Sooooo, I'm trying to apply for a Taxicard through my borough so I can qualify for TFL Dial-a-Ride. Blind people automatically qualify for a Taxicard. Which is great, except...
Yep, you all guessed it. The application is a PDF, with a huge amount of tick boxes that aren't actually tick boxes, and which you have to physically post to some random place in... Yorkshire?
So yes, if you are blind you automatically qualify for a Taxicard, but you do not qualify for completing your application independently. Too bad!

Last night I finished a book I read for a reason that did not give me particularly high expectations: the author is a friend of my wife. I knew knew that she (the author) liked Babylon 5, so at least she had good taste.

To my surprise, I found myself really enjoying it. There are a couple of places where the writing is clunky but the characters were interesting and the story was engaging. I’m very much looking forward to the sequel (due this year).

If you enjoy low-stakes science fiction mysteries, I can thoroughly recommend Artificial Selection by Marianne Pickles. I will try to avoid spoilers, but if you hate people putting machine learning in totally inappropriate places, there is a two-page rant about 3/4 of the way through that you’ll enjoy (I did!).

Interested to take a little tour through how #deltachat apps and the #rustlang core library are wired together?

@treefit and @WofWca provide a deep-dive into the history of apps migrating from a C-Foreign-Function-Interface to a #Rust based JSON-RPC mechanism, with entertaining horror stories like how an iOS release some years ago could delete profiles without the user intending it 😬

The post also highlights a few areas where folks interested to help could start ...…

Bert Smith, a chemist involved in Laserdisc development, shared fascinating stories about the challenges Philips faced. He explained how the high-quality digital sound on Laserdiscs led to the creation of the CD. The process took 10 years to perfect, with many mistakes along the way, including air bubbles in the glue. We received prototype disks, including a gold half-disk and a transparent layer. There were even plans for a Laserdisc jukebox! We archived it all! Did you have a Laserdisc?

New drivers and firmware released for #SurfaceLaptopStudio devices running #Windows10 and #Windows11 #MicrosoftSurface #Surface…

The stunning EndeavourOS 'Mercury' arrives to replace Microsoft Windows -- download it now!…

canpoli, liberal leadership race, language

Sensitive content

So I finally turned a recent popular post here into a proper story.

Teen on Musk’s DOGE Team Graduated from ‘The Com’

Wired reported this week that a 19-year-old working for Elon Musk‘s so-called Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) was given access to sensitive US government systems even though his past association with cybercrime communities should have precluded him from gaining the necessary security clearances to do so. As today’s story explores, the DOGE teen is a former denizen of ‘The Com,’ an archipelago of Discord and Telegram chat channels that function as a kind of distributed cybercriminal social network for facilitating instant collaboration.…

in reply to BrianKrebs analyzed URL traffic for an image sharing service run by Coristine (tesla dot sexy), and found between April 2021 and September 2021 that numerous noxious URLs redirected to Coristine’s site, including, “,” “,” “,” “,” “,” “,” “,” “,” “,” and “” Internet archives of the URLs show they redirected traffic to but any content they may have linked to has disappeared.…

There are so many apps re-inventing "append to clipboard" and "clipboard history".

That, along with ftp/sftp/scp/WebDav support, as well as 7zip and rar compression and decompression, should be bog-standard OS features by now.

Those features are not that hard to implement, certainly within the means of large companies / communities. They don't take much space or cause any inconvenience when not in use. Why the hell do we still ship OSes that don't have them is beyond me.

Il Garante della #privacy ha sanzionato E.ON per trattamento illecito dei #dati personali. In un caso "è stato dimostrato che l’azienda non verificava la legittimità della provenienza dei dati usati per le sue campagne pubblicitarie".…

Iteration is the cornerstone of good design, but sometimes things go out of hand :) I'm really happy we finally rolled out the new

I'm now convinced using the GHC* framework will enable us to focus on updating the content rather than the framework/infrastructure. Thank you everyone involved in making this happen!

* gitlab, HTML, CSS.

I'm Hungarian. Complaining is our national sport. So allow me.

I was born behind the iron curtain. In 1989 it seemed that we were going to be free and it really looked like freedom was forward and repression was backward and the world moved ever forward and eventually all of us would be free.

And now I get to see, from the inside, the West sliding backwards into fascism.

You don't know where you are going, but I do. It's painful to watch you harming yourselves like this.

Learn how to use the macOS Terminal with VoiceOver in our free, interactive course!
Starting 2 weeks from tomorrow!!!
🔹 Master terminal navigation
🔹 Use your Mac with just text
🔹 Improve command-line accessibility skills
💡 This course is FREE while it's running! After completion, it will become a paid course.
📅 Sign up now:…
Don't miss out on this opportunity!
#FreeCourse #Accessibility #VoiceOver #MacOS #Terminal #BlindTech

Admins and experts who want to play with the public testing line of #GnuPG 2.5.3 (offering PQC) can check out the Debian style community contributed repository from…. Thanks to Frank Guthausen, who is happy to receive feedback…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Léon van Kammen

#chatmail is better, because classical email does not have the reliable push notifications that most users need.

(because of

See also…

✨ My first technical blogpost is out now. ✨

If you ever wanted to learn a bit about how
#deltachat works internally and why we have two ways to communicate with our #rust core, then this is the introduction to read…

#jsonrpc #cffi #c #rust #deltachat_desktop #deltachat_core

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

treefit reshared this.

Pondělí: Kateřina Konečná, Filip Turek a Václav Klaus se podle investigativních novinářů v Praze schází se zástupcem íránského režimu, velvyslancem Seyedem Majidem Ghafelehem Bashim. Obsah schůzek dotyční tají a tvrdí, že šlo o „zdvořilostní návštěvy“. Írán přitom financuje teroristy po celém světě a zároveň podporuje Rusko v jeho válce s Ukrajinou. Tajné služby zároveň tvrdí, že Írán se podílí i na dezinformačních kampaních po celé Evropě a v neposlední řadě pere pro Rusko špinavé peníze. Podle deníku Neovlivni se Konečná s Íránci schází už od roku 2022, tedy od roku kdy Rusko provedlo invazi na Ukrajinu. A ještě se děje tohle…:

🗺️ As many people are angry with #Google & asking for alternatives to #GoogleMaps, here are some Free & #OpenSource options:

📱 App
🌐 Web

Not Open Source:

#FCKGoogle #Alternative #Apps #App #Web #Software #News #Tech #Maps #Map #Technology #it

Since government efficiency seems to be all the rage these days, here's my experience with it:

At this point I can truthfully say I've spent literal years trying to get social (in)security to stop my disability benefits when I started work, which aside from a few threatening letters they did not. Now I'm holding onto probably like 20K in overpayments for them that I can't return because I can't get anyone on the phone at a local or national level who can help, can't get national to put an appointment on local's calendar for me, can't even get anyone to tell me how much I owe. Meanwhile the employment, which was the cause of the change anyway, has long since ended. I literally can't get anyone to take my money and, hopefully, re-instate my benefits.

And this is after reaching out to my congress critter and trying to find a lawyer. It's maddeningly hard to even pay these fuckers back, and I'm this close to not fucking caring about any of it anymore.

in reply to Nolan Darilek

Meanwhile, was going to head into the local office in-person today to sort things out good and proper. Only, I'm glad I checked Yelp before heading out. Apparently they've added a new circle of hell since I last visited--now you wait outside until there's room for you to wait in the lobby. Was about to head over the the pouring rain thinking "NBD, I'll just put on my big boy underthings and deal with a few minutes of trying to find the building in the rain." Except, no, I'd be waiting outside in this. I'm settling for another 4 hours or so on-hold with the national office to see if there's any space on local's calendar for an appointment.

Meanwhile it's supposed to be raining less tomorrow and much less on Thursday, though our temps dip from ~60 to ~25. All things being equal I'd rather wait outside in the freezing rather than the rain, but fuck my life. I'm this close to no longer caring about this stuff and just figuring out how to go live off-grid as a disabled person.

in reply to Nolan Darilek

4 hours of holding[1] later and I still have no answers. The processing center was sent a "high-priority message" to which they have 20 days to respond. But the poor phone person seemed just as confused as I did as to why I can't get them to stop giving me money, or how I can start up again given the local and national disagreement about whether I still even have benefits.

OK, cool. If 20 days is your """"high priority" then maybe it should be mine too.

  1. A "we'll hold your place in line and call you back" hold, which is better than the alternative, but you're still essentially sitting around and largely blocked.

@notjustbikes This afternoon in parliament, this research… “Crashes involving heavier vehicles; Empirical relationship between vehicle weight, drivetrain and crash frequency and severity”

"In collisions between passenger cars/delivery vehicles and vulnerable road users (i.e., cyclists and pedestrians) (…) as crash opponents, the severity for the crash opponent was on average higher (…)”

Summary on page 6 and 7 is already translated into English.

Anyone remembers the year where we eradicated a flu strain by... wearing masks? Wasn't that fun?

« Cette semaine, tous les patients sont positifs, ils sont faibles, ils sont fatigués et il y a beaucoup d’hospitalisation à cause de la grippe. »…

ChatGPT is fairly convincing at creating code. But, like with everything you have to be vigilant on what it suggests you do. As a test I asked ChatGPT to "Write me an example C application using libcurl using secure HTTPS connection to fetch a file and save it locally. Provide instructions on how to create a test HTTPS server with self-signed certificate, and how to configure the server and the C client application for testing."

ChatGPT was fairly good here. It provided example code that didn't outright disable certificate validation, but rather uses the self-signed certificate as the CA store:

const char *cert_file = "./server.crt"; // Self-signed certificate
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, cert_file); // Verify server certificate
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2L);

This is a very good idea, as blanket disabling security is a big nono. The deployment instructions were also quite nice, creating a self-signed certificate with openssl, and then setting up the test website with python3 http.server like this:

mkdir -p server
echo "This is a test file." > server/testfile.txt
python3 -m http.server 8443 --bind --certfile server.crt --keyfile server.key

Looks pretty nice, right?

Except that this is totally hallucinated and even if it wasn't, it'd be totally insecure in a multiuser system anyway.

Python3 http.server doesn't allow you to pass certfile and keyfile like specified. But lets omit that small detail and assume it did. What would be the problem then?

You'd be sharing your whole work directory to everyone else on the same host. Anyone else on the same host could grab all your files with: wget --no-check-certificate -r

AI can be great, but never ever blindly trust the instructions provided by a LLM. They're not intelligent, but very good at pretending to be.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)