Did you catch Ron's recent Freedom Scientific Training Podcast? Listeners will explore how the F6 key simplifies navigation across Word, Outlook, Excel, and PowerPoint, offering practical tips for quickly moving between different panes and boosting efficiency. The Power of the F6 Key in MS Office Products: freedomscientifictraining.libs…
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If your home timeline is way too full, you could try using Mastodon's "Lists" feature. This lets you put selected accounts into their own themed mini-timelines and hide them from your Home timeline. You can then browse these Lists when you want, like channels on a TV.
For example you could put all your sports news follows into their own List, and then view your sports List when you want sports news.
More info on creating lists and hiding them from your Home timeline:
Daniel's weekly report October 11, 2024
strncpy, complexity, CVE, pie chart, early data, MVP, cURL closet
The Open Collective Platform is moving to a community governed non-profit!
A group of fiscal hosts representing thousands of collectives have created a new independent, community-governed, non-profit organization and have reached an agreement with Open Collective Inc. to take over the Open Collective platform as it exists today.
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That's what I run, and while "works for me" is not a general recommendation, I would argue that the upcoming release is the time to dip one's toe in, now that it will have proper audio support, among other missing features until now.
Es gibt vom ZDF die Aktion „Mitreden“. Wenn ihr euch dort anmeldet, werdet ihr regelmäßig zu Umfragen eingeladen.
Im Moment läuft die Umfrage „Soll die AfD verboten werden?“
Würdet ihr bitte? 😬
Liebe Falschparker, ihr müsst jetzt sehr tapfer sein. Das Bundesverwaltungsgericht hat höchstrichterlich festgestellt: "Das Interesse der parkenden Verkehrsteilnehmer an einer ungehinderten Fortsetzung ihres rechtswidrigen Verhaltens ist nicht schutzwürdig."
Auch euer gerne angeführtes "Gewohnheitsrecht" gibt es weiterhin nicht: "ein ‚Gewohnheitsrecht‘ auf Gehwegparken wird dadurch nicht begründet"
Danke an die Klägerinnen und Kläger aus Bremen!
Bundesgericht zum Parken auf dem Gehweg: Kein Recht auf Falschparken
Das Bundesverwaltungsgericht gibt Klägern recht, die gegen zugeparkte Gehwege klagten. Die Behörde kündigt Konkretes an – und lässt wenig folgen.taz.de
What are your weekend plans?
We'll be celebrating the launch of the Tuta Calendar app 😉
#Tuta #Calendarlaunch #HappyFriday
To challenge the notion that the Mastodon has a strong tradition of #accessibility…
5 years since I tried to improve the accessibility of Mastodon and, despite overwhelming support, the project owner refused to merge my commit, then closed and locked the issue because he thought it was ugly.
Compared to Threads, Mastodon is very good. But compared to Threads, getting kicked in the shin is also pretty good.
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If you don't know what the best comic/standup/comedian performance is, this is the one:
LibreOffice reshared this.
doing the last prep for next week's Design Systems Week!
There are a few online talks in English, free to join for all: nldesignsystem.nl/events/desig… (the awesome @gerireid, @stevenjmesser, @mgifford, Amy Cole and Gert Hengeveld)
Also if you're in NL and want to hang out with the NL Design System community, there's an in person social event on Friday afternoon, let me know if you need the signup link for that. :bitterbal:
Mister Krabs
in reply to David Goldfield • • •This quote made me physically cringe.
"One ear, nose and throat specialist CNET previously spoke to has even treated patients who seriously damaged their eardrums by answering the phone with a Q-tip sticking out of one of their ears. That's a phone call that can truly ruin your day!"
I can't even imagine that. Ow.