uspoli, leopards eating faces

Sensitive content

Codeberg, racism

Sensitive content

The Advocate General has issued an opinion regarding the Danish ghetto policy. This is a hugely important case regarding direct discrimination by ethnicity, and the opinion from the Advocate General recognises this fact.

The policy is extremely harmful. Copying from the CJEU press release:

The Danish legislation on public housing distinguishes between several types of neighbourhoods with unfavourable socio-economic situations in terms of their levels of unemployment, crime, education, and income. The areas in which, in addition to an unfavourable socio-economic situation, the proportion of immigrants from non-Westerncountries and their descendants has exceeded 50% for the last five years have then been categorised as‘transformation areas’ (formerly known as ‘hard ghettos’). The law requires the public housing associations owning such areas to draw up a development plan setting out how the proportion of public housing units in thetransformation areas is to be reduced to 40% by 1 January 2030. This may include the sale of properties to private developers, demolition, or conversion of family housing into housing for young people. In such cases, the leases of the previous tenants must be terminated.

The Advocate General finds direct discrimination due to two issues: first, "the legislation puts those tenants in a precarious position in relation to security of their right to a home, thus resulting in their less favourable treatment in comparison to tenants of other neighbourhoods in a comparable situation, in which the majority of the population is of ‘Western’ origin". And second: "the ethnic criterion used by Danish legislation stigmatises the ethnic group whose structural disadvantage in their ability to integrate into Danish society was recognised, thus curtailing rather than enhancing their chances to integrate into that society".

#law #EU #HousingPolicy

#XSF Summit 27

We published a small summary on XMPP Summit 27 with reference to more details from @alex !…

#jabber #chat #interoperability #rtc
#opensource #decentralization #standard

Gajim reshared this.

The #XMPP Newsletter for January 2024 is out!

Read about the latest XMPP universe updates and the latest updates on our #standards!…

Enjoy reading! 📰 ☕ :xmpp:

#jabber #chat #interoperability #rtc
#opensource #decentralization

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647,961 downloads of #LibreOffice 25.2 since we released it last week! More stats here:… #foss #opensource #freesoftware

LibreOffice reshared this.

@RaccoonForFriendica version 0.4.1-beta11 has been released yesterday and is available for testing.

Its "latest and greatest" are:
- tags in post headers in your timeline (if that post is included due to you following one orore hashtags);
- new post detail layout which makes it easier to view relationships between posts and replies and load more replies on demand.

The initial depth of nesting (higher values imply loading will be less performant, lower values imply you'll see more often the "load more replies" button due to threads being partially downloaded).

It is the best I can do with the current Mastodon APIs but it looks ok-ish and, which is more important to the user who asked for this feature I guess, it makes it easier to follow conversations.

Let me know what you think, and if I accidentally broke anything and in the meantime, as usual, #livefasteattrash

#friendica #friendicadev #androidapp #androiddev #fediverseapp #raccoonforfriendica #kotlin #multiplatform #kmp #compose #cmp #opensource #foss #procyonproject

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in reply to Peter Vágner

@Peter Vágner Aside note:

As far as I know, you can only send posts to a Friendica forum with an exclamation mark to have them forwarded to all members. But you cannot do that with comments, not in a conversation whose (start) post did not go to that forum.

On Friendica and all its descendants, a reply is never a stand-alone post. It's always a comment on another post.

Thus, mentioning a Friendica forum in a comment with an exclamation mark is futile.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #FediTips

RaccoonForFriendica reshared this.

Tento týden mě vesmír vyloženě nemá rád. Včera před desátou večer vypadl jeden z Roští.cz serverů. A pak ještě několikrát. Jako kdyby ztratil z ničeho nic napájení. Vypadá to na vadný zdroj. Server má dva. Jeden je aktivní a druhý čeká na svou chvíli. No a k jeho chvíli zjevně nedošlo a server se prostě vypnul. Po vyndání toho vadného zdroje to už 8h běží v pohodě. Řešil jsem to do třech do rána a jsem úplně na kaši.
in reply to Kepi

@kepi Už je to 17 let, takže detaily si moc nepamatuju, ale tenkrát se to v rámci toho přesunu ještě předělávalo z casů do racku a Windowsy, které měl na jednom serveru, na té samé základovce, jen v racku prostě startovaly do nedeterminovaného stavu. Když už jsme nevěděli co, tak v deset ráno běžel do Alzy, koupil tu samou základovku a na té to nastartovalo. Tu původní základovku pak použil s Linuxem a ten na ní běžel bez problémů ještě dlouhou dobu.

Fuška "kluci, pojďte mi helfnout, ve dvě na to vletíme, ve tři nemáme co dělat" dopadla tak, že já odpadl v devět ráno a kámoš frčel až do dvanácti, ale on jel na adrenalinu naboostovaném emaily od zákazníků. :)


Fellow #Blind #ContentCreators, have any of you found a decent free website platform that is #accessible and usable by someone who isn't a professional web dev? I'd hoped to go with Neocities, but their hCaptcha doesn't seem to let me use my cookie. I need, at this point, a free option, sadly. Any suggestions? Boosting greatly appreciated.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Ok, not a lot to brag about here except a whole range of bugfixes, but I performed the #curl release dance again.

See you at 10:00 CET on the live-stream.…


PhotoView Android 1.0.3 has been released.

🌇 PhotoView is an ImageView component that enables zoom functionality through diverse touch gestures for Android.…

The Tech Doctor Podcast: From Braille ‘n Speak To BT Speak

In this episode of the Tech Doctor podcast, the Tech Doctors welcome special guest Nicole Bond and Tim Noonan.

Nicole and Tim were Braille ’n Speak users who enthusiastically explained why they loved the Braille ’n Speak. Nicole got her Braille ’n Speak at age 7 and used it through college. Tim used the Braille ’n Speak both on the job and in his personal life.

Robert, also a Braille ’n Speak user provided some historical context and talked about his role as a Braille ’n Speak beta tester.

Allison, Robert, Tim and Nicole are all now BT Speak users. They explain how the BT Speak has filled the void that was left during the many years when there was no Braille ’n Speak like device available.
They also looked at how far the BT Speak has come in a little less than a year. Tim demonstrated some examples of how the BT Speak is evolving to meet the needs of its users. In a future update, the BT Speak will offer a One Handed Mode for people who need it. There will be a new much advanced way of managing multiple files in the editor and the famous Braille ’n Speak Append Mode is coming to the BT Speak.
As exciting as all of this is, at only one year old, the BT Speak is just getting started. The Tech Doctors will report new developments as they unfold. Stay tuned. We will be back.

I disagree with use cases that rely on CSS, generally at risk from network interruptions and caching, to trigger programmatic state changes in the HTML that references it (see pic). Cart / horse and all.

Instead, use CSS to ensure your programmatic state is correct. Eg:…

#a11y #accessiblity #css #html

in reply to victor tsaran

The intent: To remove any articles about "white privilege" or "male privilege" or things that DOGE finds objectionable.
The outcome: Hundreds of documents deleted that use "privilege" in a technical context. Dry, boring, very important stuff like server administration and installing Windows apps.

Next up: Diversity
The intent: Well shoot, that's the D in DEI. Can't have that! (3/4)

Exploring iOS 18’s New Accessibility Features for Vision…