#AndroidAppRain at apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid with 10 updated (4 RB) and 2 added apps today:

* TDX: explore and monitor your favorite artists and their latest releases 🛡️
* Private DNS Quick Setting: Toggle Private DNS from Quick Settings 🛡️

RB status: 446 apps (35.8%)

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

in reply to Galactic Jew 🇮🇱

Ну потому что сорян, но кто в здравом уме будет регить домен в зоне СОВОК? Ну это как… не знаю, если бы была зона .reich. Ну или нам с тобой предложили бы домен в зоне палестинской автономии, например. Ну это моё видение, на истину не претендую, но нормальных сайтов в этой зоне не видел практически никогда.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion читаю, что 35 лет назад он воспринимался наоборот, как глоток свободы, не регулируемый совком:
".SU появился в Интернете за год до распада СССР - 19 сентября 1990 г. , когда Ассоциация пользователей UNIX (SUUG - Soviet UNIX User's Group) зарегистрировала этот домен"

Very excited to have found today, that Live Translation and Live AI have landed in my Early Access settings for the Meta Glasses. Live AI informed me that the poinsettia I was gifted for Christmas, (and whom I've sinced named Matias), looks healthy with bright red leaves! YAY! I've managed to keep him alive! In any event, having a constant video stream and AI assistance is quite neat, even with its hallucinations. Hope to see that come to other aps and pieces of tech in the future!

Tamas G reshared this.

Rozhovor: Přijmout dítě s autismem znamená vydat se na nečekaná dobrodružství

📌*Jak začlenit dítě s poruchou autistického spektra do běžné školky? *

O své zkušenosti a rady se s námi podělila Mgr. Sylva Kočí z neziskové organizace Jdeme Autistům Naproti z. s.

in reply to PepikHipik

"Paní učitelky mají někdy z příchodu dítěte s autismem obavy."

Tak toto je, žiaľ, totálny eufemizmus. Naše škôlky, až pričasto, neakceptujú žiadnu formu inakosti a na Slovensku k tomu majú riaditeľky ešte aj kladivo na čarodejnice, keďže deti najskôr prijímajú na tzv. adaptačný pobyt, takže ktokoľvek "by im narušoval vyučovanie" ostáva mimo systém.

Môžete mať aj 4 papiere s odporúčaním odborníkov na integrovanie v štandardnom kolektíve, poprípade s asistentom, budú vás tlačiť do outu - "a nebolo by mu lepšie v špeciálnej škôlke"?

No nebolo - tá v našom meste rieši iba ťažké prípady, s pridruženou retardáciou alebo úplne neverbálnych, no a taká špecializovaná na nejakú "ľahšiu" diagnózu, napr. NKS, tak tá je jedna v kraji (ak vôbec), takže good luck...

Naš predprimárny systém má deti so znevýhodnením tam kde slnko nesvieti, česť výnimkám, ale viem o tom viac než by som chcel.

Is there a better, more accessible Matrix client than Element? It used to be somewhat usable but has recently become a mess, and I'm just so tired of being the unpaid accessibility consultant that I'm getting ready to just ditch Matrix entirely.

That my server has been broken for over a month doesn't help either, but I'd certainly have noticed more quickly if I actually had a client I could use.

I've tried Thunderbird but its lack of spaces support makes my room list a bit unwieldy. Is that my only other accessible option under Windows?

Vulnerability Management Software

I need some help here. I'm looking for vulnerability management software that accepts data from vulnerability scanners (Tenable.io and Nessus in my case) and allows for analysts to review the scanned vulnerabilities for further action. This will mostly be in creating tickets, but I want analysts to be able to group vulns together where appropriate (e.g., one system has a ton of vulns because it's obviously been left out of an automated patching program, the solution is not to patch each vulnerability but to include it in the automation) and create tickets appropriately. It also need to support simple Risk Acceptance workflows (no giant approval chains, but likely more just analysts grouping and marking sets of vulns as RA). Finally, it needs to be multi-tenant or at least have some siloing capabilities.

We are currently using Tenable.io for on-going vulnerability scanning in some smaller clients, but the vulnerability management functionality is severely lacking. I've looked at Nucleus, but it looks to be far too much for what we need. They also have a 5000 seat minimum and come out to around $10/asset, which is above our price range.

I don't want to replace Tenable as I trust it for quality of scanning, but I'd potentially switch to Rapid7 or Qualys if that worked with another vuln mgmt tool better.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Garrett LeSage

It reminds me of Framasoft's illustrations, courtesy of David Revoy, they are excellent! framasoft.org/ We can have a cheerful, colorful and fun brand without having a foot as a logo.
in reply to Cassidy James

@cassidy @nekohayo @KekunPlazas @federicomena @ebassi Meanwhile, I was walking by a shop window tonight and saw this grumpy turtle plush gnome.

Gnomes come in all shapes and sizes!

Anyone dressing up could put a bit of a spin and combine the gnome outfit with others. Doctor gnome, pirate gnome, astronaut gnome, and even a grumpy turtle gnome, apparently.

in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

@federicomena I think we can get to that point eventually, but so far every time I’ve brought it up to Foundation employees or members of the board, it’s been largely dismissive. Not maliciously so, but more like, “oh yeah that’ll never happen, you’ll never get everyone to agree,” and/or “trademarks are expensive, not worth it.”

So I shifted the approach to try to build some amount of consensus on a potential way forward. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be working, either.

in reply to GroßStadtPflanze

spannend, dass so absolut formuliert wird. Ich hab sie z. B. auf Anhieb verstanden. Könnten wir verbal wohlwollender miteinander sein?

Ich sagte es schon an anderer Stelle:
Ich mache das hier pro Bono und garantiert nicht in böser Absicht.

Wenn ich perfekt sein soll, MUSS ich es lassen.

Denn schon jetzt mache ich mit diesem Ansatz Miese, weil er finanziell eigentlich totaler Selbstmord ist.
Lasst das bitte einfach mal sacken.

I like whatever Servarica is using for their customer service chat. It has a live region (though it's a little bit chatty), the messages are in a table, and it makes a very obvious sound for new messages whether I'm in the window or not. I wish I had a dollar for every time I started a live chat, waited 5 minutes on hold, left the window to do something else, and completely forgot about it, only to find there's no notification sound when a new message arrives.

Despite not having a lot of money we are yearly subscribed to give 300eur to the #foss #forgejo platform of @Codeberg who are currently suffering sustained network and abuse attacks social.anoxinon.de/@Codeberg/1…

Some of our #webxdc developments takes place on Codeberg. Thanks for persevering! #hugops

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

No coins, no chains, no big machinery but plain, efficient and scalable decentralization, leveraging the largest open internet messaging network ever created by humans ... made safe, fast and resource efficient with #chatmail servers using strong and audited #interoperable #cryptography. It just works (tm) in many places where Signal and WhatsApp fail today. It's time to reclaim "decentralization" from techbros, insist on real-life #resilience and trust this cute figure from @Xeniax :)

The Kdenlive Fundraiser & KDE Plasma Donation Notification

You can find all of these videos as written articles, plus some extra content, at thelibre.news

You can help the channel grow by donating to the following platforms:
Paypal: paypal.me/niccolove
Patreon: patreon.com/niccolove
Liberapay: liberapay.com/niccolove
Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/niccolove

Stay in the loop: https://t.me/veggeroblog

My website is nicco.love and if you want to contact me, my telegram handle is [at] veggero.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Now that we have three different #AI Music generators, I wanted to give them a tricky test and compare the results. I'm totally not musical, so hopefully one of my followers will chime in to this thread with some musical theory criticism.

The prompt we'll be using today: "A comic operetta in the style of Victorian satirical comic operettas making fun of President Donald J Trump." We'll be leaving all other settings as default.

The things I'm looking for:
1. Does the song refer to recent events?
2. Can it follow my strong style instructions? I'm wanting something in the style of gilbert and Sullivan. But if I mention them directly, the AI's either refuse on copyright grounds, or generate endless bad versions of A Model of A Modern Major General.

Let's start with riffusion.com. It gave me a song called "Why won't they let me edit?" It's apparently about how Donald Trump wants to edit his wikipedia page. I'm not aware of this being a thing that happened, but it's possible I missed that? It starts off enough like an opera for my taste, but it quickly devolves into a kind of 2000's pop musical style. I give it 8/10 for topicality, and 5/10 for style. Link: www.riffusion.com/riff/40bbc4f8-c557-4bb4-9a95-1bbcb66c38de#riffusion

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Some authors, whose eBooks I want to buy, sell their eBooks only on Amazon.

That's a shame, as I'd prefer to buy directly from them, in a DRM-free format, but I will tolerate buying the book from Amazon and dealing with it myself.

If Amazon removes the ability to download eBooks and transfer them via USB, I won't be able to buy from those authors.

It's that simple, really.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Today's like, the day of inconsistencies, I guess.
1. Slack changed it so that once you've replied to a thread, your activity tab reflects it. This is only if the starting thread is made by another individual and you're not mentioned in it directly, otherwise if you are, it keeps the initial message in activity and not whether you replied. Huge ugh.
2. In Google Calendar, create an out-of-office event. Set the end-date to something that's at least 2 days from the start date. When you go back to edit that event and change the ending date, then save, it'll actually go an extra day ahead to midnight. So, if you set it to end say, Saturday, it'll go Sunday midnight, not Saturday midnight, as when you had initially set it. Just, inconsistency. This is where something like "end date" is actually very ambiguous: Does it mean the end date is midnight on the date you've set (technically the start time of the end date), or is it the full time of the end date all day? I just can't today.
in reply to Jage

@Jage We recently started using Canvases in channels as it's great to have a unified collaborative way of doing things. Unfortunately my biggest problematic area with them has been tables, and not being able to insert my own table row via the keyboard. This has excluded me from some settings, like where each person's name is a chip for a table row and the next column has their updates, I've just been having sighted colleagues paste it in for me for now.
in reply to Jage

@Jage yeah, usually I've had really good luck and turnaround even with the /feedback Slack command. Normally a rep will follow-up and in the past they've even re-tested my issue internally with direct screen reader folks, so they're definitely trying to do the right thing, just the pace of new features and additions most likely doesn't help them keep up always. Will probably submit some of my canvas feedback soon when I've got the energy to do so - my other one is with checkboxes and to-due items, if they're in a list format, you cannot check them via keyboard either. It's also nice that a canvas tells you when someone last made an edit on a line as a status alert after, so again, I think this has potential and clearly there was a team working through it, they just didn't get to these advanced usage cases.

We have a #DebConf25 logo, thanks to Juliana Camargo and all other participants! bits.debian.org/2025/02/debcon… #debian

J'aimerais passer mes vidéorègles de Yotuube vers #Peertube. J'ai cherché comment créer une instance mais je n'ai pas trouvé de réponse "simple".

J'ai un hébergement chez OVH (passons sur le fait que leur interface est vraiment pourrie). Est-ce que l'#hébergement d'une instance peertube est jouable ?

merci pour le repouet :)

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Marcan steps away from Asahi. What a damn heartbreaking thing this is. Even if you think his approach to handling people sucks, he was willing to do some important work that nobody else was willing to touch, and his technical knowledge was unparalleled.


Canadians, another show of patriotism is to drop imperial units.

We official switched a long time ago and inches and feet stubbornly persist because of our proximity to the US and buying their crap.

I have been forcing myself to use metric even when my instinct is to say inches.

Help the next generation transition away from those stupid units and make their products undesirable.

This is a sad development for user freedom. Transitioning from individual to collective leadership is great, and it is a monumental achievement that Marcan built an org that will persist. Those of us who have aging Apple Silicon hardware are probably going to owe this team a real debt of gratitude for avoiding the e-waste-ification of those devices in the coming years. But it makes me sad that the fuckups in leadership on Linux will not understand what a loss this is.


in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt I understand that POV, but I don't think proprietary software guarantees this either - a subscription model with friction is better (e.g. Red Hat) IMO, but there's lots of other issues too. People see $10 a month for a subscription as too much, but $10 for a beer at the stadium? Fine. $6 coffee every day? Fine. $60 a year for a distribution? Too much.
Unknown parent

friendica - Link to source

Jiří Pavlík

@Tasartir @Ralfeek @Karel Košnar Je velmi obtížné kategorizovat buddhismus podle moderních západních pojmů, které byly vytvořeny v době, kdy se křesťanství stalo státním náboženstvím římské říše, a upřesněny za konfesionalistické krize v 16. stol., kdy se náboženství stalo vyznáním víry v nějaké teze.

Římské náboženství mělo bohy a kult, kterým se křesťané smáli, ale bylo spíš součástí národní identity než teologickým přesvědčením. Podobně by se mohl chápat buddhismus za krále Ašóky, který měl svolat koncil a organizoval misie.

Ona je myslím hlavně falešná opozice mezi ateismem a náboženstvím. Opozicí k ateismu je teismus, opozice k náboženství podle mého není žádná – náboženství buď je, anebo není. Dá se dokonce tvrdit, že marxismus-leninismus byl ateistické náboženstí , protože byl organizovaný, měl kult a eschatologii a vymáhal vyznání víry ohledně (ne)existence Boha.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Jiří Pavlík

@Ralfeek @Karel Košnar @Tasartir ... a tedy mimochodem, ono i křesťanství má velmi silný ateistický náboj. V římské říši mu byl vytýkán ateismus. V současné době má teology, kteří rozvíjejí teologii smrti Boha nebo křesťanský nihilismus či křesťanský komunismus. I křesťanství je tedy zároveň náboženstvím i filozofií. Záleží na míře zaostření pohledu nebo ponoru do reality různých křesťanských proudů. Klasifikacím se křesťanství vymyká. A dnes to většinové křesťanství je možná více politickou ideologií než náboženstvím...

@ai6yr when I said that the Shopify CEO sucks and doesn't care about Nazis:

"Shopify says risk of fraud, not Nazi swastika, was reason for Kanye West store takedown
An internal message obtained by The Logic outlines Shopify’s rationale for deleting Kanye West’s online store"

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I used to be a Tim Cook fan. You know, like back before he became CEO when he was seeing around corners and streamlining ops and making Steve Jobs look like a financial wizard. I was less enthused about his job as CEO because I didn't feel like he had the North Star vision that Jobs had.

The mask came off when, as an Apple employee, I suggested that Apple remain consistent with its "no porn/abuse materials in apps" stance by removing Twitter from the App Store, after it push-notified my son of a cartoon from account that he "might like to follow" which was about parental child abuse (from the abuser's perspective). I suggested that this wasn't the sort of thing Apple wanted to be associated with. His answer was effectively "MONEY GOOD, FEE-FEES BAD".

I quit Apple a little while later. I was somewhat pleased when Apple boycotted X for a while.

But I'm not surprised they're back.

in reply to Mike Kuketz 🛡

Recht hast Du! Anzeige ist raus. Äh, ich meine, mein längst überfälliger Mitgliedsantrag; habe den "Mindestbeitrag" mal verdoppelt. Dauerspende (Liberapay) läuft eh schon länger, und auch trotzdem weiter. Machen wir das zu einem Streisand-Effekt! @Codeberg macht da einen großartigen Job, das gehört unterstützt.




FYI The US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms means the governments don't come after you for the hate you spew/sell, etc.


#cdnpoli #SHOPIFY #BS