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Items tagged with: Discord

En fait on a aucune alternative viable à #Discord ou aux communautés #WhatsApp : le principe de regrouper des chats ensemble, et en bonus d'y ajouter des canaux audios/videos.
En vrai y'a #Mattermost sur ce créneaux, #Matrix aussi, mais j'ai l'impression que l'UI est pas au niveau. Je me demande s'il existe une XEP #XMPP pour regrouper des canaux entre eux 🤔
Mais de toute façon on a aucun client XMPP multiplateforme qui soit prêt pour un usage grand public 😔

I learnt something important about Linux audio last night.

I noticed that I had no sound in X-Plane 12 (a flight simulator) while also being in a Discord call in Firefox. Apparently, certain FMOD applications check if PulseAudio is installed and fall back to ALSA if it isn't. Now, I have PipeWire installed to fix the mess that is Linux audio once and for all. So TECHNICALLY PulseAudio is not installed. And that's exactly what X-Plane detected, which then tried to gain complete control over the sound hardware through ALSA, which it couldn't.

The "fix" was to symlink `/bin/pulseaudio` to `/bin/true` to make it look like PulseAudio is available which tricked X-Plane into going through PulseAudio (and therefore through PipeWire) instead.

That was one of the weirdest problems I've ever encountered.

#linux #audio #xplane #xplane12 #discord #firefox #alsa #pulseaudio #pipewire #fmod #flightsim

Discord is a cancer, bruh.

Someone asked a question on #Github Discussions and someone else closed the discussion saying "(...) Questions can be asked through Discord 👍🏻".

For the love of god, stop using #Discord as a forum. The questions are undiscoverable.

im getting really tired... -w-

summary of today:

someone on a Japanese hacker forum decided it was a good idea to spam the entire Fediverse because they wanted to cancel a minor that DDoSed a Discord bot which apparently made them lost millions (what?)

A Discord bot. I can't make this shit up man.

The real culprit seems to be someone who goes by mumei in the forums, whose first post was literally a threat to ap12, that if they don't delete their "Kuroneko Server" Discord bot, they will spam every blog, forum and SNS and cancel him.

This shit is ridiculous.

The ap12 account from mastodon-japan was actually fake, and this dude impersonated a minor to get all of the Fediverse (us) to bully him.

The forum admins didn't even stop this. Why? lulz apparently. #fediblockmeta#fediadmins#fediadmin#mastoadmin#mastoadmins#spam#cybercrime#cybersec#infosec#drama#discord

Anyone using the #Discord app for #Mac having a problem where the Discord updater loads and then just crashes over and over again, thus causing Discord itself not to load?

A few days ago, my kids told me to remix the #Discord ringtone, so I did.

I sigh every time I see decent open source project resorting to #Discord instead of #Matrix for chat opportunities. I think your video channel needs to post something like "Matrix is very limited: #DEBUNKED".

Signing in to this new #Discord thing to chat to my friends. Let’s see what all the hype is about.

Interesting to see government challenges trying to get involved in a community that they don't understand. #Discord & #Mastodon are obviously very different, but wondering what "Gotchas" there might be for #government sites exploring alternative #SocialMedia accounts.

As people flock from #Twitter, there will be new things watch for.

So am I! Can't wait for this to come out of beta and make things like #Teamspeak, #Discord and #Zoom redundant!

A Letter to # for not Supporting the # Desktop

I rewrote the whole article because I sounded extremely rude before. It's not nice to be rude to developers, whether you like them or not; whether the application is open source or not. Hopefully this revision is respectful and doesn't sound like I am shaming them.

# # #


The benefits of over #Discord are many, but Discord has one huge killer feature:

When I see a #privacy project whose only realtime comms platform is on Discord, I know the people in the project either don't care or don't know enough about privacy (or both).



Out of 2,000,000+ of the top repositories on #GitHub, 2,200+ have a #Discord invite, while 1,400+ have a #Matrix invite, in their repository somewhere. Thought that was an interesting statistic!
