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Shots fired at office of man who owns Old Montreal buildings that were sites of fatal fires…

I hear you loud and clear Nobel Prize, you don't want to be left off of the AI hype train.

Next will be a Nobel peace prize for "AI safety."

Don't they supposedly wait for decades before seeing the impact, like new drugs that were created or something like that, before awarding Nobel Prizes?…

Internet Archive's "The Wayback Machine" has suffered a data breach after a threat actor compromised the website and stole a user authentication database containing 31 million unique records.…

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I bet my girlfriend that this picture of our cats could get 10 billion boosts on Mastodon.

She said she doesn't believe me. She said there's only 15 million accounts on Mastodon. She said there aren't even 10 billion people on Earth. She said it concerns her that I struggle to comprehend large numbers.

Let's prove her wrong everyone. Boost away and show her just how awesome the Mastodon community is.

people talk about "hostile architecture" but really it feels like everything now is hostile. price gouging, hidden fees everywhere, insurance not actually doing anything, almost everything being some sort of scam, arbitration clauses, "licensing" instead of owning, every new product and service just being a way to steal your personal data, name something that isn't hostile at this point

to nové rozhranie je také no, zaujímavé, riadna zmena
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

refresh je vidieť mám taký pocit, to nebolo
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well done to everyone involved in making usb so complicated that now the only way to understand what it's doing is to put diagnostic screens on charging cables

just a really solid set of decisions all the way down

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This ad will end in 10, This ad will end in 9, this ad will end in 8, This ad will end in 7, This ad will end in 6. Annoyed yet? Well, just imagine how your screen reader users vfeel? Stop putting live regions around this data.

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Someone is DDOSing the internet archive, so we've been down for hours. According to their twitter, they're doing it just to do it. Just because they can. No statement, no idea, no demands.

Meanwhile, we literally rescued 400,000 dissertations from being pulped.

I like our side.…

Reminder to anyone in the path of #Milton

When speaking to your insurance, do NOT use the word "flood". No matter what your claim is, do NOT say that word. Use the following words ONLY:

- hurricane
- wind-driven rain

Your insurance will try to trick you into turning it into a flood claim, so they can then categorically deny it. Don't fall for it.

#Notaflood #Hurricane #Milton

Everything has an end. strncpy usage in #curl code is now at zero calls.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

as I have mentioned elsewhere I have worked fiercely on reducing memory calls and memory copies in curl code over the last few years, and I have come to realize that strncpy is often a marker for questionable code decisions, so I have worked on removing those questionable code paths.

As I have reduced the amount already before, the remaining few uses were not hard to just fix with better conditions and improved logic

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

the graph for *all* allocs and copies in libcurl looks like this. It is now really hard to remove more.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

This can only end in you writing your own memory allocator to replace the OS allocator, and then this will just be number of times calling sbrk().
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

yeah I have a fondness for K&R C but looking back many of its standard lib functions were a Bad Idea that at best only made sense for some brief "Garden of Eden" period in the world's software ecosystem

before any user could be a determined (and well-resourced) adversary or a mind bogglingly careless idiot. haha

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in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

while I understand that C was always ever meant as a relatively light abstraction, I still don't understand why native string handling was never incorporated. Dealing with strings is relevant in _so_ many use cases, that not having a sane and safe abstraction for it is just asking for trouble.

I think that's one of the first things Borland improved on in their derivates of Pascal.

v tej Bille do teraz nebolo a som doma pred polnocou :02_sip:
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in reply to David Goldfield

regarding my last boost, I noticed their's *no* discussion about bluetooth hid support in this upgrade.

From the Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library: Intro to Google Calendar: Thursday, October 10, 7:00 PM Eastern Time…

Dnes ráno ma napadlo napísať učiteľom že potrebujem knihy... dostal som domáce úlohy. :kekw:

why the fuck would you hack the internet archive

are you actually fucking out of your mind

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Mozilla Firefox exploited zero-day: Security Advisory 2024-51 Security Vulnerability fixed in Firefox 131.0.2, Firefox ESR 128.3.1, Firefox ESR 115.16.1
CVE-2024-9680 (9.8 critical) Use-after-free in Animation timeline

An attacker was able to achieve code execution in the content process by exploiting a use-after-free in Animation timelines. We have had reports of this vulnerability being exploited in the wild.

See related @BleepingComputer reporting: Mozilla fixes Firefox zero-day actively exploited in attacks

The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) has a useless Mozilla security advisory (AV24-576) which doesn't indicate that this is an actively exploited zero-day. What's the point in an advisory when it doesn't provide the biz?

#zeroday #vulnerability #firefox #mozilla #cve #CVE_2024_9680

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All you #Mastodon sysadmins who upgraded to Mastodon 4.3.0: Have you noticed that after you dutifully upgraded the #Yarn dependency to version 4, a message like this scrolled by:

$ yarn install --immutable<br>➤ YN0065: Yarn will periodically gather anonymous telemetry:<br>➤ YN0065: Run yarn config set --home enableTelemetry 0 to disable<br>

I for one almost missed this. You may want to do what I did (as user mastodon in /home/mastodon/live):
yarn config set --home enableTelemetry 0<br>

I'm sure the Yarn people think their telemetry is perfectly harmless, but I hope we all agree that telemetry should not be used in the fediverse.

#MastoAdmin #telemetry

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When your #curl command line is rejected by the server but your browser still works, it might be because of TLS fingerprinting.

I blogged about this two years ago:…

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

In a perfect world bots and scrapers would follow robots.txt and/or ai.txt and give the webmaster a link to see if they have a legitimate reason to grab all the content. But, alas...
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

“Let us come back to this topic in a few years and see where it went.”

It is exactly a few years 😀

So where has the topic gone?

Are you overwhelmed with background windows demanding attention, or just the amount of color on your computer screen? Do you wish it was a bit easier to tell which window has (keyboard) focus?
Oh, and are you using GNOME?

Because I released my first extension for GNOME Shell, and it desaturates background windows. Get it on If you want.
Hope you enjoy!

#gnome #ui #focus #color

"You're right; I should have brought up WCAG’s 2.2.1 Timing Adjustable right from the start—especially since this applies to components that auto-dismiss. Let’s remedy that! Here’s the added detail you deserve. Thanks for the reminder, and sorry for the oversight!"
Oh GPT. You have a lot to learn, even though you've learned knowledge of much of the internet and scraped humanity of its dignity to rights since. Yet here we are. And why people should not rely on it for fullproof #A11y knowledge.

Remember all those posts you've seen telling you how using #Discord - a private, closed platform - is bad for your community? How it's a terrible idea for storing documentation or other information? Well, the Russian armed forces decided it was a smart idea to use it for *military communications*. Their own "internet regulator" (read: censor) decided to ban it, with predictable results:…

Announcing the Cartoonists for Kamala fund raiser! Many cartoonists have donated original art of their work (not just a print!) for the auction where all the funds will go directly to the Harris-Walz campaign.

Here's a link to get you started. More art will be added over the next couple of days as this kicks into gear.…

in reply to joe•iuculano

Telling that Postmedia (owned by the Chatham hedge fund) bought Saltwire (former owners of the Halifax Chronicle Herald) this past July.

Their muzzling of political debate continues.

I'm a proponent of static websites. Most generators use a folder structure with Markdown files and other assets as the input.

However, not all users are confident editing Markdown and YAML front matter etc. by hand.

Are there any good web frontends for this kind of stuff?

It should feel like the authoring backend for WordPress or whatever random CMS, with a WYSIWYG editor, and the result are Markdown files & assets. Bonus points for Git support.

#WebDev #StaticWebsite #StaticSite #SSG

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Coleguillas de Mastodon. Estoy pensando en retomar el canal de Accessibites para hacer episodios de accesibilidad web, enfocándome en buscar webs importantes que son un desastre, y hablar de sus problemas de accesibilidad. Algo así como "En busca de la accesibilidad perdida". La cosa es que siendo ciego lo de la edición de vídeo se me hace cuesta arriba. ¿Alguien en la sala a quien le mole la propuesta y se anime a editar los vídeos? ¡Gracias de antemano!

SHIFTphone 8

Es gibt nahezu unendliche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für den Custom-Key, deswegen würden wir gerne von euch wissen, welche Funktionen ihr euch besonders wünscht.🙂

Vorschläge in die Kommentare!

#shift #shifthappens #shiftphone #shiftphone8

in reply to SHIFTPHONES

1) verschiedene Möglichkeiten parallel: A) bei antippen, B) bei doppel-/dreifach-tap, C) bei gedrückt halten

2) schon erwähnt: selbst etwas zusammenstellen würde auch "Exotisches" ermöglichen. Als vorkonfigurierte Optionen:

* Personal-Panik-Funktion (Nachricht an vorkonfigurierte Kontakte mit aktuellem Standort etc)
* Device-Panik: Lock, deaktivieren biometrischen Unlocks
* Not-Löschung: Factory-Reset, wenn nicht binnen 15s "Abbruch-PIN" eingegeben wurde

wo konfiguriert man den?

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Klingt gut. Bis auf die Notlöschung, weil das in der Hosentasche zu leicht posieren kann. :)
in reply to Ditol

@ditol nicht, wenn man das zum Beispiel durch Dreifach-Tippen auslöst. Eher unwahrscheinlich, dass Du die Sequenz dann "zufällig in der Hosentasche" auslöst. @shiftphones ich suche aber noch immer, wo ich beim SP8 diese Taste konfigurieren kann. Oder kommt das erst mit einem späteren Update (also neuer als 20240927)? Auch das "Bei ausgeschaltetem Bildschirm Taschenlampe per Gedrückthalten der Powertaste" Feature, das ich beim 6mq gern nutze, finde ich nicht mehr 😉

Well then. It looks like #Spotify now switches tracks on you if ever you swipe left from the top of the screen or swipe right from the bottom of the screen. I don't know if this only happens in the Now Playing view, but whatever the case, I absolutely loathe this behavior as a #Voiceover user.
in reply to 🌟Kira Aeva🌟

That used to be a feature before they removed it now added it back. Interesting... It was a thing on older phones and also on Android. But it's cool on android. Just explore by touch instead of flicking left and right, should work. Should, is a word that I am loosely using, because that worked 8 years ago haha.

Mne to nové webové usporiadanie príde také akési moc rozťahané, zbytočne veľké a plýtvajúce priestorom. Nechcem byť trapko, ale to pred tým mi vyhovovalo viac 😉
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in reply to Ralfeek

Jasný, no já se občas taky přepnu na klasický web 🙂

I letos budeme mít stánek na @linuxdays, tak se za námi zastavte, rádi vás uvidíme!
Kromě toho si můžeme v sobotu v poledne poslechnout přednášku o #Fedora Asahi Remixu od @sesivany.


Poznámka k @mastopivo - zatím to vypadá, že kromě základní nabídky hospůdky #dovětru bude v pátek zajištěné i občerstvení na úrovni večeře (nechci to zakřiknout, snad to dopadne). Předběžný odhad 20 účastníků by neškodilo upřesnit (včetně počtu případných nemasožravců)

#fedipivo #mastopivo

in reply to Archos

@archos @danielsnor a já si vždycky myslel že sociální sítě jsou hlavně kvůli tomu aby se člověk nepotkával s ostatními osobně. #introvert

Milton je hurikán, kterého se vědci již dlouho obávali: Změna klimatu vytvořila v Mexickém zálivu vhodné podmínky pro extrémní hurikán. Když se včera hurikán Milton během 12 hodin změnil z bouře 1. kategorie na bouři 5. kategorie, klimatologové a meteorologové byli ohromeni. John Morales z televize NBC6, zkušený televizní meteorolog z jižní Floridy, se při popisu rychlého a dramatického zesílení hurikánu začal zalykat. Pro […]…… #Politika #Společnost #Zprávyzezahraničí :

Just a little #AndroidAppRain at today, with 17 updated and 1 added apps:

* MultiLocale: add (otherwise unsupported) languages to your device's locale

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

in reply to Radasbona

@radasbona Nö, sorry. Da musst Du das F-Droid Team fragen. Fennec braucht (wie fast alles von Mozilla) immer spezielle Anpassungen – aber wer da was wann macht, weiß ich nicht.

As #DeníkN changed their podcast format and moved most of it behind paywall and I like to listen to it on my bike commute to work, I had to change the way I consume #podcasts and also updated the way I consume #RSS articles.

Here's what works for me for now 🧵

in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

:ttrss: ▶️ :freshrss:
I replaced #TTRSS by #FreshRSS. The reasons are:
👍 more features
👍 bigger client support
👍 bigger development activity
👍 better look.

I use this to consume #rss in form of links to content:
📰 new articles on my favourite media
📰 update news of several softwares
📰 read city hall info desk
📰 discover new youtube videos on my favourite channels
📰 discover new episodes of my favourite TV shows on iVysílání (sadly not natively, but using rss bridge)

in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

:ttrss: ➡️ :readrops:
On #android I use #Readrops as a #RSS client. It uses the #FreshRss as a synchronization backend.
It is not perfect, but it works for now.
It looks nice, but UX and readability needs improvements.
I tried even several paid apps, but they where all worse than this fully free and opensource app.
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

📱 🗞️
I also like the UI of the app #Newsflash from #Gnome circle.
It can be installed from #flathub and also synchronizes with #FreshRSS .
I will mostly use the FreshRSS web interface, but on my tesing #Oneplus6 phone with #PostmarketOS it is my number one choice.
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

And now back to podcasts. I was quite surprised, that all these apps are really bad in consuming podcasts. Especially when I want to add more episodes to queue and remember where I stopped last session.
So I installed separate #RSS stack for podcasts only.
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

:nextcloud: 🧩
I installed #NextCloud extension gPodder Sync. This does just job, it provides gPodder api. That's it. I like apps that do one thing and do it right.

This api can be used by client apps to synchornize
🔄 list of subscrubed feeds
🔄 listening state of each episode

in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

:nextcloud: 🧩
Then there is another Next Cloud extension: #RePod .

It is a web client to the gPodder api, so I can list, subscribe and listen to all the episodes in the nextcloud web interface. That works nice.

in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

:antennapod: :android:
The last piece of the puzzle is the android podcast client. Here the #AntennaPod does a really nice job.
It has all I need:
🎙️synchronizes everything with gPodder api
🎙️predownloads new episodes
🎙️has queue of episodes