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Items tagged with: Duckduckgo

Can someone please recommend me a #search #engine that is not
* #Google (Ew google)
* #Duckduckgo (Keeps saying there were no results for my searches despite having the little information box to the right for the exact search)
* #Bing (I'd use bing if it wasn't crammed to death with CoPiLoT)
* #Brave (Ew, brave)
* #Ecosia (Its alright, but its just... slow. And gives kinda crap results)
* #Startpage (I just don't like it)
* #SearxNG (Slow, ugly, and useless)

I will probably update this list as I remember/am reminded about search engines that I've already tried and don't like.


Step 2: DeGoogle your search

Stop the Google Search Monopoly:…

Great alternatives are #DuckDuckGo #Ecosia or @Mojeek

Ready to break #Google's monopoly?

#Chrome Manifest V3 is here to stop you from blocking ads.

Here are great alternatives:

✅ #Firefox
✅ #Duckduckgo
✅ More options:…

Which one did you pick?

why doesn't #duckduckgo link directly to websites like instead it links to these nonsense links under suspicious.

23.5.2024 - Der Tag an dem offensichtlich wurde, dass Bing praktisch die einzige verbliebene Alternative zu Google ist. Alle anderen "Suchmaschinen" sind Bing mit Schlapphut und Trenchcoat. 🕵️…

#ZerschlagtDieMonopole #microsoft #google #bing #duckduckgo #qwant #ecosia #startpage

Na obranu blokování reklamy

Poté, co se Youtube pustil do ostrého boje s blokátory reklamy, rozhořela se opět diskuse o tom, zda je v pořádku reklamy blokovat. Dlouho jsem byl na straně odmítačů blokování reklamy. Během svého života jsem napsal řadu článků pro různé časopisy a servery a vím, že obsah se zadarmo neudělá. Nicméně odvětví internetové reklamy zmorfovalo […]

#bezpečnost #blokování #cookies #DuckDuckGo #Firefox #reklama #soukromí #ublock #Vivaldi…

« Je vais poser une question à CanardCanardVasY… C'est bizarre comme nom, quand même… »

Donc, finalement, j'ai cherché d'où venait le nom "DuckDuckGo" au lieu de faire ma recherche (c'était quoi déjà ???).

C'est donc écrit dans l'histoire sur Wikipédia :…

Et… ça vient du jeu "Duck, duck, goose" qui n'est rien d'autre que… "le facteur n'est pas passé" :,_du…

Truc rigolo appris aujourd'hui !

#TIL #DuckDuckGo

#Google has a revenue of $162bln and 1.8bln regular users. If we divide these numbers, the value of the services people use giving away their #privacy is $7.5/mo.

But you can have all these services for free (or very small monthly fees) in a privacy-respecting environment: #encrypted email from @protonmail or @Tutanota, online office suite from @cryptpad or @ViOffice, cloud storage Proton or ViOffice, #openstreetmap for maps, #duckduckgo, or @StartpageSearch for search. As simple as that! 😀

The Zuck suck is in full swing. In the few short hours since I started using #Threads, #DuckDuckGo has already blocked over 200 data tracking attempts. These include things like "headphone status" and "screen density."

#DataPrivacy #Meta #ThreadsApp

@LibreSolutionsNetwork #Purism folks have more perceived cred than they should, due to blind loyalties that facilitate the evils they think they're fighting. E.g. Kyle is loyal to #DuckDuckGo & Purism censored the project that gathered the research behind the article that exposes #DDG’s evils (…). Kyle’s blog doubles down on that screwup & pimps ddg.

@Bubu I don’t think that’s true. I heard a talk pimping #Matrix at #FOSDEM years back, and I remember because I was a bit repulsed that a pro- #Cloudflare org was getting talking time there. It was the same year that #DuckDuckGo abused a time slot to advertise their #Microsoft-driven service.