Takže z běžných všechny. Rozdíl mezi distry pro běžného uživatele je jen v tom, jak jednoduché to bude a pak jaká komunita kolem je. Z toho všeho vyplývá i to, jak zdatný uživatel musí k používání být. Pro BFU je jednodušší změnit distro, protože se mu líbí víc KDE než Gnome. Ve skutečnosti to jen značí, že neví jak si to má přehodit, když na to nemá klikátko.
Nejlepší je zenový Void Linux (když nepočítám esoterické Gentoo). Zkoušel jsem v něm mnoho DE (grafických prostředí). Přeinstalace defaultního xfce4 na KDE Plasma trvala asi 30 vteřin včetně přepnutí z lightdm na sddm. Fantastické! (samozřejmě trochu přeháním, ve skutečnosti to byla asi minuta, protože jsem musel hledat, jak se zapínají služby).
Ano, většina nováčků se řídí tím, jak to grafické prostředí vypadá, většina pokročilejších se řídí tím, jak vypadat může.
@Friendica Support
Wenn ich in die Suche einen RSS Feed von YouTube einfüge, dann bekomme ich folgende Meldung:
You don't have permission to access this resource.Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 443
So sieht die RSS Adresse aus…
ist eine Sache, die an der Konfiguration des Webservers liegt. Siehe dieses Issue:…
Mir ist nicht ganz klar, was ich da wo am Apache ändern kann?
Wenn ich deine andere Antwort richtig verstehe, gibt es dazu überhaupt eine sinnvolle Änderung? Oder lieber warten, bis sich da was an der Programmierung geändert hat?
Wenn ich nur die YouTube URL eingebe, wird das gefunden.
Jedoch wenn ich auf folgen gehe, erscheint derselbe Fehler.
For now though, here’s how to get it working as a VoiceOver user.
Be aware that this will only work with videos you record on this device, because the new videos are being recorded in spatial audio. This is giving the phone the raw data to work with, that makes all this magic possible.
Open the Camera app, and be sure that you use the slider control to set the device to video recording.
Be sure to select the camera you want to use. If you are just recording yourself, selecting the front camera will cause VoiceOver to tell you where your face appears in the frame.
Double-tap the record button and record your video.
Double-tap again to stop.
The features relating to the sound of the video are a matter of post-production, so if you double-tap on the Photo and Video Viewer, you’ll bring up the video you just recorded.
You’ll then need to double-tap Edit.
Once you’re editing, you’ll find a button called “Audio Mix”. You can then apply different effects to the audio. They include Standard, In-frame, Studio, and Cinematic. In-frame will narrow the audio so only the person or persons in the picture will be in the audio. Studio produces some pretty nice sound actually. You can adjust the effect with the slider control. The higher the slider, the greater the effect.
You can play back the results, and double-tap the Undo button if you don’t like them.
Have fun.
WestphalDenn reshared this.
Conservative politics are not — as conservatives sometimes want to suggest — about order & caution, adopting change systematically and thoughtfully. Conservatism is a bait and switch. It synthesizes an imagined past out of whole cloth, then claims that we in our hubris are drifting too far from that fantasy.
The conservative agenda is a radical transformation of society into something it has never been while pretending that future is grounded in history. It is not just a rejection of diversity & inclusion, of creativity and human flourishing, but also of the arrow of time and our understanding of where we came from.
Modern conservatives have more in common with Stalin's totalitarianism than modern leftists have in common with Soviet attempts at communism. Stalin's revolution was a redefinition of history in order to control memory & society, while ejecting all those who do not fit the mold. Modern socialists simply want everyone to have what they need to live a fulfilled life with minimal suffering. Which sounds like the story conservatism tries to tell about stability & safety. Except that conservatism has never wanted to provide for everyone: it relies on deprivation and suffering as a constant threat to keep us in line.
Don't fall for it. The conservative fantasy has always been an ahistorical soft tyrrany. A better world is possible, and has existed many times before, in many places filled with people who look and think and love like you do.
I’ve been a fan of Stevie Wonder for as long as I can remember. That’s why I’m proud to share The Wonder of Stevie podcast from Higher Ground and @Questlove, which explores the five-year period starting from 1972 where Stevie released some of the most groundbreaking albums that transformed music.
I hope you'll take some time to listen on Audible or wherever you get your podcasts.
- "We are gonna let good advertising"
- So you'll block Outbrain and Taboola?
- No not like that.
- So you'll block trackers
- No. These things are good.
Khronos reshared this.
Israel's attacks on Lebanon have killed 2000 and displaced over a million now.
Here's another aspect of the story you're not likely to have heard of: Lebanon's African migrant community, which numbers around half a million, are among the displaced, the fleeing, the injured.
Unfortunately, and this is incredibly heartbreaking to say it, African migrants are being denied space at shelters that are being declared "Lebanese only."
reshared this
Advertising literally adds zero value to the world, and does quite a of harm. It's not even just about the privacy issue; we already know what that looks like and we don't want it. The core premise of Mark Surman, Mozilla's President, is that "We can’t just ignore online advertising — it’s a major driver of how the internet works and is funded."
We can actually. We need to explore other models. And people are, but it sure would help if they had access to the resources of an organization as large as Mozilla. An organization large enough to be a driver of how the internet works and is funded. Really wish they would show some vision, instead of following down a path when we *know* where it leads.
Look at the costs and benefits described here:…
Costs: people lose their privacy
Benefits: data is valuable to advertisers
Therefore the benefits outweigh the costs.
Like if you do cost benefit analysis that way then you get to do anything
Me stealing your lunch
Costs: you dont have a sandwich
Benefits: I have a sandwich and dont have to pay for it
estoy totalmente de acuerdo, y más porque Barrio Antiguo cada vez enfrenta mayor tráfico en horas donde la gente pretende ir a pasear, es ilógico mantener esa zona abierta a los autos. Y tienes razón con lo de las avenidas, apoyo lo que dices, pero falta que los alcaldes se muevan.
Supuestamente el gobernador busca mayor movilidad peatonal, y ya no tiene excusa porque su partido ganó en varios municipios, 2 muy importantes y conectados
Our closed beta testers have finally gotten their hands on Thunderbird Appointment, and it seems like they like us! Check out this review from @ZDNet - and kudos to them for trying the self-hosted install as well!
I hope a better notification system for the event calender etc. Comes to.
Something like a dialog in the center of thunderbird screen would work.
Don't use the incoming e -mail notification bubble. Turned that off long ago.
Nice write-up over on @ZDNet for @thunderbird Appointment. We're so glad to see appreciation for this open source scheduling tool - and we're just getting started.
My daughter was exposed to COVID via a coworker so I've been trying to find a test for her. The free ones are gone everywhere and the ones you pay for are so back-ordered none of the pharmacies can even guess at an ETA - I've been told to "maybe check back in a month?"
So the beauty of this is if my daughter gets sick it'll be a 'mysterious flu-like illness.'
Genius! This same public health approach will work for cancer, measles... freaking everything right up to climate change!
Right, forgot about the census too.
And they call themselves business people!
When a corporation plans a move, first thing they do is define the parameters for marking success. If the wingers ran Apple they'd have no clue how many iPhones they sold, who to aim marketing at, reception of their image... nothing.
Maybe that's how Trump does business, running them all into bankruptcy.
The current Mozilla seems to believe that there is "good" advertising and "bad" advertising, and that furthermore there is "good" ad tracking/ad surveillance and "bad" ad tracking/ad surveillance, and all they have to do is do a lot of the "good" advertising and "good" surveillance and somehow this will cause there to be less of the "bad" advertising and surveillance. As if there is a limit on how much advertising it is possible to fit in the world.
good point. I am mainly disappointed that management didn't read their own list archives—did Internet freedom people compromise with any of the other possible dystopia timelines?
Clipper Chip (US government) no, we have e2e encryption now
Codec patent cartel (huge IT companies) no, we have free media formats
DRM mandate "Fritz Chip" (US government + big media) no, we dodged this one too
Can't beat this stuff with compromises that leave supporters feeling creeped out
@dmarti About "free media formats" there a few things they botched, self inflicted.
1. EME to allow DRM. Not an uptick into the market share.
2. some initiative didn't work with Firefox without proprietary codec because one part of the company had to clue (won't give the name of the initiative)
There's a web UI that uses the (chromium-only) Bluetooth API @…
And a Python library @
I’ve been sober for a few years, but I miss bars. Bars were a big part of my life for a long time. Maybe I just miss third places. Anyway, there aren’t many third places here that aren’t bars.
It’s different for every sober person, but I am personally ok being in bars and around real booze. I’m not at risk of going back. So I have a few bars that I like going to where I know they have enough NA options for me. It fills some kind of social hole for me.
I genuinely believe Mozilla thinks it's acting in the public interest by moving further into the ad-tech ecosystem, claiming that it's doing so in a privacy-protecting way.
But the history of ad-tech is that it swallows everything it touches.
Mozilla + ad-tech = ad-tech.
how to write low-power software, it would seem
- write fast software, so the CPU can finish quickly and sleep more
- minimize wakeups and heartbeats, so the CPU can stay asleep more
- don't touch the AVX-512 unit unless you really need it, so it can sleep more
- etc.
- don't use AI. everything else is noise.
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Michele Dvořáků
in reply to Archos • • •Hlavně aby se tam choval slušně ....🤔 ☝️